HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-25, Page 2'PAGE TWO .71 • 113E, LUCKNOW , SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, O ,ARIO AT GRAND. ORANGE. LODGE IN CHATHAM LAST WEEK Bert Alton, deputy -master of Zion. Orange, Lodge; C ,E. Mc- fonagh, ex -county, master, Bob i • McCormick, County Master of West Bruce and Jack,,McCormick, were 'at. St. Thomas lastpweek at- tending the .annual ' conventian of the Grand Orange Lodge of ;Ontario West. For Mr. McDonagh,, it } brought back .recollections, that 41 years jgo he had also been' in attend- ance at Grand Lodge in the same city; at' Which time he held the :office of County 'Master, of West • Bruce. AUBURN' ,CHILD 'DIES .OI HIOHi'VAY.INJURIES : PARKHILL BAKESHOP OPEN • The P•arlthill'ibal eshop reopened for business last Thursday.under theanagemnent of Mr. and Mrs. Haro.ld�.-.-Johrustone of Lucknow. ,Donuts, ice cream- and: cofffee were served by the management to all. who visited .the store on opening day and the crowds•were numbered in the hundreds, some, even, dropping in after the• shows that. evening, Many coMplin .e,r , tary remarks ever heard concern - Mg the Priglit, new appearance of 'the; shop and the quality of goods being turned out. Parkhill stores 'are; again displaying .Parkhill bread sO that • customers may, or- der it •with, 'their , groceries. ,7 - Parklull Gazette."' jizclrth :range, 'eight'year old daughter .of Mr. arid Mrs; Arthur, Grange,. Auburn, died in hospital in Goderich i about. • Log o'clock Friday Morning from 'injuries re- ceived •'when; she was struck • on. Thursday' ,.afternoon:. bya • car driven .by 'Wilfred -Plunkett. The 'child was struak as'she Was leav4 ing school abut ,a:;anile :east of Auburn: She was rushed "to hos pital by. Dr B. C. "Weir of Au- burn. ' She .is 'survived by her' yarding,. and 'two sisters,: Eliza-; beth „and Margo.. • . . • • The school remained closed. Priday, following • Judith's death. Mrs. mange was form`'eriy Dor= othy Walters Of Benkniller. Following •a private service 'at 'the Arthur funeral home, ` a'pub- lic..,service. was held in• Auburn in Knox United Church. Burial *as In Colborne cemetery:' KINL'OSS FARMERS TASTE.OF "FIRE AND FLOOD" two Kinloss Township fanners have recently had unpleasant ex; pex'iences. iwith: fire and - flood. A couple •of'{weeks. ago Geo.' Lock- •hart had. 'quite a 'battle 'to control a grass. fire at his pasture farm on the` . 4th Concession; • A party • shooting, :groundhogs :,is •believed .responsible for the conflagration,. , wch stad frgm a .point at the roadsidehi;wrtehere. some empty care- Mons. had, been layingfor a time, •A carele sly • disoarded . buttcigarettehave started. 'then., �a�.. S could - d h . he smoke was•first noticed'by.• Ira.. Dickie, who '• single. -.Banded. put out the grassfire on the road-, Side. The• fire' li,ad gotten'r,int:o the rail fence, buf: didn't appear. +r` .he. making ' mnuoh headway ancl 'Y Ira left :to 'notify, his neighbor to N, A Grou , Hunter -ones p eover' • an of water. to pui? ac The May. rrieeting wuas •held •,ta�kat out -the fence. the borne'• o Mrs. John Hall , with. an attendance of 24 ladies :and. ' '5 Children. After' singing hymen 497 ,the Lord's prayer:. was. repeated in unison: Mrs Cowan , read. ' a; passage.•of" 'scripture from. Isaiah: Several, mutters of business were discussed 'and final` arrangements• for the anniversary, •teak were made. ,Miss Eileen ' Hall gave ,a• ari,ost interesting talk on' her visit to Trial, B.C.,aand showed some snaps taken on her a trip. •Mrs. J.. C, :;Ainiatrong favored with, a solo, Mrs. 4L Wraiths gave; a reading anifl s,7-Tom7Arrde'rsam read} short prayer: Hymn 562 was sung arid thee`, mizpah benediction ; re-' pelted., Mrs' . > Iunter. conducted: a contest' -and all enjoyed•;. a tasty • lunch :. •� 'q- All Persons Who Own -- arbour . A • ALL•PEItSONS..OWNING Olt HARBOURING DOGS in The Village of. Lucknow 'Must Register same' at the :cipal Office: and procure a; license on or . before June IT IS REQUESTED that dogs be•not alloWed to run•at large during• the period: to July—lst,L1.950. DOGS NOT WEARING TAGS and running at large at any .time are liable to be ' impounded ht the owner's risk and .expense... • • • • Manitoba FloOd Relif Fund , . Flood waters have forced 100,000 pecnile:in South.: ern Manitoba to flee their homes leaving ,all their.: passessions and.personal belongings behind. them. Their 'plight `carmot be described . lois and ',damage is beyond estimation. Give to 'help these IN fellow .Canadians.' The Flood 'Relief 'Fund object- al • JOSEPH AGNEW, Village Clerk. . RESIDENTS OF o You 'Are Asked we Liberal i When • George. arrived :' it • had developed into a lilvely blaze and. 'had swept some distance into his fields. Quite a . stretch ' of• fence had to be torn down to halt:!the fire, .and it was all Ira and Geo. could do :to' get : the grass 'fire under igomtrol,: with the latter suffering, ia' burned hand in. his efforts and was used up for ten .days after with a severe cold: R "Flood" at - Hughes' , Farm . •` . The "flood"< was at Allister Hughes' farm; It 'seems that: in. cutting a hill on fire Sixth Con cession m .Kinloss 'West•'oi-Ross MacMillan's, the: weight -of the • :fill . caused a' neaiiby . culvert to. sink, so that .it backed •up fi vertu able lake on , the. north side of the road:. ',Scott's 'power power equipment was used to excavate across- the road and when the opening was made; the water swept across the corn- er 'of Archiee" M.cKinnon's farm, through the' culvert on the Coun ty ' highway and -.into the catch basin', in` a freshly -seeded:..field on. Allister'.s•.farin Btit •the catch: basin..•eouldn't handle it. .and `the torrent of ,Water swept':.over the` •field,'-,gougnig 'a •oqurse of :its own, deep' -enough ;at one point to uncover, and possiblyd'aniage the ixrVaiii 'drain-, through' the field. • • • • a II mi • • • • • • • • • • • • • .11' Ini, Lucknow. Leave, Donations At : • : Bank ,Of Montreal,' t''' Sentinel Office . 1 rii • TO HOLD BROADCASTS, OR DUTCH NEWCOMERS (Intended for Last Week). will ObServe their golden wed- ding at, the. end of, the . week with 'at their horne. 13oth and Mrs. ,$tewart are' enjoying verY.' *good. health . and .they have the . best Wishes' of all for many mo're• niversaries to. enjOy with their family and friends: ' Mrs. Lloyd IlOdgei,wasrable..to bring their little baby daughter pital after removal of appendix onl .unday, May 7th. .The 'for Which the anxiotis !parents as well oS other friends are•wery sWeetness not quite six months of age and we -hope she is well 'on the way for growth and develoP- Visitors With Mrs. p. E. Ander-- son and Carman On Sunday were. a.liappy reunion,..of the' family, vvho' !attended. the morning 'ser- vice at: the Dungannon "United church for ',the 14aptism of MrS AndersOn's, little granddaughter, Heather. Andrea Whitlarm Those Mr. and Mrs..' George Whitlam. (Millie), who,' Came back &Om - Mr, and Mrs.. Robert Stothers (Helen):, Dungannon, and Mr. and Mrs: Warren. Bamford (Alma): or wife of Rev, iG,713aUlch of' South' Xinless Presbyterian -church is .teaching the -Senior room of the Dungannon public ' Schtml, .suppl.srink'"for riddle of Listowel, who has' been quite ill 'with pneumonia. A nice letter was ' received from. the pupil's,, thanking them 'for get.woll cards 1St.' Paul'S Anglican .chtyclio Dun-, This summer,: Dutch newcorner..s. in Ontario , will, have the oppor- tunity ofk-.hearing the story, `of Canada in, their own language. Belgi'nning June 5th, "the Com- munity PrograrnmeS Branch of the .Ontario Department of Edu- cation is sponsoring 'a, series of 13 broadcasts in the Dutch language; They will ;be heard every Mon-, day evening -from 9 to' 9-15 p.rn. ov,.er station CHIViL, Hamilton. The. piLo g rarn,ine'S are designed to assist the Dutchne:wcom.ei oto' gain a clearer insiglt. into the ways . of fife 'in:their new country. SPECIALS ,Men's, Boys' •Work Clothing;..Pants, Shirts,. Overalls and Ur dei;wear. The'Store • with. :they stocl , THE .MARKETS •O E,y Lucknow::, • :THE TAX R TE in Goderich for ils a n i c rease '�7 �m 1 n 1950• will be � .._.; � of 10 mills! over 'Ca t year. .A TiURSEAY,, MAY 25th,. 19&4. SILVER LAKE PILE STEALS. M4GIS1RATE'S• TACKLE have frequently, heard of ,• law enforcement: ofticidls fiscating. fishing equipment, ,but; a novel twist to the yarns was reported on Monday when a 'big puke literally stole the 'line, rod • and reel of none :other than His Worship, Otto McClevis, the istrate of truce. County,. la' - c.orhpany With County• Goaler, Archie ,Ferguson,' the Cali teas enjoying a .day's ,r° ast�ti!;.t,r :pipe at Silver':.L fake, and. haviii caught no leas than nine' he . auties ; . th.O pair N iere.- a.bo it to cull •it a. day, when the •Mae tiate had vicious; strike; Just" as. 'he'gave ills rod the jerk to,hut>l'• fire° fish t. u latter -.;:made 'r ,dash„ for. fi eedoi".: 'With such violenlce.r.th at . itti ; �;r a;s p li file rode f Dili lri e s '�, gtt .1ast seen of the hook iii . ,, lY., sinker, . rod• and reel •owas `thi";:l<cttei as'it., disaripear ecd . into, the, de th • f 1? s v. the lake, still spinning as the. big pike darted away with ,the speed of a bullet! Since the ..episode Magistrate iMcClevis has.."'been obliged to take: a :lot: of razzing. from .his friends, 'who claim the fish -deserves a methal' for having . thwarted: the .efforts of the IWO:.. burly ;law 'enforcement :officials by making off with the tackle. Walkerton.11e"raid-.T.imes, _ pert on Monday mccrning attend-, Observed -at titie Pungannort Un- ited churCh at 11 a.M. with K K. Dawson, Sunday School .Super- intendent in charge. An order of worship for; Clirsitian.Family. day -was followed, bY leaflet and the stOry 'of Timothy leaving home 'with Paul Was, drainatized; by Irvin and Delniar ' .The, teacherg and . scholars occupied the, front. seats and -the Mothers .of the congregation 'in the choir were.' placed. near the' .,altar in. quet Was ,in meMory of the late' Mrs, 'David Sproul 'by Members:. of, he'r family: 'A double.duet of with .and •Mrs., Geo. Stuart: • The WA:of the United Church sale 'of: hetne baking in the Reere.atienal Centre, laucknow, on Rural Life Sunday • ohser- Church 'Anne Toad sing SylVia •Stingel -sang' "Lift 110 Thine • eyes t(i the An irnPresSie part:. of the ..Ser, WI -titian -1 and ,Terrel....lan; son of .Hoopital„....LOnclan, was horne fora guest of Mr. , and rs. rvin MN Cabe at 'Windsor last week • With, her .SistOr, Lamp -nail The Port Albert school' ball - :The 'June' 'meet ine of the' ,team came up after sehool: on Men's elnstitui6 \yin be 'held' qt TuesdaY 'afternoon and' ;played the hbrpe 'of Mrs, ••deorgo: Stuart with Dungannon scheol the Score 'on, ThursOay...1i.ine, 1st. at being. 31-20 in favor of Port Al- Roll' call, 4.41-1int On the. Care .of.• Miss Marietta. Stingel.spent the 'Program committee and hostess- week:end • with'.her Frani( .es, 111Itss Mary Murray. and Mrs. avage: arid; family of Ridgeway. .cliff Murray.. , eveloped and' Printed 24-HOur Service • The. Quarterly Meeting .Of The '141.JC)KNOW FISH AND GAME -.PROTECTIVE' ASSOCIATION, - Will beihelcl in. The .Recreational 'Centie,• LPCKNOVV Monda May 29t 4) .'there will be a showing of Interesting WILI?LIFE MOTION PICTURES Everyone Welcome