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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-04-20, Page 6
PAGE SIX .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO).' MARAIED IN TORONTO' 'OBYTUARY: MRS, STEPHEN! S I OTHERS. The 'death of aVirs. Margaret. • Stbtlters, • w t. d o w of Stephen •9tothers, occurred Tuesday even- ing of last week at • Alexander Marine and. ,General. •,Hospital, Goderich• She had been ill only a short time following a para- lytic `stroke' suffered about. a. -week Ibefore. •Mm. ,Stothers., w.as alp years of age and waist, the for= mer Margaret. Mallqugh, the last member of .la `fa+mily of five_ -dauT ghters ,and. six sons •of - the late' Williaan Mallouigh and • Ann, Jane ` lVlenary Mallough, Who _carne , to this countryfrom Ihinganrion; Ireland;, more thart •IAO , years' ago. Nrrs, Stothers ,lived 'all her life; ox the horrnestead° l:ust'•: south of. Dungannon; , She. .was •a ;member of the Dungannon. 'United Church.. ,She is sure ived ibye- sion Wrri: with whom she made '.her home.. The funeral service' waa .held- at her late residence: On .Friday ternoon. Rev. James Bright sof ficiated.',Internient was in :Dun- gannon 'cemetery, e, BRUCE COVNTX • SHORTHORN SALE The Bruce County Shorthorn sale was held in the Christmas. Fair !building, Walkerton; on Wednesday afternoon, `April 12th, There was a record crowd in at- tendance' and . the bidding :;was keen, •. The'23 head (19 lulls ,and four heifers) sold fora total ,and $7,955. The average ,for. the sale was $$46. The !average for. the. 19 bulls was $364,00. 4 t_. ......:. The high .priced bull of the sale was. consigned Eby Wm. McKenzie,' Teeswater, and Inas ,purchas,ed by, M. C. Faust , of Port- Elgin. for ,.$570;00. Roger, Hood of, : Paisley consigned the•''champion bull Of the sale and it went to.A. Kibler, .Port Elgin, !:fqr 4550.. PUBLIC, SCHOOL •• ►. PRIZE.,•;ESSAY,. A SWIMMING :POQL 'is ao b'e built in ,Teeswater ;this summer.. Land has been donated adjoining. Thomlpson's ' Creamery, .from which steam .willbe available to warm the municipal water to the required temperature. . .y Morning train.`and local bank-- both are part of Brownville'& daily life. They link Brownville'. with :the whole outside :world. 'Whether Brownville isy.a ,fishing port,. farming" centre, mining town ,or industrial city, most of its products must be sold -" "outside", many things brought in. And the local' bank helps, serving as an- essential link with far ',places. Your bank manager has available for you elle resources, knowledge .and experience of ' a' badkin g system with • branches throughout Canad . arid elsewhere and contacts in r other parts of the world. He welcomes every, opportunity p p.. to put them to work for 'you.' d the community be serves. 1 • Ther following essay on "My: Idea of Canadian Citizenship", written by ,Carolyn Tavener,, age. 13, won frist pr'ze among Public School.: students in the - Legion Sponsored .essay contest; On, the map,'Canada is one d the biggest countries in the world. Often; our poets ,and .orators ,are unduly . ;proud of ; C'anada. , They forget that it is!7 the Ipeople who makeR any nation, great—Merely- to to 'be"s aciousin•• the . possession. p. of dirt" "is no. Sure title to, fame. Ti is.:the people and their achieve.` merits which command rsepect,. Canada is the. Canadians , in:every town, village :and city. • Canadians ..'take active. Many, Ca .. ,pact's: 'in' GoVernmental• society, such as prance rninistersprerniers, senators,- ` andeven the members of parliament from; eacih..district. Not all can ;become .:so prornin' ent though. There, are the people who "stay at home. They .are just ate irnportapt, . if notmote impor- tant, for 'how would the membe.rs'. Of parliament get their ; jobs if they weren't voted in- •It AS' our-. duty of every. ;citizen to go .and vote. the way. he thinks st.. If the p:barty ,you •w. anted, in 'dies •not. succeed; you should not be rebel- lieu&, but= Saytiliat__the !letter` mean: must have won. A great crisis came in'1939 wheii. war Was-, declared with Germany.: Every young Man and young .wo- man who was 'able, went to •fight, The • older people :formed the Horne : Guard.' There were some. who .did not ' fight because' ;of physical weak ness or because of religion,.. but they ,w e; 'given. jobs in ffactdr,ies. or of••fias. It was probably beeause' everybody did his ,part that the Allies on the war. The true citizen is 'a .person: Who gives to`all, drives . to , help people, in sickness :and need. (I sound like a -radio .,announcer)':• :This is true'thotigh Every' iciti- zeri,should give to all worthwhile. causes.' I saw a movie once'.°where, as soon 'as :an epidemic started,; the 'Whole town ruSshed to the doctors to .fie vaccinated: 'A . per- son ' Who . has' any • thought • of 'others does not do this `but is vaccinated before 'an epidemic starts. Mr "and ,Mrs. S. 0; Austin of Kitchener announce the Marriage• of their daughter, Hilda Jeanne' to MN, John Naylor, son of . P, J. Naylor of Toronto and the" late, Mrs. Naylor, ; The ceremony .was. performed. on Thursday, April 6th. in : the Chapel of •Metropolitan. United .Church, Toronto,: by the Very,,Rev, Peter Bryce. Mr. and -Mrs. Naylor will-resaid In ,l ,itchener:, OBITUARY MRS. JOHN 'WADE!. ;Mrs, John' •. Waded, f ornierly Margaret ' E. Mulligran, ,daughter ofd the late: Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan 'Of •Jamestown, passed away ,quiet-. 1y. in: her sleep en. Thursday, Apr,. ;6th,,. following attack' of 'flu,' weakened heart condition: and .a , About '41, years ago' she married John Wadel of 'Kinloss, and since then -they made .their :home on their ,farrn an the Fifths of Kin- loss. To them were • !born two. sons, Edward of . Bluelv.'ale and James of Sudbury,. and. ;four dau- ghters —Ma* =—John--(Elizalbeth) Hagan of, . Calgary, Mrs.' Alfred (EI1a) Troupe of 'Teeswater--,. Mrs., Wilson . ( dna:).: French of Mid- land' and : Ma: &, Frank, (Margaret) -Schiestel- -of- -Teeswater; all:cti :whom were .here for `the 'funeral, excepting .' MVirs. ;Hogan. Cine bro- ther, • Norman of Jamestown and two sisters; . ,1VIrs. Addie. Ekett of North' Battleford, and Mrs.' Nel- lie •Barnard': of Bluevale and 21 --grandchildren also survive:. The funeral ',Was held . from Currie's 'Funeral Home• on •Saturday rafter. noon, with Rev: E.:0: Lancaster of�-the Anglican Church conduct-„ ung the services. Interment. `was,: in Wingham .,cemeteryi,•r with Janes' Pettapiece, ; Wallace Conn,Chas. Taylor; Allan Barnard, ' Ronald, Mulligan and Earle Hamilton as pallbearers.. Ther ,SOA'Y, APRIL 20th, 1950 • 'FOURTH . NCESSION Miss, Harina . MacDonald °of • Ludkn.ow visited Tuesday at the home otf. W, F iMaieDonald. Mr, ,and Mrs,' G, . Pinkney and' 'young • soil of Ajax spent last week with Mr.. and 'Mrs. Ted Collyer. . 111Ir, Alex Fraser of 'Enibro and sone Mr. Clarence Fraser and wife and Mr. Gordon Fraser and. - wife of -San- Francisco visited rel, ' ati,ves and friends in :.Lucknow and soane, of their ,old' neighbors -on .trhe-•Fourth• Concession Mr. R, Martin. spent Wedne dray in Toronto, • s • Mr, and Mrs. Merle • Middleton - and two:. children °and Mr: and Mrs."•George 'Middleton: and dau- ghter" Spent 'last • week-efd'wiGij :their ,rnotlier and father'as,.their ,nvother 'is not veiny well at Pie's - grit. ••!Many. af•. the old .neighbors 'of Mr. E. Hodgkinson attended his funeral in• Lucknow: Friday after- noon. He had., been living with his, daughter 'Mrs.Carl Dixon in Owen Sounds .,and • died ,inr, the hospital in that. city. Mrs.' R,ussell-' of Lucknow was guest speaker the W.M.S, .meeting at 'the hone ofMrs W, -MacIntyre last Wednesday.. i ne . pest . Say lir , tiC w cvn vv count the true citizens, beliewe is Sunday. • Mott People, go : to church, but still ' quite ..a !few• don't,' . Some' . peole,. think .it's enough- to go oto church,. once en Sunday :and Maybe. to an odd Church ,tea, :but it isn't. You -should remember 'that one; .hour. •a week is an awfinlly small. time ' to.,apend with' the God who gave �• 6ii • the ,missions of hours . -you •live. As you look !through. books ''and read stories,all about ,Canada:you wonder . what made Canada, It's the people who made•Canada; 'it's everyCanadian . • in every'. com- munity that make'"& Canada: Yes terday ' it 'Was our grandparents, "today :it's our parents, but:tomer.- row . it ;tivill be you and I We'll. be the Canadians, yes, we'll' be the Canadians. I only hope we will be able to follow 'the „path our .parents rade for us, for' some dray we'll: be 'Canada:'. HAROLD BA_NNERMAN of, i irn- loss has been 'awarded the grav- elling . contract in Huron gray- . • THE . VOICE OF _TEMPERANCE Prof.. Joslyn Rogers is 'the: con- suiting chemist with the Ontario Govern I ents medico legal de- partment. He told '. the .Kiwanis 'Club of. ;West' Toronto that the record of deaths caused by drunk driving is "too amazing to be be-' lieved". The official record shows that 20 percent of major 'accidents, result from drinking, Prof. Rog- •ers expressed '.the opinion. that .the figure' would reach 50 or 60 percent if all. the facts wee e known. He deelar©d that • intoxr "icated drivers "have noright to kill 10times': as many people •as murderers". Society, hangs' iits. murderers. Society will have fa devise some mote drastic action against- these .intoxrcated ki(l'ers; of .the, highway.—Advt.. . Problems of Our Lady_Qiplomats Like:football, world diplomacy had, been . considered a` 'man's game until Peelle Mesta, Eugenie Anderson, Ruth Bryan Owen and Dlaisy Harriman proved that wo- .men are , naturally suited to the !subtle iaiit Of dinlomacy: Read: `about their .problems --and lady. diplOanats have plenty -,--as told by Austine, in The • Amer !can 'Week- ly. with this Sunday's:.'(April 23) issue of. The Detroit Sunday Times. . THE TROUT SEASON will- open • on'.Saturday,' April 29th, two days`' earlier ?than • • •.If all the•, •people :vho work for the telephone company, •And alt .the people wbo" earn a living by making- the things she telephone company needs, And all •ihe people who have their savings invest it it ibi telephone company, . ..•_ ...And all the people who depend _-on_good telepbone senile 'to run their businesses and manage their holies; If all these ��eo le, with- their families, lived in one dip ,p p . This City -With -No -Name would be by far ibe, largest in Canada; and one• of the largest in the. world. Keeping pace with the growing needs of communities everywhereofor more and better tehphons siruic* hat token ltc' of work and 0,. of rnoniy Only a financially' healthy telephone' company con tarty on this big job. . ;• . Telephone users; omployies, 1, ha!, everyone has • a vital interest in a service that mean so much to tho wlfare of so many people.'„ THE. BELL 'TELEPHONE` • COMPANY OP CANADA ,Owned and oparotid by. Canadians for Canadians