HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-18, Page 4PAGE; FOUR THE . LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCNOW;, ONTARIO P. r. "WANT: AD" RATES -1st insertion 2 cents..a word, 'subsequent insertions 1 cent a -word. Minimum charge •:25 cents. Replies care of The Sentinel10 " cents extra. Leah` advertising 10 cents •per count line first,insertions, 5 cents .per line • subsequent „insertions. ti FORR SALE -2 boats, Only, a year old; J. • Powers, Blackhorse.. ood.' ,FOR .:SALE -Essex• coach,gibed •conclitiom .: . A. Greer, Lucknow, FOR .SALE, —' :grey :heifer, will: freshen` soon, T.B. "tested. Ebner 'Afton. • CAR FOR •SALE .` - .1939 Chev. • coach, in lglood condition Ralph. ;Hodgins, Lucknow..,' ' . FOR SALE -1948 Pontiac, slip covers, .,heater. Expellent condi- Aim,: Harvey Hall,` Lucknow, FOR SALE --lady's C.C.M. bicycle. in'good condition. Apply at Sen- tinel Office. • • • : •FOR SALEbedr'oorn; suite;' like new; two kitchen :tables, daven- 'lport, 75 feet lawn hose. R. B. ;nuance; Havelock St: 'FOR .:.SALE-comifortable •' home, 3 acres, ,,barn: and hen House, hydro ,and water in all buildings. J.: Powers, , Blaokhorse. FOR .SALE=b r .o'o d e r' house, 'ibrooder Move • and %ftwo shelters. Lloyd MacDougall, R. 6, L: zck now, grhone`.26-30 1lipley. FOR SALE — new modern, 'one- storey. home;, immediate possess- ion• Apply; 'to .Geo. Orvis, Luckk now. PLEASE RETT. RN fel ce.stretcl - .elp promptly. as ,others' are usual ly waiting' . for them at this.: time. of the. year:. W:' G Andrew and • Son tai ail eta 141 • ry ,1 A .1° `FOR : SALE LuMber, tinl'bers, :posts; slabs, •wood, etc., Teason ',able' .prides. See us and save anoney. • Kennedy & Gaunt, .. phone:: 46 or rJ. 4 ingnam.. BRAY HATCHERY has p llets.. Dayold up to 5 weeks., Prices from $17.90. Ask us for complete price - list.' Also mixed. arid. cockerels: to. order; D.' FINLAYSON, tic new. GET .KITCHENER,'' Big -4 Chicks,: for later markets -left ibare with earlier short buying.. With: their 'vigorous breeding, • nature' ,will mature : them ` .rapidly to full 'growth. Specialson s t a r tted chicks. ' Contact ;'local agent--- • ED, . V. BAKER,; Lucknow, . RADIATOR `CLEANING and. re=' pairing at reasonable .:cost.. Try Bluevale 'Repair Shop, for y, our 'rad troubles:.Phoxie Harry, Elliott, •648-w-1Wingkiamn. • . HOUSE FOR'. SALE eight -room frame house in : Lucknow hard wood -:floors; hard and soft water, modern > conveniences. Apply to', Wm. Fischer,, 'Lucknow: FOR' SALE -•good 100-�aore'rfarm ''with .good 'barn.. and : house, rock .'^well; creekthrough farm, all: ,un- der pasture; or ,will rent for pas- ture' only. as-ture'only.Apply, to Box.38, Luck-; now Sentinel. FOR SALE -= At Kinlough, .the • house,' .barn and lot. of Mrs. W. J. ,McLean'• on the Lucknow--and Kinloss highway, hydro equip- ped.:Mrs. W. J. McLean, ':Box 169; Kincardine, phone 36-r=2� . JUST ARRIVED ' Another: shipMerit of the book "Father 'Chinique! or 'Fifty Years in the Church:Of Rome, has just. been , received 'gat• The Christian Book Shop. This i$ • one of the most;;marvelous 'books ever :print ed and`' should be in every ,borne;. Corrie early if: you want• to secure a�cipy" NOTICE• •,All persons having c a l ms against, • the • .Lucknow Sawmill Company,. •are requested to file the . sable, with . full 'Particulars, With: the 'Undersigned by the ;1st day of June next, 1950. ' Dated at'Lucknow, this 15th day''of. May, 1950• • Lucknow Sawmill Campany, Morgan Henderson,' Lucknow. NOTICE „TOWNSHIP• ',:OF KINLOSS RATEPAYERS',' " MEETING A ar eeting of , the ratepayers of the Township af Kinloss will.; be. held in the' Township I31a11 Holy rood, on Monday evg,, May. 22nd; at, $30' o'clock DST for the. put-: pise of' hearing tentative reports and discussing Kinloss' Participa- tion - in• the proposed Lucknow COMING EVENTS B'A'KING SALE.,& TEA An afternoon tea . and Abaking sale under auspices • of the ,Wog men's Association of the St.' Hel- ens United Church Will be held in the Recreatignal Centre,: Luck- now, n Saturday .after 'onoon, May 20th at 3..00 o'clock.:. • DANCE FRIDAY Doh.'.t forget the Ladies' Auxil- iary i:dance.to be `hello on Friday.,. May 19th in the ,Town- Hall. The. .draw'for a `' ; silver set;; displayed. at"Johnstone's Furniture Store, Willabe. made `at the. dance. Tick - •;,any els• •may ••• still be. had. fr°orcn . of the Aukiiiary.anenbers,:or. at• the dance.. • PLAY AND DANCE The • comedy -•drama,: ,"Ernbert Get Wise'} will' be presented in the • Town Hall, . Lucknow,: Friday,, May 26 at 8.30,.by the St. George •Dramatic. Society Club of Harris- ton. Admission 50c and 25c. Dance after. Henderson's' orchestra. Ad..:-' mission 50c •;Auspices Lucknow Agricultural Society. RUMMAGE SALE The . LucknowWomen's. •Insti= t'ttte will hold a rummage' salein. they Recreational .Centre; . ori Sat- -- rday,- May .47.t14. • Donations' "of •. any" saleable :article' wil •be:: welcomed .from. anyone ,and may' be left• at the"' home of Mrs;.''W.'.;J. Douglas. 'There will'. Abe' :a 'sale of;.h:omemade' baking and :a tea �rooin. CHRIST OR,; C.OMMUNI.SM? ' Empty, ,prayer:•less „churches are the best aid .to Communism that• we' know':of. Today or country . faces: the choice, of Revolution or Revival, which shall it be? Pray- er 'meetings ray-er''meetings for, revival :will be held every•Friday evening at 8.00. o'clock : in ` the • a.partrnent above. the •; Express..Office, arid, Christ lents .are Urged . to come and pray 'for .a spiritual. awakening. May God: help us to" wake up before 'it is :too late • THURSDAY, MAY . 18th, ,'1950 FOURTH CONCESSION Mr, and Mrs W, F. MaeDon ald were in Kincardine last Tues- dayattending ,the meetings of the Presbyterial and Pres(byrtery. • Sorry. to report that Mr. Geo. Gilchrist is confined, to bed With heart trouble. • . , Mrs,. Dan L. ' MacKinnon visit- ed her husband . in hospital at London, last •'Wednesday & .found. him, improving.' ' The Fourth Concession is a bee hive `of:- activity •this, week 'as farmers are sp;busy seeding. •. Miss Margara t ,>MacDonald ;:at- tended`a• teachers meeting inl Ber- vielast Wednesday night. • , Mr.' ' and .Mrs. Jack: 'Hamilton.' sand! "three:" children .of ,, Clinton spent the "week -end at the -home: Of . Gilbert Hamilton, . NOTE CHANQE :OF DATE. •'►'IJGTI,,O_ .. L'ERSONAL ;SKINNY MEN, WOMEN!. Gain .5, to 15 'lbs. New pep, too. Try fam-' ous '.Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new•healthy flesh; new vigox. "Neve-"get"acquairited'` size,"only 60c. All druggists,' ' • LAWN."MQWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED For prompt and efficient 'Service. see. or call _ .- E. W. RICE, ST:' HELENS 'Phone 42-r-31, Lucknow. The undersigned auctioneer has received , instructions. to' sell, by Y'ulblic 'Auction; 'at ' the., Commun- ity S'tables,. Lucknow, on Satur day, May 27th;: at 8.30 ;porn:," the 'following farm lands: 1 The West Half of Lot 2,.Con. '12 . W .D:;: Township ' of Ashfield; 100 acres'.' • 2. South' . Half of Lot 15; Con:: 12; Township .;of, West. Wawanosh, 100 .acres:; 3.. The • South Half. of the South Half, Lot 22 ;and the. Smith Half of.,Lot 23, Con:' • 6 ;.W,D Town- sh'ip :of, Wawariosh; :=150 acre's Tertns: These lands will • be .Of- fered for sale subject `to a -resery ed bid'..Conditiot'is of sale to, be made knOWn. the day of sale. 10 ipercent of the purchase money: to Abe paid . on day 'of sale, balance' in 3Q'�day_s.' • W.. E. Henderson Estate, 'Prop.,' - Well. ,,Henderson, • Atte. . CARD OF 'THANKS Mrs. Lawrence MacLeod wished • to iniost „ sincerely thank. those Whoso kindly ,refiiembered ,her, • with cards, , flowers, fruit ,and in NOTICE,:. other . ways, while she was ill: ` These remembrances were ap- Keep in mind the annual Keys- preciated indeed Culbert -Gaunt Shorthorn Sale at`. • • Clinton Fair ,Grounds, Thii sday.,_ We wish to, express to .tht kind, • June' 1st, Anyone wishing ,a cata:= friends at 'Lucknow, our deep Logue ' apply to' W. • A:. • Culbert, gratitude for the many acts of Dungannon. , KINGSBRIDGE NL ,•and'Mrs. Norrnail.O.'Connor have ,'arrived ,hone from their honeymoon • Mr., and Mrs: ' Mike Law and Miss' ,Hannah, .., Hogan. . spent :.Sun- day. evening with -Mr and Mrs. W. `.Lannan 'Mr. Leo Condon. and Mri.. Pete Vogt .of Detroitspent the :week-. end with, .Frank 'Sullivan. John :L. -Sullivan 'who has been visiting. his .sisters in: .Detroit' returned •home with them. Mr' and Mrs.: Nick Perry; were Sunday . visitors. with Mr. , & Mrs Earl Drennan.. .• • . SALE OF 'FURNITURE—Chest.; Enfield. suite, :2 four -piece bed - zoom suites,' bed, cupboard, cot,. G.E. electric stove,. four-iburner; G.E.:electrik refrigerator,,• coffee' table; 2' trilights, kitchen suite, Maxwell' washisig Machine, e, tubs and,stand, clothes drier, baby car- riage, baby "tender,, other .articles. All in good.. ,condition, Apply' to Mrs Harvey Hall, Lucknow, kindness shown to `Harold, • dura 'ing his illness ofz.the. past 'six months, also dut ,ng'the' past few .days at, the time of his 'death, Thanks also • t'o the kind • neigh- bors and Miss Flora MacDonald; who served lunchafter the fun- eral; to Drs. Johnston and Cor- rin :for their efficient' "care and nnedieal treatment; and to' Rev, • Dr.' Mu ''iford for his, comforting 'message and assurance. 4ertha. 'and Mabelle ,Allin, To Be :Baptized Sunday Mrs. Wm; • .Pappas and .infant son, Chris, :are visiting; in Toronto with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs,. , N,anos. Bill will go to the city` at the .weekend where their son, Aristides., Christopher, . will . be christened 'on; Sunday in the Greek :Orthodox .Clitirch .1 7777 T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN I.latve1ock Si,, south cf Supertest Garage 12.0 .0 fC N O W • Telephone 175... General Accountant y. ;Service for: :the. s11411 ,mer- chant,' professional roah.. and. the farmer. In Lucknow Tues,,: 'rings', and. :Friday. Office in. ;Kilpatrick • Block. • C YMM. Box '74, •Lucknow, Ont, Phones: ,•Residence 23-3 ,Office. 23-.W. • See Sunday's• Detroit Tiines Ladies, F'or Beauty- Hints, �. Do you know .hoW'ter'.prevet t lacquered fingernails from split. - ting and; peeling? . Know how to make along ,chin better propor :. tio'ned, or' how to 'clear tip an oily forehead? ' You'll find the ans-' vers in Sally. Young's: "Beauty. Hints" ' in The American Weekly •With .this .Sunday's.. (May' 21) .is sue of. The Detroit Sunday Times, CARD OF ` THANKS Arthur: Helm' wishes to take this .opportunity to thank friends and • neighbors for : Cards,, letters treats- and .fruit at the - time -of his recent illness. „ news'Agency Howard Agnew -. Jo"s., Agnew MEMBER OF **Ontario ' Insurance' Agents'. Association GENERAL INSURANCE tablis'hed Over. 30 Years AgoEs b go Telephones:. Business • 39 • Residence 138 J ROBERT: IRVIN IA RAG E Repairs to' all Wakes .of cars Also • agents 'for, :FARM IMP. LEM1gNT5 and Repairs 'Phone 53, Dungannon ARMSTRONG OPTOMET1 IST. IN LUCKNOW, FIRST WEDNESDAY. OF EACU MONTH' ,fr ori' • at WM. SCHMID'S STORE ,Iaisure In' Sure Insurance WIND ..Western Farmers'' Weather !FIR:E ':Howick Farmers' Mutual • aA cident Sickness Cr, .. c ,_S _a Consult , OHM.' FARRi.SH, 'Phone, 169-J, Lucknow. ISN �RA NCE SV ;Co Operative; Life Insurance CO -Operative. Automobile .:. Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurrance Economical and Reliable See T. A. CAMERON .: LUCKNOW' •'Phone 70=r -i0 Dungannon V g FIRE, CASUALTY,• • AUTOMQBILE: • :AND LIFE ' T•oJack, Insure With ,Jack Today. J McDONAGH R. R 3 ' Lucknow, Ont.:: 'Phone ,61-5 Dungannon--; It is with sincere' appreciation, hat. I -wish. to 'express my •heart- felt thanks t� all those 'who'. so kindly and :.thoughtfully remem-. •bered me while in ',the, hospital.. " •Mrs`. Albert Thotnpsori, ' 1 wish to thank rny'good.neitght ibors and the:Lucknow Fire Co: tor' helping at the 'chimney fire on Sunday Morning. it was very much appreciated, •• • • • ' ' • .Mrs. Jos.• Helm, '', ,1 wish, 'to thank all for :visztii- and remembering me in many'• ways, while 'in'' hospital, 1 Was fortunate to 'have as roommate,- William Statters, florist, •oi± H:olyw rood, . Richard Baker. • State Farm • Mutual A��t0 Off! l .:'...m i� e. Insurance Company' A suR,E- YoU LOW RATES •` . • with protection in a high category. Investigate ' Before .You Invest ALEX T.' MacNAY Agent, -Phone 177 Lucknoty , NOW IS. THE TIME Ta, Order A. I Threshing Machine 3 sizes --22x32, 22x38, 28%48 Roller Hearing Complete EARL H. HODGINS R; R. 1 Holyrood, 'Ont. 'phone 36- • ;r.13 Teeswater ` e R W ANDREW 'llarrrster : and Solicitor LUCKNOW; . ONTARIO: ` Office in the ' Joynt Block Teleph, one: • Office, ;` Residence�31-J, 135 . ie MacKenz ItVar Barrister and Solicitor .WA,IL4tERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW •Each Wednesday', OFFICE IN. ' HENDERSON BLOCK,' tor� R. S Hethering ,,K. 'Barrister; Etc.' , Winghani and Lucknow o IN..LucioloW 1Vlon. E8�h , aid ' W ane5 'd�Y Locatedon n the, ground floor. hi' the front idf .r. nt • .John., Kil�patrirk's Building ►Phone • Winghara 91 'Resrdenci2.