HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-01, Page 2LUCKNOW, 'SENTINEL,• LUCKNOW, ONTARIO
Beneathh an archway of ever- The ° ,regular meeting, of the
greens,.: banked with tulips, the Ashfield School 'Board was held
.mgarrrage was solemnized le ized on Sat- at S.S. No., 9 .on. May 23rd, 1.950.
27th,of Dora Margar- It was agreed that Miss Marion
urday, I�VIay
et Bal
lagh, younger daughter: of MacDonald be re-engaged as
Mr, and Mas. Arthur Ballagh, .of, music supervisor for the. Area.
Teeswater, to Mx . Blake Harvey Moved. by Finlayson and Dur
of Mr. :and r_in' that Gibson . arrange a date
. younger 'son _
:Mrs., Afton,Albert young . Alton, Lucknow. Rev. toi meet the Ashfield Council. at
I�ardwic�k•was: the officiating S.S. No, 5 to discuss plans for
1 ' r -
�4'r'gY _,nan ,and Mrs, R;;; H. Kip , fisting ,and levelling the Zion..
played the" •wedding. music, Wal- °school yard, ,
ofthe bride Moved by Finlayson and Gib
lake Ballagh, brother b .
san "The Lord is my Shepherd" son that we'order 14 Books of
c « 'Knowledge annuals to bring the
. - , Kn�aw g.
preceding the, ceremony and •1.11 : :' .. ,
" during. the.,,present sets. ••up-to-date.
,Walk .. Beside.. You
•, ..., i . in of• the -register, :. � . � � Con motion of Gibson and Tig-
it -Was agreed • the 'softball
•. . • • ' . ... her Earn-' ert•:. .
. Given. in• nl�arr�age by
.: wore Schedule° be run off,. after school.
er, the.:�brlde.•a :vtrhite net • ,, , , , .
tiered `hours and that. teackrers,,•d.o not'
' gown� ..•over ...taffeta � nn�th t •
longlace play on teams. 'during eornpeti-.
, a
skirt, lace .bodice: and •
.panels;:Her fingertip veil oftulle. tion
ion was ca ' t to a small On :.motion of Tigert and hour -
illus . t n-•
• crown of •sequins,' She carried a
crescent . shaped bouquet, of. red
roses .:and white atephanitis
Preceding, her were Mrs. John:
Norman, sister of, the -bride; as.
miatron .of honor,,,;wearing an 'aqua
• ' teen taffeta gown' with full
g 'rt and two little*
. 'gathered: s�
flower girls, nieces of the. groom,
Betty' Alton' in .a m+auve'. 'taffeta
• gown and Marjorie Alton in. gold
• `colored, taffeta: The -flower girls'
dresses were., styled • the ' same,
with. fitted ibodi;ce and
full skirt.
i[( C 'Q L .D- L • TCU na
ing: baskets of spring ,flowers;:
Mr: George AQton, .Luckriow,
brother. Of" the. • groom, was
groomsman. ..
A•. reception followed With. the
rents' of; the bride , and groom.
assisting in receiving the: ,,.guests.
Mrs, Ballagh,' mother of the bride,
'wore a navy and : gold taffeta
dress with a. corsage of.;pink roses..
Mrs: Alton; mother' of the groom
wore a navy: crepe dress with a
corsage. e . af' ink ,roses.,:
co'" le left, ona
The. bridal wp_
motor trip to -eastern points and,
on :their .. returns they will , reside.
on the' igroones farm at Luckn. ow:
of weeks ago we had
A couple g
an .enquiry from, a subscriber, for
the control of silverfish. The
query 'wars; noticed by C. Graham.
MacNay, and "being right down
his Talley",. he sent - The Sentinel•
details of; the habits: and• methods
of controlling this insect.. • 'Mr;,
MaeNay is technical officer of the
household and medicsa'l� eintoinol-
og�y unit of the • Department. of
Agriculture at:Ottawa.
Mr . MacNay's. `information is as
{' ., ,h •
ont ' as
• Silverfish.; o fish era h�,
they are sometimes: called, are'
slender, wingless,, scale 'covered
insects possessing. a pail of. long
and the 1;• rimae objective is -the. or .."feelers",i p • Y . ,
a enda es a at` the meet of character ' and good cit-
long. •fall -:like pp g ,
:. the tbdomen. They fee- izenship '' in boys, during, , their:
end. Of .a
. • gin'' rmative 'ears. •i4-18.
uentl attract attention� fo y:
q Y
The Navy • League is. primarily
THURSDAY, JUNE , lst, 1950:
Lucknow Boy ,Scouts will be
out in force,' on Saturday of this,
week to conduct the annual Navy
League tag day. The Navy League
,,of Canada is hoping for. a . gen-
erous response'to help • finance.
the .work that the' League is do-
ll -kg on behalf Of naval ratings
and merchant seamen on the
coasts, and in support Of its.
nationwide youth, training pro-
gi a'm,
The' Navy League is:_ a The
'organization sponsoring The ;Roy-
1 • Canadian Sea Cadets ' wl,tise
•mernbers receive special training
that . 's considered "essentially.
rfo'r • civilian ern„
good 'Whether..
>,loynent, of a ea'reer:, at-Sea'!.Tts'
that the a ;dwellings, libraries, bakeshops,
nin •if was decided h•' -buildings
nual school, picnic: be held 'on -and '..various others
d .:oche `; where' they usually ,May be found.
June ''21st, the place,�an x situ
details to be advertised. in warier, .moist,'seclud-
ed ,. a
All bills were ordered paid. on
',ination of: Fin14yson .and Gibson.
The..date of ` the. nextregular
meeting was set for June 26th;;
R. T. Kilpatrick;
:Margaret•. MacKenzie, uridovir of
Lte late John .W. Johnston,, .pass-
ed away quietly at "the ' home. of
• . ` :. :
.beets,. on Monday.,; tApril 1950
1:0" ,
:in her; 84th: year: She' ;was born,
on June. 6th; 1866' in Ashfield
Township :
Shp leaves ,to nourri her loss
two,' sons and • four•.. daughters,
Russell •and Wesley.of Helmsdale;
• Mrs: H. E. Dell,. Helmsdale';MrS
M. A, '.Walker,: Innisf ail, ; Alta.
Mrs. M. Le•nnon •Calgary,.;Alta.;
Mrs 'C W. Cochrane; Scanboro
•Bluffs, •Ontario;' twenty-seven
:grandchildren ' and' one. . great
•. grandchild
R. G. • 'Douglas 'of' the :Lands:
Division, Dept. of Resources: and,
Development, Ottawa, was. . hon-
ored by his associates, :on: the• oc_.
nasion of , has' retirement, after 44
ears'` serivnice in :land, administra-
tion, ,first ` with :,the . Department
of the Interior.,; and. more .recently
with the Department of;Resources.
and'Deve lopment.;' •:
ive : in 'the . control of ;silverfish.
• A .:Gilbson; :. r� •
^It •: should .'be dusted' ::li lightly
g Y
`arch , .,
iSe�vi es Br
Development ;. , c .. ; � .. ,
presented : Mr. Douglas with a '''Wherein' vthe insects.are present
and possible it should be bloi!vn,
tions ,on ..floors. and ,walls. and .in
and : among : papers, books, cloth-
ring, . etc. When disturbed or sud-
denly exposed.:' to strong light,
they run rapidly into a place of
Conceal/neut. .'Silverfish f et d
chiefly on: starchy materials and
glue, and for .,this reason some -
"times .,cause. serious damage to
'glazed papers and the ' bindings
of books.. •In addition, they ;at=.'
tack starche • clot, ing 'an • : a • rices,
and feed 'on. dry•. foodstuffs. con
taini 'starch. They, ' also, : have
been'known remove." the paste
been' , to
from ibehind wallpapers''causing
the latter' to peel from, the• walls:
• As to the control of the. insect,
Mr.• MacNay has found the., stan-
dard 10.p ercent DDT`: household
insect powder ;to.: be very effect-.
scroll signed by,. .Resources Min
aster.Winters expressing, appre
enation of his long . and faithful,
service, :and : on. behalf of his col -
lea ues, : 'radio 'with their -wisl ;
for good :,health : and" the time :. to
devote•to:his matiy':interests.•
Mr.; Douglas ',recalled his: pleas-
ant associations with members -of
the staff and stated that his only:
regret. was that he would miss
a peacetinie organization but it is
oragnized to render service in
wartime as well:, This. was 'very
effe. tivel demonstrated , during
the last' two, great wars, The .Lea-
gue is . looking; ,fonward to many
years of peace 'but, should'' war
:'come '.'again, it stands : ready 'to
serve ;as'in ;the"•past.. •
ruts 'era_ cks; crevices and other',
hiding places:. This '.can "best :,be •
done +b means of a hand : dust
�u . A . film of. '�• o 'der ' so light-;r?� pw.,
as to' ibe: almost :invisible Will be
just as a heavierfilrri:':
An effective .poison may be made:
by mixing sodium :fluoride at the•
•rate. -of•:5 •, percent with.',wheat:
Elam•: A' little sugar May also ,lie
the. daily person!l ,' c'gsn:taacf.'6'w.,;i.t �tea:ir:
enicfileusdecd o
sod.i.um ',fluor'' i
ide'or DDT should not come in
Contact wit h food 'materials: as
they are both poisonous
Y11 V
..:over :the. years.
A' native of Lucknow .Mr.:•
Douglas , is a son: of the late Mr.
an Mrs.' Tom Douglas, His'wife:
was 'formerly Kate Beaton, a sir • COUNCIL MINUTES
FROM ..,
I bought myself is raisin 'pie
was ecTer--ewe;
The . good cook was dk how� you
why sure, .'4twas Mrs , ` Thee
Theyscarce'say'; , good I; cooks are
Now`•.': know` where they ;are;
Because on Saturday 1 dropped
In• 'to,.) see, the .bazaar.;'
t .Helens are
Those •ladies from. S .,
The' ,swelleat cooler ;L know;
And:.when they have a baking
,' sale,'
ll• be the ;first to go.•
If I ,was.only 'young' again
And.starting .out in. life
I'd hike-
out. to St: Helens, ,and
Just;:pick .myself a wife
Wen; ,Buckingham
.• -�'ar' ld Per pat
aalax' ' 2`x;00, •H. o _ cy, p t
Salary,'25:.00'•:Harry Lavas;'• part
by Gordan ,NI. Greig, .
During the last . week in. May
the fanners of Huron County will
be reeeiivring, the annual June
questionnaire concerning' •live
stock, farm' labor and acreages on:
their . own farms. They question;
naive' is` ageing, ,sent out by the
Agricultural .Division of the Do,
minion Bureau of Statistics :in co- '
operation with• the Provincial De;
parte lent. ,of Agriculture„ The ans
wers !given +by the: farmeis to the
.questions. asked:'on the forte -=will
provide the basis: fob:• establishing
the acreage sown,,#to .field cro pg
� :.
,in '495Q and the numbers' of live
stock • and :poultry, in ,Canada. a,t
Jun:.e 1st, ,1.950.
Th.e• success 'cif the* ,tirve`
, �., .,. .... . , • �y .and.. , .•
th,e accuracy •of the . sagi ietatural
s'tatisrics; published ,bv"the.btii
and ':the several Pi•OVincial De
•apartments of Agriculture depend.',
on the co-operation of. farmers
in filling out and 'returning the
questionnaires~' A widespread re -
sponse from 'all types of farmers,
needethrougd' ioutn ordereach P•to obtainvaa fullyis
representative: ,sample, ' ,
The month of:'J'urie ,is at ..hanKL
and also the ,,Cream Producers'
lcamipaign to raise money for ad-
vertiisinig3vi�i.11 eget ,•underway. •
Tt is:to.-be.;hoped that, everyone
will contribute their•:share as it
•rs•being done 'to "further'the•sale
of dairy products which should.
'aire'yconcern--yq the` prop
diuicer,. The .deduction is 'one ;cent..
per: pound of: butterfat produced',
in the :Month of Jude,: If yeu . ' .
•,sen:d,' in •.a . -can ' of • .cream that
weighs 80 pounds , and tests 35'
you.'.•will bre contributing about •
28c'. to the c.axnpaio •How' much
.advertisin:g,.could•you••do for 28e.`'
If : everyone.`con•tributes _their. 28'
'ce'nts worth it amounts to a'size•
.able ruin• that will - pe) ruit:those .. 4
in 'charge' of ff.the •.c€unpaign ,to;;
make it pay o:'
• Cin Thursday " even'in • ' luta 25
the.: Field., Day: 'con'imittee niet ;hi
.Goderich ,with the Chamber -of ;'
Conyr .erce , cornmit•tee .appci•inted
to:.assist:in theplann'ing of Huron :'
County Field, Day for June:14th
• at Goderich Agircultaral
salary;' 25;00: Frank,:Thompson,
part 'salary, , 75;00; J R.' Lane,
part' salary,, 100:00; Wm. S. Eadie,'
cattle clairn're spray, 257.,00;.,:J::
R Lane,::cler .clerk's fees; Gaunt and
'. McMillan. 'Drains, 106,50; Frank.
Thompson; ;meeting at,Wingharn,
ter of • Mrs. • Thomas- Burns • of „ • .•
Highway; chetIues:' Pay roll No.,
' O S
Forster,. 'weldin r
•'. 5 .•, 5516.70 � ' R.
Counci met on•.Ma ' 8tl•. 1'950 ;
Y �.. grader, 4.25;', A: M.. i-untei•, vu1=
`1'O.IJ`CAi1TT'WIl'J•• 'g'r d., , ,
as • er ad' ournme'nt''. all xri'ember'
r.•...... 1? J ' s.,
tl -; canizing,: 3:35, `Roofers Supply: Co,,
Once there '•were �-tv�xo little, -.
it e, present. �.: �4 � •
t 2 0 . cInt re tele
pos s 9 .4 , Wm.. Ma Y
_andthe .., , #.
worms' One • wag °.eau ht ..
g - Y Carruthers Lavrs that ,the• `m.in-. �
•good The' first ;.was t phone calls,.•3 months,' 6:50; • C. E.
other ;. was go ..u es of, the, last regular • xrrceting
n 'always res ,, McTavish, :fuel oil, anti', .:grease;
4 lazy •.and •mprovde t andas d be ,appro�ed and 'signed.. ;
39• 6._ •: : . .
'stayed in 'bed late: •Th.e other was: Percy -Carruthers: that the• clerk f•
Her 'hus,band predeceased' her
" �
_ 'always up.. early and 'about his'' write Dr. Graham hof;' the 'Live- ��' •.
- on. January .22nd, 1948cand •a dau
ghter, on• February 8th, 1918;
One of the best. reasons • : for'
father, to worry; about his • son • is
because ,he, used to be one
• self.
:urea be pard '• $7.10 .expenses to'.
•,mee ing in•„ irig am'..
:Carruthers-La,vis that. the• clerk',
advertise in the Lucknow'''Sen-1
tin,el and over CKNX 'a public
Meeting of ratepayers to ',be held
t w h 'Child . Aminal Photography A Specialty
this; You can't win :!
. ' R. LANE, ; Clerk.
av r•nto .
c ufc:st e 1<I Fc.)cl •
l .
` J ith .Liar} e of
.theAt: deanatltino, uahg.
'Auburn, a :.\,eeditt-:'cif acridental:
he .driv-
death was returned necl :reel t c
rc R' '+lf+x 1'lunkctt,•..
eY' of tile c<r , i
was' absoly eel of all . hlani.e,.
Judith an 4igl;t••year,.0H stu
dent at S.S.N2),: 5,111ullejt Tbwi-'
Ship; was f�itrtl.l' i t;iure.d .«•hen'.
struck byai car she «a.s'.going
;home fro it schooa{l; She flied ,ef,
her in`.urics te: hc`[ts let ever:.
Godes ich , Haspital
The' ' ii • w'as.' coof .
:':Ar uit;i; fc)rE nran;"' laamSR
Craig, Edgar l: a st)r.a: R Jsed Phil
1ips•and Gorclq i. Tic} Tui
stock ..Branch re a''vet:to check .•:.��,,�„,,.rte„��ri...,�a,�i,�<,�,;„�„e,.�„�.,.n�..
busmess..The early,. bird got the
d f' h ` • on «same cattle claims re warble
warm; an, a is- erman p
P cy Mcl�innon thaE the tress
with;ea flashlight • got ',the night fly spray •
wl • • < P cY 1V1rcKinnon that the tress
er . __ _ Ianville H�mm�rt
era er /
, The ,moral,. little is
'allim'int,*aias a mommi mumu! umummumuua■ uis..
• e •. YO ' : Made '. � X our. Donation To
Hav ,
•� i
e1ief Fun
IN •
In•Luacknow „Leave Donations
Bank . of ' Montreal;
McKinz's Drug Store
at: the Township,• Hall On Thurs- •
day evening, May 18th,' 1.950'. at
8.30o'clock to hear' 'reports and
discuss the proposed :-Lucknow
High School Area:
Lavis•.Carruthers that we do
now adjourn •to meet again on
Monday ” the 12th • day of :June
• Cheques issued; George Percy,
gas. fot.spray," 1;60; Qeorge: Hiltz,
gas and. oil for spray,' 6.64;, James
Cochrane, operator of spray, 117Q:
in Rae .8i Porteous repairs for
■ • rnaci'rne, 1,05;• kelvin -Husk, cattle.
10 claim . re 'spray,' 80.00; 'Etl'vatard
6 ' .1• Thompson, tractor and work,
Sentinel. Off ice • . Spray, 167,50; Bruce Orr, one foX i
• • bounty, LOO; 00; Thomas . McFarlan, 1.:
■ ▪ one fox bounty; •1.00; Roy Htif-• # I
• ■ ••: Colwellf 1 :fox bounty; 1:00, e : 'It '
■. 4,00;G
� x �° J. 'It . ,
Larne This Ta Day,Will.' Be Conducted By
, unemployment Ins. stamps, • �•
ps, g
■ , Mrs.'James Smith, ciziet�ik- Lucknow ov
I .L k B . Scouts
• ing,'' 12.95; Ci'lnadiar5•.`.'incl,tt,�.ti•ieS '
_' •(;IAL. .
'ilms Developed :and * Printed 24 ,;lour 'Servii;e
Cameras` Repaired' Telephone; 199,''Winghami
• �i►�o�Il�.1�,iii,�r,ii�b�bw.i��l�.iro�oi,wii ;ii�uuiu+R0?'� �•�'
.•,.7„,„r.....,i . ,.....+'t u,i....,b..:oihN.;,., off, ,—n u...INi.,.«.....o--0
Give .LibeiaIi
Local campaign sponsoredby`Luc
Council and The',Chamber of
aturday, ,lune 3r
` ■ Ltdt, vtiarble fly powder, 397.50.
C,rrptrration ttf Luekno,v, fire
know' MunicipalMunicipal■.■.
t lIt
l, z CC� StC'.r1 (
Commerce. 1,00:00; GeorgTiffin, partSalrr' V,
■ 25.00,,; +DanMrXinnrn hert
, _ - ®■ ( .
) r
11Mii.■htK■ii�■i•■LrY, .5.00;".1). Grtt5Y at p ►
,,�ii���Irt, fi.n�1M►1r�•YYr�1Pr1/(..,, a.