HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-01, Page 6•
A: F
A very pretty event took place
in Trinity United Church,; Ter -
onto, when •'the ''pastor, Rev. E.
Crossley Hunter, united in, mar-
riage Miss Minnie Elizabeth
Steele,.R.N., . of Toronto, General
• hospital,' daughter. of Mrs. Win.
Steele and the late Mr. Steele of
• Ripley, to . Mr.• George: Henry
Ackermran, of Berkley, California,
f 11cr.NEN
Fifty :Years Married
•• Mr, . and Mrs. Hugh Stewart,
highly esteemed residents of Dun-
gannon olbservedt
their ,golden
wedding on Tuesdayof last week.
Fifty years ago,,, on May 23, 1900,
Hugh,.Stewart ,was married to
Mary., Ann Richardson, Port Al-
bert, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Richardson,' with Rev. M.
son' of Mr, and Mrs, Dal Acker M. Goldberg of St Paul's church
man, Sr,, 'of ,;Algcyma, Wisconsin, of England, Dungannon, perforin-•
ing, the ceremony. The wedding
attendants 'were the late William
Richardson, the bride's . .{brother,
and her rceUsin, Mrs: Harry Led -
nor, formerly. Jean Dunbar, who
,, et fibre tiered .organdy.• over 'white 'lives Iat.Port'Al�bert: N,Lr. <and'Mrs,.
•r. . 1
The church was :beautiful
ly decorated with . large>:baskets
•of white gladioli: ;and, stocks; hy=
derange plants . and` -ferns.
: The':bride was dressed in,;white
• taffeta •+Hader in floors length. with. Stewart are in fairly good
fitted bodice, 'and. short puffed
sleeves and a velvet ribbon' velvet . ribbon% sash.
with 'mitts of • organdy: • Her• long.
• tulle veil was held in place by • a
• jewelled bandeau and she carried
a'.Cascade bouquet 'of' whitecar,
nations and stephonotis. •
Mrs. Dal Ackerman„ .Jr., of Buf-
falo, dressed in floor length; white
organdy embroidered in blue over
,:(blue taffeta,. withblue sash and
.{braided headdress,. carrying a
bouquet of piiik carnations and
anums and ' 1VIrs. P:: R. B'rown of
Ripl,ey,'•sister of. the bride, dress-
ed' in:floor •length:. of gandy erri-
ibroidered in, yellow over, yellow
taffet with Yellow ,Sash and
braided'headdress: ':.carryin a
cascade; ,bouquet:' of pink carna-
tions and, mrauve mums with yel 'new owned ,by. 'J,ohn •Errjrngton.
lowcenitres were, the .{bridesmaids: Selling this.'place,. he .bought the'
The fide 'came in Ain ':the.arin, Peers ,and Augustine farms' on the
f ` Ashfield `• 37
4th Concession o .
of herrother , Mr. Wilfred D. }
.Steele ,of .' ipley • to the strains of Years::.ago 'and seivien years ago.
i n Melville
the iwedd ng march' . played' ire . sold. his farrm to h _s so ,
he.:'The family consists of Wilbur &'
•Mr. John.'. Lyn.,'�,organist• of. , t
' �ehurch. •Miss. Delys Owens of Tor
'onto, friend of ' the '(bride, sang
•1beautif illy: "The Lord's''' Prayer.“,
land "Oh I.?erfect Love". •, : .
• Mr'. Dal Acckerrnan, Jr:, of Buf
'talo• was •his. b'rother's , groomsman
'for the. deurble ring ceremony.
The ushers 'were the bride's' .bro='
-ether, Mr, A. ;Bruce Steele of 'Sar-
nia and .{brother -in: iilaw Mr D.
R Br•,own of: "Ripley, • •
-'.; The :informal reception . was
-held at the Windsor •.Arms. Hotel. •
The• bride's ,mother received' in .a
blue ibraide crepe With :large,pic-
'cure'"hat and. Wore; ra 'corsage:,'of
roses` and 'carnations ,'Mrs. W. 'T.
ca r n apron • • :off orlon • ,:• asses i'ig,
They have lived 'all their lives in
;this d str ct,,,a r; ` Stewart, at: an:.
•early:;age, started out in life'for
himself, ,'working' by ' the day at
Taylor's sawmill [between Conces-
sions 2; and 3, Ashfield, at: $1.75 a
year. Then he worked for, farmers
in this district, A.°few years, later
he started in business for; laim
self; threshing with ; a' steam' en_'
'+gine, for': aproximately: 30' ;years:
He was one .of. the first :men to
• do' away, • with 'straw -carriers: and
introduce 'the -straw - blower,.
which'was 'a • great labor -saver.;
He also, had a sawmill and shingle
mill where he manufactured
.lumber and :shingles for. ,building
material. He then began farming
In West Wawanosh,• ori the farm
Harold: of :.London, , Arthur :and
Melville, Ashfield tow.{ ship, Gor
don, West': ' Wa ra iosh •. and Mrs:*
David Cowan` Jr.,(Margaret), the.
,( g ,
,youn'gpst of ,the; family; and for,
merle . a nurse, 'now living en'..the
'12th _concession of Ashfield: They
havealso six ,grandsons and ' six
'granddau ht rsP
';Mrand Mrs.
Stewart are' 'devout; ; mernbers ,o
St. ,PauFs•C urch '.of ', En land
h Eng ,.
Dungainori. '• ;:,'
• Mrs. Raba. Irvin and little
ghter, BettY �entafew 'days .
: With •their. relatives, ` Mr,
and Mrs. -,Bertrarn Curran ' and
£aini!1 Y
Hamilton, _
Group 3 •'of the• 4`A series °in
the W,O.A.A. gets underway this.
slated to open in
the• Caledonian Park tonight, but
owing to the- condition+ of the'
park, the game.. has had to be
postponed, The local squad have
not had a practise yet. They are
slated for. 'Centralia next • Tues=
Hugh • Hawkins. :of Clinton
group -convener, The, scheduleis
as folloWs,;
May ' 9
•30. -Centralia at Seaferth
June . ,
1.---,Wingham. at Lucknaw; Clin-
ton at Go1erich
3 --Centralia at Winghamr
6-- Seafebth ; at Clinton; Luck
now .ate: 'Centralia ,
.7—Wingliamp'at Goderich
:8-- Clinton i t Centralia
9, •Goderich, at; ,Seaforth, Luck=
now at Wingham
• 12-Winghain. at Clinton; • Sea;
forth at .1.mcknow a
13 -Centralia at:.Goderich
wee'blue, 'With flowered ed /Tien- her residence and lot' to . Mr ',and
' .'
• � and 'iMrs.:Bert .° 1JfcWhinney has ;made
ruing and a _aarge _piicture . h�a f. _ :..r• .
her 'corsage . was pink• carnations.
plans for living accomod'ation•,
,Mr. Dal •Ackermanproposed the.
' 'with` Mrs. J. Blarnilton.
'toast to bride and groom..a-. ,nd Visitors- recently with Mr. ,and
... • ._ � . _ .
the +groom responded in- .a few Mrs. Roy Hudson' . were Mr. and
Mrs. Frank ;Collar; and son Brian
well ;chosen swords. .The ibt'ide . M
of Wingham and :Mrs: Rolland
-Day aiid:,atiri of London. .
:Mt. ,George. Whitlam; eniiployed
by the • Toronto'; Hydro, Commis-
sign, was .a week=end rvfisitor with:
Mgrs. Whitlam and: little daughter, -
,Heather Mrs. D. E. Anderson and
will make ,their home son Carman
Coast and .'
in Berkley lifornia. ..(Continued on, Page:' 7)'
Robert McLean,
Mrs. Wm. Holland land
family of Kincardine were re
cent visitor with. Mr. and Mrs.
H. A. Graham.
Mrs. Cliff' Conigram, Dale and
Brian of Liicknow visited on
Wednesday with Mr. " and ' Mrs,
William Wall.
Misses -Nellie and Margaret
Malcolm spent Tuesday with,,•rel-
atives' 'et • St. Thomas. a
Mrs. •Alex Percy is in Wing
'h:an ,"Hospital with an attack Of,
erysipelas. We hope she. Will soon:
be on : the way 'to recoverry.;
.'Misses. „Edna .and May Boyle
spent a day: last geek' with 'their'
uncle,. 'Dick Neil, Mobresville;;,•,. -
-Little. Leonard Stanley, son -of
Mr. ,. and Mrs '. Ezra`. •Stanley" fell
at his home and.requir,ed .several,
stitches' to 'close the wound. •
Mrs. James McEwan..• returned
to Kinloss after, spending a while
with Mr, •and Mrs. Donald • Mc -
Ewan and their twin sons. -
'Mrs. George: Graham. accom-•
panied -.her, mother, Mrs. Cather -
14.-Seaforth' at Wingham, God . lihe Hewitt,: to •visit with relatives
• erich at Centralia at.. Spokane, „•Wash,: • "
• 1,7—••Winlgham at .Goderich
.19,7—Clinton, at.. Wingham
20Goderich : at 'Luucknow.
21 Wingham`'at' Seaforth
22--Cen.tnalia , at Lucknow; :God
. erich at, Clinton.
24—Godercl; ;at Seaforth
r Luc.
26,-=W'ngh,am. .at:.Cen
now at Seaforth. •
Centralia ' at 2'8
:Clinton; Luck
• now at Goderich; :Seaforth. at
Wingham ' '
30,—Centralia at :Seaforth God
er,ieh at Lu.cknow, v
— Seaforth
3 Clinton at Seaf,ort
• a- '`Win har i;, Sea-
—�Lucknow' t g ,, ,
forth at' Centralia; Clinton -at
Goderic`h : • . ' a
Lu�c.know •"�
' ?�Wingham:aat✓ . .,
erich'.at.: Centralia''
in'ham C 'n•
j:OGq�derilch at Windham.; , . l>
toneat Lucknow
12-Lucknow at Goderich.
13=Wiligharri .a t Centralias opening hymn and Prayers, Mrs.
14--oderich at '.Clinton,',.. Luck: Karl Boyle read ; the' thou -ht :for,
travelled in, a beige ;wool . suit
and white matching hat with bltie
•'accessories. The happy•couple left
on., .a motor : 'trip tovisit the,
.{grooms" relatives in Wisconsin:,
and,from there 'they will have a
tsight=seeing, trip to the Pacific
on' :Guaranteed
Trust Certificates
` SSYIRD'for ariy t rnoun.t , for ti tem -of
five years .. , guaranteed,'hoth as to principal
aed interest : , Interest cheques -nailed to
rear hi' :holders• on due date, or, at holder's
option, may . he allowed to accumulate at
compound interest, .
An ideal investment for
Executors .• ndiviiduals •• `Administrators
). Committees . Corporations • Trustees..
' Cemetery B
oards • Hospital: Boards
• iii
372 •Bay, Street,•orcnto 1
• 38 years in Business
Mr'..• and Mrs: Cliff Borthwick
of St:Catllerines,spent the 'week.
end with 'Mr.. and 'Mrs'. ' Ja1es
fl:odgins, ,
` • Mr. .'and .':Mrs,, M'iiler Hartwick•
and Wayne of Kincardine, • Miss.
tinice Snow of ,C,linton and
Nfesars.: Jack' and• Scott :Walsh
spent Sunday with .Mrs. Milton
Walsh. • • •
",..Mr. and..Mis. Karr Bpyle, ,11�Iar
lyn 'and. Carol went; to` :London
on Sunday to visit with• relatives'
also tobe: with •Miss' Joan. Elliott.:
who, is'' a :patiert.'in"St, ,Joseph's''
Hos itah ; i•
• Mr:` and Mrs,' Arthur-I-laldenby.
and:<'Shiriey of Toronto spent.
..Sunday wi:tti . Mr. and 'Mrs: GeoY.
1-ialdenbY, •
'Aux i r . on
• ,,The,' Girls . it ary;•Met
:Saturday' at the home : of '`Miss
Marilyn:: Boyle . with Mrs Bert
Nicholson:,; in the chair:' After the.
now•^.at Seaforth.
17Centralia at Wingham; Luck
now. at :Clinton
`18--Seafortli.at•Gode ir c.
:19—Clinton. at. Centralia'
20==-Seaforth at ,Centralia•
the day: The roll call' was,' anis,
wered with the," Word•"grace
' This "'!being a `work meeting • the
ak'ternoon'• was 'spent: in making
new curtains:.for, the . Sunday:
:School' room. Five 'dollars ''Was
vo ea: , o,: e T am oda 'etae
Fund, Ther eeting closed ,with a
hymn, and the:'. benediction A
dainty lunch;,was• served by, the
hostess and .'committee. . •
• There :wiill be nb service in:the
Anglican Church . next Sunday;
.June 4th when .the. Rev., :Ralph:
Blight will be ordained at : St.
.Paul's Cathedral, London. Service
will, be ,at 3.00o'clock on,' the fol-
lowing Sunday with .- "Sunday
.School of
J., FE. Lane'is 'recovering
from another' attack of pneu-
The H•W.I, will meet at ;'the
home of Mrs. Howard -Harris and
Mrs. ` Thos: .Harris on Thursday
The Y.P:S of the Presbyterian
Church was held on "Tuesday' ev-
ening at the hoine of Mr, ; and
Mrs.' ''John .' Emmerson 'with the
president, • Mr: Wayhe': in charge:Mr. ' Jack • Macp'onald',readthe
srcripture; Prayers were taken' ;by
'Messrs. John Emmerson arid Don
'Robertson: and Lloyd Johnston;
THURSDAY; ,TUN :1st,. 19,5Q,
25: --Centralia at Goderich '
26=-Wingharn. at Clinton
27-Seaforth at 'Goderich;
•;now at Centralia
31Central'ia 'at'Clinton
2- -Clinton' at Wingham;
tralia' at Lucknow.
4=Clinton at Seaforth
.7-Seaforth• at.Clintont.
,9-,-Wingham at. Seaforth
1.1=§eaforth • at ;Lucknow
14--Goderich at W.ingharn
en -
Residents of : theWhitechurch:..
Larigside .{district in K 'i n 1'o ss
Township`'are talking,' these , days
'about' the strange 'sod. removal`
• _phenomena on , the farm of Milan
Mloore on the Second Concession.'
A. strip: •: of sod about. 12'. feet
long; :three feet wide and nearly
a .foot deep has been 'completely
• taken out, and! lies in' two .pieces,
nearly 100tfeet away:
Situated . in :a valley, the'strip',
has been removed cleanly leaving
no marks. . OT strewn', • earth • ;or -
'gravel... Some persons believe:
lightning may have /been •respon-
The- excavation was 'discovered
recently by six=year-old. Muriel
Moore It resembles _the bod-yand.
head of a horse upon close acr ut-'
iny. ; Waxer covered this area. in
the Spring ' preventing: discovery
until 'now.
,,The regular meting of:the Girl'
• Guides was: held; on Friday even-
ing • in the"' Community Centre,
The roll call'was taken.and there.
were nineteen present Business
Was . then discussed::After playing
a few games' we ; went outside
where • the tenderfoot Guides
learned some woodcraft signs,
We then ' closed the meeting by
singing Taps,
"' Next week the snieeting will
starbt at 7:30. Please note the
change of 'time; ".
Protect. your hcrna '
� 4 wit
durable:COiotiF-1 :se
• �
lovelineS .. specify
s:� s c,c,li .
B-H "Eriglis},x” Paint,:
i, a
1H� �9EN QRS
at - poplar, Beach ' on -Saturday.'
when an,.invitation was to be ex-
tended to the A.Y.P;A'. Solos were
given by:Miss rence Macl/on :.:
ald, Mrs.' John Ernmerson: and
Don Robertson with 'guitar ac-
com;anon ent: "Realms w`
P g. e r
given:Tby Irlrma Jean Percy'arid
Winnifred McFarlane:• Contests!
were' conducted by. Mis:''.Ed.
Thompson and 'Mrs. Cliff. John•
ston; . Conity singing was en.",
joyedununwith Miss Joyce Baulch 'at
the. piano. The meeting 'closed.
wan : ne • neneaic
was served.
The ,May, meeting of the WMS'
Auxiliary, .was, .held at the home
of Mrs.. Wesley Guest witih an
attendance of 13 men1.bers and I.
visitor: After -'the opening: ;hymn
prayer was then given by Mrs;
Clark Needham followed:•by the,,.,
scripture reading by Mrs„ ' Mark
Johnston: The troll ("all Was. ons-:
;veered Eby: women of the. Bible,-'
The: study ',book on Japan was:
umirriiarized ,,by Miss 'Nellie Mal
calm arid'.. ,.{•.dad by Mrs. :.
Percy, -,Doris Barr, ,Mrs. ,Frank:
ane . L
Maulde i. The resignation, of the
treasurer, , Mrs.' J. Barr, was re
•ceived. Mrs. • .Wesley :Guest was '
'appointed an,d accepted. the of
;fine. The ibale. Collection wastak
en and •amounted to
-John . Emerson gave a :pleasing'
solo 'followed -by ',a 'reading shy`
Jean 'Guest. At the close of the.
meeting a dainty lunch. was' ser '
,ved' by: the hostess:' 1VMrs. Frank
1Vlaulden give 'a vote of thanks.
to Mrs.. Guest :for, the ust of het
glans were made for the .{picnic' home.
All Persons V``ho Own
•w „V.illage of Lucknow Must, Register same' at the MVlunr•
eipal: Office and' procure :a license on or e f ere •June
IT IS', RE'QUES,TED that dogs be'not allowed to run at large•'
during the period to 'July lst, 1950. ,
• DOGS NOT WEARING TAGS 'and running at large at. an)''
time' are liable to be impounded at the owner's risk
and: expense.
JOSEPH AGNEW, Waif, Clrrl , e :