HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-11, Page 3TEAR ,34 The. Goderich District gigh financial stateinent for 1949, and. estimates a 3.3 mills levY on the* assesSinent of the municipalities for the current year. The total ti) Colborne Township'.. 6,111.64, . The Ashfield ..and West WM/fa- . ': nosh assessments* affeet•„only that a •,.frhere: aro '1,023;400 Canadians Of. 'age,65 and ovei.7.If•the means :test' for. old age• pensions were tholished -arid the age. lin* re- duced to 65; pension cost at pres:, . ent rates would total' $442 108 800 Local and General • • Anniversary services ,,at South Kinios$ Chureh *ill be held. on Sunday, 'May 21si. W.! B,. Anderson has been ill for the Past ten, days with pneu- nionia, and, pleurisy. • Mr. Jack Farrish's many friend's are , pleased to. see him able to be abPUt again: . Cliin is home from. Tor- :Ontj,,i:after. Writing.his• first year :tharmacy examinations. Fred „Nixon has.,been out again the„: oa4t Week 'after*4 being confined to bed-fOr,,a• -Gordon; •MacTairish West': WawanoSlf underwent. an MiSS ,Audrey Smythe is ill, at her' home in' Cillross ToWnship and her beauty, parlor is closed • -C-Talgary,, John •Mcicinnon' has :LUCKNQW ..;•• tiler, Mr.' Dan.t. McKinnon: • E'D 'CH tiRC 11 • „ :MacKenzie of •Tor' , onto is yisitingLIer_e, and:. -attend, Parents :and Children. I Baptism will • he adrninistered. 124'5 There will a. no Sunday School :seryiee since parents .and: childreni :are Worihipping together, ! • ,concerning prayers::: for the dead; and• the, eridi Come -and ;Worship. which. She. undertve,ni 'employed at *MeKlin'S Drug StOre hone! Of Mr. !and 'Mrs- RObert • in Toronto this Week • with IViiss Lorna Compbellarid•with Mr. and j. Barber' of Vaneouver, :who* recently carne. :East :for . a brief visit. ' • .. all thOse'WhOfivorect Me Witlra Shire of 'theii. Having dispOsed of 'the busmess' to Gor- on Brooks, I bespeak for him a continuance of the paSt fairors I enjoyed. He may be con- tacted by phoning 137-J, 'Lucknow, and will assure You' prompt and efficient- Service.. N. NI 7 • 1111 " 111 ' ' Bundle it up and tie securely, • useable condition, 'PHONE 13-i 011,176-j m and the boys pick it up, or place it • , at the curb for the Colleciion, Mon , May iS s . milinimmaiminsmainummiammonemommommilimmomonosimmi j. WILSON 1 ou Want It,' couts and (u s WHAT IS IT? .Why • • • • • • • SundaY ot Mr. land Mrs.* ',Philip Stewart were Mr., and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart, Miss.Gwen, Ste*: art and John Wilson of Stratfcird and Allan Stewart of London. , Mrs: A. Robertson and Mrs. MacKenzie of Mount Vorest spent Sunday with friends_ ti..,ere and. at- teided iannIviersary- services ,• in the Piesbyterian .Church. merston Was a week -end guest of Mliss Shirley Sherwood at the home of her, ,porenti, and: Mrs. Jim ShetWoOd.- 1VIv. and Mrs: Garnet Harnilton Lobsinger land Edna ,of,'Wallter;• ton -were Sunday guests of and, Mrs. Jack Hamilton: been a patient in Kincardine .Hbspital. for a Ifew weeks, is Pro- gressing favorably •and•,is eXpept, ed home by•the end •of, the week: Hethering- winter Vancouver,*, are' !visiting at:the home' of her sister,. MrS. Sarah Collyer. s. D•Ouglas Clark and two children, Anne' • and Torniny :of Steinbachi 1Vianitoba, are Visiting :MISS Mary Porteous is .v.iiiting With 'her. parents, Mr. and MrS. Porteous, after completing her first. term at McDonald •Col-. lege, Quebec. Mary •Wili spend Georgian .Roorn. in Eaton's 'COM - Men's, Institute' Will 'be held*, in the ,Towp on- Friday May gr.arn. Directors,, Miss Mary Mc-'. FORMER' ',RESIDENT: DIED' IN ORANGEVILLE LAST WEEK. of Alekander .Agar, •Mr.. Agar Spent:the. greater 'part Of his 'life trict 'and was' well known here: ..*The'• funeral Service, .was' held at Grancl, Valley on Thursday af, tel. -noon, With interment in ;park, i Agar; formerly Eliabeth Selby, Mine .takins 'Of i.BelleViile,',Eldon Kerfoot 'of Toronte: 'A. 'brother and 'Sister also survive,'Robert of •SeafOrth and Mrs..'Void of Da - A NET PROFIT of, $1,629,00 is' reported for the 8_1, days opera - Hockey brought in $4,7'0,45;•,with an , !attendance record:. for. one: garde ',of $2,200• set by •Lucknow HAROLD ALLIN -DIED SUDDENLY 'MONDAY hocked' ori learning of the den, death of Harold •Allin, Which.'occUrred in Wingham Hos, a , heart attack. ii:aroltl had, previously been.in Hospital for- sev.eral • at his home here for some •tirrie ▪ and his progreSs, Was enbotirag, tack the latter part of, the, Week, he returned. te .Witighain where the end came suddenly On Mon- • • • • le ma held this' afternoon„. (Thursday) ited ',Church, With members of Olci Light Lodge' iri attendance. Interthent Will be hi Greenhill PAGE TREES,' The taste's the tes for tea! Canctdians buy more Salacict than any other brand. TRY Mii'C'S.WEEN'S 'HONEY YOUR' GROCER HAS IT.! MONSTER ',E.. RtCREATIONAL enderion'S Orchestra r for a 'Lounge Chair and' Stool,. Rangette," Mixmaster, Cedar Chest and Table Lairip', •, PROCEEDS fOR FIRE HALL; FUND TEkEPH9NE BUSINESS When you think ,aboUt it, ever.ybody. hai' 4250,000.rclephonec.ustorners In Oporto and . QU'cbec,, in .hOines, offices, .hospitals; shops.. leeping pace with growi,n§' needs for MOto work piglets ,of 'money. 'Telephone users; employeesr shareholders, everyone has a vital interest in a service that sheans so much•to the Welfare of so 'irony people: . INE.BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Owned and Operated by anitclitarts for canadicini • • • toj