HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-01, Page 1$2.50 Yearly In Advance - 50c Extra ~to U.S',A,,
Kinloss ,Township Council, held
Ii special meeting on. Friday even-
ing, ' at'`whiCh the following
• tiim was carried;'
.tri 1 . t 'the Municipal Council, of
the • Township of Kinloss, in'• re.
c,nse `to' the vote. 'o f. a public
'.ra epa `'ers:meet}ng, hela'on Ma'�Y
. i p Y '
2nd;'in :the Township Hall,°duly
q6 la ve• ;that,afl of the Town.shtt
• �
•Lucknaw Fire Corxipany ans
wered 1 fire •call• to Y.Johriston's•
Restattrant" about 1,30 on.Mon-
clay 'afternoon, to discover it .was
a test 'sun, the•`first, There has
been in Luckn.ow, i;rl •alrrrost .ten.
The inspector 'wras.•�rIvlr:
DeLaplante; of the Fire Br;nich pf
the :Canadian. nderwirte •
�. rs. As;•
:sOciation .a
with'the;exceptio of, School. Sec The' test' .inel Cheek.
tr�ii:� No,• �Q :shall- be, rr�cluded In udfr•cl . a �eheck
the Tfr;rckn w sti ict Hi }i.:
;•x t} g
school'' Area : and - we instruct•'t.he
clerk to ''fill .lis the'' necessary
forms; ;and, t:hat.'a by-law be pre-
pared con.firmng 'the .same";
This action 'by the Kinloss.
•.Boar.d cleared the,• way for pet-
itioning' Bruce and Huron Coun-
ty, Councils for approval to estab
'lis"h:. t}ie ' Lucknaw .High: School,
District to. include,all or part of•
the'. municipalities of Lucknow,
Ashfield, Kinloss and 'West. Wa
•v�anosh' ' West. Waw4ranosk rate-
payers :had previously petitioned
'to be included •in the Lucknow
District, and , more recently': Ash.-
1i ia- w•tish-3'p' C�und1:-gdve six
]pro'al 'to : petition to .t have the
northerly. portion of . the Town
SNP j'oined'' to Lucknow:• The
southerly, portion has• been in the
Goderich District for a couple of.
'• years.
Petition:. For District
Following the Kinloss meeting
,on Friday, the . Liuckn•ow Village.
:•Coun:cil� met, on Saturday morn
•:ing and passed the 'necessary. nio
tions requesting'. the :dissolution of
the 'present high-
igh' sihool set' -up'
and requesting the estabblishment.
of a new' High School Distr.iet to
include; th@,; aforementioned run
icrroalites, " or arts thereof:
. , Ih'
These requisitions' • will be;
submitted to the .' -.Bruce.' and
Throng 'Cottty Councils at ='their.
June sessions next; week and the.
:w• e .respec >lve y: •
° Sitliy. .drafted,' and :are being
....checked' by Itispeetors Gaine and
Kincaid before,beirig presented.
h aftert. l
FO'RFI d Ft N- k
$ox^'hycirant''pree'sure off the main'
S E 6
• at .the: Post', Office •and: 'th.
. . 'then, the .�°
Bis€ade„ ;moved to the river'a
block south tn,�draft' eater with'.
,the fire .truck: •
The death of Ts:.' Garrett
11Tx erre t.
;Switzer.; occurred at the ho
her s'on, Jack .' Switzer, •Con. 8,,
Huron Townsliip, on Friday.: She'•.
was in, her 78th . ear' and ' had
•been "in poor health:' -for .:several
months: The funeral service was
held. ri,v'atel
p Rev:,
• y .on'' Monday, cori-
ilucted•: Eby • Rev J. R. MacDonald
.South. Kinloss Cemetery,
Stani Gordon' a
n y of Rif}
ley •and.Reeve Herbert Farrell 'of
Huron: Township, '• will petition
Bruce. County Councihat' th'e June
session for approval •of: the :estab
Wishing 'of a' ,Continuation school:
drsti�ict' coniiprising these... two •
In such a `set-u� • "Huron •
p u on ' Tb wn-
ship would have .representation
on the'Continuation schoo1.b oard
The' formation ref this, district
wou''.d in',no way affect'•the,ipres-°.
ent'•apubl'ic school section •'system.
in 'Huron . Township '
HAT Ornna Pa}lock;' aa••u r 6'n
Township 'farrner, is showing
improvernent..from• head.injur-
ies that it • was, feared. would
prove fatal:' On Tuesday of last
week • Mr.Pollock .was: trying
to, remove a stone with .a chain
from the • tractor attach ed to a
crowbar. The chain slipped and
....the bar• struck him a smashing
blow on the head. d. The 'injuries
• were made the more critical:`as
he fell (back into the hole and
struck .: his head with' crushing
force on 'a rock. He was 're -
,./.,Moved to Kincardine Hospital
where his ;,condition`'was .very
.critioat'.€e�,a-rev -s,� and --as
yetis seeing no one:.
THAT the High School c adets
the Bard rnernbers ofthe,
,. Leg-
ion '`and 'Auxiliary will :parade
to 'St.,.Peters, Church` on .:Sun
day morning.
THAT Mrs.. David, Fiustori obser -
her 83rd b' ': .
'ii ..:..
rrthday ori fed-•
esda `1Vla -
y,, y 24;th: Congratula-
T AT the . •
Bruce Count.'rr
y z dtx�
trial Fair �r osis-nex Th_ rsd-a�-
at :Walkerton. and runs 'for 3
day. It:cam� '
Y bones :�an outstarid=
• n show'
g . • wing of `farm . rnachir-
er ,m.
otor ca
rs an�cl • industrial
exhibits:'; The:' opening g Y.
tures the•Bruce .Count
y ,Agi1;�:
cultural Field -Day arid .Picnic
o•- •
THAT a' reception was held at.
in�gslhridge 'on ;Monday 'night
Three f' rie s c;f the W.' E -
,. , aHen .
de'st,t. Estate were'sold.by -public.'
auction at the. Comanunit Sales
l ar n `en !Saturday' evening, Lorne'.
;Farris!• bought •the'. 1.00' acre
"Towle' Farm" in As 'field., Nlac-
• Mrl}an 'Bros. 'bought . fhe • 100 -acre
"Carrrpbell • farm"; in • West Waw -
nosh and •'Bill Redmond. bought.
the' 150 acre' "M�cCa�be fart ." in:
East'`Wawanesh. '
• CASH :,
BINGO ' ;:
The response of',Lucknow :and
Di:'trict r esident.ss • to the', lVLanitoba
• Flood; Relief` Fund •has „been ' en-
cofi magic; during . the • past; •week
With a total of .$301:00 received
up to: the-. encl of the• Week,.. • •
This, ' howover, is regarded as.,
1V1"r;:. -and•• Mrs. .Stan:
Nosaa s"'thz•ee , directors or 'associate i
1;" .hurc•h, at.' in, the '• Children's - ectors in..:aiaerrdance' 'besides th
Hospital 'at London, where h' "'° o
s e, cannmittee,. and; the adult' .attend
recently ' , underwent.. a. mai or; :&rice. ^frorn'town :Gould be ;counted
Ibone operation 'on .hor p n her hip. '< ' on `o'rte hand: • with some to 's ear
-o_ ••The:':; oun' people.. of: the coin
• y.. g p
THAT Mrs. Jas. Jackson of
Owen m 'unit ' ;'•�atti n'ded �';`t e ' -dance i
Y, e h
Sound .will address a ,mixed, ,sufficient • nu�m,bers to al
e , l but pa
audience in Zion;United church, ;for;: the 'orchestra.,1.
op.: Monday,' • J.une`' 5th. -..That This. was 'a good ,la and th
•g. play; t
'same :evening the semi-annual• ,�st havin reviousl: '
�. t g: P ystag.ed;tw
Meeting of West Bruce L.O.L.,. 'other la , 'in` Luc know
k la:d ` .
� Ys a
will meet., in ° Zron, Hall ' with very favorable . reputation . .for
• •Mr. • Jackson in attendance ;at pitting. g. op good' shows. •
'Allis' meeting.He is
, pravhncial '' Prior to this 'play a ref}trig ,o
secretary of,• the, Orange Order,• �
,•. . ,g directors of; the Society was call
• of: Ontario 'West. • ed for last night`Wednesd'
( ay) t
-o� "revise •the prize list and, pint
THAT':the Publisher is unable to p
judges ,.. ,
fill' a request ;for:. a half 'dozen:
President ,George Kennedy has
copies. Of the issue of :May, .11th: i
,s dice mtirriate' �that before
Would ..appreciate a' few copiesthey'
. `from ere � , get down 'to this' �busnes�s,' :there'
aders who may still will:be one major 'question to be•
have, their copy, r.f they have no answered. q "
That: in. effect,.• , to be
further .need of. it. or, Ino t to ", .
tIbe ,• and are the lir
o ; • ectors and the oairrmuinit : ,in en
Y g
Ur. and Mrs.. Wrn, Douglas and
11•?iss Jean Douglas ; vierf in Bras-
'sets on Sunday,'•ivfay.21st, attend-
ing -the . christening' of their in-
fant grandson; Douglas Herbert(
Garniss. The .ceremony 'was . per:.
formed in Brus,sels U: n°i t:e d
:Churn.. k y ' Dr.; C....H..I IacDonald ,
of. Bluevale asci ted b • - I
U• ,a. Y �eVz.. A71
drew Lane, minister •p f t
church. •
'The he r'.Obe worn ,b Do a
'� W n y .ublas .for..
;the •christening • Was. Made 112
years '• ago by his reat� reat
g g
grandmother :Leishman' and, • he
was the fifth. generatici h. to: be
christened' in 'it'..
REV. C. A W I: Nd
Ata joint rneetin;,g of the cone
grersations of Lucknow' and Dun
gannon: Presbyterian Churches,ori
'Tuesday,:night, a pastoral• call was:
extended Revs. Charles :A. Winn,
B.A. The choice- w is• 'made un.
arnlous ..by. the ,•n'ieeting,
w.a-§presided over .'b •
'�7 Y
Nirnmo: of ' Wingharn. int.erirh-
•rnodera.tor•.: ofhe'
these se two'‘ckiarge�s;
during... the. vacancy • caused by
C> �i �; MacDo .a d -- � .
n l s. removal
to 'Blues/ale.'.
Rev1,» Winn"is',a•
graduate • � oaf::
Knox College, Toronto, and since
his ordination has.been at a Mis-
Sion Field in' Nova Scotia. , •
The call .to Rev. Winn ;has '.yet:
to be sustained by 'Huron-Mait.
land Presbytery' which will 'con.::'
vene shortly, :when plans for:Mr
Winn's'• .induction: will be made.
Died, In Michigan;'•
•. Word • . was' 'received ; by .',Mrs.
Grace Lockhart, of 'the 'death. : in
Lake . City, • Michigan, of her, sis=� •
widow. of• the, late Henry 'Mgrri
son. She/;:w°as'• formerly of God-
erich and'a. cousin: of r.: Robert
b rt
Thornlpson ocf : town.
• •'The `• afore •
of w.
f .the Luckrrot�
Agricultural Society .appears to:bed
at' 'stake. For.' 'the past 'sev'�:ral'
s the.•�S.` .i
oc et 'had
inig an, tzphrll; 'battle. to: survive,
arid. while the Faire itself . has as m=
roved of late e
p .v ars•tli�e financial
rpicttire hasn't •-•s own • a"' corres-
on in . ;i' .rovemenit In .
p � g �' ... tact, • it
has" iworsened. •
-As ares)
alt'- the --T�ri�tertaxnment
Conmmittee. f: .
•o the Society has. en=
deavoured fro i`
d from:time me to .time to
s- onsor
s rxone-'raisin eve t ''.to.
p. y . g n s
keep'..the Fairsolvent:'
p.• This' sprii,g
the' 'Barn Dance ,'added consider
able to the . treasuryand
« couple. of `plays .were, currently
booked for '.the: same, purpose
• Haweiver, last..Friday ;night's
play and dance sett'':the Society
111.. itUiiU - ,;c,i lvlr.„ ana, 1 rs....or- ac,� about -$:30.00, and . more o
less brou;ght�matterS :top's .head
-o- r to ;;the :future of..the Society. ;0
THAT Ruth :T sat'. -daughter-
1\g ...'of
, F"�r i'da •n} '' ht there `.were ons
Y gni
man 'O'Connor.
,.:Mrs. ,Mary • Ann •Treleaven
seiwied • her 91st. birthday in Wing •
hia7rr' .Hospitarbn•.:;Mond�ay, 41VIay '":
! 29th. She 'has been a
patient in •
.the. hospital ' `since' suffering a
fractured hip'' in.' a fall,' • at ,her
home •'here .five we
A ibirthday, party was held • i
n• •� ,
The . hospital' 'ward . to mark
occasion; and ;was'. complete with : ,
a lovely' birthdayca:
cake riiadeby
Hector Purdon • -Roommates of
'Mrs. Treleaven' who ' "attended'%
the;•!�party!'were Mrs.. D. Taylor
of town; 'Mrs;' Kirkland ::and Mrs.
Gear. This •fourson-re were joined
by Miss Gertrude "Treleaven. , Dr.
W. J.Mt mford and members of
'the hospital nursing staff :to :make
it: a cheery'.. party, <in'..honor :of.
• Lucknow's oldest : and lois .
s gel
Continuous . resident."
-.THE DEGREE Doctor of'Divinity
was conferred `upon Rev....W. A.
Beecroft . of , Wingham United. •
Church, . at.' Queen's University.
convocation 'O
r .Beecroft accompanied" her • hus
as band..to 'K•ingston for ,the' sere= •
n '`rnon'v:.Servjees on:
.. Sunda,„ rri,`his.'
v' ch'irch : ,mere.:
conducted by
i W:. .J Watt of Whitechurch
e- ,
committee of me'mbers ' of
Y the Lucknow Women's. 'Institute
is , -at present perusing`: Sentinel
e files to aid them in 'compiling
o pan historical; sketch of Lucknow
from' 1906 to the :present:, This 'is
part of' •a count -wide. program'
Y p gam.',
to bring the'` history of_Bruce •
f County up:Y•to date: It •will Sup
p1ement ' N..o r nz a'n, R.obertson'•s
o' ."History of Bruce", . which cover=
ed the early days. in the County -
up^ to 1906.
inerely---a 'start and the donations
:are .expected to :start rolling in.
and',send:'the fund..soa�ring, Dona.'
tions. are being received at .;the
Bank of .Muni real' ' IVICRI S's•,Drug
Store and.. The Sentinel. Office.
Official receipts: will. he sent from
'the Relief Fund,headquarters; in
Winnipeg Donations are deduct-
ible from: taxable',:incan:ie.
This: relief' fund has a minimurn
objective of $10,000,b00.`This fund
is for the direct. assistan�c'e of
flood .vicitims in, the repair and
r'eplacerr.nt of furniture, `home
.furnishings, 'beading,;' etc., de-
stroyed by • flood.'. waters.. -
To reach• this objective will
require the: openhearted giving of
all' Canadians -if,'-we= are,.to meet
.. „RELIEF .
The' ;Lucknow a nod • District
Chamber , of: Coin merce Council
on Friday evening at the-Re-
the'Recreational.Centre, :With nine of
the eleven members. in .attend
afrce,'. and with.- . President -Bill
Pappas. presiding:,,
It was decided ,to stage a cash
'brnlgo :and dance in 'the Arena, on
Monday, June 5th, 'frith. "all ro
• ceeds.for the Manitoba Flood Re-'
lief :Fund.; Details of the big
night are now ,bensg Workedout
. �•orou
with ' committee! coriverier s to',
meet tomorrow ..night to finalize
the plans, inhere will be Over $206
in cash prizes- . at Ahe ]bingo, with.
16 •
.•a.ines'.. for $1,00. •-.. . Carruther, s
orchestra will provide music for
Jitney dancing. The W. I, will
tYperatc -,bodth. with proceed for
the fund,,� . e Band will
and the Pip, ill
be in attendance •..
�.r,, 1 enot'tocl to the meeting
that rt. }rlinkel' l ght , would eost.'
and'netion in the'ip ty
• tor Was detc`rred,
}T 1)'. Thompson'wag ip �ointod:
the •C'hctEnher.'s roprese rtativd at
1h C' ttn` Y
irl In
dustriaY• Pr�intii••
('on ferenct, :in: Stratford. on..
• ,,lane •. "r
}fltlr, if ar r�ingements Cfittl•t
lie made for attending.,•;
•• The .• .y, .
13.autificatio'n Committee
• vac autKorized to have William
hushcll rnake three picnic tables
to be. placed at the east end.,of
the' bowling green :property.,
our res portsiibilities in the rehab-
iiitation. 'of these .• flood victims;
many, of w.hoin have lost all their
worldly. ppss'e5i:sotrs.
Previously acknowledged' ..$120,00
Grant and Bill ,Golhin 5,1)0
William Ilcirnell; 35.00
Jane Hornell 5:00
Mrs: !Jean Qingley .. 10,00
Forever Ashfield•' Bl lei"c''.
Clirf .........:.... •:.,,' 11,00
T A.. .5.00
1Vla 'th•d . C1,ifton 10.00
J. C. •Nle ;orf.) ..:,Y.,.,. ..,. :'S 25.00
'And>i•.e.w:., :1,0.00
r 1
Miss :e7e in O'.i}il.r'1if 5.(.0
Mrs. ('hristcnrl iVit»Tic,tt ,li}' l•.()0'
VV.. •:1(.L00
Mfrs. 1\1.rrs�t.frt�t (quint'
2 't,10
nss Sarah
M.Y11 It fi
1r IY,.•
T 1
Y 0
tl t.0
Irvin .,. g
Mrs; r , -J ti'�t tri"1; Ii (5,„
,..,. 10.00
Fifteen • reeves have serOed the
municipality during.. that. '.'time,
but ,only. one ,'clerk; ` Mi:'. Joseph
Agnew. has ' 'served under all.'"
reeves having., -been: •aFpointed
clerk of the village 43 ,years .ago
- in Februiary:.of .1907.
•Ii;eeve'•J::G.: Mrdoch:die
. ,.lu d while ;
irr, 'office in 1.915, ,•.,and his.• terns
vfras comp Ya�leted b ' . ,E�-
Jo. t. • J. A-;
,,.Yn Anderson returned
THAT Mr, and ,Mrs. R, J. Button, eral. will ni' to get. behind the
have received . ddlivery, of •a show ':to make it the, event
- new Dodge., . and are ' planning. ;'c an and , in a should Abe, .
a ;
motor ' trip to the' West'.Ah institution tha ••h
.t as exis�'ted
June; accompanied by Mr: and for 84 years, and which s
'heartof ' i ic. arin- upon retiring Was ;succeeded :b:,
-``o- ing, -cofrimuriity, with agriculture iculture" cl
gr Robert Johnston "wh ". .
TfIAT:.Huron OI;d.Bo s A' ,.,�,:. .��,.. ..�. interest, --_ ,-- - .. _� _ . _-s� .v�as__eleeterl
' ssocia its Irrirnary surely,. still iby' acclamation i 9?
tion ;of Toronto celebrated' its has ani .. n 1,, 17 and Dery
m�portant part• to play rTi ed •for' ten cons
50th:'ibi,rt}iciay:two tve�eks� ago Our' ecutr�e years be
our community life.'. fore ; retiring'. -•
wit11'a golden jubilee dinner, at � �, He never ran. an
' A"'little less fa't-finding and election;being returned'
A Smith. a past pre n little more .indi• i � ual ti eaclr.tin�e
which,A, G. v.d. and or- �•.1oy.'•7crlam�at7rr.: , : •
dent, pr°opfsed a .roast to 89- atii:a i _6-
• - � ,c ., z t opal ca -Operation _should J. •C.. AridCr�son
• ;��c=a>°:old E. �.• 13. Duncan, , xil0�i-1908.
„^a •., g.C.; pttt• the Fair on its feet; and make john :.. • . w.
«ho•is the only•sut•vrving chai'- . . �, n Joint ..,.... ....•.., , .1!1(li.-1.910.:
the• ,.Caledonian. Par` ,the'sort of M r, ; .,1. ll
tor nienikier: He was' president . ,. � .lt'loor eh .t1 .e 1Vfrtc.ierl, 1911-1612 .
rt park ,it should be. 'Its condi- J,..G..itlttrdoch :.1013 -'Feb, 1.915.'.
•in IDOL tion nota' ' is such '. that • .
t}ie Can- h
i Jahn Jovrit t• ` cY,ry 1915
y Reeve John •
Mrs.: Alex 1VIaeNaSitu- .to office for the 'next year and
y ted in the f a h f
c4 .LLVod1L4 71411) stein,. are so leu •r'f.000l•t Johnston .. r....r 191,-1926 •'''
left for,' Detroit, on Tuesday : too' � it things I..\.
iti}r�rii tY be i:r h t�ai�;,s a� tc? tel}: of 17&11 17..111. •,toliiy5t�ar� . lci2; -1g2o.
i n.- c useoi. the ser"rous .
ing• out thei lights anal establish- •'i .obert'A.. 1 a0 ..,;...:.:.,..
i}!phos:, . of his onl, sttrv�fvin�. ' . -I�» 3. •.
af• pnrl , of #lr. ir' Ow. n, A, W P c , ,,
sister, Mrs: Agnes Leitch Yttziiltan : .....,.. l:ri r,1 -10.x,5
•Surely it shouldn't,'be difficult W» .E. •Ander°sc}n ......:,.. 1936'11.9
for tle, heads of all .
' � bodies con, N. E. E'ushf�ll..:.„...,...,,•.. 1;i38-19�?2
THAT'May' 1950 will; go. dowit ;in . ,
the tree'ord.s" as the s�i°ai l' �, corned to work out a program to J. W::Jo��irt 1tt431047
n fess th t . , l aid '
Y, ., . advantage l.otnlon• .,....
• _ e mutual and a va.nt �.
(CotttiiiYtect of W. A: So 1?t�.194
rages 8') etreryone; C. McNj b