HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-25, Page 7THIJRSDAY, MAY 25th, 1950 COWS:'y-- $2'.50 each HORSES;—.$2.50 Ea. HOGS S 0'c pelr cwt, .. (Over 250; bs: each) Phone.• collect RIpl'ey 8.2 1 Wingham ..5.6t7j • • Ingersoll ,.21 William Stone Sons, Ltd. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO aeat.ty...DeaIer. Be Beatty ` Deep .:Well 'Pumps Bleatty rete - ay. amps Chicago'Aermotor Deep ,Well`' Pumps•, and Windmills Plumbing, Heating, Eavetroughing Pump and Windmill: Repairing mi Fitz • atr,icI p Goderich 'Phone'. ,12-r-3 :Dungannon;: 1 1/. O O ■• M O .: •: ✓ , 0 -0 .;1.. O 1' 0 1 • . • 0 r M:O'flUmefl: A` family .plot' +should• : he• graced . with •, .the shrine -like beau iy of; a .monument which'' will be everlastingly• a _tribute' to those at 'rest: We have many: classic . style$, to Suggest, and will 'work •with'.yoti,' on ,cus torn" ;designs, Exceptionally low '• •pr,ices.1 No canvassing,: which elimin ates ,sales- eornm'issionS. Inscriptions • ..Repairing • Sandblasting ,Memorials 25 Years' 'Experience' Tho ::latest ' in , Portable Sandblast Equipment All ,work "personally executed Br.ownIie Memorial Alfred' St, WINGHAM 'Phone'` 450 or NEIL; Ma'eLENNAN, Ripley, Ontario'. THE LT CKNOW SENTINEL,; .1411Q NOW ' ONTAl`,10 • 11A0E $E"1: CREWE Mr.% and. Mts. Eugene 'Hanson of. East Tawas, Much., are spend- ing a few days ,With Mr..and,Mr . S. J,Kilpatrick. • Mr.' and Mrs. Aaron Boak and sone Rickey !visited an '.evening last week with Mr; and. Mrs. jack. Curran. Mr. Jim ' Lyons . of Luc know spent the week -end with his niece, Mrs. Chester.Finnigan and Ches:te,r, x. - Mr, and Mrs;Raymond Finni- gan spent -last Tuesday',with Mr and .Mrs .Jack McGuire' f 'Clip- A-,numuber from here attended, the :rededication:,services at Dun - Bannon United' Church .ori ;Sun" day f . Mr`-; and 1VIr5. Morgan Barries� andFrankie of : Belgrave :visited on 'Sunday v4!th ,Mr. and Mrs.' -Jack Curran and .family. • Mr. and Mrs. .Benson Shackle- ton. and 'ch'ildren spent a' day. 're' cen•tly ;in London. MASONS ATTOND CHURCH. The ,annual 'church parade of Old Light Lodge, A.F. , & A.M.; 184,• 'was' held on Sunday 'anorn- ing to the United C!htirch,' where. a stirring t rang and appropriate ad-. dress -was '•delivered iby Dr. W.J.. Muiimf&rd. There were 'some `sixty; memlbers:'in attendance, with W. in'-charge.-:ofth-e=par •. ade. 'Jani'es• Little, W,.M; and. Salkeld, D.D:GM., were among: those. in', attendance. ' Two anthems:: were sung by.the choir,' with. Eldon Hend,e'rso'n as • soloist, and with Wilfred Black at . the organ :. 'GhOup `1 Womet1's Association Group 1 of the .Women's As .sociationf the 'Lucktow United: Church held their May'•:mee .y ting at the home of ,Virs. `,T C. Mc- Nab.- c_Nab ` Mrs M'urnford, the leader, presided at -.the meeting Twen'ty- mernber, s...responded 'to the'; roll. call. • Plans were made: for our. Group's part in, the silver tea, :which is. to= be held in connection with the:25th annuversary of. the United Church of Canada. 'Mem !bens were ::reminded not''to ne- glect their :blessing• bags.' :It 'was decided to.. hold 'a.' littletea at. our dune: Meeting; ta'help the Cheerio: committee. •`i-1 is meeting is to be held at >, the -home ' of, Mrs:,H•., Thompson,', 'A •.progr ain ,foll:owed consisting' of •a' ' reading. by .Mrs. Mumford; a :splendid talk.: by :Mrs'. •Haryey Hall On' 'her.experr=:. encea during the war `in, eA;ber.- 'deep.; • Scotland.; Mrs W. Render son`, conducted a contest and thea :n-)izpah 'benediction , 'closed 'the rneeting.' The May committee of Mrs.: Sam ,Reid, Mrs. L. Ashton and Mrs.•..W.'Hendersonserved a lovely, lunch and a social half hour followed. • OBITUARY • MRS. ALBERT.COOK The death of. Mrs. Albert Cook,' Boundary West,, occurred in' Kin- cardine Hospital on Tuseday, May 9th from a severe paralytic.stroke. which she suffered the previous evenings She was .54 yearsof age and. word of 'her death , came as; a great 'shock, and .a sad ,blow to her laved ones, Mrs., Cook wasformerly• Della Jane Wilson'. She ,was a daughter ,of•the late Tharnas and' Rosetta Wilson:of Port Albert • where she'. was born, 9n December 17th, •1896, • Mrs.' Cook had a . smiling, gen- iofal ,all ponitalih ty whanomd..,made ,friends: ersw'she came ,n- contact. Y :Her home, and. faxnsly were'•her' chief interests :and her' devotion, ; in �duatriousnedss• cheery manner were character_ is!tics ' that' Made her ``beloved. by all. The funeral service was ' held. at' her late. residence on Friday, May '.12th, conducted by Dr W. J. Mua tford. During the service. Mrs;. Robert Campbell.. and Mr. Eldon Henderson sang the duet 'Jesus . keep Me near the 'Cross" with' accompaniment by 'Mrs. •J. Kilpatrick., Interment was in Greenhill Cemetery: ,The pallbearers were Reg. McGee-; -Alihert:.McGee, Eric Wilton, Eldon Henderson, 'Well- ington Webster and Oliver • Mac. Chat]'es; -'- Mrs.. ,• Cook is survived by her husband• and four daughters, Mrs. Henry 'llilacKenzie (Rhoda). . � ) of Ashfield;• Edha and/ Eliza on the nursing staff. at Owen. Sound ��.ita1, Ho : sip and Viola etliom e, and who is a' student ' at Luck'now High School: Also•"surviving. are three sisters, • Mrs Emma Gilbert;' Point:', Edward:; Mrsi V 1'4.1 e t Reaves, Sarnia; Ida of• Toronto.; '• and: onebrother, Norman,. of Au- iburn.:. • 'i i It all the.. people who • work for the telephone company, And all:the eo lewho a ' 'v:n ' p p ;e x g by making ,the things, the telephone company n' eds What -Makes Them, Steals T T Onesalesgirl stole $5;400' Another w'ornan embezzled- $9,ctoo In the . American 'Weekly, with ;this:•Sunday's. (May: 28) is- sue of 'Detroit .'Sunday..• Times, there is a • .dram,atrc ' report'."that ,reveals that • more than fourimes as many . `women ' we're caught'. i stealing .after World • War" II as be 7. fare ,:the •war!' Get .Sunday's "Do- .troit %Times ' MARRIED ON 24TH • 'The:; Marriage: took place in, in Wingham' on 'May 24th of Joyce Helen'•:Steuernol, second daughter. of Mr. ' and` Mrs. E.'' Steuernol. of Teeswater,•',`and I'Van' Gardner,' Son of Mr, and 'Mrs. Mark ;,Gard ' ner 'of! Wingham and formerly of Ian cknow. •0 ■ . o-_ 0 •. ;ERE .• ' UALITY • FARM EQUIPMENT ., Sales and Service. Bell riding :Maculees :: Gilson Refrigerators,. and Washers Clods Co •• ma'nsi'on Frigidaire and Freezers, Grinders,, etc.•" .;M ,r. 0. Simmons . y FARM; EQUIPMENT LTD.. Huron '.Road !Phone 1132 -Goderich, Ont..' An % all the, o ple :who have their savings invested in the • telephone company, 'And all 'thespeople who ,ce end:ongood telephone service p p e to run their businesses,and manage their homes; If .all' these people, with their families, lived in one city,. This City -With -No -Name; would; b'e ; b lar the largest , Canada, and one of : the largest in the world. Keeping .pace with the,'growing needs of conirnunities ' everywhere •for' more and better telephone senate has, taken lots,of work and lots of money.. Only a. financially healthy telephone company CO -:carry on..this big rviobl Telephone' users, .employees, . shareholders — everyone.: has a •vital interest - in a service that means so Much to the welfare of 'so many people., •THE BELL•ELE T. P.HONE COMPANY OF .CANADA Owned and operated by 'Canadians for. Canadians XY• • •• rive' Travel by motorists and pedestrians promises, to reach a new peak volume this year. The seasonal upswing in holiday. motor travel has begun.' More vehicles than ever;. beforeare; operating on Ontario streets and highways. Pedestrian hazards are increased. °i '°'0"•.Traffic. , fn ase lylinister of Highways 'Extreme care: must he exercised ,by ,all to prevent accidents. Pedestrians are urged tt walk carefully. 0TO14STS.. • tf Checkour car and be assured th ` i yat It. is in a Safe "condition if Check /your driving and .be' assured of a .safe journey. ciNtARI0 DR/i'E S4FEL f . WAL4 PIMP, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO, H:• DOUCETT; MINISTER 6,