HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-08, Page 6' PAGE ,SIX
THURSDAY, ...:.AY, •JUNE 6th, 1.950: ' -
• ',`The ,Shadows”, "a group: of
teen-age Lucknow 'girls presented,
a• half •hour program over CKNX
'Sn Saturday morning that was
Well .put on and: most 'entertain-
•The group included Ruth. John_',
stone' sen lr�vin; Marlene c-
, .M
aLennan,:Gladys' Chin, Betty John-
' ston and g,aret.°Gollan. Gladys
Kilpatrick was ill with : t h e
• 'arrieasles, and couldn't take • part.
Thele girls • dedicated one of their.
xumlbertt to her and .another. was'
dedicated to : Lynn . Stevens o
• IVlarkd-ale, a? ioriner" member of
.the 'group. • T
Besides: chorus. nunibersn 'Ruth
Jphnstone ,sang• a solo and ,played
;e pianoinstrumental'. and Ruth
land • Marlene McLennan Sang a
duet.",Gladys Chin "plugged". the
Flood Relief bingo andstance for
the following Monday night.
COWS` $5.00 each.•
S — $5`:00 Ea.
per cwt... •
i .
(Ower • 250 lbs. each): •
Phone collect:
Ripley -482
Wing1iam 561-
g 3
Ingersoll .21
William Stone Sons, Ltd.
:The death of Mrs. Garrett
'Switzer occurred, at 'her son's
.home in Huron . Township, May.'
26th, ' 1950. She was formerly
Margaret Ann Greer, daughter, of.
Arthur Greer and Margaret Ann.
Stethers. She was 'born at Atlgus,
Ontario; on April 20th;. 1.873 and
lived.' with her grandparents; Mr.
rdnd Mrs. ' John • Stothers, '.hear
Belfast until . her marriage" oto
June 21'st, 1894. The rest of,her
life *was' spent near "Holyrood,
1Surviving are one :.daughter,
Tnez ('Mrs.*I. A.:Cox)• of Napaim°,
one••'son . Jack with ''whoa
;she. l'iv'ed and four:, grandchildren•
:Her husband,' predeceasedher in.
19.44; one ion; Ray in;."'1910 ands
daughter,:—Elia Mrs. " R: L Tre
leaven) of Woodstock'' in .19.48. '
Funeral, services were • held on.
Monday, .May 29th at her home
in Huron with. Rev. J. R. Mac-
Donald *officiating
ac•-Ronaldofficiating and interment
being :made' in ... South ' Kinloss
Cemetery. ; 'Pallbearers: ,were.
.Messrs.: Howard Harris,. Richard
Elliott; : Cecil: Congrain, ' Elmer
Pollard, John Smith sandDonald
DAY • scoop', SERV CE
:The Sunday School,:anniversary
was narked at the • Morning .ser
vice in the 'Ijirrited Church, with
teachers and •members attending.
the church '.''serivice in a ..lbody,
"Special music was rendered. ;b -Y'
the Junior' Choir. Bessie Reavie
took..a solo part ,in • a: chords ' by
the choir and An . Crawford ,`
Marilyn Kilpatrick, Donna John
•ston ."' a rid* Elizalbeth Webster
sweetly • sang 'a quartette "num-
ber. They offering was- takenr ib -Y.7
Kent'. .Hedley, George . Richards,
Billie' Ritchie and Ernie, Gnbson:
Dr. Mihnford told' a'story about
the :dandelion, and •.!was assisted..
in conducting the'service 'by Wil :
fred. , Drenn. an, Sunday School
superintendent -and the assistant.
superintendent, rW "a :.::Macken
L.egiortnaires Fie1d.
egrc� Softball Battery
Lucknow Legionnaires, w h o.
;.have •a softball team in' the. "A"
series in the W"O.A A,,, halve ere,
,ted' ,something of a. .sensation
irty, -.. and , five'.
.. �S d
Thii ty sic fazria
i' g with' hulls. -were offered for;s�ale at the
a sport circles by cam na up
Ne gro. battery that -should pack Keys - Culb,:ert - Ga�iizt sharthor.n
g sale eld in the ,Clinton. `Farr
• h.
'the fans : into , the •Stands - ,tkiis
;. - • . Banns ,Thursday: after/v;(4 The
.season; .and., give.. the ,Legioni. a � .
ntend eam •for the •League•.':total ;,an-rount, paid 'fol •female:,
co d ng,,t , , t , . ,th
silverware... �
:was $13,195, w the average be7.
`: -�•' •e"� ive bulls sold" for;
Wotd Of the': .arrival of• the twq.,
i.ng $366, Th f .
t tal of '1 88'5) with, an ave°ra e
.; rk=skinned, �b.o s °from,.Detroit,;
da Y, of .$377.00,
on Sunday 'spread like wildfire
and:. on ' Monday .• evening ;there
war ...",• . _.- .i , dre C.:-G'aunt ,of,
was a swarm � bf `"nail bird"' on signed, by An w ,
hand. at the .school 'diamond *lien
Lucknow, sold for, $70.0. ;whiae tlwo
o.' .female "GQldie'.'.'con
The t p , o ,
the pair showed 'a' bit of 'what
they've got... •
• Both are 19 'years of age.. The'
;pitcher, and'. the huskier,; of • the,
two, is Freddie Banks; His catch.
er is Tom 'Groggins.:To1n- played
second base: lest; season,' but will;
'work .behind the ."bat` 'to handle:,
Freddie's :fast ball: and variety of
"stuff". •The pair.. are on 'a two
w,eeks' ' ,;trial' •: and . should get
plenty of 'chance • to 'show their;
wares in that time as the: Legion-:
naires'thave three games. slated. in.
a week,
: The big problem at the . •mom'
,entts to build a, team around this.
battery *duo, as .'not until Mondtay.
.night had any of last year's squad
• had a 'ball -in ':their 'hands` The
park' hasn°t, been in shape, but
work is now being 'rushed' in ,an:
effort; to 'have it in: fair .shape.
for' next Monday, - night for. the`
,o p ening home game ` under: ' the'
p �
.with. the• 'crack ' Seaforth
,.lightg,�rw - squad rovidinthe o osition
' P g Al? . .
With one .game postponed al-
'readythe Leg
ionnaires played
in Centralia They had a bare
,nine ;Men, in uniform,; and none
having any practise, with the re-
sult they dropped `the :opener.
12-0. The • Legionnaires''had only
l'.one hit. Banks struck out 12 men
and ' Centralia runs came ` ch•iefly
from • errors:. and
' b- - , g• beatiri --but:.
1 infield taps.
They go :to. Wingham on Friday.
night . and play. here; Monday.'
Then they. have>` an • 8 -day' 'sched-
ule. lapse, before 'GoderiCh wines,
to town ori June: ::20th:
It is' _no :'secret that ',the Legion ,
• tisk for it either way'. both
trade -marks mean the isms thing:
Authorized bolter of Coca -Cala under'contrict with Coca-Cola Ltd. •
GODERICH , -� , 'PHONE 489
bulls, ;``Maple Embleni,Prem,iiim",
consigned by • W., A. ,Culbert and.
Sons, of Dungannon and 'Elm:an-
dor �h dvocate."- consigned • by
.p. A. , .. . g .: a
Clifford Keys of Varna sold
for $4:00. each '- •
The ten head". f r o' n the • Gaunt
herd averaged $441.00: Augusta
116th: brought $600 'and Rosewood°
171st, $ 5,60.
There Was a large crowd :in aft
ter'dance.'and '•officials found it
necessary :to.move the
side 'to accomodate prospective'.
r.:; and.''Mrs. Robert Strathdee.
Wish, to announce the engagement
of their..younger; daughter, 'Cath.
erine Marie; to. Alvin' Leslie,':.onlyu
son of "Mr..' and Mrs, Leslie; Rit-
chie,. L.ui'eknow. The marriage to
take .place .the latter ,part of June..
• Mr. -• and-; Mrs: James ` Scrim
geour Milverton, announce the.
engagement •. of 'their d aughter,
Catherine G., to Mr ,Carl M. Kip:,
fer,.: son vf',Mrs.. Juliat Kipfer of
Milverton, . and the :late. Isaac
Kipfer 'the wedding 'to take place
the latter part of June
Mr. and . Mrs. Augustine :,Kina,,"
.hart *of St Augustine;.' announce
the engagement- of : their . daughL
ter, Mary Agatha, to Maurice
Owen Edwards''of :London,' son of.
Mr:': and M:rs. 'C`. S. Edwards • of
Dartmouth,' N.S,'• .The . Ma'rriage
will. take place on Saturday,. June
24th, in St. Augustirie•'Church”
1.1 AKE—MENA8t • ,t1
A .r uiet 'wedding took place at' r
the home .Coof lvir, and Mrs, Hugh
Menai , . if
Y ri, .9,� �Ashf'ield towlz- 5�
shim, on Saturday, June •341, at • tl
high noo, when their t?lder da . •' a
ghter, Jessie Irexr u
4> «';<l� ztnited itt; � • '
1marriage3l�ge to M:i•, 1Ct tlr Willi, ,
l.k'; 11'1
a _e, youngest Soi?. 1>f M. :tiz:;• :
est Blake„ Con, . 9, Aslifi '
lcl��:tot�•n:T .d
ship, and thO 1a.tc4 Mrs, Blake:. ti
Rev.'; C $. W'ozallcay'''Jf.111;ikc Un,. a.
ited "chut'cli raf#lcilltic�: tl
• 1 ' •1cr.• fife' �:
ceremony, w=hich totilc . ) r
1 h�ce be.
side. •a bank of White. 1v'41•1(•cs' o
,: ,alit( - ; .
multi -colored tulips. Gave o
•marriag •eherf by .. , a er,,•thebride ooked 'lovely' ibrs:ath white' t?
sheet= ,
awn, 'with Yfull skirt "
� and: ••u,•.
winaist ....`:.•
. n...o:p�aenre.yl
long 'white .bisho g
leeves.. Her fin er-ti ' p t
g , p �re4il..was.:
,held by a coronet of
v ailsy'_ lilies'of'the `
: eI
She worea Corsage of -
roses, and ' a •gold locket, air
.gLft of the, bridegr: ?h::1MTss -Mae •
Ir'win,, as bridesmaid, wore., sky- f
blue taffeta gown' with 'a; gather, 0
ed skirt' and draped back •effect•, g
Her corsage was of, deep.; pink
roses:. Caryle Menary, . sister of
the.ibride, wore a dress;.; of pink '.
:satin, •with. - a• bertha. 'collar; lin' :
which ,was, an embroidered floral
decoration arid a, matching •
hair=band::, She carried. a; noe:
gay„of lilies of"the`.Ggalley':.and red •
tulips: Mr. Howard• Bllke;' bio, •
'they of . the',b''ridegroot»,'•was 'best ..
man, A ,'reception -,followed with •
the, parents ,of the •bride,assisting
in'receivinig•'the.•goests,'.1V1rs. Men..
the. bride ;wore a:
grey nylon•.dress� with a corsage'
of. pink carnations, rFtlr_:tray,eling:
the, 'bride donned' :a `brown:.ga•b`-
ard'ine: suit with beige aceessoi•-'
les: •:On their
return=they .will 1e
•side ` on'. the bridegE'oorn's'..farm,
Con 9,':Ashfield
• yen :�� . �r. .
inn : men Wa�
ain 5,1O I5
` thew Pep `Vim Vigor . .
Whit ac thrill Bony lin,ba fhl•ont ugly .hollows
• 1111 up; neck no longer; scrawny- bods loses halt-
• startled, sickly - beau -pole', idok Thousan1s of
girls. 'women, men, who never'. could gain before,
are flow proud et shapely, healthy-looking•bodles,
tonic,. on` stimulants,
Iron, .vitamin ;Bt,'calclurn,:enrich blood Improve .
appetite and digestion' so, tool .g(yes On more
strength and nourishment, put flesh oh bare bona,
Don't tear getting too fat Stop in y„u'•Vegained. •.
' the 5, 10, ts or 20 lbs. you need •tor normal weight,
• Costs little. •Netk "get ncounuiteftsizeon!lr60Cr..•
Try' famon .f t rx Tonic 1 nbict4. biz nrw vigor •
and added pounds,• this arty ❑ay At ull tlrnl'tits.•
which sponsorsthis team, has
been ' angling all spring • to: get :a 1
top ,flight pitcher, and fhey.'have I
worked on -several leads. The.
Legion installed* flood lights. and'':.
bleacher; seating in Caledonian
Park two` years,, ago,, and, have: had.
•aa".their ambition, a•team•thaa will
snake: tthiscornrnunity softball
minded and fi•11' the park: If :Fred-,
die. and Tommy, live •up to ex
pectations that •dream.should. ibis
'realized. •'this season.
,At • the, week -end Bob 'lVtaclh-
tosli,' mmediate••past president .of
the ;ideal )branch • of . the Legion,
and Coach Chas. Webster made :a:
trip to Detroit. They looked 'over
.several* `prospects, and finally
staked their chances on the above
,rn ntionert pair, who packed their
bags, on shot notice 'arid came.
',back with therm' They are :board,
ink' at thehone, of W. and Mrs .
lleil :iVCacC iil�um
Word as. been received of the ({
death.' 1Viis5 Ma 3'a., Campbell
which occurred on Tuesday'night
in Toronto. She:is a sister of Jvirs.
Sadie *Mahon and; Mr. Roder-
ick 'Campbell of tcwrt
The 'funer,,al 'service will be
661"d ,in South Kinloss Church -on
:Friday afternoon. at 2;30 o'clock.
The retrains Will . rest at Davi-
son's Funeral Parlor from the
ratrival of the 'afternoon train' on
Thursday' until 'the time of ser -
EACI-I THURSDAY we." pick up; .hos: in fila
Lucknow District to be truckect. direct to
et. us�l n.act- ln'v Wednesday nigli!t. and, th. c:.11 1. 1.1 <t)
hogs • trucked, directly ' fotri y:our lrlii'11 to ,the,
Packing Plant, on Thursdav
Give its a try aria' avoid c tra'lhandliilg `nidi shrinkage
Prompt and Satisfactory Returns ,Direct',
from Planet.
I,oeail Trucker -:,� 'Phone 13'7 t, . l uckfOW,
Abe Appr Shar. oyour' Busncwill lt'tell•