HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-18, Page 2pAG
. this.
Mr- ' r Inglis is spending .
week with his son Jack at New-
Mr. and Mrs. Hank ,Kreuger of
Lincoln; Park, Mich., returned
,home on Wednesday after spend-
ing.'ten dot at the home of Mr.
4ack Gillies. Mr. and Mrs. John-
• ny Krueger and little son of De
troit spent the week -end with Mr.
atid_Mrs. Hank Krueger and Mr:
.•Jar Oiil es.
Miss Carolyn Mathers. had the
• misfortune , . to slip arid fall off
the slide at school on Friday and
break her ],eft 'wrist. •
Mr. Jim, "Orr :assisted Alfred
Patterson ' with his , seeding : the.
t 1YY.
• pas•
�et of
The Gilkes .faanily',• placed a bas
in the' Presby -
's .
terian ,cut flowerchurch ; an Mother's Day in
• Memoryof their parents, the late,
Mr, -and •Mrs.. David Gillies. 't.
the close of the 'service the flaw
ars were presented to Mrs. David
:Kennedy, ;a lifelong ` ;a • and
Mr.,; and Mrs C , it •Forster Wand
amply:: of.Palaner on and M:..
: Mrs. Alex: Robe :son and Ji
spent Sunday ith Mr and' Mrs
James Forst
and• s. Ronald ; Forste
aired ifamify ' visit -ed on Sund
' rov'i`th Mit and Mrs. Duncan -S.
Mr, and Mrs. James Johnstone
of Lucknow had their son, Har-
old. Johnstone and family,, also
Mx. and .Mrs,Hardy Simpson, vis-
iting them on Sunday. The John-
stone fainly are formerly from
Lucke o , but now have their
own bakery ;and restaurant busi-
ness in • Parkhill,
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnstone,,
Mr. • and Mrs, Clare, Johnstone
and daughter and Mrs.. Stewart
Levis 'attended the opening 'on
May 4th in Parkhill. Tile• new.
proprietor served .coffee,. dough-
nuts •land ice creadn at ';the open-
• ing.
mi. an Mrs., W Howal�c . and
BillY.. - s'la ent, Sunday : ey'enrn�g at
the home ,of. George .Fisher.
1VLr. Jack. Inglis and •Mr.. and
Mrs.; Bqb Adaras and f aniily ;spent.
Sunday, and . Monday. with Mr.
Tom' Inglis. `
Mrs: Charles :Twamley of Lon-
don spent two • weeks' with ' Mr;
land „Mrs. Wm.: MacDonald. •
Miss Shirley. Twamley and Mr:
Mel .caperton of London visited;
at.. MacDonald,s oiver the week
Mr. Frank 'Bancar' who has
worked, at,George',Kennedy's.,fora
the st' year has, obtained work
-in 'a barrel -factory in London.
On Saturday,, April 20th, a
pretty wedding took place in. Our
Lady cd Good Counsel. Church,
Detroit, when • Anne. Sansoterra,
oaughter ' of Mrs., Henrigtta San
terra, became. the (bride of Nor-
man O'Connor,
ormanO'Connor, son: of the 'late
Mr: and Mrs. :Michael, J. O'Con-
nor , oo Kingsbridge. Rev. Major
1V1. J. Dalton -of' Windsor, coUSin
of the groom, .sang' the mass and
performed •the marriage cer e
'mony. Given in marriage by her
.[brother Louis, the bride • looked
lovely. in a::white organza gown
and short veil. She carried- white
orchids and lily, -of -the -valley..
Ste was attended by: her sister
MJary,' dressed in blues organza'
., an
i ore d.
.. t
f -
Carrying a red orchid with tarn '
atiofis, Mr... John,, O'Connor assist-'
-ed his brother as :beat man,. Frank
,Sansoterra and Bruce.; McDonald
were. ushers, A Wedding break-
fast was. held at the bride's 'hoc e.
for the immediate families, and a
.reception ;from 4 •to 6 for' about
one , hundred guests.
For 'travelling' the bride • wore
a . grey striped suit' `with access --
blies to inatch..' The • couple will
reside on the groom's -farm near
Kintail. •
. t ere • Mr.
Out of town . , goes -s- •.
and Mrs,-., GAS' . Kinahan of St.
Augustine,; Mr.'' "'arid • Mrs. Leo
Courtney, .John O'Connor, Bruce
c Mr.. 7 and L_
mond Dalton, Mr. and 'Mrs. Bob
Simpson': of ..Ashfield' and 'Mr..
Frank.. Donnelly, K C;,• o f ,' Gode•s-
Village of Lucknow Must Register same at the Muni -
cipal Office, and • procure a,• license on or .before June
1st, 1950:'
IT IS REQUESTED that dogs be not allowed to ru at large
durinethe 'period. to July 1st;'•1950-
DOGS NOT WEARING.°TAGS, andrunning at .large any
'time' .are liablle to be impounded at• the Owners risk
and expense. •
THURSDAY, MAY 18th, 1950
This ,community' was again.
shocked and saddened last Week
by the sudden death of Harold
Rodger . Allin, 'who passed away
about enght o'clock Monday ev-
ening, May 14th, . in Wingham
General• Hospital. Mr. Allo_. had
been: ailing for a few anonths with
a heart condition and- had been
hospitalized•for Some time.by:the
malady. Recurring attacks re-
quired him to return , to. the
hospital a few days. prior to his
death, Where • he suffered the
fatal seizure. early ,Monday even -
On,,Saturday, May 6th, a . pretty
„bridal of early, spring had its setr
ting at Blessed' .Sacrament •church,
Chatharn, +where.•marriage.: vows
.were spoken 'by Reta Ann ,Moran.
and . Kenneth . C. ” Ray., • Rev.. Fr..
Nelly. officiated:'';
Tile, :bride, •a 'daugjhter 'of Mr,
and• .Mrs. '• Frank ; Moran of near
.Lucknow; was.given';in .marriage
by:her. father: •Her street :length,w
•sgon of 'sky:; blue 'Satin 'had.'a
flowing veiled 'skirt- trirnrred with
satin, leaves. '•.She ; wore a' single,
strand of pearls, gift a thegroom
arid 'wore a corsage ' of' red roses
and white tulip. buds,'
1VIrs. ,'Elva Allen, . sister. of the
and wore a navy gown with navy
= : and: white;' accessories•.:.and :a cor-:
Sage of red roses and .white 'reed'
:The• groom, a son 'of: Mr:and
-r-'Mrs--0eo- rge . Ray, was -µattended-•
by J.' C, •Clarke: • •
fi,,.Afterwards a reception and
wedding 'dinner.; -was`; held ' at the;,
Bluebird Restaurant' where Mrs
Moran•'was• rbc:civing in a • navy/7
.'dress, -With fldwer ''trimmed •naTyy
hat .and "wearing ' a corsage . of •
seet peas. _
. Leaving. '•on a wedding trip. to
Leamington' and Novar the bride
was :attractive in a 'suit of wine
with, navy accessories. •
' ' ie couple 'will reside -On Wel
l lingtori St-, Chatharri: • '.
was 'fifty Five year of
age: He. was a, son .of the ,late Mr::
and Mrs, . William ;Allin 'arid was
P •
kno •' on,
w Y
in u
fh, 18 5.' Harold,or."Doc as lie'
18 9
oras'. popularly: wn .~to, old
friends, was a lifelong.• -resident
of• 31ie'village except for his over.-
seas service in World War I• with.
the Princess Pats 5th University
Corps' of Montreal. '
Upon his return from the bat
tlefields in••'Europe, Harold join
ed the sales staff of Beatty Bros.
of Fergus. Possessed of a, genial
manner ' and. 'striking personality.
he was well fitted for this : oc
cupatiozi.. •During his 27 'years'
se ridvice..with: this firm he proved
to -be a very successful salesman,
and Won many, trophies in .com-
pany contests. 'Six representatives
o e :ompany •a nae • min-
aril_ service
In his younger days Harold was
a a`ockey , player of considerable
ability and a member -'of the town
band. In recent yearshe was act-
ively; associated with the' Clans -
Men •'Club and .the Canadian.'. Leg-
He :was -a . ,nrerniber of the
Nfiasonic• bodge: andof the. Luck.
now United Church.. He. served
on the Board ` of Stewards arid
for xn'any years sang• in the
.Churc*ab `hojr, .He was possessed;'
of a rich voice and .a keen
musical' e;ir, and took much de_
light in gi000 music:.
Harold was twice married, ,He:
is suvbthchildren b
the rvifirsted marriagey ree, Carolyn oyf.
Detroit, Jean :of Toronto • 'and
William of Win'gharn. Two child-
ren sox viva by' the second mar=
riage,. Mary Elizabeth iind'• Rus
'sell Grant. His widow . ? Its form
erly Miss ,Jessie M•achcnzic', dau: .
gh,ter a.f.1VIr, and Mrs. W,
sSurviving ,also.
lso are two sisters '
,Misses Bertha • and Mabc'lle A11in
of'Toronte;.and. two brothers, Wil-
li*. of Ohatham and L;vtin of
•Dthesree yeaeronto.rs A .bxago'oth`c�'i., Gc,cik
• Y.
mi e
M eb. rs of thc. M.a, oniC Lodge
attended ..the .; ei vac:l
day • afternoon . in. .tlieUnite
Chur c h an t . d
o d, took pail in. the:
Committal service at Greenhill,
Cemetery.'. The pallbem ei•s.were
'Cameron MacDonald, l:I.ugh Coin;
' ing, '.Thomas Kelm .torr '
p Allister
Hughes,:'Harvey, Webster:: and''
Grant •Ma '� iarmid
The:, • 04,4190a: as largely'attend-
ed'�and th-',f, . was banked•witli •
flolwer$: :as tri sutes cif •respect to
one who was highly regarded :and
Whose early d.eniise' was widely
mourned.. The - .service was -'con-
ducted by. Dr. W. '• Mumford
who -referred ` tg 'H4aro1d •as a cas-"
u 'It.y of'Woria War. I. Hcy, read:
T"he hymn "•Ci*ossing The Bar";,
wh ch; he touchingly referred to:
as ,'having been sung as a Soli).'
Eby Harold on the; eve oi:"'his d�
pasture. .for`" "overseas. A malt
quartette.with' which. he (ad .so
'often :'sung, 'rendered "'Nearer•
My:',God• ToThee' 'The rtette
was ` corprised••oi•..Eld'on .1 -lender
Son;. Alex Mciay, I�<<.11�1•i Hodgins.''
and Elmer :Umbach., With Wilfred
• Black .at 'the.; organ.
Child and Anilinal Photography ;A Specialty
�.ilris Developed' and Printed 24 -Hour Service
Cameras Repaired • Telephone 199, Wingham
QM r>01.r>•=,..o.1.1,5,411.1.r1.111M{,IMIP•r/.11111111./l ,,.6.11ni.04M11.l,l6l..moa:,.diss.•:u►n
_' lillll(IIIIJIIII{III'.iillP!til!illllll!IIIIJP_iIIIIIII1111111111�III11110111111Hllllil(Iliill{!Illllllllllllllp'lllllllllllillllfllllillllllllhll111111{!I!1}illll I'�� I i Iliiilillll , Ili 1 �ii,a!:!'� l'
S.LNDAY,'`MA '21st, 1950
iuest Minister: Rev.. R. D. A. Currie, B.
of Whitechurch, Langside and. Calvin
Special Music --
We are' glad' to 'report that Mrs: L 1 UO,. a.m, . • .: : 1 .3 O'' p.m.
'Johnston Conn,• who had :been a ,,';
few days in Wingham Hospital �iIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIdill'Illilllli8!III11t111111IIIIIIIII1111:1iIIIIIIII iii( ,IMI,i!IIIIIH(((ill(!iIIIIIIiIIIIilI!IIliilll(Illfll!ill'I1IC1 1
with an .infeCtipn in her; face, iS.;.o.ri,nmt,.ossn.•;:mn�naru.aw►p.....„40•1n.01•14mioiimit,f'i,"' '1•
able to:'',be• home . •
Mrs James...'Wilson, .Jr.; Who
was:ill in W' ngharn Hospital••.1af,t
week; is •conyalescing;at the home
of •her mother',-,:Mrs:'R. 1Vlovbra,:,
• There 'was a good; attendance, at'
el -loner's 'Church'''Sunday°when.
six `babies Were baptized by. Rev.
Gurria A - lovely basket 'of flow -
memory' of Mr.`: and Mrs, David.
Grll es,',by• the 'family. A fine
;Mother's .Day • addre:ss. was given
"by: the. pastor' on the family and
the home.
Rev.. and Mrs;• Graydon 'Cox &
family of Foothill: spent part Of:
Mother's .:Day' with -her mother;
Mrs. Rossi Ross, • • ;
1Vtrs. T. Lacnh. of Coderich and
Mrs, Reicl and Mrs. H. Tichhorne
•spent Friday with Mrs. D. Ken-
nedy: Mrs. Lamb spent laa•rt of
the day. with Miss •i eta`. Hudson:
and her mother
Rev, .Currie conducts ariniverw
sary serviices .at South 'I inlhss
church .next. Suhday and Rev..Mt:,
' L'auich wi,ll)lcc. the'. $erviee
Male: your days • colourful 'with
B-i1:I. Paints. Beautify and'
protect your home
inside and out.
• '. • • i' • . • • '• :•' '6 •.. �.., .
• 'PHONE, 1g0.
' N owo )N'tima0''
. aa' ,
1 ` .•
The (�uarterly Meeting of
Will be held. in The Recreational ..Centre,
fl4ay,May 2
at 8.30 p.m. sharp,
Important Business -A. large. Turnout`.RequeSte`
There,:will be a ahowYngsof Inkerestilig•1'
. • lcom
•K,,R�lo►Jr►r�arj► r�rn�Y«�o""r,�r •w�, w►"•r' i,.