HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-15, Page 1•
$2,50 Yearly In Advance 50c Extra to US.A,
Two 'hundred members. of the
local/and district Masonic Lodges
converged .in Lucknow last',Wed-
netisday night on the occasion of
the visit •'of . the Grand Master,•
most, Worahrpful, Brother J. P;
Maher oTo on o, • He was receiv,-:.
-.:ed "and hear ',Ninth, interest` at a
`: 'banquet in the RRecreational•.Cett,
: tre,..for. which 'the ladies . of •St..
`Peter's, Guild catered:: '` a.•
• • During •the. • supper hour,"_ Mr.
Everett --,West _ .pr.esidedat.`': (the.
piano. and ••later.. 'led • i:n. sing
• song '
The gathering was presided
aver by James E. Little, .Master
of Old Light Lodge, which .is, this
.year observing its.'-8;3rd anniver-
,:...s.ary.The.secr'etary, of the Lodge,
T, J. 'Salkeld, is currently'` .can -
!chiding his term as District. De -
.put. Grand .Master' of 'Huron
trict and to him was accorded the
honor Of proposing the toast .to
the. Grand :Master and to Grand.
Lodge. •
Mr.: 'Salkeld's' remarks were in
'e in , with -the 'anniversary
.: ke p g oc-
,, casion .'arid- he briefly sketched
some historical facts eoneerning
Lucknow. and. Old' Light Lodge. •
This is centennial' Year' here as
it• was in 1850 '.that Eli .Stauffer
made hi,s way to this Spot, then
a wilderness of timber and
swampland. It was • the next year
that, James Somerville '• arrived.`
He is; regarded as the founder ',of
Lucknow, which `was first named
Staufifers • Corners, then Bala-
' klava : and ;finally , Lucknow
which wasdecided upon from• the
• sere of, Lucknow which took
• places durinigthe Indian Mutiny
of'°1858, . .
J es Sc er` l
air n .vile was'• a mill-
wright. ht. .andbuilder.,
g ,. �He had: the;
village surveyed and eventually.
. •' .er any buiTngs•.w ;e erected un-,
' ''der, his direction.` Mr. ,Sorrierville
'was the first charter member -and.
the first -,Worshipful master' of.
...ow Light Ledge which, received
:Last week. Bruce County Colin
cil gave approval '•'to fhe farina
tion of a' 'Lucknow High School • ;
District and this week the matter
comes: before Huron C o Lin t y
Council..It'is, expected 'it wilk be
dealt' with. today .(Tliursday)'.
West Wawtan:osh', Township
ratepayers in. ,the northerly sec-
tion of the Township areseekhi
b g.
'to: Withdraw
• i'roim the W�ng•hairi •.
,•District'and to be included, in; the:
Lucknov4r. B'istrict:
A el • "
p •Council h ae
#piproved o'f the northerlY.
1?.. "porn n
of this "municipality being includ- ,:
e .'
d in the 'Lucknow D.tistrict, In
this section, the• ':Kintail district •
rivors • going to Goderich,' while
the 'Crewe -area has petitioned to
be taken fr im•_th.e_.G.oder--ich Dis=
txict and included in. the Luc
District., •
7a .
The' men of St. Peter's Church
have, a,n exterior :.renoviation bee .
DR.. F. S.. MacKENZIE: •
• .' a native of A.shfield"Township;
.who last Wednesday was. elected
Moderator of , th.e •76th :.General-
A:Gsein:bl,y of •'the Presbyterian
Cliurc1*, iii-: Canada:
planned for this Thu'rsday' after• . KEN'.MaeNAY WON• COUNTY
noon and evening :New : eave-
troughing was, recently installed:
on' .the church .and,. the men, .are'
noW,going tobrighten the Church
u'p with a; paint -trim. .
'All those joining . tthe '-bee ;
g ,
requested to •brie = a paintare 'brush,
The; Whitechurch . •community
has aided.'' the `NLanitoba elle Re f
Fund by the generous 'amount of
114246: This . sum, has be n
ceived .at the Bank of.. Montreal,
to ' be included ,in the .Lucknow'
and .District returns .whichat the
;first. of the week had . increased.
to $701'.36. This does not include:
the proceeds of the bingo. and
danceheld .last s . we
e k,. •
The.. ;Whitechurch. fund, -,drive
Kenneth NLacNay,. son "of 'Mr:
and Mrs.,'"Alex• MacNay, of town, •
;won .the Junior championship 'cup
at ' ,; the "'Bruce . County 'athletic
finals : 'held ' in _ Walkerton last
Wednesday. 'In achieving the fete
,Ken chalked up.. a total of four-
teen points.', Dennis Riggin 'of
K carrd
irr wile won the. senior `boys
championship• . and• the Sillers
trophy .•witth a total of 18 ` points.
Competition, was.. keen in all.
events; and Kenneth •twas,the`only
Lucknow student' to Win, first.
''place, in any'.of the events;, scor-,
•ing top ipoints . in.. the. running
broad jump and; softball throw.
His .jump was.,14 ft, 3' in: and the
throw': 169 ft., • 1:.in Jahn 'Carter
of the 'Second Concession School
won. the senior' throw, +heaving
the softball 210 :ft , 10 in
was 'spearheaded . hy Garnet Far,
,just se and' C. F.. � actin ' hairman of the ASHFIELD .l seventeen ' t'e'ars. ;:after .the � .., . Nl , c H ELD „ FAMTIyX' , •
first settler� ' ..'•' committee who arranged 'an -en- MOVE TO KITCHENER • •`
Not•much• is known of the'early' tertainment and dance in 'the
Lucknow Pipe Band is now re•-
hearsing two nights a week to
get Ihe'tband in its best forth for
pending summer and' ; fall en-
gagements. ,
Highlights ofthe season will be
a trip to the.Games at Erri!bro. on
July, lst,,• ; and to Detroit' in, inid-
August,,Vtrben the Band will com-
pete in the annual competition's
'sponsored Eby , the St. Andrew's
Society of . the Michigan
•r Band . officers..:elected at a re
cent meeting,„: 'are as -:follows;
Fr.ark MacKenzie, ,president; Wit-
fred•, 1V1acQuillin secretary-treas-
urex Roy 'MacKenzie, pipe major;;
D. A. MacLennan, sergeant;:. Frank
.MacKenzie,. corporal.:.•
The band , recently received
new: sporrans • . direct "f=r-oin Scut-.
land :: which add color to their
Stewart `Lavin has. advanced a
ver• plausible er olanatioi for
y p �_ ,
that .sod removal ` pheno'mena" .on
The farm of Milan Moore in Kin-
''lOss Township; where ,a••strip',of
sod • about' ..12 . feet long;': '3 feet
Wide and nearly' a foot deep,• was
lifted cleanly • from the, `ground.
and ''deposited nearly 100 feet
Stewart says he has seen ' such
occurrences •before:. They .:occur.
• generally in a low spot, '.and 'of
ten •' where there is Jong beaver
...g ,
gr::ass,: Water 'lying iri;'the hollow
freezes to its full 'depth and'.often
the frost Will pentrate ' into. ;the
As `.the thaw comes the. spot. is
literally scalped Rising :water:.
buoys ,upthe- 'ice, in which the
'grass , is frozen solidly and.by
this ` acti a • section :of' sod: is:
uprooted leanly.. The • pond • will
frequently increase in size to per-
mit: movement 'of the ' ice'•and : its
undercarriage of -'sod, which •will.
flo t 'until': it strikes bottom or
recedingwater. '•This is his theory'•
of ttie • sod movement : on •the
Moore ,farm.
history .of Old Light 'as the (Min ;Com.m,unity Hall from which; they Mr. a.nd. Mrs. Jim Phillips, and '
ute books for many :years arenot
to be, found.. Old Light met' reg-
ularly in' the 'large 'frame b'uild`s'
ing on Havelock . St which was
• built .has 'a village hall James
i b Y
derived the sum of $87.99,: .plus . son' Terry :of.. Ashfield have mov�,.
donations 'of .$54:37, as .follows ed to' ••Kitchener' to make ;.their
Concert ,and ' dance ' $87:99' home: Jim • has'; been employed:
Garnet Farrier. ,..::; ,•10;00• there for' .the. past month by the
-Jack. Craig', 5.00
Dawson 5:00
•• :"Somerville:,, Fire 'destroyed this .Craig
building in :'Septem'ber.. of 1927: `J G. Gillespie
Lodge •was held for the next year Rev. W. G. 'Smith, R.
in the. LO;OF: Hall; until the 'Auburn•
Present uarters above •Fiala Rev. Currie,
q y.
son' s' store` were ready for oc-. Ross McGregor 2 Ob
cupancy. Robert::Ross' Gordon.
Stewart; R 3,
• Auburn 2.00:
Lorne Johnston • p, 2'.00'
Russell Gaunt...,.:,, ;. '3.00
1; . D,: New ran .. 8.37
•$ 2
ns to'the first of
Total donations
the week area
:Previously, ,acknowledged $
Whitechurch community 142.36
Brown Smyth, R_: '2, '
..Auburn ' 5.00:
Gretta Hudson, R. 5,-,„ 0
Mrs. Mary Jane Webster,
R, . 3 ' 2:00'
Mrs. Alice: .• . • 5.00.'
M `.
R..J.. MacKenzie '5.00.
1 • 5.00
Ira ,Campbel
Carne' �on MacDonald °5.00
_l:ianvey•. Webster 5.00
Oliver .1VIcCharles ••. ••••• 5 00
Fred Jackson`
Robert -Bask, ,;....,,.:.,.. . _ ..
Jack , Campbell • 1 00'
Dr. W
V. Johnston .,..,,,, 10.00
James 'Lem •,:, '2.00
Mrs. R, J•. `C
ameron , 1.00.
Wilson Wall' ., ., 5.00.
A. G. Mac
Diarrri d 5.00.
MacDonald. r.
Miss. Gladys 1Vlac 0.
Duncan Cameron , , 5..0•
arve: .Houston . , ; '5.00'
Harvey i.00.
J. � W: Jci;tr
nt .. .,... :20.00
Mrs, Nellie l�ellie
Scott �� 2•
i R .,.
M. N. Bergey, .•
Dungannon ...... 2:00
The Grand Master.' was •intro-
duced 'iby :1VLr: Norman` `.Watford.
of Toronto, a C:N41.: railroad elxe
clitive: He sketched the import'
ent,role 'Mr. Maher is playing in.
Masonry and his ''• :ci!vic interests.
• in thecity of Toronto where•he
oif the . plannin_;,
board that has drafted a 30'=year"
• inlproverrient program for ',this
,Maher's address conitaned.
r' good: dealof humor; butseri-
ously. hep stressed the important`
place ;of MasonrY , which is. a
propelling • force 6in, the building
of Character. and .better men, he
said ;It will make men of char'
acter if they take "their Masonry
seriously. He *Stressed that. we
can't mix with ;people •w.ithout,
influencing thein for good or evil.
and .a,dvised his listeners that'• by
word • and act the: should be an
• influ'fence . Y
or good , and sholald.
recognize their. responsibility in'
the• home,' the lodge, Community
and country.
• The toast to the visitors w,as
Proposed by W. B. Anderson, and
Was, replied to by :Dr. Fowler:0f
Teeswater; :Who had 'been in Mas-
onry for over 50 years. and re, -
.called . when carne meetings were
held in the bush in contrast .to.
tdoay,s' tbanatiet gatherings.
The present
s tatron of figurine
baoli-ends wag.. made .to . Grand
Master Maher by James E: Little
and W A.. Porteous.
Andrew ,Hodgins, son
' ,� s of Mr.
and .Mrs: Ralph •Hodgins, had his •
face badly torn:by a dog ori. Tues
•dav evening of last` week; • ,arid,,
only; the timely rescue efforts: of
Mrs.: James •Gardner, savedthe
lad "from much worse injuries.
< Andrew will the three years old
on Friday. That 'evening an air-
plane flew over -'the • village drop-
ping•leaflets advertising•the Clin
ton Air .Show. One of .themflut-
tered down on Ted .Howey's
property, and' young Andrew ran
'in to retrieve it, Ted •'liad a hound,
tied •,up • in the yard, which at-•
tacked the youngster when, he
came ' hear `ir ' Ai di W's s4er a its
attracted.Mrs. Gardner,; who.'li•ves
next door, and 'she ran to his
rescue: The dog\,had`tle' lad down
and Mrs. Gardner • caught him by
a leg and' dragged him ,Ou't' of
reach' of. the •canine.
Andrew's cheek and head were
.gashed by the dog's fangs, and
his injuries'', Were a terrifying
sight. ''lt took 17a -stitches• to close
the wounds, none of which had'.
penetrated the cheek, ,and which
(fortunately , had not affected: his
eyes, He was given penicillin to
prevent infection: He is 'Making
a good „recovery, and had sortie
f the • stitches ,taken out this
'YEAR - , RA :. .,NG�EM A
K &•;E. transiport company. He ;`
'recently held • a: clearing sale and
Ru�sseli :Irvin. has bought the
farm, Which had been in •.the-
Phillips family since ,the land' was'
first settled. '
•The West Bruce County Orange
Lodge • met,lor, 'f o
dg . � its,' semi. -
Meeting at , Maple le 'Grove• L.O;L.
1044, . (Zion) on Monday� . 'even n €'
June'" 5th; ',with Bro. Robt: Mc
Cormick,' W.iC:M, .in. the ':chair'
and a Targe body of. rembers.in
attendance. The ; decision was:
reached to celebrate the '12th- of
July in I rriston this year: ' ' "
An invitation 'was extended to
celebrate. in. Bayfield on July' 12,
1951, by 0' committee from Varna.
Lodge, -representing south . Huron;
County Lodge: Thiscommittee
wasY .spearheaded by W:C.M
mer Webster, .accompanied by
Bros. Anson Coleman and. Wat-
son Wabst'er.
A r
very ' fittinge ent ation was
made. Bro. C,• g. McDonagh by: ta•'
loft•, of a pipe ,for his long, untir-'
ing and 'faithful: services' as :sec-
retary 'of the County. Lodge for'
41..years. He is 'the oldest living
anember• of L.O.L..;1044' having
joined in 1894. •
The Lodge received the 'honor
Of a'Ivisit» from Bro. Wm: J:
ler, Past Grand Master of Ontario
West from Bognor and Bra: Jas:.
Jackson; Gratnd Secretary; from
Owen;,' Sound.
Mr. Jackson gave -6 very in.'
Spiring address regarding the
fundamentals and ideals of the
Oranige. 'Order and stressed the
growing need to create more in-
terest in Orangism. ' " r
At the , cohc1usion` ,of .Lode.
� g
Mr. ;Miller. 'addressed an open,
meeting " Which included visiting
t• g
ladies, Mrs. James . Jackson, Mrs:
Friestly and Miss $'eatiice Wats
son. and a number of local ladies
which bri5ught to a close a very
pleasant evening, - :'
In pompon With c
across Can,Yda, special. week -end
services;•'•were, obsenved, by the
congregation of Lucknow United •
Chlirch in 'commemorating 'the •
silver,. anniversary , of Church
Union •Whiich was ,officially con
s:ummated on June l.Oth, 1925;
On Slanday morning a •special"`
order "'of; service -Was followed, •
which `:was ta.•replica of • thatuse
twenty -,five. years; ago The Ser,
vitce' cone1uded'.twith•:a communion•
service ,arid.', in this 'the pattern • of '.
a quarter- of a century 'ago was.
also , followed, when, as • the
`church came' into being, a massed
congregation in 'Toronto Arena •
partook of .Holy Communion.
Locally .six, members, were re
•ceived ,i,nto the '.zn,ernibersh.ip of.
;the church by ,certificate Mr.
and .Mrs.•'Thoni;as• Anderson, Jr.;:
Mr. :and Mrs...Sidney ..,Gardner,
Mrs. Ruth Brooks and Mr.. :Gorr
don Brooks. A . duet was...sung. by' •
Mrs. J. W: Joyrit',and Eldon Hen
To'm!ark the occasion :'a; lolvel
.bronze„cross was presented to the •
Church •bm
y the;Woens Assaci:a-••
tion, The .cross 'was`` unveiled' and ;,
presented Eby Mrs. ; P. W. HHoag,':•
president .of the W. A: and was
received and dedicated by Dr. W. -
J. Mumford. '
At the ,evening.. 'service •' Dr
Mumford gave a' very interesting
address on "The • Church At:
On;; Monday .evening a, faQrirly
night supper was served at seven
,o'clock, coinplete, ;with :a birth
day cake'which was cut by ,Mrs.
Thomas Henry; ,age` 85 years, wh`o_,
was'the eldest' :person': present.
After performing the'act,
Henry. had .a age, ,corsi• 4•ned' on
Mrs. P. W : - . {��
.Hoa . ` The •ke.
was : placed - n:4'an attractive.
ting:' at : the front of • the.' Suda.
School Room amid a 'Tipro riate
. P
decorations,, and against a bacleL -, `
ground : of large •silver -'letters
...Dr. W. -J. Mumford presided for
a: short, but . interestin ro r..am.
g P • g
Selections were sun- ` b " '• 'guar,
g Y,a
tette :of Young girls, 'Ann, Craw.-
raw=ford, . Marilyn 'Kilpatrick, Donna
'Johnston and. Elizabeth Webster
who 'were trained byMiss, �,
and accompanied. 1by Mrs. ` John.
Ki1ipatri k '
p c Mrs: J. W. Joynt sang:
a .0101 with.' a c
mpaniment . by` `.
Mrs.John Hall. Mr Everett West
favored with piano • nurnibers , and
Mgrs. C. B.: Woolley,•gave a hum
orous reading:.
• Mr. and .Mrs. W.::J: ,Freeman
of, Teeswater were in attendance: ;,
incl Mr; ,Freeman gave two.,.. re
tordings . which 'he had made
while . attending Hamilton Con
ference :One was the president's
address, and the other was . by..
Dr, W. J. Mumford, chairman 'of
•the:committee of Evangelism and
Social Seryice, Wand: was based{ ori' '
the ..report' of` this committee to
Robert Rae tendered a vote of
thanks to'..the ladies for' prepay-
ing the supper'and Ernest. Ackert'
thanked all who 4had taken ,part.
The'' singing '• of "Blest Be, The Tie
That Binds" 'brought h' a'`'P ,. �leasant
eveg 'to a close:
Thursday,June 29th, hasbeen
... ,� ben
the Clansme�for a earn- •' .
ival i
n the, Caledonian Park, or
iu1 : the weather is unfavorable, in
.thee arena. •
The _ Hanover Girls Bugle , Baritd '•
and the Lucknow High School
Band will. provide • early, evening
entertainment which will be,,,,siip
Plemented by •three circusacts
that have •'been featured at ,the'
C.N.E. There will be further, de-
tails, in'the" next issue,
• There . Will also be bingo and
a variety of carnival games, • and
a prize 'draw for three prizes ex-
ceeding $500 in value, • No. 1 prize
.is a large electric refrigerator:;
Tickets are available from. alt.,
,Clan risen members.