HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-01, Page 5PI PO •t• • , . • 4 THURSDAY!' 4FNZ. 1st, -1450.• THE: TATCKNOiAT $411TTINEL, .1.41101010,W.1 ONTARIO` PAGE FIVE ....01:1=00m0===. Lyceum Theatre w I•NGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST 'SHOW AT 7.15 1slipot TiniRp„Aiy AUDREY TOTTER, •,; RIgHtARD BASEHART • (Adult, Entertainment') • _., . 1 • , - . . -• itipAY, SATURDAY • , JTJN'E,(2 l'. JERO1V1E ,CQUIRTLAND, .: ,JOSEPH ,,CALLEIA PALAMINO Of• Matinee y tO .• .Mcinday,.'Tuesday, Wednesday , :JUNE 5, 6,1 .1 ' . Oli,IWA-DelIA.VILN15,- : • , MONTGOMERY CLIFT WHITECHURCH • Annilversary services 0 in the United Church next Sunday at 11 lam. and 8 p.m. will be con- ducted by: the Rev. Mr. Bright of Dun,gannon. • SYmPathY is 'extended to Mr, and Mrs. Walter Lott in the pass- ing of his sister, Mrs, McKay of prusseig. The' funeral was. held. last Sunday at $1E3ruSsels. • r. John Johnston, an' old and highly esteemed 'resident of this. , _ community, Passed, away 0, last week in Wingharn. Hospital. :His wife.paedavV.,ay. , less than two kgarS ago. leaves;ane son,, Mr. Gershom Johnaton:•and t.wedau,- ghterS, • Mrs Cecil ;Chariiney' of, Wawandsh arid. Mrs': Esther Moore of,l'orbntO, The funeral was• very largely:. atteAded, and W.40. held: in ,Wirighain on Sunday frOM. Walker's funeral parlor to Wing - ham Cemetery,' THE IIEIRESS Thursday, Fridax, Saturday : :Tune' 8th; 9tIvii.'1.0tli ' "BLUE GRASS OF. KENTUCKY".: INSINI1.1111k, HOLYROOD The :Women's Institute sponsOr- . ed a play on -Friday night "The Quizz Kids”, presented by Kin- garf A.r.P.,A. It was real good but the .crowd was not, large.' Rainard -Ackert has been. • on , the sick list • , ,; 11,1rrand Mrs. George Hinz and Brian; spent the week -end ' :at . Starier and Collingvood. • . . . .iA feW from :HOlyrobd atte,nded the funeral on:Thursday of Mrs. Hugh, MaCtiOnald, of Culrbs., • Mrs. Richard'. Elliott is ••feeiing 'better. again, afterbeing quite ill. • • ror, The 0 ,anniversary •serviceg in ,Chalrner's Church last, Sunday were well attended at both morn,' ing and evening.when Rey.'Mr. Campbell of. Seaforth gate (Very inspiring . sermons. lyfr. • John. •Reavie o Wiughant Tsang; 'two lovely "a'olos at the .morning ser- yice, hi addition 'to special music •by the choir. The': tea onMon-, day evening was , also ' well ,• , .tended, and the: concert after, 'Wards was a decided SUCCeSS; attention.,,, , .• MI s. H--,'-'-TiCh'bortie of Goderich They had, one son, , Ben)amin, spent ,the •week,:end with her David, :w'ho died in 1904 at the OBEIVARY WILLIAM JOSEPH :SPINDLER Early Saturday morning death carne to William 'Joseph Spind-i ler, who for almost half a cen- tury had: been ,ank esteemed and xemplacy resident of the 1411-• age. He was in his 74th year, iMr, Spindler had been in fail- ing health for some time and for the past ten days had been ellt- ically ill in Wingham:Hospital,, •where his death occurred. ,• He was , a son of •Benjafnin, O Spindler and Mary Ann' Tornlancl. was born at Clinton,On ,Atigust nd, 1876; As an infant he. came to this district with hs p4tents. where; he has since resided, • O Wherra young Chilcilielbst his father, his death'being caused by monoxide fumes i a 'well into whidh • he had decendect From early .boyhood Mr. Spindler, had to Intake hisway jn the world, and industriousness -Was a:dhar- acteriStic of the long, and .uSeful life he lived: , 0 „ .He .caine •to Lucknovv. 48 years ago,: and the following year, on March llth, 1903, married Emma McGill. Throughout the intervert ing Years, they,,have been closel,,x ,deVoted to each other,- and dur7., •ing Mr. Spindler's period of de-' cling :health, his :faithful help-. =ate gave:him. every care: and mother, Mrs. Kennedy. Mr. and •1\ilrs. John 'Reid of, Goderich spent. Sunday at the same,:home and attended the ,anniversary... • age of 11 months.," • ' • : In 1912 Mr' .Spindler bought the grocery and baliery.'business of Donald:arid PoCher. IVIOCharles • Which lie and Mrs. Spindler suc- cessfulry• 'operated 7 for 9½'. Years •OPENS LISTOWE,L PRACTISE before ..dispoSing, of the 'business` to Edgar Hollyman. He had since liVed in 'Comparative retirement, Nit 'VMS always busy while:health perrnitteck Mr; •Spindler -'Was a lover. �f thildreti,. and while' he. No* in 'the. bakery .business 'many. a. hd linew-wheri the'peanuts; Were' being . roasted.; or the cOOlcies trimirnecL • 0• :Most ontstancling:tharatterilStie yf his life was his deVOtionto his. chtirch-,the. LucknOur .Presb,ter- ian :Church,' and it was, rare' that he :was not in...attendarice tWice each 'Stinday.. .was chairinitin The; death." of James Edward .of the Managing. Board for Many Lee occurred ih London on Tues- , . day of last week in .his 85th Year: lDr C }J MacDonald•:e.onctut:ted, He is: the father of 'Mrs; J. 'A: (Marjorie) Thompsen; 'of Tweed ith:theen. t. that Mr. trp'indaler:1,' wasad one 'of .the coninaittee that, had • kenneth MacKenzie, son of Mr. • and. Mrs. Roy Mackenzie of. Rip- , ley, has .peed, an optometry (practise in)Listowel. Kenn grad-• . uated . recently 0 from • the School of Optornetiirin Toronto, and was .presented .with a certificate of merit for hisacademie,: athletic. and , executive ' abilitY, literary work' and .personality.. His par- ents and , brothers Lorne • ard. Donald attended the graduation': , . , . MrS.::J. A Thompson's Father:Dies • • • • ' • . , and .formerly of Lucknow. •' Feeds, Fertilizer Pholie 71. • Luc now • • • .. • Groceries• • • Phone27 iStriCt co-Qperative.. f We Haven't Got It, We'll Get It" Why go elsewhere when at your Co -OP you can .get a full line of Co -Op Feeds, Minerals, • Salt, Tonics and Dewormers. ' Co -Op Fertilizers and Ingredients • for our Specific , • • Requirements. .• ALL YOUR GROCERY REQUIREMENTS IN ..THE , . . ;;.1VIOS'11, IVIODERN,_IIP -TO-DATE ,,..„SELF -SERE • ' . ' STORE IN, LUCKNOW. „ .. Clover and Grass Seeds. to • meet your needs. Leglinic Aid. • ' Gehl- Tractor and Bell ,Electric Hammer Mills.. Shallow and' Deep Well tressure Pumps, Piping, & Fittings., Universal Co -Op Milking Machines of Short Tube, Long' •.• Tube and Portable %Types, all installed iand 'Serviced. . • • r ELECTRIC RANGES, REFRIGERATORS, WASHING; MACHINES,. COL:: BURNERS, BltdODERS, FENCERS, MOTORS 8i„ CREAM, SEPARATORS. • ••,. A full line of Pedlar products. including Roofing, Steel Stanchions, Water Bowls and Litter ,Carriers. tAarbeo Wire, Steel posts, Nails'Steeples and Woven Wire. ,• A Woven Wire Stretcher aVallable for your convenience. SHOP THE CO-OP WAY • • • A ;' • extended; the call' that brought .hirrito Ltickriow 25 years ago, and of that committee the only sUr- •-viVing pieniber. now 'was ,M. Johnston of .Chatham .• He. paid tributeto' his faithful church at- tendance that had been surpassed by no one in the Congregation. . . • The fttneral.,service was held privately at his late. residence .on Tuesday • wit h interment.. i,n Greenhill CemeterY.: The Pall - O bearers Were twO• Huron Tom:tn., :Ship friends,,; Ben and Walfer Farrell, Philip Stewart,Morgan Henderson, Campbell,Thornpsori and pia,kMacKenzie. • 'An only. sister, 'Mrs. Elizabeth: Nutt, died two years' ago To .his, orrOwirig 'widow sincere •syrri. Pathy, is extended in the loss of a kind and loVing Yips:band, whose death, to others means the loss of a good- friend' and neighbor to. vithich the Publisher and Mrs, 'Tharnpson ,cart sincerely...attest CALF ALMOST A VICTIM AS 'DOGS -MOLEST CATTLE A .t.(ack of threedogs took after lierd °of cattle Ona grass farth owfied-by "Jack MaCintoSh a few da Ys ago, and ,only :the 7timeiy arrival 'of help ;saved a young. calf' from being. destroyed. It was about six o'clock in the morning that Mr. •1\tfacIntosh Was informed ',by a neighbor ;that the' •'cattle were 'beingworried. When, they arrived 'at the farm they found the: herd• almost exhausted and a young calf cut Off '"by the doge which, were in a -visciouS mood by, then:and ready for the kill, They mere chased off .,by 'rifle fire, and one,,of the three .rtay 4.ave been wounded. , In the pack were. two yellowish colored collies„ ..ope •with a• bob- tail, and a *blaok collieAkth a White collar. • • • Presents Thursday, FridS.EiturdaY, June 1, 2,3 You were ihrilled'by "Badnlen's Territory and we.bring you . , 'The Return of the Bad Men With the West's 10 Most ruthless killers. The Younger Bro- O thers, Billy the Kid, the:DaltonS and the Arkansas Kid, starr- • 'tug Randolph Scott,, Robert Ryan, George. ``Gabhy" • Hayes. h • • • , Ptiik NEWS; • • . .. • • „ .. . Monday,- Tuesday Wednesday June .5. 6 7 .. •A great pieture, ,brought back io.thrill you See the gigantic ,spectacle of a City destroyed. A' flaming romance and the - three great gars at their, best-- , '• • .‘ •0 JEANETTE IVIeDONALD,. SPENCER. TRACY, . ' CLARKE GABLE and JACIi. HOLT in 4,4 . ati... . Francisco" PLUS "WATER, SPORTS". : • : ... • . • • The Picture of The Month— . "THE JOLSON STORY", — JUNE 8th kh 10th • . 44.11. 4.1 1, • . , • .04, ••44". It: 4 , . • , 1 ' •,,, • • .4.•1. • '4. .t' • 'ct 14 ••••••sissninnoonneinintimuummtnomonnoommuniumnsin • BRUCE.COUNTY • • "1. • • ' • . . . . • • MEMORIAL ARENA' • r0 0 • : hursday, Friday, Stiturday • El • • MOTOR:. SHOW • FARM 'MACHINE*y EXHIBITS: a ' ' INDUSTRIAL DISPLAYS • /FASHION SHOW, SQUARE DANCE CONTEST NIGHTLY. ▪ .. SOFTBALL' TOIJRNAMENT.. THURSDAY - • r BAIT .CASTING CONTEST,. SA.TUR,DAY' • CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT • • , • .(1,"•.., • f ' r 4 '1 •` ' THURSI)AY,' JUNE 8th . Bruce County Federation of Agriculture-. FIELD DAY AND PICNIC . ,• . • TVG -OF -WAR BETWEEN TOWNSHIP TEAMS NATIONALLY PROMINENT SPEAKERS CHILDREN'S EVENTS • • • • ADMISSION: -.Adults' 25c Children 10c • • * Show Open to the Public Every Afternoon • .• • • and EVenine, • . • 4 ..• • d By Special ,Request -- A New and Less Expensive Proving Ver'V Satisfactory SAVE. $6.00 PER -TON • • by calling CRAWFORD'S FEED STORE ' Available Soon —• A Limited Number of • :Feed New Life Pellets or Lifeteritt Mash in our • :* , JAMESWAY :cilICK. FEEDERS 'PHON.E 165 LUCKNOVV, ,ONT. - , • • • . • . • •• • •• 494, . 6 ;.• 5: 4.•