HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-25, Page 4sitt E•1 Alt • reap E`. r• ii to 6j '.Y ,r !a c •-r PAGE FOUR ° rr; 11,,E LUCKNOW SENTINEL, . LUGKNOW, ONTARIO' THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1950 '•• "WANN AD" .RATES-lst insertion 2 cents a word, subsequent -insertions 1 cent a. word., Minimum charge 25 cents. Replies are •. of •The Sentinel 10 • cents extra, Legal advertising 10. cents per count line' first 'insertion, . 5 cents . per line: subsequent. insertions. FOR SALE. -Essex coach, good, cOndition.G: A. Greer7LucknoW. WANTED' TO o RENT—house or dawnatairs• apartment, ; unfurn-. idled. • ApPiy. at. `.Sentinel office. - er o — peke e �•ho ED .us WAN T A :: estiG 'help needed at once ;Apply. n Lucknow. to Mrs. `H.• Alton, HOUSEKEEPER WANTED W. S. • MacLeod,lahone. 49-J, Luck - now. • - FOR SALE—bedroom. suite, like. new; two kitchen tatbles, daven= sport, . 75 feet lawn ',hose, ,.R,• B. •Quance, Havelock • St; . . FOR SALE •— new modern one: storey home;, immediate:. possess- Appl to Geo.. Orvis, Luck-, now. FOR' 'SALE power sheep .clip- giiig�nutfit, ••gid •as new,::can'-be. used'. withgas � as or .electric, °r ` HP • Motor. George Haldenby,•.R. R. 2 Holyrood, phone Ripley' 18-6,1, FOR $ALE Lumber, ; timbers, posts, slabs,, wood',: ` etc., .` reason= .able:. 'prices... See pus and- save (Money...Kennedy & Gaunt, phone 466 or 401W2. Wingham '.RADIATOR CLEANING and,.-re- 'pairing nd re -pairing at reasonable cost Try :..131uevale_' Repair : Shop. for• your mad troubles. .Phone', Harry;, Elliott (648-•w-1:'Winghain.-- • MOUSE FOR. SALE—eight-room • iraMe house in Lucknow hard-, =wood floors, 'hard and, soft water, • mr dery ' conveniences. Apply ,to Wan, Fisher,. Lucknow. LOST Male` . Cocker. spaniel, ✓black, ,. • v ith tail; ' answers • to "Tony". Last seen north-west of deet t� Stan , Todd, •'44-23 Luck LAWN MOWERS, .` REPAIRED AND SHARPENED For ;prompt. and efficient service . see or call 'E.W. RICE ,ST. p ENS 'hone. 42-r-31, Lucknow. : •' NOTICE Keep in Mind the, annual Keys= Culbert -Gaunt Shorthorn 'Sale at ' Clinton Fair Grounds,. Thursday, June lst.'Anyone wishing a. data- logue," apply.:"toi W. A Culbert;," • Dungannon • NOTICE • The "Lucknow •Satwrnill' 'Office: (above the .SePoy. . Store) . will be: Open every ' afternoon, ' excepting Stuart Wednesday and,. Thursday. 'Per- 'Ontario sons owing'',:for sa'w'dust, slabs; ' etc,, • are . requested to .'pay, at of- ` • fide before. 1Vly a 31st, 1950:' CARD OF THANKS •' We, wish to mast sincerely KITCHENER Big -4 .Chicks avail- ' a'bTe, • dayold and started, immed- iate . mmed- iate delivery •'Ask for prices and particulars, agent— ED. V. BAKER,. Lucknow.';'. • •J3R:AY. PULLETS: .`From. $17,90:. 5 •Da. olds' started •up..•to weeks.; Immediate shupment. •'Get' • corn,' plete pricelist. on these,. also =mix.• ed and cockerels, to o'rd'er.. From. agent— D, R. 'FINLAYSON, Lucknow: NOTICE. Notice s hereby given, of a meeting ; . ori Monday; •June 5th at. 8.00 p.m in the Bervie School House, .for all. those': interested in the ;old. Anglican and Methodist cetneteries Iby .the .Bervie 'School' ori- the'Durham Road': This. meet in:g is 'called because • of 'the need fort' a respectable :'•mermri•al: NOTICE . ' TO BICYCLE ;RIDERS • Natioe is hereby given to child- ren and ;all:those; 'rid'ing :bicycles, that: they must not bei riddenon the sidewalks and that it is .:also.. • an offence . to ride -two.. on a bicycle :,•Offenders will be ,,'Sub- ject sub J 'ect to; having their. !bicycle • coni--- fiscated Alex Havens,' 'Constable NOTICE COMING)VEN•TS.t PLAY' 'AT HOLYROOD The play "The Quizz Kids" will be presented by, Kingarf A. Y. P; A. in Holyrood Hall on Friday, May 26th at .8.30, under auspices .cif the Women's Institute.<a• b. PLAY. AND DANCE The •comedy -drama Embert •M'cNay-Kilpatrick GrouP The May meeting of the Mc Nay -Kilpatrick; Group wag held at the home of Mrs, W. B, And- erson with 20 ladies present. Mrs. J. 'W. J, oynt : presided and opened, the: meeting with hymn and •pray er. The sewing committee report- ed two. quilts had been ' made since,the last meeting and it was decided:we send them to the Win- nipeg Relief' .Fund,: Plans. Were made 'for our julbilee`supper to be Get 'Wise". will 'be° Presented .4n held it June";for,the congregatioh.�, "'Flowers", lowers", . was. the theme .chosen :by ::the pr,,agrarh c •o ,mmit- tee., Mrs. A.. E °McKim read the . scripture" lesson on The• First Garden, Mrs.:' T. :4, Salkeld. .ga►we .a• very interesting talk, on. "Wild Flowers" and: had •.p'}etures illus e� '•tea -ting colors: an'd's *here thy could ape,.found,, Mrs, H. Trelea- ven 'sang a colo :on `.`The Rose" • aecoropan.ied , by..M' s. J'. Kihpat= rick. Mrs. Alex McNay : gave a reading. 'A contest ori flowers. was 'conducted by Mrs, Joynt. -A suc .cessful,.baking, sale •was held at the close' of the . meeting With ,Mrs Brewer in charge. A lunch was served. by, Mrs, Joynt; Mrs. McInnis; •Nl rs. Wr:, L, • 1VLacKenzie. and •.Mrs J.;, Miller._ the Town' Halll, .Lucknow, Friday, . b the S•t,'•Geor gc 1Vnay .26' at 8.30 ye . 'Dramatie Society Club of Harris ton Admis ion 50c and 25c. Dance: s. ,, after. Henderson's orchestra. Ad- mission 50c. Auspices' Lucknow 'Agricultural Society.. , RUMMAGE SALE • The Lucknow Luoknow Women's tute will hold 'a rummage sale m the 'Recreational Centre on ,-Sat- urday,:: May 27th,,, at 2.90 •p,rn.. Donations of any, saleable article will • he welcom#d° fromanyone and spay be. left at the home of ,Mrs W. J. Douglas. There will Abe • a ' sale of ' homemade ' baking arid a tearoom All, personshaving. claims against the;. Lucknow Sawmill Company, are requested •to ••fire the. same, with full. particulars, 'with the.,undersigned by 'the.: lst day' of June next, ;1950 Dated at Lucknow this 15th day of. May,1950. Lucknow Sawmill Company,.. Morgan Henderson, Lucknow, NOTICE. : CREDITORS • ' In the matter of :.the' Estate. of David' S. Carruthers, deceased.. NOTICE • IS HEREBY•. GIVEN' that all persons:: having., claims -against ."the estate of . David. S., Carruthers, °who ' . died. at Wing. harr, . on. the twenty -,first day of, Aipril,` A;D. 1950, ;are notified', to sent their `claims. duly verified to 'tile::: undersigned. befotl'ie twenty-seventh day or ` June, 1950: after. which . date: :the estate will be distributed amongstthe ':part; Mrs: Lorne.".Johnsto.n ' is home' les entitled• thereto having regard from .L ital' hos :in Leh don.:' to;:such. claims as are then' • p o don: received: •THE• VOICE'S OF TEMPERANCE .DATED. at • Walkerton • this • twenty-second day of May, A..D.; Temperance'.,people in 'Huron, WH'ITECHURCH Anniversary' services will "kle held in, Chalmers Church next Sunday at . Ll' a.m. ancl', 7.30 conducted by -the -Revd. • Cainpbelt. ,.of Seaforth • '-' We are sorry to' repoi t Mr. John Johnston to be in .Wingham Hos pitch :. • • We are sorry to :reportMrs. A. Fox and daughter . Isabel ' and. ,Miss "0,"•McGill ,to' have beenin a car accident ' :Sunday. ,evening: Mrs: Fox is in Wingliam Hospr Mr and Mrs •G. Gillespie -spent: Sunday with Q, Mrs....Murray of Walton:' .Mr. and. Mrs. C. Simmons' of 'London and daughter.spent Sum-, day :.With Mr. and', Mrs. • Charles Martin,' Mr Ken Weaver from', .near'. Owen'•.Sound :called in the village. cn • Saturday. Mrs. Bagg and• daughter Hazel and son.Bruce of Unionville spent' Sunday' with Mr: and Mrs. Gros kortrh: ,Mr: and'. Mrs: Joe' Keiswetter' and family of Riversdale spent Sunday with- Mr. and Mrs. • Walt- er. James. :Mr. Tom Purdon and Mr. and Mrs Wesley Tiffin spentt•Sunday: *ith friends at Listowel.. M'rs: :Dan :Tiffin; ;who: has been in Wingham '.for the.•past week;' is improving. Mrs. L:. ',Balser , and son of Wingham spent .Sunday afternoon .•with':Mr and..Mrs Johnston Conn and called, on .some `old. friends 'in: the ..village:' • DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN Havelock St., south of Supertest Garage! .• iLCKNO.'W Telephone ] 75 Howard Agnew Jos... Agnew.•' MEMBER OF; Ontario Insurance -.A•gents'".Association'; 'GENERAL INSURANCE• ;. fished Over 30 ,Years'A Estab go Telephones Business . 39.'. : Residence "138 1950. Da id. Holyrood 'Carruthers, R., R: 3, Ontario, Executor; P. [acKenzie, . ' Walkerton, i Solicitor. • AUCTION SALE thank our neighbors ;and all our OI• . a friends:«for -thzx .iriariy.:kind ,.acts. FARM LANDS. The undersigned auctioneer has Fred Newman .to,';'hank able organizations . are being used . received" instructions ,.'to sell by the, Lucknow Fire Company for. as false fronts for liquor «elver Pulblic Auction at the Commun= so promptly' responding to•` the ity Stables, Lucknow, "• on Satan -11.4.e call Ias,t week:• and for. their day, May 27th, at .8,30 p.m., •the timely help: : • •at the time' of our bereavement. Jessie Allin and Family., County • are . -amazed . and indig- nant at discovering that : the Red •;Cross .and. the •drippled 'Crildren society are using space in 'a Huron County paper, contributed by . •John. • Labatt 'Limited. .We would 'like to 'know' who is re sponsible, for ' prejudicing these good ,causes in the ,minds• of all temperance people ,'by this "as=. -sociation w tht a brewery. Every_ ene can :see that the names. of responsible citizens and reput- following farm lands,.. 1. The West•Half :of Lot 2,:Con. t, • The relatives of the' late Mrs. Etheld Ensign °Brown wish to ex - 12 .D., Township of Ashfield 100 acres a press, their. gratefulappreciation for kindnesses shown;dtkring their 2; South Half of Lot 15, Con.: recent sad"nereaverrierit 12; Township of ,West Wawanosh,.. 100 • acres _ , Mrs, Tyndal Robinson wishes:. 3 .,;, he South Half of the South to - acknowledge with grateful Ha' ; Lot 22, and the South Half , thanks the many kind an d of tot23; Con; 6, W.D,. Town- thoughtful , acts and remem __.. •brances by friends and neighbors. ship of Wawanosh, � 150 acres,- Terms; These lands will be oft0during her illness. 1Fered for sale subject to..a reser'` We Wish"oto extend our` sincere' ed 'bid..••Conditions of .sale• to bethanks.'to our ,many friends; and irnade known the day of isale..10 neighbors who 'were so Kind and' incident of the, purchase money to � sympathetic at the time' y oaf .'our. be .paid on day of sale, balance recent bereavement. Such kind - in 30: days. • i, ness and neighborly., thoughtful,- ' W, . E.; Henderson Estate, 'Prop,, : ness will never be forgotten.._ Well. Henderson, ,Auc. i Albert Cook and Family. ti5,ing. No• cause that. wants': the Sapport of•temper:ance people can, afford.such'co-operation with' the liquor traffic.--Advt. ' THE. ' TAX •RATE in Wingham this year will be. 59 mlls,',an in'= ;crease of 4 mills; , CARD OF 'THANK'S' Mrs. 'Ira Wall line Miss Annie MViacI• enzie (wish to acknowledge with' sincere appreciatiori the' 'many` kind . acts of ,friends` and neighbors. at the time P£ the death of Laughlin MacKenzie;:. •Icy". V OB,ERT E, 1 GARAGE. A E R Repairs to•all; makes.: of . cars Also' agents • for S SH UTT 'FARM • ,IMPLEMENTS and Repairs_ 'Phone ;53, Dungannon • )31UST,N'ESSand''. TAS•. SERVIC E / ONTHL M •Y AU•UITS . For. The Srnall Mer a t'� ch n P roiessionai. man and the Farmer, • S.. J. PY MM -: P.O., Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont, Officein'Kil. atrick P . Block , 'Phone 23 -sr T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST , IN ' UCKNOW FIRST' WEDNESDAY EACH \(ONTl 10 .rn to 6 p.,En, • •• •_ a. WM.: .CH'MID''S. STORE • •Insure In:Sure' Insurance, • D, �� WhN . .*estern Farmers': Weather- • ' FIRE Howick '.Fal niers', Mutual ;. Car, 'Accident, 'Sickness Consult . JOHN FARR:ISH` 'Phone 169-J,: Lucknow • • • • :I NSURANC.E Co -Operative Life Insurance -Co-Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance' Economical, and Reliable ° See CAMERON •'LUCKNOW /9 -r710' Dungannon. Mrs: Gordon MacTavish wishes to most sincerely thank those, who so kindly :r.ern 'h tiered her - with, cards,' flowers, fruit and in other ways , while she was ill. These remembrances ,were great- ly. reat-ly. appreciated.. 1 1 1 / / e 1 State Farm .•, Mutual Automobile ,Insurance Company ASSURES OU S Y LOW:RATES ,With protection in a high 'category. g y,. In:vesiigate, Before You. Invest.. ALEX T MacNAY • Agent,, Phone 177' Lucknow 1 1 1: 1 1 1 1 1 NOW IS. THE TIME To Order; , A Threshing ' Machine :. 3 sizes -22x32, :22x18, '28x48 Roller, Bearing Com lete EARL H. HODGINS R. R. .Holyrood, Ont. 'phone 36443 Teeswater • • • CU .AlCE FIRE, . CASUALTY,••- AUTOMOBILE AND.,LIFE t • To'' Protect Yqur ;'lack, Insure .With 'Jack' : Today, J. :MCDONAGiii 'R'.' R. 3, Lugknow,::Ont 'Phone' 6I-5;' Dungannon • • NDREW. Barrister and Solicitor LUCKNOW ONTARIO Office, in the: Joynt Block: Telephone': •• • Office 1:, 3.5 • • ftcsidence 31-J a eplie- ��3tuart� `; MafK. . 'l` .• licitor ,'Barrister. arid So w _'ALKERTON: ONTARIO .NO °IN�LUC Each Wednesday 'OF'F1.CF, 1 TIENIDF,TISCN I31 OCK :. R S.Heth.erfgtof, K,C, Barrister, , Etc, • .yVingha'm'and iuckloS• IN LL'CKNOW . Each Monday' •. �nc� V'Vo.dn esday Located on tiic' ground'floor in ' thd front of. ' arick's .5uildrn$ John Kilot• . 'Phone winghar enee 97 Office 48 Iles i. ___