HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-22, Page 4PAGE FOUR 0 THE, "'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, "LUCKNOW, ONTARIO t "WANT AD" RATES--lst• insertion 2• cents a word, subsequent insertions,. 1 cent ;a word. Minimum charge, .25 'cents. Replies care • of The- Sentinel•,=10 •centsextra.'.:Legal advertising 10_ cents per count ]cine first insertion, 5 cents per line Subsequent insertions, LOST ----in Lucknow on . Monday.I morning,' a sum of money: Finder" . .Iilease leave at Sentinel Office. :. -:-LOST--lady's • wrist. watc3h with" gold band: Finder please",leave at "+Sentinel, " Office • `•ti - FOR SALE reconditioned law`l aanower 'irt perfect.. running "shape. 'Apply to L: 'C:.''Thompson :FOR...SALE—calbinet4-niode1. bat- tery radio, Al . condition. • Sam Cupskey,, 'Belfast; FOR SALE—baby.buggy in good • conditic ; Apply to Gerald Wag- . ner; Lucknow.: .FOR SALE. -quantity • .of buck- Aivheat,for seed: Apply to 'John•R; Gilmore, R. 3; Lucknow„ FOR ° $ALE -cabin trailer, small, sleeps two, price $100.00: Apply T-Hawrtt, R: R::;2; ' Wngharri; phone . 725W1. :.._: __ iOR SjALE..1500 :;watt,. e1,e�ctric band heater and ; thermostat al-. 'mast new. Apply' at. Sentinel Of- fice. FOR SALE—Baker windmill '& pump; ,,and steel supply tank, all. in' good shape: Changed to hydro. Frank ,Hamilton, R. 3, 'Lucknow. WANTED -housekeeper &' Com- panion to `elderly lady,••'middle aged ` preferred.• Apply'Mrs. I. :Henderson, *Water St;,• Wingham.. tit • 01, • ;FOR 'SALE new modern one-, BRAY PULLETS,. dayold; started, from $14.90. This hatchery has 4 hatches weekly .this, month, Mix- ed :cktokrss ' cockerels, to ,order. Ask for complete "list and. details and order. without delay. Agent I R",FINLAYYSON, Lucknow ROOFING, EAVETROUGJHING. Ilat°'roofs repaired,' neww,roofs,. eavetroughing, + spray painti ig, etc Satisfaction' guaranteed, Work done anywhere.. Sylvester' 'Fort=. •1Viildmay, .phone 60-r-15. ...FOR SALE two -roomed , cabin trailer, and "porch, almo t new,, furnished lzto suit, . every require - Anent for ',permanent living. • or travellipg, arnazing'.storage space,; Write Or., Jack Gillespie, 565-J Wingliam LT ION` SALE of im.1ements •and . horses ' at the, farm• of Wm. Kemlpton•, 2- miles . west of :Luck - now Luck-nowon Thursday, June 29th'at 2.00 p.m. No .reserve' .a§ farm is sold. Wm. Kem.pton, Prop.;Well: Henderson, COMPLET,E ',SAWMILL LUCKNO'W, ONTARIO coinPlete-with itartei, Howard Reed 'of'. Windsor .was ♦a f 1�511�►N te,. COMING' EVENTS HELM PICNIC .The annual reunion, of the' Helm Family descendants will be held at Lansdowne Park, Kin- cardine, on Saturday, June 24th... Basket lunch. WEDDING RECEPTION A 'wedding -reception in. honor' of Mr,' and; Mrs. Dick Reed; will be ,held in the Recreational Cen- tre-, Lueknow, oh Thursday,, June . orchestra, 22nd. Carruthers Everybody welcome.; WEDDING BELLS. •' REED .. KIRiHEI ` ' Am wedding of much ;,local :terest was: rsolexnn.i,zed.,in Sawyer' 'Congregational° Church,;' Sawyer,; Meeh., 'at 1.30'• o''clbck:.on ...Satur- day, 'June 10th, when . Caroline Kircher of Otsego, Mich;., daugh- ter of Mr„ and Mrs.. Henry Kir- cher of Three 'Oaks, Mich.,, be- came the bride ' of Richard El .wood Reed. Of New :York :City, son : of Mr. ° and Mrs. Wni,:' G;• TjURE•1:.?'AY, JUNE. ;22nci; 1,20 WHITECHUR .H •Congratulations, t o . Clayton Schultz on passing his exams. He has taken a position as bookk eep er in Carr's Garage. ,Also to Ivan Laidlaw who has taken a position Reavie's Garage as bookkeep er Mr. Joe McInnis of TeeSW'ater visited. en Saturday with Mr,` and Mrs Joe Tiffin, Sr.. Mr.; and ' 'Mn:` Chapman .And faint ly spent Sunday and ,Mon- day• at Aurora. • Mrs. Chapman, Sr.,. who had been visiting 'here returned home with thein. • Mr. Beth " Gaunt •of Preston spent: a .few". days in the village and- atteridied the.Gaunt picnic. ' Mr' . and. Mrs: ;Roy' 'Miontietl't • -Mr. Elmer' Moritieth.. an,d' . Mrs,. Francis Of,' Condon' ' , sspent . the - week -end with Mi .and Mrs,: Charles Moose. Mr. S. H'. Thain,pson of Cale-:' •don. is spending' a few days..at.4' the home of, his • daughter, Mrs; Stanley Moore. Mrs. Fred Newman is spending. a 'few .days with, friends at Ham Reed of Lucknow. The ceremony' . . vpeatfpormsr'iceed... by R. ev Benja- a Posi on in a bank at A. er. The, bride was, 'lovely. in a. chantilly lace, over7slipber-,satin, .with -fitted bodice 'and long 'fit- ted -§leeves Tointed over the and ,ivteil ef Silk illusion' and car- . Helen Schiller' of SaWyer;• aS bridesmaid, chose d, govvn .9f' ,Matching mitts:and lace cap. Her !bouquet ikiag Of White and yel- law daisies With matching! ribL ered.' by, 75 HP electric mOtor • • riage and log', jack,' sawdii§t con - condition: Logs for. *sale -With. mill: - clover and thriothy at Langside; 'brother Of the bride; :and. Harold ,afternbon,..ciress,-. with :Mr_ and , Mrs., Reed -left .:on wedding trip ,to Sault Mich.; arid p.eint in...Canada;q1iel st.I.04,A:g*ocyL • DR T. B. CLELAND Havelock south of SuperteSt Garage BPSINESS and' TAX SERVICE.- . For The Mall IVI:ercharit,' Professional Office iri'• Kilpatrick Block 'Phone. 23-w MEMBER OF Ontario ,Instirance. Asspciation ..GENERAL INSURANCE . Established over ri• Years Ago • Ptisiness • 39 Residence 138 • also about 20. apres,. of ,s'grassland TENDERS .:WANTED Tenders • NEW. AND USEb :PIANOS. 'on „hand: Before 'buying., see what. I have to' offer.' .Garnet'. Farrier, .L.UCKNOW SAWMILL, CO:' MOrgan M. Henderson, • 1.41 J011 gainst . the estate., of Francis. Olivia 'Agar,. late eir the Village' of Dungannon: in the County of. Huron, :Widow," who died -p-p. :er about: the- 21st daY' of -May 1.950, FOR 'SALE' '---• LuMber, timberS; ,of their claini.S. in. Writing.- Im- testatrix W .11 l be. distributed • money Kennedy Si ,Gaunt, phone .466 or 401W2 Wingharri.. 'RADIATOR: CLEANING 4114 fe'-' pairing at.•reaSeriable Cost. Try -131tieVale . Repair ;.Shop for! -your 'rad troubles: Phone Harry,Elliott; HOUSE FOR SALE--eight-rooffi Modern conveniences. :'Apply ,to ' Wm. Fisher,, LucknOvv, thereto having regard only .to ,,,Crawford &•'itetherington• Wingham, Ontario 'Solicitor§ for the xetutor., • • eARD OF :THANKS Elwood Barbour Wishes to • ‘,,..REPAIRED AND. SHARPENED: Many.. kind' acts of friendS • and. For prompt and efficient. , neighbors who so thoughtfully rei' serviee see tir. . membered him in, various ways. W! 'RICE,. ST. HELENS While in,the hospital;.' The siSter, nieces and nephews • KITCHENER Big -4 started' chicks t df the late Dan J. Fihlay-son • at . new special low: prices: 'are a 1, eciate the sympat y and kin • .goOd.investrnent Prorript,de-iness of friends and- neighbors, at .liverY, ;Ask agent for prices.— 'the time hof his recent death. PATItICK .0n Wednesday, May 3istr.there. passed. away one, of the,' MoSt highly respected ipioneerS .of Ash- townshtp,' Johanna E 'Keane, widow of the late Patrick Hogan. She Was .horit 90,, years,- ago in County Tipperary, Ireland, and camp to Canada ;when , only ,A young girl: She resided with, her annt,..Mrs. Ed Hayes, of Kingi- Ibridge,, until 11-64 marNage two . years later. BY their hard work fortable home for themselves and She' leaves a. s,On. arid five d u iri Detroit. Sotmd.spent,a week at her herne. Mi. and Mrs. fred'liendersOn. " of ;Brussels. Visited with Mr.•:and ed .With' Mr; 'and Herb. Err; , Visitors Sunday with ' Mr. , and Mrs; ;R Hamilton were Mr. and' 'Mrs/Kosmyna. and 'son Jiminie. of Teledo; Mrs. "E; :Smith, Mrs, Win.. na and'Francii,Hamilton of Lon- kind and lovingMother,;, 'also nine grandchildren and twd great grandchildren. The rerriainS Were interred in Kingsbridge Cemetery. Requiem high Math was sung bV Rev, Pr. Donnollan. .ANthe remains were leavinethd church Mr, Raymond Dalton. sang "Vilt thoti look pp - 'on.; me Mother". The pallbearers' were Michael Wigan, Wm, Hogan,. Lyal Gaynor, Walter Mero, Doug- las Stewart and Harold KOster„; The flowerbearers 'Were her fOur grandChildren. The manY 'frie'nds extend their sympathy to the be- reaved family 'in their Joss bra lovirig mother • Stritree and Satisfaction • eatirig beep and Shallow ,Weih Pumps sold and Instaped... EAvriltovotuNG rt 'Phone '.614-13, DipgannOn RePairs,AO Cars, 'Phone 53; Dungannon Co -Operative Life Insurance ..co-oPerative Automobile InSurance tboilpinical 'and Reliable LUCKNOW 'Phone ,70-r.-10 Dun'gannon 'T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST . EACH MONTH 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,Insurance Company. ASSURES YOU LOW RATES ; With Protection in a high category. , ' Before. You invest . NOW IS THE , To Order .A Threshing Machine 3 sizes -2242, 22x38, 28x48 Roller Bearing complete H. HODGINS R:,11. Holyr004, Ont. 'Phone 36-r-13 TeesWater Insure itt•Snre Insurance VIND FIRE . CoiiSuit JOHN'. FARRISH 'Phone 16T -J. Lucknolit FIRE, CASUALTV, A Barrister and. SOlicitor Office..in the oynt 1310,0k Offiee 135 '• 'Residence. 314 Stuart M•3cKenzie Barrister and °Solicitor; WALKERTON, ()NIA RIO • ,OFFICT, 1N: kcENDERSON R. Si Hitheringtoi,IL Barrister, Etc.' Each Monday 'Located:on the gr.00rnd floor 'Office 48. Residence97