HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-04-06, Page 6PAGE SIX
I eknow Sepoys .qualified for>
the 'W.O.A.A. grand champidn
s'l�ip seri'ea " with Wingha f n • last
Friday night when they trimmed;
Allerforcl 7-3, in .the:1#1a1 go of
' three-�gaire• .series.. This game
:was played • in „Kincardine before
.a ci owd 'of .1850 fans, with many.
turned �atway, .. The Alhenfora
squad were accompanied:. by ,a
]arg# contingent of fans which
augmented the: , ig• Lucknow fol
lowing to more,, h tax the. cap
� icity .of • the rink.
The �Sepoys".,won the series. the
bard • vray. , After dropping the
• first ,gatme in. ` Goderiich Eby. . a .5-4
score. they evened the . series in
'• Owen Sound last Wednesday
night by edging. • ,the Allenford
six.4-3, and •on Friday night were
in tap ;form , again to romp off
in the second . and, third' periods
after a nip . and tuc=k opening.
Irl Owen Sound` The" :.Sepoys:
tforged in a' first .lead on goals
►by . Jim ...MacMilllan and Toby.
Greer. ' Allen�ford• Came back
strong/ in ;. the `second to tie it up:
on goals: by . Cutting 'and , Duff.
cutting'pu�t Allenford• one :.up at
less than` two minutes in the '3rd.
frame. •Greer got it back at 5.50,•
• and : , McCaf f rey ..got ` the . payoff
tally at ,
:15 minutes; 'On, a 'pass
from MacMillan
Typical of the series, the game
was ',very. clean, , Lucknow draw
ing •.3 'penalties and'. Alleriford • 2
In Kincardine on'Fiiday night.,
Allenford ;; opened the scoring at
4 minutes.: Greer :got • the equal
izer :.at .12 Minutes. . Two- .minutes
later McLelland ' sent The Sepoys
into a, lead that ,was: short' lived
". With Craig tying it up
The second 'period ;was only "'3'
minutes old When lYlrcLelland axed
Vaughan . had both : hit the: twine
..to give. Lucknow a two -goal lead
and all; they i'ieeded The' remain-
der 'of the period `Was scoreless: •
In the third, rperiod Greer.and
Gould'.: clicked for three. goals,
with Grey:. getting Allenford's
•lone ,. tally. In . this . frame Gould
kicxru s ;uw.,"`�,
Albert. Chin, •who's as game- as
they make them, disregarded a
;severe•.�back injury:'and was, in
uniform last Wednesday. night •in
Owen. Sound. Albert . was a bit
cautious;,' ;
He was flying again on Monday
might In Walkerton .and got •a
picture goal to open the scoring.
Chin; .centre, ,Gould;, wings,
Greet, :DaliMer; subs, McLelland;
.Vaughan; 'Wankel,
Havens', MacMillan, McCaffrey.<
Aitken, CraWford;'. cen., McNeil;
wingt„ E. Crawford; Cutting;
Very. different, Wes the Allen -
ford attitUde..frorn that: of ,Wel-•
tile finish Players and of,-
. ficials of both. teairth poured. onto
the lice, 'and 'exchanged .• hand -
„shakes,. with ' The Sepo.ys. show -
cortibinatiori4in action. L:: "Pick"
1VIiller, remembered beat here as
having played lbegball ,w it fi
Holyrood Ernie .4okert, wap
old son, J.. Miller) who,' pilaYed
standout •bockey' in the aerie's:
titcknow has, nothing bilt
Were a clean, hard -Wm -king 'squad
:and it's a..credit to that little' burg
to be able to ice a "C":ChanipiOn.:
. squad, Who: gaVe :the "I -z0.
winnets a 'real run for ;their
moneY', 'and in defeat were, good
: Bill Pappas is. playing hosron.
Friday: afternoon to The ...Sepoys.
. This free. show is• in recognition
of, their' achievement' in • Winning
'The grand, Championship series
derway On 'Monday night in
Wingham. and it took 10'.
Ithintites ,Overtim.e before. the
times hut cpuldn't 'protect it, and.
those -wingliarriltes .whO were lay-.
ing 10 to 1. Onl-the SpitS 'may be
Ltibknow. took a 1-0 lead in
Ab •Chin: JohnnY 'Dahmer put.
Utelsnow two -up heeore:the!'2nd'
.period., was. three Minutes- old:
,Westlake.' gat' that 'hack cluiekly
chie down. with him in the. creaSe
and Harold was' hurt. -It looked,
I to us there shoUldi, have ' been
tan:immediate Whiatle on the
Presbyterian. Evening Auxiliary
Mrs, Chas. Mason was -hostesi
.for the Evening .Auxiliary f'or.
their March meeting which open-
ed with hymn 570 ,ancLthe. Lord's'
prayer. .The topi0 was aibly taken
by ; Miss Isabel, MacDonald and
the ” book on. "White Angel of
Mercy" by Mrs.. J. D. R.oss. Fol-
lowing .the roll call and business:
a reading ovas given, by Mrs. Roy
Finlayson; solo, ` MTs ('yarn, Mac-
Donald and current . events by
Donald and curi eI?t events .by
-Mrs.. Gordon Fisher, Miss Gretta
Campbell • had the .,bible "study,.
,ass•isted by Mrs Morgan Hender-
son:. A' joint .meeting of the Ev
ening Auxiliary • anal. W,M.S, will
be held:, t'he baserriert of the
;Presbyterian 'elPiu,> ch on.... the ev
ening • of Arr1 12th .at Which
4r.s4E6,0.3. 3. MacDonald` of Rip
ley .W11' be ,the guest' Sp9aker. The
closng hymn 579; , was'sung and
prayer wasgiven by Mrs: Ken
and: family. visited. on, Saturday
evening With ,,Mr. .a.,nd .,Mrs.• Geo.'
Mr... and Mrs.' jogeph Well of
LizeknOw called on relativeS here ••••
■ . 1949' FLEETLINL CHEVRQLET, .green•
in calor • r
1949 . CHEVROLET .FLEETLINE . SEDAN, whitewalls; ;8Q00, . r' •
■ , . miles, •
' 1948-�CHEVkOLET;'FL'EETLINE =COACH, 2 -tone: grey
•� . 1948 FLEETLINE'• CQACli, blue in' ,color, $17.25
or 1948 CHEVROLET, COACH,' $1575
■ 48 CHEVROLET• COACH at'; $150:0,'"
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':1 1938 FJ:YMO.UTH COACH, new motor,,•
■ 1901)01)6E SEDAN, $450 •
• i 2-1937 CHEVROLET C.OACIiES,`
A 1937 GRAHAM ,SEDAN, $325
■ • 1937• NASH SEDAN,; $250.
:" .1'936:' CHEVROLET `.COACH
■ 1935 DODGE,'SEDAN, $250
i •1935 CHEVROLET COACH, $200.
▪ 1930.MODEL A' COACH' •
i .1935. FORD i/2 -TON PANEL for, only. $98.0'0
od U
'THHRSDAY A1?>lL 5th, . 1950:•
The cornniunity ,waa shocked; i„ . russels, otors ir::
.when: word came::Of ,the passing ,11 • , "The 'Heine .of. Better ised Cars":
of the 'late .Milton .Walsh, ...The a ' . r .
funeral,' Which was' largelP' at- ...1.' N •
,t;e0I'll•K®irin'cfarr6,cillii:),Iell.1„eAgningeltiee'rayn:.611§1:1;'‘mC1:1- ' ii. 11.7:s:::iitii::::::iii II' i • m m (M)ImP'IME:11::17411'Ellimtli]t___11.111NI'llGI' Ill' • i
....Mr. and Mrs. Bert McLean and
Mrs'. W. j., McLean vieaited With
Kinlough .friendS' on 'Sunday e'0
nUrriber from; here haVe. keen
..confined to bed with the' •flu.
;Mr. John' Lane is ,reebNiering
, Mrs. Ernest Ackert Will be hos-
15.e held' the ..Angliean chuith
older. ones,' The lihe-up .was-; bar- , siich a • srne'll' -villeg• C., All in all •
don Tisher, gOa1;. Kenny
Ernie, "Gibson,. deferice; •lst• and.
2nd line,. SteVe • Carnegie, Alvin
Eaker;' Bob:. •Mowbray, Ronald
Richards,,; Jim
'the Lucknow and DiStrict Chant:,
lOcal..po.Wee entry in the W.
-4-thesle .14cOke Club is faced:
sobn'broke the tie .
when he' potted a *pair -of .rnark- p
t of nearly $600 arising
"rbUgh• group", but the
Colts: just, seemed to run' into
rriore.than their share of -bad luck
with only 15 seconds', reihaining. .
key goal of the *night; ;
everything theY had and:at 4.50.•
the ..yeteran Ted English' had the'.
count , even terms again. At -
the ;:halfWay: Mark' $tainton put
the ,Spits lead ',for. the first
the ganle, , While :Gould
:was' .serying tiMe for, elbowing.'
hiS way' in and:* slipped One:
that.sent the. iarrie7intO overtime,
,There was Only 46 seconds, of ,
-.,ered 'with Congratulations and ithe ' Overtime. gone' Toby -
Bolt: Who. has shot a Ide-in frOM the bluelitie; Carried ()mg
ypry,,good Picture, of' this ,goor.1.1 been plugging' all eventrig:: and
'sportgrnanshitr displa,c,' by lite • in' the first 'Period` had,
:tob -• Middlerniss hasn't , legs, than e rh.•lntr.te later '..Trith,Du,..
much' action in the: last. fey.- berry adf.14ng l'esiLtrane,;ei
. which has been gi•ving .him', a lot Harold .
since the' Wellesley seriea; when censtts was th-
Ernie .Vatighan went 'thrOugh,.ful
the last two gathes with Allen-. brand' (4',,ihr!.
frorn North Bruce., • the Free serv...s
* *
I to the Sepoy; who have .held
Mike ,McCaffrey, Who WAS for three years 'in a row. The
neveir right in the Wellesley ter- cup wag received bY, Harold
opening game in' Lucknow,,, was The "A'.' cup was presented 'by
gettirtg baek'-in :form Again :by tory to th`e 'Windham S'oittirc,,s
the end of the Allenford set, and, was .receiyed ,by Ted 'English,
'MiriOr Hockey ,,Association'. and
plaYed .in •Mernoriat Gar-.
dens With.,SOMe 200. boys taking.
presentediri. the tournam.erit. from,
Weston,,K4hener, :Mount Dennis;
Brampton' arid LUeicn,ow;
firat. game •at .9.45' When they de-
kinson. 'At .1.0.0 o'clock they ,rgiet
GOeIph. :4.11V :had. ousted" Fergtis
„and l•Ipst to thern.170.,:GeorgetOWn.
th-eS' to 'Meet LucknoW ',again et
ciefaulted the genie.. dge'
.0,7er=age. ipleYer's in :the first
,conCluded. at. 19.3o,
rA,iiMPlotig: 'and
ke,,e, other
; the trio the
work fell t6 about , fArs thc!
The: conduct Of -the. bOYS. was
loudly praised, hy, their man.age-
merit i:vho in. turn received 'many
cOmphinerits on the calibre Of the
it was a big day..for,the Iftcl§ and
and Bud Thompson. '
Get New Pep, Vnn, Vigor
i'Vhat thrill I3,ony ; limbs 'MI out. Ugly notion's
till up: neck no longer scrawny. body loses half-
starved, sickly .."beiip-pole' iodic. Thousands of
.girls, women. men, who never ,could gain before, .
are now proud of shapely, healthy -looking bodies.
They thank the special Vigor-buildingelles11:-bililding
tonic, Ostrez. tonics, stimidantri, invigorators,
iron, vitatnin calcium: enrich 'blood imprOve
appetite ahd digestion so food- gives YOu more
strength and nourishment:omit flesh on bare bona,.
Don't fear getting too fat: Mop when yote ve gained
the 5,-10, 15 or -20 lbs: you need for normal 'weight.
Costs -little. 'New "get adqUainted" size wilt/ 60c.
.Try ,tadions Ostrez Tonto Tablets ' for new vigor
and added, pounds. this very day. At all druggists.
Ripley,„ 182
.Ingersoll 21,
William Stone Sons, Ltd.
Buehler Qtiality Wagons and Trailer Wagons
Fleury -Bissell Tractor ,Disks and I4and .Packers.
GRASS SEED=Government Standard, No.
CLOVERS—Red, Alfalfa,' Aliike, Yellow' and
White Sweet Clovers:
Red Top. and Blue Grasses.