HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-04, Page 7I
In New Westminster, British,
Colum'bia,..ori Aka 1St, there,
passed away Mrs,, james. Ingjis
• at the advanced •age of 86, Her
10' husband:had prededessed her less,
than a Year aigO.' Mrs; Inglis was
known, around.
Helens at "Minnie Gordon; where.
• she had taught in the hOrne school,
•for several Years,and in .1914
came all the way froin her Wes-
tern home to Participate, in the
reunion of., the former puPils.
s.s. No: 4'in celebrating the, 50th
.sinniversary of its founding;
• She, wat.the last surviving dau-
ghter: of the late !John .Gordon.
There now, remains only. one 4ro,
• ther,,Dr."4'. X, U. Gordon. of Bat -
:tie Creek, Michigan; who also has
'passed Ihs fourscore years Ms
Ing1is is sunVived sons
and. two dabghters. The. tvi,.YO tons
are Scalefarmers • in AIT
berta, 'arid one. daughter, Mary,
(Mrs:. Quinton) lives in Calgary,
the ether, daughter,. Jean,..(1V/rs.
WallaCe),'lives inNew. WeStMin-
§-ter; Mrs. Inglis is survived also
by seven "grandchildren,'
Interment was in Forest Lawn'
Cemetery,L.Yanco.u.yer, besicle4hel
remains of, her, late husband.
eatty ealer
,Reatty Peep W.41 Pumps' '
Beatty Three -Way pumps.;
Chicago ,Aermotor Deep. Well
Pumps., and Windmills
Plumbing, Heating,
.Pump and
Repairing • ••
fit* FitZpatritk
.R. -it, 3,. GOderich::
.'Phone 12-rL3 Dungannon'
by ,Gordon.•M.Greig
• • .1-14e.'• Dominion Government's
, 'nu
ace 132rnbadiOr the lion. 'James
Gardner has dropped another big
one ,Q11 the Canaiclan fanrner by
announcing a' 5c a pound cut in
the floOr price.for butter, This. is
the third bleck' buster elroptped
,by /dr. Gardner since .early last
• fall and, all have landed squarely.
irithe lap,o; the agricultural prb-
clucer: '. • •
• Both' hog and Poultry pi,oduc,-
ers received a 'terrific jolt when
egg prices, droPpecl td as low as
..25.0 per. clbz; for A large and 'pork
pri$:a4ged..to aroUnd° $25:00
per hundred, for 'top quality Af-
.ter, ..considCrable loss had been
sustained'ari'cl many •protest
• ings were helcl,"ther.GOvernment',.
made a half . hazard attempt to
relieve the ,situatiOn by •placing
• floor prices:' on • both eggs and:
pork. Since ,..that .tinie eggs have
climbed to soineitk,ing resembling
rea'soriable .price while the hog
-price; has. been as ,unstable 'as a
Cork in 'the ocean: The price willI
Climb, to $28100 per cwt. and ,then r-
driit• baCk to $20.00 per .cwt. 'and
Cliinb, again for a week or so only
to take. another tumble.' Manipu-
lation by the buyers is 'thy Only
• logical reaton for this ,unsteacli-
,e§s., .
•The daikse•for the 'present price
f butter. can be 'laid at the dioOr.
.2f t tbe. Provincial ,pepartrnent of
• AgricUlture: In two, provinces ;we
• have margarine banned and there
,fs. 'rib:, butter ',problem there. It
two pr,ovinees can .loan • the sale
of rriarg 'iririe" what is to. +hinder.
the others ',from doing likewise?
Before the dritroduCtipri' Of mar-
'garirie. we had:a shortage ef.bifit-o•
'ter' arid in a Very little. c'oner . a
year we find ,:the Government
:holding. 'a surplus of aretuid .2,:
.000,009 :Peurid3: How 'can we
pect ''ctui. dairy far•rners ;to *adjust
'tl-aeintlyes. to;such a raiiici :charige
of :markets. Milk cov§ ar.e...not
like a water. tap !Yeti ,carrnOt• 'just
'Shut .theno Off and go away and
leave Ihem.,•,Thi•Ormal ;lactation
period.for a good', toW is' around
ten Months, o. fariner. with .a
.herd, Of fresh Cows in .Matchand
April will drdp. §everal, .dollafS.
per:week frern the price • he re-
ceived•laSt year ,for his cream
1VIry Valter 1VI. ' -
:Minister (41...Agriculture; •in a
Speech., at CIinton, Ont, less than
mYrrTth ago' stressed the fact that
foundation stock is being
Pleted ,and,•tlatit farmers 'shotild• •
keep :more' cows. to raise .more
young •cattle for our export mar:,
ket. Most:farmers rely.:.'On' a 'C0W
to produce milk as well as raise •
lf one part, Of this dual
'ineoine IS 'Cut off 'the other Part
'Will probably:. suffer . also, If we.
:.have. to. procl4te. butter at 'a loss
op at. starvation: wageI then you.
will see. the'•foitndation• Stock de-
pleted Oven. :More, than: in the
last ti.7.,70..years;' and our supply. of
,beef 1.011'dlwind1e in the next few,
years instead of ;41'6i -ease as ,Mr.
M.carbbin, honed it Would'.
The drop in farrri incbne coine§
at...'a time when we find ,labor.
still' demanding: higher • Wages;
Shorter hotirs and social .secur-
• 4, family plot •.should be
. graced With, the viiprine-like
11.4/11ii; VV./.11U11
•%\..:111 f?O'everlpstirigly, a• tribute.
tli'Ose at restl We have niany'•
classic 'stylps to. suggest;
wofk. With . yoti on Cus7.
.tbrri. designs; • '
low priCes.,
.NO canvassing;.'
•ates 'sale§ Corninissions. ' • •
• Inscriptions . Repairing
.aridblaSting' Memorial§
25 Years'' Experience 0!
• The latest in- portable,
Sandblast• Equipment •
All vvork •personally executed
• ../
Biownlie MemoriaI
Alfred .t WIN.GHAM
Phone 450 .
• or ,
Ripley, Ontario.
toward labors fight for a better Shire sides at sdaboard; 30c' per
',standard of living,lbup at the pre- pound for cheese' instead of the
sent time it is beginning to reach 26c° now paid; eggs to receive/a
a Point where every .eQndession support price .tif .42c instead of
labor gains • adds A. the bur • den the 38c now id butter to
on the illarrner, • . •• remain at. 58c insteadof the 59'
As yet, we have . not had a now offered. In not.one of these
strong enoug union among farm. oases did tb.e GoVerriment accept
the rectornimendation of the PK'-
: eration.• It this had been a labor
• UniOn we would today- belacing
a, nationWide strike tllat would
etyng :up the. food supply of
people to enforee our cleinanelS.:
The Federation made recommen-
dationsto our DoMinion Govern -
anent, that the prices be las fol -
•½s: "$36.00 per cwt: for • wilt-.
the entire PominiOn, and at once(
the Government wOuld call -fa
negotiation coMniittee to discusS
the grievance. •"
A 'ePAIR OF LYNX are reported'
to , have been seen in Greenock,
Swamp near Riyersdale, a.
nirnrOd from Walkerton. It is not
the first time .lynx• •have been
claimed to have•been seen in that •
' •
"•'.....:;••••.:. •
• • • • ..•••••••••••••...c... 1,...••••••••••••••,,I.,.... •
away—there's your easy chair,
• Warm or cool ..., adjust the
• temperature to your' lik ng.
Generous truirrdr space, lots o
- light. Your own foilet and
washing 'facilities, too. '
bum . maw viftir
- Something new in round-the-clock travel enjoyment is
yours in Canadian National's sinart duplex rooMettes.
Here's,all the privaCyand convenience of a bedroom .---,
at only 10 Per cent more than.lower berth fare! •
. • • , • , • • , • ,
When you're ready for sleep, pull out the.deep.:
cus4ioned, foam rubber bed — already Made up. Sleep
soundly in air-conditioned 'comfort. In the morning,
fold away the bed and enjdy a leisurely vvasli your
oNcin roomette, You have, yotir own toilet and' washing
facilities ! `. well -lighted' mirrors for putting;on'your
makeup ....your own temperature control,
•'Sales and Service
• , .
c ines
Gilson Refrigerators and Washers
OOck ombinatIon, Frigidaire and Freezers,
. Grinders, etc..,
.P.y Oay; lotioge.11 oinkirt,
on the soft„"restikil, foami rub-
ber seat, .. if you like an.after-,
, ,
nociti.nap, just pullout the bed` •
and enjoy forty •,,X7inks, •
Next ..time -you travel, ask
Canadian National about du-.
. .
plex- roomettes .
Service on :these route's:
Montreal - Toronto*
Toronto - Chicago
, . .
Also on Other rOtItes as cars
'become available:
• ' •
Huroii R.oatt- CoodeiktiOnt