HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-04-06, Page 6PAGE SIX • SEPOYS ELIMINATED '�•ALLENF`ORD LAST WEEK. I eknow Sepoys .qualified for> the 'W.O.A.A. grand champidn s'l�ip seri'ea " with Wingha f n • last Friday night when they trimmed; Allerforcl 7-3, in .the:1#1a1 go of ' three-�gaire• .series.. This game :was played • in „Kincardine before .a ci owd 'of .1850 fans, with many. turned �atway, .. The Alhenfora squad were accompanied:. by ,a ]arg# contingent of fans which augmented the: , ig• Lucknow fol lowing to more,, h tax the. cap � icity .of • the rink. The �Sepoys".,won the series. the bard • vray. , After dropping the • first ,gatme in. ` Goderiich Eby. . a .5-4 score. they evened the . series in '• Owen Sound last Wednesday night by edging. • ,the Allenford six.4-3, and •on Friday night were in tap ;form , again to romp off in the second . and, third' periods after a nip . and tuc=k opening. sbanzaa Irl Owen Sound` The" :.Sepoys: tforged in a' first .lead on goals ►by . Jim ...MacMilllan and Toby. Greer. ' Allen�ford• Came back strong/ in ;. the `second to tie it up: on goals: by . Cutting 'and , Duff. cutting'pu�t Allenford• one :.up at less than` two minutes in the '3rd. frame. •Greer got it back at 5.50,• • and : , McCaf f rey ..got ` the . payoff tally at , :15 minutes; 'On, a 'pass from MacMillan Typical of the series, the game was ',very. clean, , Lucknow draw ing •.3 'penalties and'. Alleriford • 2 In Kincardine on'Fiiday night., Allenford ;; opened the scoring at 4 minutes.: Greer :got • the equal izer :.at .12 Minutes. . Two- .minutes later McLelland ' sent The Sepoys into a, lead that ,was: short' lived ". With Craig tying it up The second 'period ;was only "'3' minutes old When lYlrcLelland axed Vaughan . had both : hit the: twine ..to give. Lucknow a two -goal lead and all; they i'ieeded The' remain- der 'of the period `Was scoreless: • In the third, rperiod Greer.and Gould'.: clicked for three. goals, with Grey:. getting Allenford's •lone ,. tally. In . this . frame Gould kicxru s ;uw.,"`�, Albert. Chin, •who's as game- as they make them, disregarded a ;severe•.�back injury:'and was, in uniform last Wednesday. night •in Owen. Sound. Albert . was a bit cautious;,' ; He was flying again on Monday might In Walkerton .and got •a picture goal to open the scoring. Chin; .centre, ,Gould;, wings, Greet, :DaliMer; subs, McLelland; .Vaughan; 'Wankel, Havens', MacMillan, McCaffrey.< Aitken, CraWford;'. cen., McNeil; wingt„ E. Crawford; Cutting; Very. different, Wes the Allen - ford attitUde..frorn that: of ,Wel-• tile finish Players and of,- . ficials of both. teairth poured. onto the lice, 'and 'exchanged .• hand - „shakes,. with ' The Sepo.ys. show - cortibinatiori4in action. L:: "Pick" 1VIiller, remembered beat here as having played lbegball ,w it fi Holyrood Ernie .4okert, wap old son, J.. Miller) who,' pilaYed standout •bockey' in the aerie's: titcknow has, nothing bilt Were a clean, hard -Wm -king 'squad :and it's a..credit to that little' burg to be able to ice a "C":ChanipiOn.: . squad, Who: gaVe :the "I -z0. winnets a 'real run for ;their moneY', 'and in defeat were, good losers. : Bill Pappas is. playing hosron. Friday: afternoon to The ...Sepoys. . This free. show is• in recognition of, their' achievement' in • Winning OVERTIME MARKS GRAND 'CHAMPIONSHIP OPENER 'The grand, Championship series derway On 'Monday night in Wingham. and it took 10'. Ithintites ,Overtim.e before. the times hut cpuldn't 'protect it, and. those -wingliarriltes .whO were lay-. ing 10 to 1. Onl-the SpitS 'may be Ltibknow. took a 1-0 lead in Ab •Chin: JohnnY 'Dahmer put. Utelsnow two -up heeore:the!'2nd' .period., was. three Minutes- old: ,Westlake.' gat' that 'hack cluiekly chie down. with him in the. creaSe and Harold was' hurt. -It looked, I to us there shoUldi, have ' been tan:immediate Whiatle on the SNOW 'SENTINEL„: LHCKNOW,ONTARIO Presbyterian. Evening Auxiliary Mrs, Chas. Mason was -hostesi .for the Evening .Auxiliary f'or. their March meeting which open- ed with hymn 570 ,ancLthe. Lord's' prayer. .The topi0 was aibly taken by ; Miss Isabel, MacDonald and the ” book on. "White Angel of Mercy" by Mrs.. J. D. R.oss. Fol- lowing .the roll call and business: a reading ovas given, by Mrs. Roy Finlayson; solo, ` MTs ('yarn, Mac- Donald and current . events by Donald and curi eI?t events .by -Mrs.. Gordon Fisher, Miss Gretta Campbell • had the .,bible "study,. ,ass•isted by Mrs Morgan Hender- son:. A' joint .meeting of the Ev ening Auxiliary • anal. W,M.S, will be held:, t'he baserriert of the ;Presbyterian 'elPiu,> ch on.... the ev ening • of Arr1 12th .at Which 4r.s4E6,0.3. 3. MacDonald` of Rip ley .W11' be ,the guest' Sp9aker. The closng hymn 579; , was'sung and prayer wasgiven by Mrs: Ken Mowbray. and: family. visited. on, Saturday evening With ,,Mr. .a.,nd .,Mrs.• Geo.' Mr... and Mrs.' jogeph Well of LizeknOw called on relativeS here •••• a i .a■ ■ ■ . 1949' FLEETLINL CHEVRQLET, .green• in calor • r 1949 . CHEVROLET .FLEETLINE . SEDAN, whitewalls; ;8Q00, . r' • ■ , . miles, • • ' 1948-�CHEVkOLET;'FL'EETLINE =COACH, 2 -tone: grey •� . 1948 FLEETLINE'• CQACli, blue in' ,color, $17.25 • or 1948 CHEVROLET, COACH,' $1575 ■ 48 CHEVROLET• COACH at'; $150:0,'" 19 , - CHEVROLET. FLEETMAS.TER, SEDAN „ .:: ;• •' u■.,▪ 1948CH "* 1948 PONTIAC ,SEDAN �• 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ':1 1938 FJ:YMO.UTH COACH, new motor,,• ■ 1901)01)6E SEDAN, $450 • • i 2-1937 CHEVROLET C.OACIiES,` A 1937 GRAHAM ,SEDAN, $325 ■ • 1937• NASH SEDAN,; $250. :" .1'936:' CHEVROLET `.COACH ■ 1935 DODGE,'SEDAN, $250 i •1935 CHEVROLET COACH, $200. ▪ 1930.MODEL A' COACH' • . -� _1946:_CHEYOQLET�HALF-TON PICKUP. LIN 1.937 FORD 3 -TON STAKE. TRUCK i .1935. FORD i/2 -TON PANEL for, only. $98.0'0 od U EVE,RYONE'A BARGAIN .. 'THHRSDAY A1?>lL 5th, . 1950:• ■ • 111 • 1 The cornniunity ,waa shocked; i„ . russels, otors ir:: .when: word came::Of ,the passing ,11 • , "The 'Heine .of. Better ised Cars": of the 'late .Milton .Walsh, ...The a ' . r . funeral,' Which was' largelP' at- ...1.' N • ,t;e0I'll•K®irin'cfarr6,cillii:),Iell.1„eAgningeltiee'rayn:.611§1:1;'‘mC1:1- ' ii. 11.7:s:::iitii::::::iii II' i • m m (M)ImP'IME:11::17411'Ellimtli]t___11.111NI'llGI' Ill' • i ....Mr. and Mrs. Bert McLean and • Mrs'. W. j., McLean vieaited With Kinlough .friendS' on 'Sunday e'0 nUrriber from; here haVe. keen ..confined to bed with the' •flu. ;Mr. John' Lane is ,reebNiering , Mrs. Ernest Ackert Will be hos- 15.e held' the ..Angliean chuith older. ones,' The lihe-up .was-; bar- , siich a • srne'll' -villeg• C., All in all • don Tisher, gOa1;. Kenny Ernie, "Gibson,. deferice; •lst• and. 2nd line,. SteVe • Carnegie, Alvin Eaker;' Bob:. •Mowbray, Ronald Richards,,; Jim Gardner, 'the Lucknow and DiStrict Chant:, lOcal..po.Wee entry in the W. -4-thesle .14cOke Club is faced: sobn'broke the tie . when he' potted a *pair -of .rnark- p t of nearly $600 arising "rbUgh• group", but the Colts: just, seemed to run' into rriore.than their share of -bad luck with only 15 seconds', reihaining. . key goal of the *night; ; everything theY had and:at 4.50.• the ..yeteran Ted English' had the'. count , even terms again. At - the ;:halfWay: Mark' $tainton put the ,Spits lead ',for. the first the ganle, , While :Gould :was' .serying tiMe for, elbowing.' hiS way' in and:* slipped One: that.sent the. iarrie7intO overtime, ,There was Only 46 seconds, of , -.,ered 'with Congratulations and ithe ' Overtime. gone' Toby - Bolt: Who. has shot a Ide-in frOM the bluelitie; Carried ()mg ypry,,good Picture, of' this ,goor.1.1 been plugging' all eventrig:: and 'sportgrnanshitr displa,c,' by lite • in' the first 'Period` had, :tob -• Middlerniss hasn't , legs, than e rh.•lntr.te later '..Trith,Du,.. much' action in the: last. fey.- berry adf.14ng l'esiLtrane,;ei . which has been gi•ving .him', a lot Harold . since the' Wellesley seriea; when censtts was th- Ernie .Vatighan went 'thrOugh,.ful the last two gathes with Allen-. brand' (4',,ihr!. frorn North Bruce., • the Free serv...s * * I to the Sepoy; who have .held Mike ,McCaffrey, Who WAS for three years 'in a row. The neveir right in the Wellesley ter- cup wag received bY, Harold opening game in' Lucknow,,, was The "A'.' cup was presented 'by gettirtg baek'-in :form Again :by tory to th`e 'Windham S'oittirc,,s the end of the Allenford set, and, was .receiyed ,by Ted 'English, EES DID GUELPH 'MiriOr Hockey ,,Association'. and plaYed .in •Mernoriat Gar-. dens With.,SOMe 200. boys taking. presentediri. the tournam.erit. from, Weston,,K4hener, :Mount Dennis; Brampton' arid LUeicn,ow; firat. game •at .9.45' When they de- kinson. 'At .1.0.0 o'clock they ,rgiet GOeIph. :4.11V :had. ousted" Fergtis „and l•Ipst to thern.170.,:GeorgetOWn. th-eS' to 'Meet LucknoW ',again et ciefaulted the genie.. dge' .0,7er=age. ipleYer's in :the first ,conCluded. at. 19.3o, rA,iiMPlotig: 'and ke,,e, other ; the trio the work fell t6 about , fArs thc! The: conduct Of -the. bOYS. was loudly praised, hy, their man.age- merit i:vho in. turn received 'many cOmphinerits on the calibre Of the it was a big day..for,the Iftcl§ and and Bud Thompson. ' Get New Pep, Vnn, Vigor i'Vhat thrill I3,ony ; limbs 'MI out. Ugly notion's till up: neck no longer scrawny. body loses half- starved, sickly .."beiip-pole' iodic. Thousands of .girls, women. men, who never ,could gain before, . are now proud of shapely, healthy -looking bodies. They thank the special Vigor-buildingelles11:-bililding tonic, Ostrez. tonics, stimidantri, invigorators, iron, vitatnin calcium: enrich 'blood imprOve appetite ahd digestion so food- gives YOu more strength and nourishment:omit flesh on bare bona,. Don't fear getting too fat: Mop when yote ve gained the 5,-10, 15 or -20 lbs: you need for normal 'weight. Costs -little. 'New "get adqUainted" size wilt/ 60c. .Try ,tadions Ostrez Tonto Tablets ' for new vigor and added, pounds. this very day. At all druggists. ORSES- Ripley,„ 182 .Ingersoll 21, William Stone Sons, Ltd. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Buehler Qtiality Wagons and Trailer Wagons Fleury -Bissell Tractor ,Disks and I4and .Packers. GRASS SEED=Government Standard, No. CLOVERS—Red, Alfalfa,' Aliike, Yellow' and White Sweet Clovers: Red Top. and Blue Grasses. G ANDREw Triei