HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-04, Page 5'HPR'SDAY :SAY4th, 1.9q0.,, • w yceum",theatre W f NGhAN1 Two. Shows Each, Night FIRST SHOW.' AT 7.15 TONIGHT-.-THUXtSDAY LAST SHOWING, tHE GREAT ..AT. -: • � DAN PATCH • FRIDAY., SATURDAY: • MAY 5; 6 . TED DONALDSON, GLORIA HENRY '..grin — Rusty. Saves A Life Matinee .Saturday' at 2.00 p.m. MONDAY, TUESDAY:, : : MAY 8, .9., JAMES- MASON, JO.1 N: DENNETT thReckless e. R ' • � eckles Moment . (Adult a Entertainment) WEDNESDAY, THURSD•AY' SAY 10, 11' • GLENN; FORD, ''• EVELYN KEYES: in — Mr. Solt 'Tout h GIRL GUIDE ` NEWS The regular Giel Guide meeting was' held' at 7.30, •o'c{iock :on Fri - day night '' in the .:Rerceational. ' The roll call wras•• taken and •,:.'there• were tvirenty-one present. •• Business. was ;discussed. a n'd; badges were ' giyen to: those:Who passed their artist 'badge: • • We then. practised 'marching.' closed by singing' taps. THE LUC ,LENS • • An ' imrnunization, ` clinic for diphtheria and tetanus'combined,. for te4,•anus and for dilphtheria' °re -enforcement will be. held in the St., Helens school on.,. Tues- day, .May 9th at .400 :o'clock, This clinic is for all children from 3 months '.old,: "Mr, and Mrk.; Slayton Charlton of:. Port .Alam and . Miss ,Zona Newton; Reg.N., of *he Clinton hospital staff, • were' week -end. visiitors , (with ,Rev.. ;M: G. and: .Mrs. 'Newton.. :Mrs: R. j. Woods; ':who•• .has spent the winter • months at Guelph, ' spent Sunday' alt `iher home 'here. , Mr. and Mrs. ,W A, Miller, •Mr, • and Mrs: Frank. McQuiilin :and Mr. A lli;n Nller' �aittended • 'the • funeral ,of their' aunt, IVIiss. Mary Wallace .at Walkerton• on.Mondsiy, Miss' Wallace, 'who 'spent several months' at the'home •of her •neph:, ew,:' ;Mir. Wallace Miller; died 'in the' Bruce ,County Hospital on Friday after 'a' lengthy illness. • About :601 took .advantage of •the', showiril'g of '".the. 'National Film •Board' in- the United '• Chur..ch, .on Monday•'evenig.: Pictures shown included .BYe Witness. No 2 �• Y0:. Feeling of Hostility, the •story, of lare, -a-gill--who--aehieyed-eery- thing except the'feeling•,of love and . affection .from 'family: and friends; Canoe Country and:The Books Drive On This,: film te11s the story'of': °the Huron County library and• „ included several. local. scenes. ' ..• . 'OURTH CONCESSION • We are sorry:' to report that Mr. Dan L,• °MacKinnon .has• been.. a. patient • in' Victoria' •,1•llosipital;, L on-` don, since, 23rd.` ' • Miss Margaret MacDonald and • a . 'number . of her • pupils motored • to Walkerton• Tuesday• , night to attend the variety concert. there. Mr. Austin Martin.. attended the 4ini_or Farmers' convention iri Guelph last Monday. •. Mrs.. Fred, Gilchrist has been very: sick.•'for the past' week •b'ut is. improving , Mrs. W:: Graham and .daughter: Olive of ;Ripleyvisited. on Satur- rn•o a .the • ho'r►e. of Iraq Dickie. CKNOW, SSlal`T'I`INEL,; LUCKNOW; OBITUARY • DAVID S.:CARRUTHERS The . death of- David Samuel Carruthers occurred in, Wingham, General •,Hospital• on .. Friday, April 21st at the, age of 73. Death Wasdue to a heart attack with. which he had •been stricken about two" iweeks''Ipreviious, Mr °. Carr ruthers. was. making. plans' .t0 -re- tire_: to Lucknow af.the•- =time• h waa stricken. .� :• • A son. ' of *the late Dadid' Car- ruthers .and,Rachel:;.Lpckhart, he *gas born` o;Concession 6, Thin.= loss Township on November •lith, 1876: He was.:,(born, •on' . the farm cleared Iby his father and. now owned. by Irlwin.Carruthers.. •As°. a young man David Car ruthers:wlorked in .the • vv'o lien. mills iri Algoma, Thessalon• and' They Soo, before :returning •over, 40 ':years `ago to the larrx on the. Huron-Kinlloss :boundary,'.• where, he. farmed' in close association,. with .his Ibro!ther., John• T. Car •ruthers .who died .24. •years ago, leaving .a' young .family 'of eight children, to Whom. ':"Uncle :Dave"`; became-. father, in- helping - 'his iii'-law�r to: raise 'her children, 1VIeyrnlbers of this family are .Mrs.:. George Fisher (Rena), Mrs: Eldon Lowry (Alma ), ; David L, John. C,, Elliott L.; an L > win Carruthers, Mrs, • Ronald Forster: • (Kathleen). and Duncan Simpson .(Lillian;): Mr.• Carruthers was ;a. ;highly. .esteerried and respected'• 'resident ,Of the coiivrnunity;' and., active' in municipal, :civic •and•' church af- fairs, . He was' a'member. •o'f. Luck now Presbyterian._'clhureh'.-and°.of•. the Litcknow „' Agricultural Soe, Piet y, Fraternally : h'e • • joined :the' Masonic ';Order while :at Thess=. alion,' ': but(perhaps ; he was t mos IraP*.l - r _ en i. the' •m9uri ` 'al�'� - p •;r �� ,� '•iii IilIIIIIIIIIII Illfll� 11111110{111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIII (III}III !II 111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIII(Illllllllli IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII{(I{IIIIIIII lilt IIIIIIIIItrllllllll I I INlllflllllllll(IIIIII(Illllullllll(llll III llfllll I I 11 I I III ONTARIO • PAGE FIVE' Pre3ents... :'Thursday, Friday,: Saturdaf, May 4; 5 : 6 • A picture as gieat As the title:, Thrills galore and ,packed' With. inter est ---: starring. Rod Cameron, Gale . Storm. ; • • Pius "NEWS" onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 1VMay;.:8, 9, :10,; M -G -M's tune -swept color joy, Red ' blooded romance Rugged Wild -West adventure .::. A• gorgeous spectacle. Hear . Judy Garland; sing hit songs in eary irl, with Ray Bolger .(Broadway's top star) • Kent Bakery Marjorie Main.. • s• • WELD. --FOLKS : HERE'S ,THE-Ba•0 NEWS During the showing of. the "Egg and I" the ,Playhouse will • award the largest fami&y attending;the "Egg and,I"' with''a-- gift—A' photographic portrait of the whole family'•: So, folks with large families, you've got;; a• date'=The' picture will;run for : a , 'whole week!.. Due to• the • fact that. the distributors of .. the "Egg' gg and I are: charging The Playhouse : $125:00 forthe rental ,of their picture -,The Playhouse;is forced to up its adult and student prices' 10c. 1 Evening -Adults 50c, Students. 39c, Children remain the same Matinee -Adults 43c'' Students 34c, children remain the :sante a • • fairs of his township. • Mr :Carruthers served as conn-, cillos {for six years..,from• 1923 to 1928. 'Ile was.defeated b'y, the late John Colwell for the,ree9ve hip in •1929,: but:. in 1931' was successful in winning • the seat ;.from Mr.' Angus •MacIntosh, and held- the Office : for the''' three'.. years' 1932, 1931; and '1934 until' Richard •.E1 liott's election.,. In.; more; recent years •Mf. Carruthers served as Townshiip collector from 1930 to: 1945: In polities• he -,Was a. Con- , He 1w'as a man of honor and integrity, friendly and kindly, yet outspoken in.. his ..convictions.He, was; an . exemplry citizen,' and the eommu:nity' is .;the: poorer i`bv .passing; The funeral' service was held: at the home ,of his,'sister-in-law, Mrs:: John Carruthers, on Mom, day, April 24th; conducted `,by Rev.:''JC: 'H.. MacDonald ,of. Blue vale; , assisted by Rev. John. R. McDonald of Ripley: Eldon Hen-. derson 'sang "Beyond the Sim . set" s." Interanent was in South Kinloss ;Cemetery, the pallbearers. 'being Johnston MacLeod, , Stew- arty MacKenzie, Jim McGillivray, Alan McIvor; 'Walter Macitenzie and Wim. 'J. Bain.. ' :.:.Flower bearers.. were ' : John •I4 ffat; Johxf"White, Joseph Nlc, Innes, Goldie Martin,- Fred .Mar tin, _'Eddie: Creech,' John. Creech, Ir•a.• Needhahn, Stewart Need!harh.' Perrin ,Lowry, Billy Fisher, Rus - Sell Needham. us-sell'.Needh'am. • ' Feeds, .' Fertilzer:`. Phone . 71 Groceries Phone Z7 1 uc now District: :o -operative.. • We Haven't -Got It, We'll Get Why go. elsewhere - when at, yo>i r Co -OP you. can . get a full 'line: of Co -Op in " alp Salt, Tonics and .'Dewormers Co -Op Fertilizers and Ingredients for Your Specific Requirements. ' AL ' ` "[OUR, : • GROCERY REQUIREMENTS IN THE MOST .MODERN,;' up -TO -DATE, SELF -SERVE STORE IN LUCKNOW: Glover:and' Grass Seeds to meet your• needs... Legume Aida Cr•eh1.'Tractor., and Bell Electric Hamitic', Shalliw and Deep, Well .:Pressure pumps„ Piping & 'Fittings: L'niver al Co -Op Milking Machines' of ',Short 'Tube,.• Long Tube :and •Portable ••Types; all installed and serviced... r 'ELECTRIC .RANGES, R•EFRIGERATOrRS,'. WASHING AldriACHINES,OIL!BURNERS, BROODERS, •, F'E1V CERS, ' MOTORS & ' CR'i'AM •SEPARATOit,S , • A full line of Pedlar , Products' inciuding Roofing, Steel Stanchions, Water Bowls and Litter 'Carriers. Barbed Wire, Steel' Posts, Nails, Steeples and ,Woven Wire. A'Woven Wire Stretcher available for _your' convenience: .SHOP ,,CO OP WAY TOP—CROP • 'HY 3LEND Contains 5••Varieties of.•Hybrids. All Registered ' No 1 Seed with average mato ity.'of 606 (90.days -` fair •Ensilage) a• er Bus.::$5,0! - REGULAR V'ARIETIES FOR 'GRAIN ANDt ENSILAGE: Large and .Mediuin. Flats' .$7:50 per bushel E. Medium. "Rounds , •. $7;00 per bushel TWO PRIZES 1 st. Prize -1 • Bus. of Top Crop Corn 2nd Prize ---=1/2 ' Bus. of ToP Crop Corn For 6 .:Largest and ' Best Stalks of Corn . Grown ' From 'Top Crop Seed. and Exhibited al the • Lucknow'. Fa11 Fair,. • LUCKN ON ' ... 1 , i, .,I I i � I ..: I .. I .' VIIIA' 1� 10111 IIIIIIIli0111110111111fU11111011.111111111111111:111 d111� 111 1911111 I 1 I III - I I I II 1.1 Ill VIII{IIIIIILIIIIgllllllllllllOIIII,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIII111111111111111II pul lllllidllllll 1.1...,..11llli.11llu 1 Two sisters surviveas well as his sister-in-law, nine nephews and sik' nieces, ,The sisters are Mrs,. Wm. 'Martin,°(Margaret) :of ;Paramount' 'and Mrs.' Richard' Creech (Annie) of Pine River.M. The following ;poem is a. tribute. to , .Mr.. Carruthers which. 'wa's sent din. by his sister-in-law: If all' the wealth of this old oilcl .:Weise 'given .me ,today;. •�v 'Twoixld take,'it all,;yea•eyen more Your • kindness to :repay. TO 'me so, oft rries overwraught 'With suffer.ii:i;g and •witht care; Yeir genial .hearth was.•'evei • fraught With `hope and welcofrid Tare: Those things -We cherish most'. in •life Are never bought with gold, T love ''and• frienship such as yours As ,precious ' treasure we hold, With. gratitucle.Yny heart o'er-. • f1ow For all you've Y dolrie for he; May • Gott above blessings: outpour'; On'your your • loved' ones• cleft o7. earth. me e� goose Interested, Write or ' Phone Today (rawf�rd:'s' Chick, ' Hatchery.LUCKNO�I' OT. 'PHONE '165 ' YOU: DELAYED ORDERING?•' If So .. Have Started .C'hicks. ' Leghorn x Barred 'Rock, New Rapp x Barred Rock . t Already Many. ,Satisfied ' Customers =Atl our Eggs from;; Canadian Approved stock. , All oiir Birds hatched, under Government, Supervision. OUR MOTTO ALWAYS: "Afore than Satisfied" customers means "Afore" Customers".' 5!