HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-08, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE,, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO "WANT' AD"'`RATESS.-1st insertion 2 ,'cents :a word, subsequent. `1' insertions 1. cent a word. •Minimum charge 25 cents, Replies care 1 cents per isin 'ext 0 e of The Sentinel ' 10 cents' extra. Legal adv . g count: line first insertion,. 5 cents per line subsequent insertions PURSE FOUND apply at Sen- CANOE: FOR SALE -19' ft, long. r tinel Office . • 1Cedar, throughout. A splendid. ' craft for the lake. Will carry a 'FOR SALE• --driving shed •20x46,.whoie,family with perfect safety, and . .barn 28x50,' , iboth timber `Give away.. price.. Particulars at frames%, Apply at Sentinel • • Sentinel*, (�. Office. J�• 1' Office,. ce. '119"P $E FOR SALE ;cement bloc , house, ':a bargain for : quick 'sale. Phone 178-J 'Lucknow. FOR SALE= -Easy ', gas' Washing machine, two years old. Apply to Duncan .Thorburn,', Amberley,, FOR SALE -'.new• modern one- - storey home,. immediate possess:7. .ion. Apply • to ., Geo.: Orvis, *'Luck= now."• MItLETT SEED FOR SALE • the best :substitute: for. hay. Lim-. ited quantity. 'Clarence Greer, R. • 1,. Lucknow, .,phone 64-r-21. FOR SALE purebred Durham: bull, ca, Year if, .I 'old red in color;; • ,► Wim. W bster, : R • R. R2, Lucknow, ` phone 44-31., •' NEW ANT) USED PIANOS oil • Shand. Before buying see' what I have, to:: offer:.,. Garnet. :Farrier, :Whitechurch,: phone .71.1J1 Wing ham. " Jack.Macintosh, Mgr, WANTED -lady ,in Lucknow''for •well. Henderson, Auc: ;Avon saleswork:' For further par,-• , • E. rs. M. DITORS . aicular5, � Please write . M ' 'NOTICE, ' 1`O 'CRE :Stock, 5514 Oueen;'St. S. Kitch_ "til er, Ont. ROOFING,- EAVETROIJGHING arr_; .Flat roiiifs:.repied , new .._ . 'oofs, 'eavetroughing; . spray'` ',painting, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Work done anywhere..' Sylvester. Fort- ney, RR, 2,Mildmay; :phone .60-r-15.. FOR SA4 E• two-roomed.'oabin. trailer,' and porch, ,almost •new,' furnished to ,suit every "require- ment .for.. ,permanent' tr.avelling, amazing storage, space' Write or .phone Jack Gillespie; 565'-J Wingham, COMING EVENTS ., ASHFIELD SCHOOL PICNIC The Ashfield School Areais holding its annual picnic at i'he. K i n t ail • Presbyterian • Camp Grounds on Wednesday, June 21, 1.950 ' at 'i 3.0 ' p.rn. , Basket lunch, 9 ' su l Drink,:. plates and ::crops.. . pPied. .Entertainment for ,young . and old, ASHFIELD :The sacrament of'' th;e "Lord's Supper -Was observed in: the Pres= ibyterian. `church, on S u n djay Twelve .members° .were•'added. tp roll, 'eight•' by' certrfi- �he Clitirch ,g r cate 'and four by profession, of faith. Mr, ,Gore on King of Kalainaioo 'and Miss Maud MacKenzie of De- troit. 'spent Decoration Day week- end with relatives here. • 111r. ,and . Mrs. Harvey Martin and family ;of. Albion, Dr. G;. R, Martina acid Mrs: Jennie Livett of CrossWell and. Mrs: Lloyd Carver woavld. wish. of Port Huron.were ,guests of Mr, 7 • and Mrs.'J '. J. Martin' over -the 'COMMUNITY,: week -end, FURNITURE; SALE . ' Mr. ' Lloyd' MacDonald of Loch There•w ll •be, a sale''of furn,i _W.d MacKenzie:of. .ture"snachiri;er , 'etc;,' atthe Com a'lsh and Mi: Daws' ' y Kintail are patients in ,Victoria. �xriunity Sales Barri, Lucknow, on': • `Saturday'June 17th 'lat. 2 :o'clock: Hospital, 'London, each having. zcle', . This .sale �wil..incleverything but 'livestock. Anyone . with art- 'ides, for'�sale •-i hould`• have. them •.at.the,;Sales Barn; early •: Saturday' afternoon z, WHITECHURCH . Rev, Mr. Watt conducted ser vices.. at. Holland and. Glen Allen on Sunday. He was' accompanied. ,by M.r.. Victor"•Emerson .'Mr.• and Mrs. Fred Newrnan & Barbara •motored, to Hamilton on Sunday: 'Barbara. rerriained there or. some ,holidays: . There was a good %attendance at the.`anniversary services in the. 'United'Church 'on :Sunday. ,Rew; 'Bright was the guest: speaker. Miss Winnifred Farrier and .Mr. and'• Mrs. Carmen Farrier of Tor- onto spent the' weekend with, Mr. and Mrs, W, R Farrier, "Mr. and .Mrs, Ezra. Maier and. Wesley Sleernans of ,P.abner _stcan p "sX► ` e t Sunday with Mr: , and: Mrs. V, Emerson. Mrs: R.:Tiffin spent last week at the same home and returned to' her, hbme on Sunda'y evening, We are sorry to report' that Mrs. Ben Naylor; -w'ho :has: been in London for some time,, is not as, '. well'. as her' many ; friends • .THURSDAY, JUNE :8tit, 1950 �' DR. T. B: CLELAND VETERINARIAN Havelock St., south of . - Sup.ertest• Garage , ..1.UCKN•01V Telephone 175 BUSINESS: and: TAX SERVICE • • 'MONTHL`.Y AUDITS For; The. Smail .Merchant, 'l'rofessiogs"} l, trianand the •Far'rner,"' S. J:..PYMM P.O.. Box. 74 •Lucknow, Ont. 'Office`.. in: Kilpatrick' Block • • 'Phone 23-w ' • • • TOR -SALE - Lumiber,;. timbers; posts, slabs, wood, etc:, reason= • ,alble' ,, prices: See us and save amoney. Kennedy & Gaunt, phone 466. or,, 401W2 Wingham.. •. :RADIATOR :CLEANING • and re- pairing, at, reasonable cost ,Try Bluevaie Repair': Shop, for ,.your • rad T troubles. `Phone Harry Elliott; HOUSE FOR SALE --eight room . house' inLucknow, hard- .fr�e' wood floors, hard and soft water, modern . conveniences Apply to Wan Fisher, •Lucknow: .FOR. SALE chesterfield ste, .-. tri-light,': kitchen ,'suite, •. _washing ,chine .G.E. four -burner, stove, cupboard.' MIS. H. HALL, Lick now...' BRAY PULLETS, day. old and started, from $17.90. ',Also have mixed chicks. Cockerels.. Ask' us :. .-for complete prices— D.: ,R: FINLAYSON, Lucknow undergone .operations, Their friends',ho p e' they will' soon be P well enough to•':;r.eturn • home. •The 'June meeting of;. the ••Kin' •tail- •Worr en's Institiite was. held at the borne' . of ' Mrs: D. Cowan. In :the• absence of; the. president, Mfrs:,Monc;r.ief,; the first ,vice pre: - In re: In. the matter:of the Estate of, ' sident' was in; charge. After the,. David' S. Carruthers, '`deceas•ed. usual.; opening exercises 'and the. reading of _the .minutes, business' old .and • new •*was' taken care of The - roll .. call • was' • "answered' by naming• your favorite bird, Mis. Jack MaeK:erizie gave .'a talk on dressmaking;:: t e l:1 i n g how ; to choose:a 'pattern and how to alter it. The, guest speaker. was Mrs. Scrimgeour of Blyth. She' 'gave •some very `good ° advice on how to,. make our branch a success. This was her official, visit: as . district ':president:-4Mrs. Gordon Finlayson read- .. paper .on simple enjoy. rents, • After a 'vote of '.tans to' the.: guest speaker, the ' meeting !closed in the :usual way, 'after' . NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN that • all- Persons: haiving', claimagainst. the, estate • of -David. :S. Carruthers, Who died at Wing=' harm on the • twenty-first. day of April, ;A D. 1950,, are notified 'to.. sent' their, claims duly, verified' to ' the .undersigned:.before' :the • twenty=seventh day of June; 1950 after. w'hich date ;the estate will, be distributed amongst the part.; fes 'entitled. thereto ,having regard only to such'claims as are ,then received DATED" - at Walkerton t h i. s. twenty=second :today of May;D: 1956. David .H Carruthers, R. R 3,. Holyrood,Ontario, :Executor; P., K.ITCH,ENE.R B1g-4 Chicks avail alble,. dayold and started,• i,mined- iate delivery. Ask for:' prices' and particulars.: Age'rnt- • ED. V: BAKER, LuckYiow: LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED For .prompt and .efficient • service ,see or call E.RICE, ST. HELENS 'Phone " 42-•r=31, ' Lucknow, • -•FOR, SALE at Knlougl,, , the house:, 'ibarn,'and Iot of Mrs. W. • J: McLean on the, Lucknow. and Kinloss highway,' hydro equip - ;ped.. Mrs. W. J. McLean, Box' 169, Ki icardine; phone 36-r-2', LOST -•-=a mouthpiece ,of a cornet • between Mr P. :W. H'oag's: house .and Chin's .Restaurant on .Satur- • day night after , band ' conicer,t. Finder 'please leave at Sentinel Office. • Stuart 4Macl.enzie,' Waiker-tonr_ _,which_ Lunch was served. Ontario, • his, Solicitor: CARD ,OF .THANKS D. 'L MacKinnoxi . ,wishes to. al those. !who..:so sincerely' thank l kindly and :thoughtfully remem- ibered him .; in various °ways avvhi le in the , hospitals, Thee 'remem. trances were indeed appreciated. ._�. Mrs: W. 'J Spindler' wishes to extend many, imany'thanks to rel- atives; neighbors and friends' for; is • their ' kindnesses. ' Her only 'Wish is that Will . could hear, the beautful'•remarks that•havehen trade.'; and' know the '.acts•of&kind ness ishown,ithem during ibis :sick- ness and at the , tirn.e of .his death. For qhe "kind attention of Dr. Tyndall, the excellent care of Miss .'Sadie ',Joohn,ton, R.N:, the encouragiiig and sympathetic, word's, -of , Rev. J. R. McDonald, Ripleyr thehelp and understand ing ,of'neighbors%aria f"rrelids dttr=' ing out m"other's' last 'illness, we are : truly ,;grateful. Thanks, too", to ';those ' wire helped' With the singing. at; the. funeral Sincerely, Inez Com and, Jack Switzer. NOTICE A. 'Meeting of the Ashfield Fed- eration of Agriculture , Twill be held in: the TownshipHali, Mon- day, June .12th :at 8.09 o'clock for the purpose of organizing .a rwarible fly campaign and to con- ...skier on-•.sider. better service on the , rural telephone Don't let your neigh- bors do it or you won't get FORMER RESIDENT' ' WILL B Mrs Wm '`Armstrong, .Sr, of London and formerly of Luck- now,'will 'observe her 91st birth day. on Monday;. ,June. 12th:. ,She makes' her homewith her datngh 'tens,' Mrs. Annie Barrett and Miss, Beatrice Armstrong. s;' Armstrong,:Lsuifered� a stroke -a 'couple of years' ago and has since been":bedfast Her °health' hawejver, is fairly good and She is bright' and .cheery. and bears her 'confinement uncor`riplaining- 1 y ' • Her. many friends here ' extend congratulations and best. wishes, S Tondils,�nsils Come Out? formerly were consid- ered seeds of infection, warrant=.. ing' removalas a,matter of course. Recent, findings indicate need •of much caution in their removal, it is reported' in an article "Shotild. Tonsils Come:. Out?", in The Am- eriean Weekly ,with this Sunday's (Jerre 11.) -issue t of: The Detroit'' gnews' Agenc, HoWard Agnew: Jos Agnew MEMBER OF Ontario. Irisurance 'Agents': Association. -'..GENERAL.INSURANCE Established Over 30:•Years':Ago. :Telephones: Business 39, Residence. 138 sults. • , Sunday T tnek Get Sunday's Der Howard Blake; Secr; trot .Times" We are taking in wool for :JACKSON ••Seaforth a Also in 'the 'market for HIDES, TALLOW HORSE HAIR HIGHEST 'PRICES PAID 'Phone, 4'1, Lucknow ., BERT � E. IRV IN GAR AG. Repairs 'to all makes •of cars Also agents for CJCKS H UT's'. .: - 1 NSU'RANCE; •� . )FAKM 'iPLEIENTS• • and Ile " irs -'Phone "53' Dungannon'' F. T. '.A R M ST RON G. OPTOMETRIST . IN• ' LUCKNOW: FIRST WEDNESDAY •E C 'v1Ql�lii • '' '_ erfro.ni •' ' .10 . a.m.' to. o` p,m. at — VM,/SCHMID'S'•STOItE` .Insure In .' Sure . Insurance WIND Western Farmers'. Wdat}ier Howick" Farmers', Mutual Car, Accident,: Sickness. Consult - JOHN' FARRISH; • 'Phone 1694, Luckno:W ,. • • • • • INSURANCE.: Co -Operative Life Insurance Co -Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile., ::& .Farm:' Fire Insuranee'• Economical• and Reliable , CAMERON LU.CKN.OW 'Phone 70 -r -1'O Dungannon. State Farm Mutual '.: uto noble Insurance. Company ESYOU .. • . , ASSUR LOW RATES with .protections in a high category. Investigate Before TO' Invest. , ALEX T. M N=AY Agent, - Phone 177 Lucknow. • NOW IS THE TIME' To 'Orden A Threshing Machine 3 sizes--22x32,.22x38, 28x48 Roller' Bearing Complete 'EARL• H. HODGINS R. ' R. i Holyrood, 'Ont.. ;phone 36-r43' Teeswater FIRUTE, : OCASUALMOBILE TY• ; '• A AN _D _LIFE To Protect Your Jack, • Insure With _Jack Joday. d. G J. A. McDONA H R R. 3, 'Lucknow, Ont 'Phone :61-5, Dungannon • • • R. EW .R ��A N 'rIN. Barris and So tic itor Barrister • L CKNOW,.O.NTARIO Office in the-Joynt, Block, Telephone. Office 135 Residence 31-j • toart M e .S a Barri$terr and , Solicit • WALKERTON+' ONTARIO IN LUCOW • n�Ir Each �t�cdricay •R HENLERFOFFTON.11LOC1( • • • • • • • • • R 5. Hetherint0n'r 1(1(1 Barrister,,' Etc, Wingham and I.ucktiow IN' LUCKNOW ' • • .Each Monday and :Wednesday 'Wednesday: • ,... Located .on " the ground floor in the front of . ',.. 'John Kilpatrick's Building- 'Phone' uilding' 'Phone• lvingham'. Office 4$ , Residence ..