HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-25, Page 1•
.$2.5(/' Yearly In Advance - •.50c '.Extra to U.S.A.
THURSDAY, MAY :25th,. 1950. .
:irrla�s Meeting Favors
u.c�now �.�hool;Dis#rac.#
At a i epresenitattve 'meeting of STORES OPEN' D:
Kinloss' Township' •ratepayers • at'I • xO A •
Holyro.od • on, Monday nig;ht,; the
Municipal Council ,wa's authorized Wirth• wednesday, May 24th` be-!
to, join the.".:proposed,. Lucknow
kl;igh . Scho:ol, :Dnstrict, ,comprising
'the munici'pali�ies, or -portions
t'hercbf; of„.Ashfield, •. West,'
wuriosh;; Lucknaiv.dic1. Kirilt�ss. N ,
•A srliving ,of „hands 'w'as ,c'alled DIED
for : by Reeve Georrge, Tiffin of
;Kinloss. after Reevje•. T, C:. McNab NLrs, • W, B .
uekna had beenAndersor> received
''of •,L w. on' .the • word on Frida event.
platform for -an hour, and..a h'aLf y . • g of 'the'
death of her father, . Mr. William,:
eX.plaining ,the . set-up:` in detail, . T'oye.::0 f T'ororLto
'.and answering questions• -putty in : r, who has (been
poor health for sortie time, Mrs.
• mcrnbers of , the audience, There Anderson left for' the ;cit Sat
were a ,fe r ' . whe : r:efrained from 'urda ;J: Y at
y morning,, .and :on. Monda
voting,: but not once vote, was re- Mr.. "Andersd
_w, n, . Mary, Ruth . an
corded negat;.ively, .against.. enter= George g 'Motored to Toronto to at
ing the District.It appears: only tend the'' funeral that,4437,
a_forrnality :now •for'the Kinloss •
Board; oto ;i`ill, out the required
• fo'rms to petition for inclusi'on� in
the new. District. •
Mr:' aJad.,:.,`Mrs �W. J : Clark :Vic
• Ree'Y iiffia i'1 nitro in
c .1; toric .St,,. Wingham ente'
mi McNall ; . sod. that . the.:time, b.. .stained,
had come to'dec'ide family : gathering .at their hong.
., and: that'. the on Sunday;' ,May 21st •i:n Honor o
Council wished . the` ratepayers : to
',the 83rd ibirthday of her motder.
}tear .tie figures, a§..they had
Mrs:,. Johm' Ii win, R• 6; Luck
`prcviously.,had 'tinea. presented:' to
.Those ;1)i esen;t ' included • lVli ;s'an'd
,,4. Nfrs '' VV J. Il w.in, Lloyd ` and
Ilon t
Wish -..To,. Infringe.. Nlayrrrc, P: • G, Luchnow: Nlis•
. !.At At the qutset.�-eve Mc�Tab .uby.. I•zwn, ;;Lori�don 'and' 'Misses.
:pointed • out. that this' wotdd'.be�.L'aura.'.arid. Mahel''Cam bell r
a; !Dist `ict school, :,:not •Lucknow'c, On 0. •
school andthat: if.r-t1 e Distri
: ct;
was.:forme the' Lucknow TRYING TO LOC
d v Board ATE • 1VIISSIN
of :Education would' e. dis "lr ASILFIELU..SCH.00L
(be s .o , ed ... TROPHY
and a District high-Scfioal'Boai'�1 `,
established : with, • e . ual re resen • A s'e.arch '.is
.q p
tation :'from, each'' municipality teachers 'and m.ernbe•rs.:' of t:hc
` and with this'Board would.r ' `Ashfield Area Sclool o 'r .;
est Bad, fo
the final decisions `•in"the.ma tter, a softball 'trophy that was:used.
a fe
and the.. power to turn down the .. w years ago'for Intel Cchool
.scheme if it. did not' seer. fea si•ble competition. It is helie'ved that
in ':the ' final analysis.. You 'still: Dungannon; school ; last.• won the
.have the, Safety valve on, ;he 'said: • tro by .aiho.ut; ten years ago. dur-
said, :'1 want :•t'� :ing the:.prrricipalshi) df.'G'rahaiii
0 P.
niaice t ver 'cle'ar that''we'do n.' t Pinkney
Y o
wish' :to infringeg... rnyon,e .knpwin the \;here•-
on~ any._' Other.... �
district The ,last thing we Want. : abouts :Of; •"the .: cup is asked :to
d:r.notify any'-Member•'of the •Sch'oal
s. t . . ag ,•anyone'' in who , l
ants to. o'elsewhel-e: • Area Boai.d:;'.of..any o'f, 'the.tea h-
g G
Before ex hair n • 'is : figures . ors The c•u' is .required for cern-
cn caoital:'cost an,d :cost •of mai: petition ,•pit . the ,Area.... picnic/ in
tenance:and `operation, the ,s k • .June;: acid if .it cannot'` be located
operation; ,pea
raid ;he felt they: were very; :a :new' one. will. have to be, se-
convincing cured::
.b, •,.and correct, and 'in- •
gated : the :audience to tear them
•apart • f.' they' wished. The fig-. •ATTENDING . DOMINION
ores, which are: published in pan- ..C.OIINCIL.`ANNUAL • • •
other coluxrirl were 'presented on. ;
ing observed• as a'' public holiday,
business places in L •cknow. -will•
remain open' .alis. day: t o
.(Thuisclay), and,.will not hold:itlie
custorr dry halt'. holiday,
:THAT'• last "7Wednesday Karen
Carnegie. entertained a number'
of her. little friends•on the oc
:casion of her ,7th birthday, ,arid
on Friday' evening ' ;Jun e Pur-
don marked her 7t .
e h birthday,
-by entertaining her friends ',at
a theatre party: .
Y. ,THAT. work• is 1 ro t,
d p , gressing .sou �h
of ' the " 12th,. Concession, on the.
- Lucknow '= Iungannori.:: road
where . the: County 'is, building
• • • a `new • highway , bridge.: The:
location of the new': bridge it
being moved northward and.;
new river :channel 'r wilt be cut;.
a .
e .7'HAT Ash•field.Town h`
s 1p is'bty-,
,'ing the ': steel -bridge: on the.
highway south. of:" .Wingha'rn
' which .is::being. dismantled' to
.make way ;for. a inodern)brid e.
1 e Township will use'the mat..: `,�T
. anniver.sary,•:servlces
s .• r, ere held:: at Sotlth.�Kiiiloss. Pres -
e ials for municipal world.• , Church
• bytes ia'n..':on Sunda,'yy'; with
--o=• Rev. 'R D..A.` :Currie of :White
THAT. the : restocking of. .'trout” •' church, .'Langside ;and,' Calvi , .
(streams, in the: district is start -guest: speaker;:both .mornin :: and
. g.
G ;ing• to 'pay dividends, as ?lei tri: evening.:Special: music` was ren-`
Collyer ,landed a `few ni+ce :. dered`.iby .the Choir "With. .Mr: EV_
brow trout last: week,. cr•ettT,West'.'as. soloist. '.Mt. 'Elmer
Miss Helexl, Mowb>'ay,, Reg.N,,.
of Stratford, .visited on Saturday
at the homes of her •brothers;:Vir-
den, and, Kenneth Mowbray, be-
fore setting out on .a bus , trip.
to San Francisco, accompanied' by
her;; friend, Miss Doreen . Kauf-
man, Reg;N.,. of Listowel:: •
Both young ladies: Were'' class -
:Mates at ,S'traaiford Gener.ak'•Hos-
ypital, and since .graduating a year
ego, have been on the.' „nursing
staff at • .this. hospital... They will
take : nursing- for a time while
in San Francisco. Their trip will
be Iby ,way. of 'the' Grand' Canyon
where they will • have ; a sight-
seeing, our.
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Barber' and
Miss `Lorna Campbell '.spent 'the
week -end :with Mr. and Mrs. R.
H.,Thompson before 'leaving on
Monday for the formers' home at
Vancoulver, Miss Campbell' will
spend two rnonths at the .West
Coas' ••and -thy °Barber;--sumrn,�er
cottage near Cranbrook, B..C., be
fore ` returning. 'to. . Toronto.
,•Unibac}' ,presided •at the organ.
. The. evening
THAT thee V`llla e•'Coun service in :the.•Luck
g , oil :coli
r: • f ' no* '.;Presbyterian: church ,was
erred on°'.Friday night with; In vi ,
dustrialists' what` re seeking.' ithdr. awri.
Hist '
uth� Ki
So til
`ex •' nd their operations, , oss Church.
rare and was the' cradle :of Presb terian
interested' in, the• Lucknor -Presbyterian-
.plant., ism in. this' lrnrxiediate comxnun
p The... chief
st:urrnbli ' `' ••itY, with the congregation.-
ng block is spatter..: being
of financing
established 94 :years gaga,
the. purchase..o'f the:
,sil<�;,,<r �.;A ;+' ,'. WOr;Ship in a' roueh''ln7 Sfl'77n�nTA
if a. situated , at;. �he, "Gr ave.I Y3,oad" at:
anything . will come of the
.cor46, ;once: '' ;the Second Concession.: The" pre.
sent.:edifice; familiarly -known".as.
.the. 'Big:Chuich": was dedicated'>
THAT `:' Dun a ' '.
c n ..Kennedy a .n d . 'on ;
• 'May 26th, 1922,; :during : the
John.' Gaunt'h'ave set ,u .• a sa:w- .. .
• P pastorate • of Rev. �FinXay Mac-.
•mill`on the late Catherine -Ross L •
enrian,• `•
tars. inK'
• inloss To
wnshi : .
The ..resenf pastor �•
•uncch. is n:aw i `. I? is Rev. G.or,-
noperation. Jack don S. Baul
Ch, "who' on . Sii.nday
Aitchison is working ' w i:t h 's •
them.. SUpPhed .in ;Rev: Currie s appoint=
'blackboards •and 'explained 'item • `-Mrs: ' A..:E,' McKim has ' spent
by :item' • by Mr..., IVIeNgi; who "the past week in -Toronto attend-
pointed out that they had been `in:g• the Dominipn.i,Cou•ncil Girl.
worked out prii'narily,for`the n;� ,Guides:. annual meeting. It was
'formation 'of' • Luckn'ow ,' Cotincit• .held ,in ,St. Hilcla'sColiege from.
ofad' Board of Eduea Ma : 19th to May 23rd. Mrs. M
.tion because,. c . c
he said, `'`.We want' to know' ''here. Kim was one • cif ttv o• ppointed
W•e are going". . • :delegates representing Ontario • at
Amazingly Low
: the .sessions. Airs. lt•l.cKiin is • .a
M, prOvi..ncial commis. ion`er.
r McNab'said that at first no
•''To Open the meeting: Mrs, Ray'
thought . of :. a . new. school had' -wife•
been c` n
;Lawson of the'. tieut,enant
considered . in Lucknow, be r
ca goy er.nor o4' Ontario. entertaineet
use .it wa's believed, the cost - doleyfatc�ti, at' tea:'•i'riclay, in the
would be prohibitive. When•. they' ", - .{,.
: lleutcnaiit o� c t nett , suite � in
were presented wLth the figures . ,
•bYth(t' D.e of '; .. G.�'tieen s Pnr k. l: r lcia�� ,.c,\; in,., the'
partinent Education,; '.c id(r's atten'drcl • h' iliaii :}t(ifttl7
they founc1 grants so igenerous; 'as i:a' � lin
--to-:-.Make. •:. , ... � , ,pally at :i Maple. Lc' lf' .G r•.deiisa.
•the cast •unbelievably 5 (1 fl ui '
low to The Approximately , , n G ce5• and.
four municiipalities,,;, Brownies tool: liter(, iii the..
, The. .Department's figure for a
new school; g'r`im '
aoo -; acrd •, nothing • short
�On Tiacsda�� the �}c,lrgates �tra-
will suffice, ' if' a District is' to. ,be f , -
OpPrcaved�' vi � yelled to Si.y Cathartiies; tot the;
,, .as $180,Q00; To allow ' rnvellln of a �la'c.ue c.cymt7ictnor-
siaiificietyt leewa g 1 1
• Y ..:.a figure,.,.of . tin the. •} th."ati9:ait'ersal�w of
$200,00( vas' taken as a Working• � Canada.. , " fii Guidins; �:in Crrnad�r.... 'Tho, fit •t
basic.: !:Phis p
t. di
5 stri s r
district is so located
O i
11 � In n l r�n
as to qualify fo • theGuido ronlpa ay in c.,
y r Department i, way foundorl in' st'' ' Catharines,
:grant Of 80.percent ..on this. cap-, s
ital. e� �ndit •. font•• dc�caclfir; ago.
pc, ure,, snaking: an an'- Thea' ,,,r sue is f4tsteeited• • to a
rival' r.Iebc,nture }
Ci payment• of-piin- la .go rook, looate ci ' in '•a .pat"k ,
pal, and interest of 3i/a,__,__nt, Here` r ;irly'.'Alc:rliticic't., wife -of•:.
Canal i'; gn "e1'ni)i'-p.',,e11c'1`a1 plai'ni- :
('C1 0 treala�st year, iii hoiaur of
he i.r,s, .
Guiding,. ' '
p nett . assessment of these r•
tri At;t r c•(c I�tictil, irllcrtiia, t.11c��
municipalities by a .6 mill'rate, , . , , ; .:;
L1icicncr�v ha offered to assu,trtc ` unt Cilin,r„ f,lrc ,ts were r' t•((t . c d.
xtn' lav' mss., f,,orne: Andersiin,. (kris-
THAT .Keith Kilpatrick : won . the MRS. JA
draw prize at 'Trelearven•s Res-
taurant last; ' Saturday. The .: -
The death. , .'
Mrs. James Agax,
lucky' ,name- was. "Marie" with
• :.� forurierl
the prize , y of, Belfast, occurred
_ , being a lovely bronze G.o , ,
derrch� Flospital ori,: -Sunday.
'° ..horse ,and clock mantlepiece,: -
�. - , ... She Was 83 years of a:ge'an�d was
Keith:recentIX. won an° electric forme' ly , Frances Oiivii :Selby.
razor and shaving •set • at. The.:
Playhouse.' • I. .
The,.funeral: sea vice was held. n'n'
y at -the h'cme of: her n•ico(?,
1VIrs. Wilber; Brown Dungannon,
TIIiT ' the '. d� rillin r
g of ; an.bt:lr'er� with. interment 'n• G •�
� reenhill: Con.
well in' Lucknow', is not •,likkely.':eter T•
to::. bc' long delayed as' _efforts
to restore, the flow of the No,
U� �-h Ve'•iiie
Met: vc.ith u` _ 'MAST...
�'.., little ' ei• '• � �.
i ane d
n tsuc
Xi cess: f
A ew da'. � '_
s a,po , � E R E-. 0.:
this well, was urn ed drya' d JUNE
p p .
some 'hydrants ' had to be.open., A . An outstanding .night in :Local' •
er'1 to': flush. out the spdirnen.t
•,••r-- - – Masonic• circles is• slated =for 'Wed--
that �w�s, raised. . •.". <� •
nesday; June 7th;, When. the, Grand
—o Master, the Most Worshi•pful ' J.
.THAT. they have, �. . :.. g p. Maher, visit y been :sealing4 will,j:..ticknow; and
'logs • ata.the ' Luckriow • Sawmill 'will be the guest of honor .at .
. . ar. ,.•in order to ... _ banquet • • y d. take an in qu In the Reci rational:' Cen�
• ,ventory of the • st'ock.. It is un, tie, commencing 'at, '7.30:` .
d'erstoa:d there is• -•a. prospective The occasion Marks the 3.3rd. t
,bu •er'-h-itei!ested in athe mi11'. ' birthday of Old Light Lodge, and
• b
is doubly si.gnificant in that a f
TKA memo er of: Old-' Light, Mr,, T. J.
,T a seri its chimney, fire. at Salkeld is currently
Fred. Newttian.s star at .W to Completing i
, • e' his term ns''•' District De, ut • f
church last .Wednesday made it grand p y
a d Master an honor that•. has
adviseable. tot put in a call •to :. '
not, often come to ineni;bes oj` .�
• •.tljc' Lucknow Fire Department,.
.t�°)rich 'responded proms; t1 � and the, local lod�,e.
p Y ,Mi. Salkeld is s'
..: helped put„` :put the fire.
•spearheading tile
• , pla-ns to cvelcon-ie ,the Grand Mas, t
•Y..o'.: 'ter, and, it. •is. expected,'. that 200 b
THAT •the fire truck. was used oci or ' more 1Viasons will be present
' IVIOtiday evoning,'to• flush out for the. event. • ' >r'\
the' • drains in the Cai'edonian Mr; Salkeld pays ,his'` 'official
• lark; i:ii an ,effort. to • get the IV,isit. to: Tec vate tonight
g Lodge l,'
park in s}ian,i� for the, opening (Thursday) which.' concludes',• his I
• of the . softball?season•• early: 111 schedule o;f. visits to the 'tw v
., a �"1 (Y
June.; , ' . i • ' 1 lodgq ' in the district, six being .
' visited last e : :
(Cohit>fntied on,,, page.. : .. 8) .: fall and the i etriarn
:Lind six'.' this tis 'sprang', b
William Lockhart received'
word ion Saturday of. the death
of his.younger sister•, Mrs; ,Jirr
McConnell of Dauphin, Manitoba,•'
She ,'was 57 years of. age • Jai d
succurribed to a series of paralytic
Mrs;. McConnell v,./as o
o a s f,, x•lrierly
Helen' Lockhart,. and was born in,
•'TKiriloss Township, being a Baugh
ter oaf, . the late Mr. and
Richard Lockhart.- NIr. and Mrs.
McConnell ;have h ve ' resided '•� in the
West since Viten marriage.' He,
too, is . a .native of this commur -:
Besides` her husband, a
family •
of four sons survive,' 'three of..
whom r,eside. at ,Dauphin, and the
P , ,
other boy,; •Ford, in Toronto. Of.
the .Lockhart family two .brothers
and a sister survive:" William of
Luck now', Alex of'"Dresden and-,,,.
Mrs. Archie ; Hunter (Mary), in. •
the, West. '
Mr. '.'Ernest 'Ackert visited re-
cently at Caledonia. with his aunt,.
Mrs: ''Elizabeth' .Shaw,' Who •is '96
years of: age and continues to. en-
joy excellent . health. She
tormerly, Elizabeth Ackert,' a. is
ter: of the • late John • Ackert;of
Flolyrood• 'and: Luckr�ow •� She Wast,
born at ;Georgetown :
Mss .;Shaw is ' still' actively :.en-
•gaged in • housekeeping and pie -
Pares three meals a'da for a re-
tired school'. teacher:':w.ho is' 86,
and "who inakes• her hoame with`
her. .
• L
w and Community res'
dents; long noted . for their gen
'erous;'response to .all ''worth a'
Y �..
peals; are `again being given the
Opportunity' to show: their' benev
cup vl ring i' 'e : ivianl
:'to"ba;,Flood Relief:Fund.
Fe v ..catastra hies . '
p have.. -ewer- ,
touched the:nation so universal
1y . a has "this Manitoba :flood •
the magnitude ''of which cannot` .;
be :and
nor the destruction.
:and 'destitution • com'prehended.
The realization, of what "sim
ilar situation Would
d.mean , to.
those more fortunately situated
has su4ficed to touch 'the :heart
strings .and, purse string's of.Can-
adi�ans from rcaas't • to `coast; and
',of others .outside ;our border'
The ...Manitoba Flood 'Relief
Fund, has - set 'an :objective' of. ~'
$10,0Q0,0Q'0, to ;help rehabilitate
and;r.e/es:tablish • destitute::Mani,
toban's. in the Red' ..River .Valley
and ,in 'Winnipeg. •::Donations are
already pouring in from 'all' over:
the., Dominion
,,. So . ;that. Luckno v and district
folk' May i.nor e, co 'venient
n , .ly take
part in. this himanitarian
, • . .. work,
a local'; b. 'matron has been set
up to ecei donations„
week e
1VIcNa.b' . took..:the • initiative i
establishing , a, • local ' carnvai n;
which. is.'sponsored .bv the g
. .. a Village.
Council and :the Chamber'. of `Chan-
merce.' ' •
• ,niminting to . $2,815,00 ,spread•
over the 'foul;»municipalities:.This
would alto raised U
on:the••ba is `f
additional mill of this: capital • . 1.
e p irrf-til c�i)ttlillissir�ncyr for 5t. cath..
PO11tlit•tire raising 'her levy. 'to .�
l�,ttiiIl:, •,` �` arinc�,, 1Glt•w' Crriirlc�n: 1 C rtnatit,,
reducing the Town- it�rr��rie�r;cl E�ttnin7iy-"
sh}a revue, .: Oslr iv.1 "" lr,i. t l
1 s tai •5 i ills. + • i itr.<rnd Mi ;�. Mcg-
. �l(7'n (t for G. ,1t i Et i
•.'With; the iiddition of One teach -.
e. and M";• .l 1' Im',
• the .last
tei(�school. would provide' 't 'o.10111 001
rtctin,„ x1ti I7ci,st(iss(.s
(Cloiiinued tin•page 5) t'cii Ontario,: , ,
• VoTuntary'dona�tio.ns are
_ .being''
asked for; acid are being _received
at. the' Bank of ,Montreal,, Mc-
Kind's Drug Store and 'The, Sen-;
inel Office;
Ano: appeal 'for support of the;
and etas made from local'pulp.its•
en Sunday and: expeotatiotis are
ha't' the' earnpaign Will, get: into
till suing this tv€c�k•: with .0 gen-.
c�rous i�espense. A list of d.
to :the fund: ill be ' published in
The Sentinel, :
• A list of •donatioiss�reccived•at.
he• week -end prior to the`:;fund
eing officially established here.'
fi.4s 'McGregor
>{,.t rite
Ackert 7
,i•OWT1 Harper
.-, J, i'�r, Hendol',,on,'.:,. -i
J: W'. llc+ndci•;oi :ttt'Z;b,` . •1t1...0.
'itni'cd e1r 3 •
; F. }�TC���iT1i lttil(�
Onald IVTeLe'ai : 5.00'