HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-04, Page 4.44 P %AGE' FOUR • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW;.-ONTARIO.. 1 "WAI'r AP", RATES—ist`insertion 2 cents: a word, subsequent insertions1 cent a word. Minimum charge 25 cents, Replies •care .... of The Sentinel 10 cents extra..Legal 'advertising 10 'cents•. per count line 'first insertion, 5 , cents per 'line subsequent' insertions. FOR .SALE:—, quantity' of red clover seed. Ross Gaanmte, R. 1, Lucknoiw, ," . FOR. SALE—quantity of sprint Wheat;, Wild, Goose:'variety:,:'Bob• Boak, Lycknow. : APARTMENTS;'.;FOR RENT orie lavailable nqw,. one June lst..' Gammie Apartment's. DISCS. — Minneapolis '- Moline discs. .Order now for immedi'atg• delivery. See the new Z tractor. George • ;Wraith, •Lucknow. FOR SALE new modern one_• storey home, immediate posseps • ion.. Apply 'to. Geo. Orvis, .Luck • LAWN MOWERS ' ' :. REPAIRED AND SHARPENED . For ,prompt arid :efficient service see • or call E, W. RICE, ST. HELENS 'Phone 42-r-31, Luck'now. ; FARM .FOR .SALE--50.;acres, WH of•,Lot 21, Con. 3 Kinloss To+vvn. ship, buildings include:, barn with good steel roof and rime.' house. Will .sellthe buildins 'separately if. desired. John MacIntyre, Box 371; Wingharri, phone 565R. CLEARING AUCTION• SALE of. cots & some :farm stock, implements household effects iat S.H ..L:ot 12, Con. , 9, Ashfield, •on. Friday, • May 5th at 1.30. Tennis cash..' No re• - 4 COMI.NG. • EVENTS 1 BAKING SALE & TEA iSt Peter's Guild wilt hold their annual. spring 'tea and sale .of baking ,and,.. aprons ' in the Legion Rooms, i.ucknow, 'next 'Wednes- day, May 10th' commencing .at 2.30:-: , KINLOUGH' Mrs. A. ,Graham :a Lucknow spent' a •few days with Mr. and Mrs. :''John Emerson.. •` • : •. . • A number front' here attended 'the'tea;iand display of work which. was held at Purjple Grove school in. chargeof the:girls who`: took the course, "The Club` Girl En- tertains'''. • Miss 'May Boyle is • spending a while with her uncle, Mr.:. Dick Neil. at: Clandeboye who has been quite ' ilL' Notes Change Of Hostess . The .I•lolyrood : Women's Inti= tiite will. meet .at the Township Hall'. ;at Holyrood on Thursday afternoon.<'inStead •of at the hone � o , e. !_ ender The A Y.P.A, Met .at the hone' i earnn o is sld James • of Edna and May B yl —_� serve as th :FOR SALE—house in`:•'Win,gham, E. • Phillips,'. Prop., Well Single . storey, six rooms; conven-1 son, A.uc. ient' ideal . location.; Priced ,for quick sale. Write Box, .391, Wing- one 541-w. , + ham or ',ph RADIATOR 'CLE,A.NING and re. • 'pai• ring • at reasonable. cost. Try' Rluevale Repair Shop:for' your rad troubles. Phone Harry Fhiott;' 648-w-:1 • Wingham. • ,HDUSE :FO1� •SALE-eight-rooafi• . fame. house,‘ -in' Lucknow, hard- wood floors, hard. arid.soft water., modern convenieriiees. ` Apply ' to Wm. Fisher; Lucknow: LOOK! , For ` m :suit, shirts and painted, ties, ::try STEW RT,' phone •gannon. • ade-to-measgre. 'boolts, Shand- GORDON., •Dun - • PERSONAL. 'SKINNY MEN, O EN! Gain 5. ,,.to 15 Lbs Newpew too. Try .f am pus : Ostrex';, Tonic Tablets for double results;; new healthy flesh; new vigor: 'New "get acquainted" size only 60cH All druggists , MOUSE , •F'blt•,SALE--+four. room, , house . on' Ludgard St.,• Lucknow, 'across from Silverwoods , plant, hydro; good; •• .dry Cellar,- double lot„ knell .barn, good g.arden,nice grounds. Will sell reasonable : for quick. sale. Apply to •.. Stewart Laois or .:Alex MacLeod.: • • 1, 1.l , Bargains! Bargains!. Bargains! Power Lavin 'Mowers • Hland Lawn -Mowers' 'VikingCream . 'Separators •E1ectric. Washing Machines See 'your Viking ; Sales &•• : Service ' ; Dealer GORDON '11:.. STEWART :'Phone -.11-r.:18, Dungannon. of Mrs Ei1. Schaeffer on. Wednes- day' !evening. Mr. ,Midford Wall r BRAY• ' PULLETS•• fro:rn, _$17.90. was in the ehair and the opening Dayolds. ,Started up to ; 51: weeks. ,hymn' was' ",Stand up, stand up Immediate shipment., Get 'new for Jesus".; •Mrs: Bert` Nicholson n ahese also `mixed,, ' • s,cri tune lesson follaw-. Froin .: agent— ; ed by prayer. NLiss .May Boyle, D.'R. FINiLAYSO-N •: Luclind'y ' ve a' reading .,and plans :were; •• � gag •Q ' tib. , !]AY; MAY 4'lh, 1950 pricelbst o , .read thep KITCHENER BIG -4 Chick agent will: quotes prices on chicks, with special prises on started Catch- up' with tihis :fine' tock. You'll needthe�ii on 'later. !markets left bare:' with earlier short buying. ED; V. ':BAKER, Lucknow. • made 'fio .attend the A. Y. .' A slpring rally :which • is:Ito be held in Lions .Head., The main ,features., of • the evening were pictures "Japan",; "A .Chinese". Boy" and: the life' of Louis Pasteur,. which `were very interesting:. The meet- ing closed with " the benedict:on: NOTICE . and lunch was served • • Ke Friends : °I.:Mr. Wm Shatters Keep in: mind. the -annual ys • are sorry ''to ;learn that:he is . a Culbert -Gamut Shorthorn Sale at patient in Wingham, :.Hospital..,: Clinton Fair Grounds, Thursday, Honor James .:Family 'June 1st. ,Anydhe vvishiing a rata Moi dray eveninlg last: ,rriercn. Logue apply , td. W. • A Culibert ' �Diungannon. bens' of S:••S No 3_ gathered at_ the `home of Mrs Ethel James, ,to CARD OTI-tANKS honor 'Mier, and 'her family. before • • leaving `:tor -Fier 1i�a4ne at• Hcs1y= • Mr.':.and Mrs ',Harold Gaunt are rood. Tice .evening was spent : in sincerely ; grateful to all''those.. playing .Progressive : euchre: Mrs., ., who :have'ibeen:so. kind, attentive Johnston' won the ;ladies prize and sympathetic .to"lhem.',•These and Mr::Karl Boyle, Was high.lor Many thoughtful acts have been the''men..,Mr: P A. Murray head: apPreciiated- indeed an address and`: Mr. ;Maurice Hod Mrs. Wm. Robb wishes to sin- 'gin` presented Mrs.' Jiames •and: cerely thank all those:'` w'116 So family with ' a. sofa. Ibed. Mrs. James 'made: a suitable reply and kindly remembered'; .her in . viii " her X11. joined in Singing, >' or.: anti ous• ways '.wtkiile 'being shut in".. ' 'oil good fellows". Lurk 'These many thoughtful- acts were are'lolly. . ind+eed' appreciated.. : followed and .a''Pleasant evening Ap was brought •to -a close::. The ad We 2,1wish . to moSt : sincerely dress. was: as' follows: • ` • thank': the, Luc:know Fife .Com- Holyrood, April 24, 1950 panty, 'Holyrood' neighbors, and: We have gathered here:.tonight all those in the community round in honor: of Mrs. James and ;her aibou+t'.Who helped ifs". 'save our family who• are:. moving fromour. houne and .store from destruction; section to make their home. We... •rby: fire;. Words .cannot fully' ex- are .glad that just at present 'you: press. our•gratitude are not ,.going 'too •.afar away. We George, and Hazel Percy., want you to realize our warmest,. if you are considering putting; ratite TRACTOR, WAGON MANURE SPREADER. PLOW BINDER TRUCKS,. Etc:, Call at our shop -and .'get'. prices on 'CUTTING DOWN • DR. T.'B! CLELAND VETERINARIAN ;r Harvelock St., south of Supertest Garage :LUCKNOW'., Telephone 175 We "have FIRESTONE TIRES for sill. farm machinery. including the new ; OPEN BAR .TRACTOR : TIRES Liberal allowance on your Old Tires: TIRES LOADED,;• and GENERAL BLACKSMITHING`' :Your Business Appreciated• RT IdnService 1 LDCKNOW, EAST END LANGSIDE .The . Ladies ' Aid , held their 'April: meeting at the home of •Mrs: Fe%agan. Mrs. Bill Evans pre- sided. Mrs. Bill•.Scott 'read :an in-: teresting: particle on, the: life of a crippled boy. Mrs. Evans gave. a •paper :.on''• "Personality 'and ,;Dress" Poems were read by' NLrs.. • Peter Mofi1at'and,: Mrs ,Wesley Young T1 e May meeting ,will be' held at the home of Mrs: .Chas, Tiffin, ' Sunday ,'School will !begin this. •SundYa May 7th, . ,at 2.00. p.m. DJS.T. • Church service - .at ;3,00 ,,• 'ZION • ' Mr: and 'Mrs: • Harvey Ritchie Visited,- Mr: ianid' Mrs; Bert Riley. •of .Gorr.ie • recently. • Mr:• . and Mrs: Allan McAuley. and ,John.;o. Ripley visited with 1Vli'r.: and,: Mrs. Frank. Ritchie last Week. Smile of our ;school pupils were C der:iciC at the-. festival' on Thursday and vvon , Third' prize for 'their two-part 'song.; Mr, and Mrs..Bill 'Helm risited No 3'': Fein osS, hoping that `'as urs is . with !her . to Clintonaon Th d ytime goes; on .you will be remind= parents; Mr. and Mrs:: Evans. •ed of us and the happy times we Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Raynard .have• had (,throughout the. years, and' family visited With Mr. and Signed on behalf of S:S; N;o, 3 regards , Will ...go , with , you wherever you,.."go.. Many of us •iiavc•.been,,.your, neighbors, since you, Mrs..'James, came .here gas a bride. During" these; years, yoti. ee ;...wh t 'is ' corrirrionl '• hale b n . a Y, called .`a good neighbor":'That 'is; an.understatemeyri.t• ', for. .• g o o, d neighborsare pricel:ess.• Let us r.e •iilind ' ourselves that,. the...best. -things in 'life are free. - , As tia,rigible evidence of. our esteemve ask -fou To accept 'this gift from. youi` . rieighbors:7 af, S.S. ROBERT IRVI. tepairs ,to .all makes of cars. Also :agent$ for,; OCKS `UTT C H and :Repairs 'Phone 53, Dungannon Genesi : ccountancy Service for:.. .the. small `:'mer .chant,' professional marl? 'and:. the,:farmer. In Lueknov Tues,, Thurs.„,', and • Friday. Office Kilpatrick Block,. • S. J..”.•PY MM Hnx 74•Lucknow, Ont, Phones: Residence 23-J '. Office 23-W T.ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST INLUCKNOW.. FIRST' WEDNESDAY' .OF • EAC%t °MQNTH. from 1'0 a.m.. to 6,.p.m — :at — WM. SCHMID'S•STORE •: -Mr. ,Clarence. ,Cro'wston was Mrs., Walter .Alton onu#:hda � yv able• to return hbme.from, Wing '» 'The Zion community is. holding' . ham • Hospital on _Fridayafter l a• `shower: in 'honor of Mr. and having undergone an gperation Mrs, •Baker and family on for appendicitis the previous day ,night. ih' the:Hall. ' week. Sunday. School at 10.15 lin the Mr. Bob •Feagan +has been ill morning; church _at. 7.30 at night, with the measles. 4, ` • Mr. and. .Mrs. Jack' Daniels of SEVERAL presentation's h' a v Toronto spent:the•week.end with 'been held at'Chesley.for Mr. and' Mrs:, J: C. MacDonald ;who •are -moving to Orillia.' J. C. is a bro- ther of Mr.. Writ • MVlacDonald: of the Luckriow• High School staff CheSley'.. Legion: presented "Jack" with a • . n'iplete set of fishing tackle at' this meeting' pre- Mrs., Thomas' Rabb. Araberley. sented'` a` gift to Fred. Stanley, Mr.. Hugh t1!. acJ' enzie of• Suds now. of Winghaixn, and who. at ibu....y. isov siting with his .parenth, one timeWas. a resident bf,Luck- Mr. and Mrs. • m. MacKenzie, •nbw; • M. and ' IV.frs. ' :Neil MacDonald Mr: land Mrs. • Orville" Free anrnd'. Jean. of Dungannon spent Sunday at the • MacDonald home. • Mr. 4 d, Mr's: Parish Moffat• Gordon and Mr. Alex MavKen-, • zie•Visited:.recently with Mr. and Kinloss." :,ASHFIELD Mr, Thomas•'.Hanna of ;Chatham and. Mr. and: .Mrs:.'Max,' Hanna. of London were !week end' guests of, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, ' 'tr, •James Barnby has return- ed to his hoine here after .spernd• ing:' ,the' Winter in' was accompanied .by Dr. & Mrs. Alex Barnby who spent the ,week -enol with him and called On other ,rel'atives,• • The high wind last week took • the • wholeroof' of, Mrs 'V. Harrill -- "ton's barn: It ' was ' very un.for-• tunate as part of the roof was just put on,last fall,. . INSURANCE Co -Operative Life•Insurance Co -Operative Automobile ' Insurance Mercantile' & ' Vann ' Fire Insurance• Economical and. Reliable T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW 'Phone 704-10 Dungannon • lib. a '4111b. ..416.• Sts#e Farm ,,Mutual oarsl e Insurance' Company ASSU LES -YOU -:_....:.... LOW RATES ,. with 'Protection ina' hi gh: category Investigate Before You Invest LEX. T MacNAY Agent, Phone 177 LucknoW. NOW IS .THE 1IME To.,Order A, Threshing Machine 3 siiea-22x32, 22x38, 28x48 Roller Bearing : Complete •• EARL H.', HODGINS: R. It. • 1., Holyrood, Ont.. 'phone 3G -r-13 , TeesWater Inisure In. Sure; 'Insurance.' WIND Western$ Farm rs '-Weather; FIRE Howick:Farmers' Mutual Car, Accident, Sickness Consult JOHNTFARRI'SH:.'' • 'Phone- 1,89-J; Lucknow Sl�NC :RA ��;. �, E. � H ,. . 'J H Y, AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE •.; To Protect. Your .c , Insure With Jack Today: J. • A. McDO:NAGH R.:R. , 3,.'Lucknow,' Ont.: 'Phone .61-5, Dungannon. • R W. ANDREW'; Barrister . and' Solicitor LUCKNO'W,';'ONThRIO Office' in the Joynt Block. • Telephone: Office: 135 : • liesidence 31-'J.. art - aenz rK M Barrister and: Solicitor WALKERTON,, ONTARIO • IN. LU C K W• Each 'Weilnesda '. OT"FIc'i IN 1-IENDFRSUN•13LOLK• ..S Hetherangton,la Barrister,• Etc, W•�i'ng hatn .and Liicknbtiv 'IN Lti(,KNOW ach Monday a/id Wednesday. Located o• ` n the ,ground floor . in.. thE. fi'o it ialrirlc's Bu"rldinb . ,lchn K I , Winghalit' Office 48 genie. •