HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-04, Page 2ti
• ' - filbert H
• :Mrs,: 'Gr' ._.._. � asniiton was, hos-
teas for .the April; meeting .of the
Kairshea Institute . when a large
number of . members and ivtjsitors
gathered, The roll call. was ahs
wered by the paying of. fees. Mrs,
Orville. Elliott ..was appointed to
go as a delegate to •the konvention
in. Guelph in Mrs,. Don. Mclvor's
• place.;
The Pragrarn: consisted of corn
mufitya singing, foli'owe•l by :the
motto,, "Health is wealth, let no
°rle •be: a spendtlrift", taken:, by
S. Harvey Mole. Readingswere
Dean • VlaoLe.d, .T..e guest sperm-
er was, Diss Munro,;' the health
nurso,. who gave art• interesting
and., instructive .talk;
• Miss • Betty Hamilton favored
with a piano instrumental and a
presentation% followed when Mrs..
Wm. MacDonald read. an. address
and Mrs. •'Roulston, ' on behalf of
the. me¢•nibers, presented a nice'
electric lamp to • Mrs. Harvey
Mole,; who has moved; from' our,
Mrs, Harold ,Johnston gave the
closing remarks and the meeting
closed with the National Anthem:
Lunch' was ,served, and 'a 'social
oulston nd' Mis's Mme_ enjoyed ••
• ' Mrs. R , . a � .,
g>t n iby
;•* �o,of>aq i,a..„a,,ws,!�
, ,,
vi lle' Hammerton:
Child • and Animal Photography A' Specialty
Films Developed and Printed 24 -Hour Service
Repaired Tele : hone.199 Wingham
Cameras Rep u .. P � �
Strip on right u leaned out ,by wirewonna and .rept
BENESAN. treated seed produced 'excellent stand (Left).
�E aN
�ncreas ie d •34 •:6u.sl�e s an acre
.:..iucreas:ed .cro value ,60 .
"I -tested. BENESAN" .BENEESAN" says Norman . Longhurst, Tltterson,'
Ont., ,"by' planting treated seed in : a 1 -acre, strip down the
centre of an 8 -acre field of oats: The , standm the test acre
was perfect, with no .wireworin damage, while; the balance of.
the field was badly infested. BENESAN'increased yield by
34 bushels:on acre vhich gave me' a 60% *crease in crop,
value. BENESAN`is :definitel .on my: , for `1050."
fort Cereal Grains -Corn -Beans..
BENESAN IS a plied • b - oriliparx. seed treating.methods. • An
"erradication... treatment of 2 oz. per acre to seed graiiii reduces
wireworm damage by as .much as 90%, .and,wireworms are unlikely
tb . cause significant damage for: several years. Costs • only $1.45
per acre. .
i„ Will treat see. dfor entire crop
_,� •
Mr, and Mrs. Jun Boak
(bought. Orville Durnin's farm' on
IConeesss ions 6, Ashfield Township,
three. miles 'iwest of Glenn's Hill,
They obtained possession •of the
farm on May 1st. Jim is a bro-
ther o£ Bob ,Boak of, town;
Mr; Durnin, who has a valuable
Shorthorn, herd, is holding :a
Clearing sale of stock and'•imple-
Ments' this iafter•noon• (Thursday)
Orville is one : of a ; farnily • of
fire •° children of the late Wm.
Durnin. and • aria., Jane . Russell,
and was born on this farm. Be
went West in 1909.' and in: 1.917
received his • B.A, 'degree at Wes
' ' College : which is afi`iliated
:ley C ege ..
with ..Manitoba University; His:. fu ure date, . '
twin . ibrothet; Orton .,Durnin,I {.eeve .George Tiffin as ap.7t
' .r`acluated at the- same :time. He { - • ', i los Member on -the
been • math'em
fn ,St, John's Collegiate in ,Winni-
W inrt.i-
..peg for 20 years
West for
Orville taught in the W • t ,
a few' years,, returning . home
about. two decades ago, planning
to sell the' old ; home, ;as, his par-
ents,were getting :too-old'to work
the• ..farm. Swbsegrient develop-
ments changed these.' plans.. His '` Considering (the udttor s re-
arents died in. 1932 '.and 're-
parents Mort on the schools,:: he reports.
i el . About that same time', oo "on1 Cale
speer v y that of the ten ach 1s, y a
Orville's brother, I Howard of the. treasurers' 'is'' bonded, and
Durnin' .. B:A. . died in the West advises that 'the Department of
leaving. orphaned a young faro- ;Municipal Affairs . requires all
fly of 'six' children, the oldest " 12 ,those ' handling' public finds' be
years of age, . Their• mother had bonded with. a,fidelity wild.Act-
died: • in 'Vancouver before' that. I•ing'',oii this report th,e, clerk was
T he Durn>n. children .were •.instru.cted to notify each, school
"1'HLIR,SD,i9:Y, ,MAY 4th,; 1900'•
• suet. on Monday, April ASSO �A II .N
Council .
he senice e
17th, •1950.. In; `th_,,,crab_ oI th
cler'k, the �tt'easurer was appoint -P.
ed clerk pro -tem.
Thegminutes,.'of the last regular
meeting of March lath as read.
Were approved iwith correction of •
Donald McIver • for. .outlet • of,
drain, instead of. snowjPlowing.
The . clerk WAS' instructed •to
write •Wrri,. Colley 'of. Chatham re
'drainage Work in 1950, .also •tb
write the.tcontra:ctbr on, the Gaunt
and: McMillan drains •re an early
start on. theSe. drains,°
The Collector returned' his ,19.49•
tax roll. With only six tproperties
not laving their taxes paid, 'these
were tett rned• to the. treasurer-.
'a uneolleetedd, •fdr. collection 'at
gpointed ..K n s
hasteaching. e •.'V 'a all e Conservation
Sau e.n. y.,
P.:• A.(Murray was apppi.nfed
waiible fly ivah ator and if 'array
cattle are effected by the spray,
valuator Week
.be notif}ed within
one Week rand dama'g'es will not
be- paid: for unless -accompanied.
by ,a;• Vet's certificate,.
broughtto the: Durnin • home • in ( board to have the treasurer. bond=
•Ashfield where Orville assumeded.•
the responsibility of. providing' 'a r Council then adjourned to meet
home" for theca and. -raising thenar again , on . Monday the' 8th.day of
and thus took up active'farmin May, 1950:
instead of returning to the teach-
ing profession. . .
Two Killed Iii' War
The childen were Bernice, Lyn
da, Hoer., , Lorraine '(Mrs. Louis
1VI _ardy)`- olf, ;Goderieh, Gr�raharn
and '` Allan, the • latter two boys
halving, ..paid the supreme • sacrifice,
in -World :War, II at: the tithe of.
h e Nprrrnandy • invasion o f
,Europe : in the Air-+ vertion,2 OO; Rap RI—Porteous,
Force..Gra a ia'p .s'P Y • ►
C eques "issued O rli oss Insur-
ance Co:, it s, 'op...hall, $8.40; J::R.
Lane; •unernpl'oyilnent • insulrance
sta.mips, 564, Gordon Wall, • bal-
ance collector's salary' and post=
'rage,;' 105•.5.0, .Mrs. GeorgePer:cy,
stamps, :4.60; Ed:. Thompson
'Warble• fly., : s - ra James'
Y. .p Y> 97.50;
Cochrane, warble fly spray; 72;20;
Wn1: :Scott, .',exp. , assessor's
• On September 1, 1939',, fQUr
N,P.A:M»•. field batteries.. were
modil'ized` to •four», the .5th Ca
'ad'ian• Army .Field Brigad., , Ro n
Canadian Artillery, e yal.
• They ;were the l2th of . rondo
«om'rmi<anded` by>Major "J D h
Black, E,D,; , the. 45th:. of l,ridsa
couna. ancded by Major H.
Brawn E,D,; the 97th. of Walker;
ton cort�manded by sjor. E. R
axon. and the 100th :Of Liston��el
tinder ;Major ,5...A: .MacDonal
These. •'units `went ititc3' a'
.action• h'•
Europe • as the .7th.iV> c�l'i ulrt• •Re ,
Tuesda n,l
from the last twb nicaitic+lic'cl: b ,•'':
1�erle5 nit Ic.t. the lace roa (Tall,'•,'•:
Walkerton and i. gcrni,Q+cl the 17th':.
'Assn ��i
Battery c citron, Stich assocl.
ations . have been -formed •by the:;
45th and 100th' Batteries and tha
1'2th ,wi11•'organize one in the near.
future:; :
The purpose, of 'tli'e' association
is to assist the regimental or-
ganizati:ons • with the t eg;inlental:
reYnions rovhich.will be held•each
,second • year, ..(this ' year• in. -the.
Toronto' 'area, ;October 9 ), . and :to
organize the 'battery •r eu ''irons to . .
be in the. alternate y ars.
Major 'Toe". Dixon of: Walk-,
ertorn took, the Chair until an,
interim • cec:utivo «gas•appointed
J:.' D. '. C: "Fritz" Grabill: �tnc1 C
T; "•T'o11y'' Boss •were nominated,.
as eh►airmen.':and this tion or•w:as
aecorde'd 'Tally when Fritz1 with-
draw Gene' Str oed 'r .is secret
ary and John.;. ''Srlv.rr : Johnston
a:s•; treasurer were the tina�'nimous
choices for :these' pr,,t�•
h m died: on "D" Daysur lies ra , 1 95 Geo ':Percy,
when his plane; exploded in thel. gas and 'oil, spray,; 8.50; Harold
.•air. Two weeks .•: later: Allan's Terey, pail and disinfection,
lane was shot Javan over Get:= spray,,. 2.50, :W.' R. Chapman., i -e-
'many. It: was ::his .28th ; mission.
All ,:tile ere* baled: out safely:,,
but only one :member,. now a rest-'
dent of ' Hamilton; . eseaped with;
his life:The others, it is .believed.,
were either shot. while parachut
ing to earth or: upon landing in
German -held! territory."; •; ing, ; 567..88, ' H. H..', Bannerman,
World War I. also'took its toll: ( trucking 'gravel, 499.00; Alex Al-':
Orville's brother Earl .was ,killed len," snoRy►rplowing, 42,00x:. Dornin.
overseas , in, this conflict His only ion 'Road Mach. finer. y Co, ;repairs,
etc. 336 04 C E. • McTavii f e
sister,. ,1Vfrs.. Margaret Grari.at re-, , h, ju., l
sides "in Harrrilton where she fs• oil 44.50; A M Hunter, gas and
secretary of 'the Samaritan Club; retpairs 10:80 R .':Forster, "oil,
In 1945 Orville ' fen. from a 10:00,;
The comrn,ittees •w°til consist'af.
gill Holland. of Klncar dine; Mery
Fry -of.: H.ano.vet Cecil Swain. of ,
Owen ,Sound;.Milt :1.VIecalter,•Bob.
Larsen,'. Jack'.' Parini : and.;Joe
Nestman of : Wal:kei ton;:•. George
Whitby -of ,.,Lucknoti4 ";rand- • Ted
Whitby ' .of : W -i ngliarri'.
after: 'the fr oeting:: the: alUain
rades covered',rnrles.;.and y'Qars in ,
z eniiniscenes of . lialrptan r gs at
Nijmegen, in the Greliiitind,: at
••„Oxted: •or. at Trac,adie.: •
lief,, 25.00; Dr.: j. A ;MacDonald,'. .
dental work, 37:00; Market •Store,
railer, 1: ti;John 1vic arian, • one
fox, ibounty,,' 1.00; M.' A. 1VIeDon
ald, spramotor;.1,175.00
Highway cheques: pay roll No.
4,.$572:05;.Ezra Sitler• snowplow=
'windmill, crushing his :heels: He J. ¢R. LANE, Clerk:
was 'hospitalized 'all :winter' with
his legs in casts, and the injur-
ies :have 'since 'bothered ..him in
carrying 'on • his' faun. duties,
finally -decided him`. to ' sell ,: His
nxnediate,. plans are indefinite..
Mrs. Robert Hai il•ton was hqs-.
tens • for the; Paramount. W.I.: on
Thursday: Mrs:"Fred 'Martin gave.
a splendid report on. the, year's
Work. A donation was Made to
the Red Cross, Thefollowin.g a•re.
the; -new' officers;' pies,' Mrs, Fred
Martin;' • lsit' vice, Mrs., Jas. Ketch -
a loaicv; . sec -tress.; •. ' Mrs. Robert
Illeid; Pianists, .•Mrs.,.0. Richards;
Mrs: Robt. Reid; sick cothrnittee,
Mrs., W:.'Dexter, Mrs. J. Vender--
con; auditors,.,Mrs.. 0 Richards,
Mrs, J, • Elphick; disbriet .director,,
Mrs, Robt. Ha nairton A vote of
thanks was given say' Mrs: Robt:
Reid,, retiring' •pies.;
A ,very entertaining• afternoon
was spent at the ho'me;,:of Mrs.
'Harvey, Broolrc assisted •;by lVtrs.
W.: Dexter, It ?took .the feral . of
a. travelling chain tea,
1Vlrs' Fred Martin =returned to
her h'rsme after :spending a, week
'with. her sister. in Toronto..
Mr, and Mr's; Jtis... Ketchaiha'w,
Kathryn. ;and Mae Visited- ` in Kit-
chbri.txr • and bGalt They were ac-,
c'o)npanied ,hy. lVltes. A l<etchrihaw.
who 'remaincor a Week.
Mie, and i'IrS,� X)': '1<ingshiiry,
•Mrs' and .1VIrs.: Robert Reid and
farnily:spent Sunday in Bayficld
with Mr;. and Mrs,. D' Kingsbury.
'lurch Y and/ Mrs. John • Martin
pent the week -end a•t the 'horn()
of Mrs. `W`, R;:Martin. • ,
(Too late for 'Last , `'Ve010
'Miss Helen •McCrr ight;. daugh-
ter of. Mr. ':and Mrs. ' Roy . Mrs:,
Creight of Paimerstgn, • andfor-
merlyof Lucknow, .who has teen.
intraining for ,a nurse at''Grace
Ilospital,' Toronto, - received` her
nurses' 'cap ort<Wedfiesday of last
week .
�Inspector Vernon • Page is bciss
of the Toronto Police Traffic Div-
ision'. In,regard: to drunk drivers
Inspector. 'Pa . .
p 'Page stays•. Drunk
drivers rare .*a greater .menace
every year', The statistics bear
ou.t the 'Inspector's judgment. Iii
'1945 , in •Toronto 453 drinking
drive , re involved_: in' acci-
dents, In 1949 the number had in-
creased to 825.:' In Ewed.crt they
have coped ,successfully with this
menace by giving the: police pow-•
er• to ..make Mood alcohol tests or.
all drivers. If the .alcohol • per-
centage is above ,the equivalent
of one. medium drink of whi ky
the driver 4;,• serit, to jail 'The
IItiron 'T"r mperande I edcr`at'ion.
r•sks for• this, drastic • :action;
Last year,, Wilfred Shea, Utterson, Ont, tested BENESAN by
`tr. eating seed oats for a'1.0 -acre field.- Mr: Shea sari: "An increased • .
yield of 26 bushels per acre resulted from :,treating my seed oats
with BENESAN for wireworm control., 1 am,tieating y seed for .m.
entire -crop in 1950;."
i A:� IPrI) 7SPRIEs. Lr11fITED A rttulturai C es'nicals DLt1Lsi n
t 8 h , ,
, Toronto, Chatham, - Halifax, lllontreal,: Winnie", Vancouver.•
, Winnipeg, Kr
South:: Kinloss: •
TheA:meetini; of the. South
Kinloss: -W.M.
nril, S tv is held at the
hie,• •of . Mrs, Wni Maclntt9e. •
with a good , attendance, The:
Scripture • and meditation' was
taken by Mrs. Alli. ter ,.Hughes..
Mrs.. Chadwick favored. with. •a
,solo, followed: by a reading •by < '
Margaret •MacDonald This being
the, Easter thankriffering meet-•
• ing, Mrs:'11•ussell ofer no v was.
the guest speaker for the occas-
ion. A ;quartette: .consisting of
Mrs.• .Gilbert• Hamilton, Miss Bet
'ty.Hamilton, Mrs, 1). L: MacKint;.
non 'and Mrs: ••Ll:oyd MacDougall ..
Sang•'. "Anywhere,,” With ,Jesus
'T ose taking . •art; in the prayer..,
h 1' r
circle : ° were...Mrs, ° nouglas Gra-
hash, 1VIrs.' Duncan _V-1acConne11,.
Mrs. W,• F.. MacI)oric.114.lrnd Mrs:.'
D: L: 1VlacKinn6n. `,Another solo
.byMrs.Chadwick was much en
ga:vp the
joy'ed. Mrs., Ted C'r,llt c r.
closing I.etritir ks,
Graham closed tiic' meeting g with
�1V1s3. I1lcetitrg
Olivet W.
The 'Easter raveling wg of the 0l-
ivet W.M.S. iters he ld; art the homo
.:of Mrs.. John Mc C".htn•les,IVIr s:• , .Easter
Vogan' ,pr esidcd rr'•r�r the
program. vv^hic)i was alten, from •
the Mi•ssiclntrrY MfflhthlY. a.nd' poi ...
tonsof it' were �rl� cr r d , • �r,.
. ,• • .; ;j,�s. 1VIrT�
tic T'tit' shT' Ml's
i;�h, Henry.
and. Mrs, 'I'I
O. McCh a ':l�1ar garet...
Evclyn, Marian till•
McTavish filth.. c q is :tin it triooak
Mrs, 1); ..j3rydr,r> C r i t rt171F t tt
r.• study •boo.
a, nc�tl?tc�r• frrrrrr ill+ hil.
1`i <ii•� .
"Gr owing; •W t li yyi'" J. Vic
lr""tin Osborne• ,3i`41 MrsC`'lrar'1e s tiring; sl rittcrt l l,r� lale�t• '.
creat, Mrs J'�rtnc
river thti iii,'(;r } '
It i t}fir• lit .
ne'55 p(410t1 ' It �e ,tti. (ICetld.l '+1',
•t r7lia e
the ' vSi1 ing. `,V iii;,.•i
set•ies „of• tern t+r 'r ,1,r rti tnet
Lunch was. 04:,r i;,t l,� the' hQste,i
nd her critr7,,riiit'F,c•: ,aril a
half hour vt,'as rtr,pi�tiicl l,y all.
i °