HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-04-20, Page 4irPri . WA P. AGE, x"ovit THE LLYCKNUIN' ,SEI'rT INE + L'UCKNPW, ONTARIO, fr .3 "W AD" RATES lst insertion 2K centst "a word, ',subsequent A,NT insertions 1, cent a Word, ,Minimum charge 25 cents. RePlies..care of. The Scntiiiel 10' 'cents extra. Legal advertising 10" ,Gen s, per count line .firstinsertion, 5• dents . per linesubsequent insertions. R RENT—Ap= ' HELD. UP YOUR .chick buying? plyAPARTMENT at MEN FOR Sentinel• Oftuc.e. ' r Catch up ow. You'll, need them. ply Variety breeds,: New Harries, O SALE '. Yellow. ; Blosso�.n. FOP, r�ew .,,Hamm . ' crosses', Columbia Andrew' Gaunt, R•. 'mixed, ' 'cockerels. Sweet .Clover, And.,. . • Rocks,...Pullets; 1, Lucknow..":' - ' Dayalds' and Started. Save time - : --. _ • . , : conact, s,gen,t- '•,.; Quantity .. of. red: Lucknow-: F(OR -SALE.Q , , .... . D: R; ,FINLAYSON, ,. • 1 ver 'see Ross ' Cairrmre, R. 1; rbQught ' Drell • right now they i lednesday' Thursday, F „Y • FOR S�ALZJ-auantrty of • y, Clio . Should be .the. best .You can get. 2.30 p:r�1, . OM..NG .EVENTS ,• ' MENSi ;STAG. Sponsored. by 1st Lucknow Rangers, on Monday',' April 24th,. 8.00 ip.m•, in' the 'Recreaticin I-fa11. Bi idge, euchre,, cribbage• Admis" sign' 50C.. Everybody welcome, DANCE AT p7NG'ANNON Dance in ,the, Agricultural Hall, Dun annon�; Friday, April 21st Music by Tiffiri's :orchestra,. Aus- ;pi.ces Agricultural, Society. Lunch .c:ounter., Admission 50c. . WHITECHUR:C Miss Fern: Welwood- of Edmon,- ',ton, Alberta, visited with 1Vir. 4.4 Mrs. Art Moore aA.other rela- tives last ,week. Mrs. Ryan 'spent a few daya,in Goderich last week" where her father, Mr. James' Johnston:: is in a •eriooc$ .condition jn.. the hospi- tal, M r, and Mrs: Alex..Eeaver :and Mr: George.Coultes: spent. •Stip A. qday with .:/Ir.; and. Mrs, Aubert, Coulter w. 'We are:, sorry. . to report :Mrs, Roane .has 'been confined to her bed 'fr e the "past two weeks. ;TUNE. IN "ECI1OES Olf RUTH'I.: •ional.,:broadcast Mrs: Vv alter Lott has not been A: 'daily insprnati •a , es . featuring short gospel ;nes' g. , as, well for; the: past • two week by,and,t •ierid :, rauld; wtsh,. • � F. ,• IVI CorneliLts rl.,:. as• her, many ft , s... by � Rev,; � �• • and, new. CFCO, E13 i':. John Mewbt:ay .of ;'.Wing- hymns. old � M :. Old. friends 'in' the : l }i called On of _.• :.viliti •e 'on Sat rr.'day• �, g M : Victor Cas'emor.e of Wind- r.. ser is . vtsi.ting with her parents,. R, 1 Liic :tow. B. Moi t�is,,an; • A. IVIr. and. Mrs, J. L' ----..child'S sanall tricycle. Haywire'Will be pros Mr's:•.• .B'en • Naylor • i, d s ng, good condition.: Apply F. G: sornegood'rnarkets. Big -4 Chicks, Goes HaYt hurc.h.' l •A• of .in l ondo,n. with her daugHtr, rn• g •h.. i,,d be your choice, Order Eby the United. $reeve -r. .'4r?�'P. :74, �"xrrucl�`later�.. Rig-1`rt'�e-lg.ra�e. in e:P�1as--B�tt3F---Ne�un�zi__.spsl�. . e . now MAYBE •.OT 50..MANY chicks on :your dial, every Tt,tes. aY, Luck rich at ed. Mo'r :son Bros., s ., fall sweet clover .se fi Shortages this suminerf and li It k `o PLAY AT WBITE,CHURCH • THURSDAY, APRII;,. 20th, 1950 • are �;��edicte The;' you rY e. per : . • . Cash in:on A ' 3-act'farce comedy "Abigail that, but°s, will likely ”; • presented h I�tzckno t sou tl, . Hiliu 'on Lie. -.'-: - • . them now:: no _ 1 alfa , : agent-- ConimunitY Mentorral_ : I3;all o . ;holiday with. her aunt in I atrrll FOR SAL- quant:itY'..a f here frim 1 cleaned, Clor V. " KER L reknow.; Friday, Aliril 21st at 8.30 p.m; ton d caznmerclal y ED, A •ted R SALE en ro Ch h W A q�l.o see , __ uc n.ow under auap'ices of .t.he n don Andersoa�, R. �' 7,' . L k .. , � om � 'house A'drnissfon 40c and • • Watch : 'The' 'phone Dungarridn' 77-r=12 ; . •:FO —rev a. r urc . large tat, Lucknow, • Hydro, four= 125c.• Lunch, • served 1Vewsl' LE 1.937 P ntiac 'bath; hot d cold water, on CAR `OR:..SA o piece a •, o an, eo al owner ..mechrani built. - in cupboards,: new G ` BENEFIT:; DANCE . '.Centre,. . sed•an;`; origin , tap, I � , renal• Gentre, . .Apply at Mason's d house and garage hen- In the • 'Recreational really ' perfect. 1p Y b brooder Garage: A FOR .SALE*--. lady's. BICYCLE • CCM: `:bicycle in;good' condition: :Kathleen McIntosh, Phone 84-w, - Lucknow FOR SALE .fifty. acres ideal pas-. tore, land ' in Kinloss Township.' ' 'A Wilson White, Apply' to. James , church, Ontario. .Mo.ine DISCS. — ' Minneapolis 1 . Order now for ,immedia`te . discS-; delivery. See the new Z tractor. .George; Wraith, ` Luckno'w FOR SAL -='new modern °one=. storey home,. immediate . possess-' ..on.. Apply': to Geo Orvis, ..Luck - now. F : ^ak.dning r&1 4Vsutrttih4fgt,clithacabinet ,` chairs,, •�exterision table... Bar- gain. for quick .;sale. , Apply to • Wm,-'MaeDornald Luckrnow.T • e5 rf k} e �i. 4 3 ti > h f r over 400 hens' also tui- I Cuckney, on Friday • April ,21st. ' sale 6.00Q.. R. S. ,.Quince I �sron 50c Entire r�roeepei of quick'. , $ , Luicknow, Ontario �. ease . o , shelter, raspberry •bushes. Fora' MaeKenzie's orchestra. Adrnls' keysthe FOR SALE -1500 bus. of Mont- Calm' • seed '`Ibar'ley grown from • registered seed, also some •barley: for Contract.. - Apply Bert Walden, Arcriberley,, phone 30-r1-22 Ripley: • RADIATOR CLEANINGS and re- pairing ;at reasonable cosh '•Try .Bluevale Repair Shop " for your rad, troubles. 'bles. Phozle-Harry. Elliott, ,68 w-1 WingYam, , • FOR:. SALE --506 bits. ` of Beaver: •,oats°milted about •25 ,percent Gal- orebarley,, also a limited:quantity of'Roxton, a new Oat. ,E G. Zinn Sons, phone 14-r-15 ' Dungan- non. STORE WIDE aclearance of new chesterfields,: studios, davenports,_. 60 •'cycle ' refrigerators, washers', paint; ' floor' covering, etc at J,. F: Schuett • and Sons Furniture Store, Mildmay, AUCTION.. ;SALE_ of farm lrriple-: :meets; etc; at, N.H: Lot 18, Con.. -West' Wawanosh on Thursday,' April 27th at,. 1:30 N6,‘reserve: Terms cash.: George McRoberts; •Prop;; Well Hez Berson, .Auc.' • AUCTION;`SALE. of choice ::farm Stock. implements, etc:, at Lot 9, 'Con. Huron Township, , 2 miles cast of Olivet on Thursday, Api rl_ 27th at,1,30. See bills :for list and;: terms::. Gordon Brooks, ' •Prop:; Donald B.'..Blue;; P uc. ' dance .are-., for'.' Marie , cupskey,. Who has been a polio 'patient for• several months;, There will rye curd playing for those who eco• not wish' to ; -d°anCe:' Everyone;'. -welcome. ,',Sponsored by L.O.L No; '1044; Zion! RD. OF..THANKS,' c, Mrs Robert Douglas wishes to • DR. T. B. CI,EU:,ND ' VETEIUNARIAN Havelock St., south, of ' Supertest. Ga '4;-p , ' LUC'KNO�y. Telephone r p c 17,, neral Ac� die_ coc�rf:• . -,Service °:for the. 'mall trig•- Gliant, 'Professional. Han and the. Ratner,' In Lcrckkc �)�A; Tues.. 'I hu ,,, arz l l± t°.it1�i'y• Office':i tt. 'Kilpatrick. Bloelk.. 'S. J.', PYMM: P;O Box 71, I,uc:know, Ont,. • ',...phones.:- Retii.(ll'rro,,' 2,3,J .Office• 23 -LV.•• Sentinel for Big. F. ROBERT I:' IRVI. GARAGE Repairs to 'all ,makes, of: Cars. also .agents for • COCKSH`;UTT ARM. `IMPLEMENTS • . • arid Repairs • :''Phone ,53,:.'Dungannoli: sincerely:. thank. f r e"n d"s and. 11 -:lhaVe so k ndL rre1gYubors-: w o remembered her With. fruit,. flow-• :erg, cards 'and.-;• visits ,durin,g her'; illness: , All these thoughtful,' acts were.:nueh 'appreciated. L _AUCTION SAL,".: . Of. ,.farr. ma60:e ;^ . •a farm'of Wm. J•1V,IacPhersoti, Lot "felhthanksto xn. th ose who were e 4" h�Ee'� i-ie-'oti'"�, 18,. Con. 10,. Kinloss, 'ori."Monday, 'so' kind. sand 'he1'pfum -1.•at the: tie. April 24th at 1.30 P assey.IL'atris of the passing .: of a dear wife binder, Massey -Harris'.' hay 'load-: and mother and .during her long 1'111 `ebb. 'arid sy.mpathy are:deeply•, ap' preciated,,. Mk..., T.• A. Ferguson and.' Fane- ily. er, v 'asaey. drill;' 6-foot•Deering.Mtower;, disc, Bain - wagon and hay' ruck, 4 sec tion - of . • diamond harrows, 'hay fork car and slings,. wire stretch- er, fanning foot eZtension' ladder, 2.: cook stoitesT and' -'some :household, furniti re, 11/z yard gravel,lbox, Cutter. and.'pole; tiro , sett.of twin::neekyoke,. 2 sets, of `ictli ffletrees. Terms, ..Cash. • Wm; J,: MacPherson, prop.' TO SETTLE ESTATE FORSALE—new wagon boy with Stock rack :sides, good fanning mill, good ' rubber-tiredbuggy and set steel whiffletrees & neck- yoke',• Win. Buckingham, phone Dun on 84 r -23. . inn FARM FOR SALE= --50 ages, WH --- off` Lot 21;' -Con• -3; Kinloss -:Town • • ship, buildings include barn with .'- _mood steel roof and •frame, House: Will sell the -b.rildmgs separately if desired. John, � MacIntyre,• Box. 371 Wingh'am, ,phone 565R., IN • MEMORIAM : ROBB-in, loving memory of Mrs, Elizabeth Robb .who •passed'. away three, years' 'ago ,on ; April. 28th, 1947.. , Nothing can ,ever take .away,,,* The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories; linger every• day,. Rernernbrance"`keeps her near. Ever•' remembered .by the fam- ily. NOTICE Dr. ,J. 'E. Little will be attend- ing; ;a post 'graduate course in Pedodontia at .University of T onto from April 24th , to 28th. NOTIC Regarding The L .x ation . ntill ti. , Of Septic'Tanks ;Section•;'14, Schedule E, ,of, the - Public Health Act , reads as i fol- lows: , lows : . "" . "No privy -vault, .cesspO ise- tic tank or reservoir • into,•.Which a privy, water -closet,' stable' or ATTEND the :sale- at : the Mild- sink is drained,• shall beh estab . Store. clearance of. lisped until the approval in writ may: Furniture 'bedroom and chesterfield siuites, ing of the, Medical Officer of on oleum r u . Health has ,beeir. obtained": axmrnster cc g . and. .gs,I Applications for permits. ''and., new and used pianos, table lamps:, inspection should he addressed to • Save : dtir• ing" the store -wide- sale at J..F. Schuett 8 Sons `Mildmay; the Bruce County Health 'Unit, ,Free, delivery. +. ' Walkerton. There "is no charge :.. i or . this service. There are pen- alties enalties :provided for non-comp'li-. ance with the regulations. • • Dr. G. W. U. Most, Medical Officer of Health, Bruce County Health Unit. , • FARM FOR SALE ---x cal 'goad 100 acre fare^,• ' 6 miles from Lack -- now, good Ibuildin'gs, excellent Iurriber bush, 24 ,acres ` 'plowed, -small acreage of fall 'wheat, rest newly 'seeded. Priced to sell.. IM - mediate possession.. Would •accept, new or late used car' on paymentr J. Cr'Lorig,,•;Brussels Ont., phone 84 • CARD,PF THANKS Agnes and: Elmer Johnston 'sayf "Thanks a Million" to everyone for 'every .kindness: ' if you are considering` putting your TRACTOR, : WAGON _.. ' MANURE SPREADER , PLOW BINDER TRUCKS : Etc. Call ' at our shop and . get • prices on CUTTING DOWN We ' have • FIRESTONE: TIRES ••. including the new -.OPEN BAR' TRAC.TQR •TIKES Libeal allowai ce on your, 0 Old: Tires' TIRES LOADED and CrENERAL • BLACKSMITIIING ,'Your 'Bus,"ness Appreciated, PORTER'S eld� Service L'UCKN.OW EAST- :Et D Mile' ,. •Lochalsh,• ennan 0141:01v T. ARMSTRONG .OPTOMI�TItLST IIS' LUCI{NOW FIRST WEDNESDAY (71! EACII 40NT 1r from 10 a x'n, "tu `h tat= . WM. SCHMID'S STORE Insure. In 'Sure Insurance r Western 1♦'armers'` Weather. FIRE Iio• vick Fi rrhers, Mutual :. • Car,•.'Accident, -Sickness Consult JOHN : FARRISH 'Phone I6.9 J, iucknow: EXPERIENCED :LICENSED UCTION EER 1 emits -11AC • auAiawa hone Ripley -42-217i r NSVuRACE co-operative Life. Insurance... 'Co. -Operative/ Automobile Insurance Mercantile. ``.& Farm :;Fire .. Insurance Economical and Reliable See A. CAMERON ; LU,CK•NOW 'Phone -704-10 Dungannon. State' Farm Mutual Insurance C >`mpany ASSLURES YOU LOW RATES with protection in a high category :.; 0 - �- -1 nyestigate- - : Before You . r ALEX: T MacNAY Agent, • Phone 177 Lucknow • NOW ,IS TBE TIME To Order A Threshing Machine. 3 sizes .22x32, :22x38; 28x48 Roller .Bearing Complete EARL H; HODGINS It. R. 1, Holyrood,. ,Ont.. Y . 'pone 36-r-13' Teeswater LNSU:RAN FIRE, CASUAL, AUTOMOBILE :AND LIFE • • To',Protect' Your: Jack, Insure With Jack Today, .: A.:McDONAGH •R: now 'Qnt .R 3, 'Luck ,:, : dl'Phone' 61-5, Dungannon' ANDREW. Barrister ,and Solicitor .IAICKNOW,. ONTARIO' Office in. the Joynt Block ' Telephone: ffice' 135"4 Residence 31-r O 4 Stuart MacKenzie • Barrister and Solicitor'. ALKERTON;: ONTARIU, B IN.•-•LUCKNOW O • Fadi 1% cdiresd it . : Ohk"1C`.L IN. HE,NDERSUN. 31,905. •. R.'S Neth `ngton,�, erg Barrister, Istc, V+Vh gham' aril LucklOw IN LUCKNOW;• Each Monday. and' WedneSdaY Located cin the floor, ;inthe 'faintground uildifl . 16h^ Kilpatr`ick s 'Phony � am gq Office 48• - .