HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-04-06, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL eth, 1950 THE LUcKN'OW SENTINEL,; LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO PAGE rig. . lyceum .,Theatre, WLNGHAM'; • Two Shows Each Night FIRST` •SHOW AT 7.15 -TONIGIIT=THURSDAY RICHARD CONTE, VALENTINE. CORTESSA in' Thieves .Highway' (Adult Entertainment) FItIAAY, „SATURDAY APRIL' . 7th, ; 8th. T , PAUL D9U''GLAS;, LINDA DARNELL • in . Everybody Does It Matinee Saturday; at 2.00 p.m. MONDAY; TUESDAY APRIL ;10th,: ll<t1T LUCTT,T;E BALL, WILLIAM -HOLDEN' — In Miss Grant Take's,• p ichm nd Q . WETHURSDAY DNE$DAY, APRIL 112th, 1.3th% ALL BRITISH CAST in, -- 1 leaping Car to Trieste •— e TruthAbout' , Food Prices -Wfood_ 'prices what: th'e ar. e ;•'todaymostmothers ,havea. job :`£eedirig: their families,: et. the g ' . overnrrie'nt: ;is � •dart .tro in; oy . g o r. g Y. thi owin away, food. For the CARD OF':THANKS: Mr. and Mrs;. Clifford ,Hackett wish to sincerely thank neigh- bors and -friends for their kind, ness and thoughtfulness during 'their.. illness, . These.: many kind. acts were sincerely appreciated, ' Mrs. Sari Reid and Mrs: W.' Rt Farrier, sisters '-df . the -late Mrs: Margaret Sh.erwodd ' ,of Wilkie, wish to anosit, sincerely• ,thank friends 'arid neighbors for :the many kind acts bd . expressions of symlpatny' extendect- -them,- at Ithe- time of their recent bereave. menta The Lavis Family Wishes•to ex- press their ASincei e 'thanks aricl appreciation to neighbors, •:friends. end:Organizations, for, their, kin ne`s:s, `flovv`ers, ` .fr`d,-. uit,': cards, .and. other . gifts during ;their' mother's illne's,s.ad for floral tributes and expressions 'of 'sym,pathy at the time of her 'death. NOTICE TO CREDITORS A11 ` pe.rsons : having claims.; against the estate' ; of George.- Swan4 late of the Town of Walk-. erton in the . County. of Bruce, (forrnerly: of the Township%'o:i Ashfield),, retired Farmer, :who died on or. about . the 1st ',day • of December,, 1049,; . are notified :.to send t� the, undersigned' on: or be-. fore ',the fifteenth.. day, ' of Aril,; • 1950;, fUll• 'particulars of their claims ' in writing, Inrunediately after, the -said .fifteenth' ;day cif April,' 1950, • the assets of. the said testator ' ;•w i 11 ',b e • distributed amongst the :parties .entitled thereto,;, having'. regard „ only • *o., claims of which the executor shall 'then have .:notice; : " Dased'this21.st. day of March, A.D. 1950,' . .Crawford & .t-letheringtor, I Winghani, •Ontario. Solicitors for . the- Ek:ecutor story, of .how the' government;, is. purpOsely_making food a eerlsive read :, . :Mothers :Taxes", . in The: 'Arnertail Weekly, , greatma ,zinc With this unda ' Ari istLe''Detroi ,Sunday Times: BOUNDARY EAST Community night was held in Whitechurch, on Friday,. evening with a good crowd in attend ance,: Mr.. Pharis Mathers presid- ed • for, tyre program. Readings; were' given by Mrs: L• ...,Grain,, Mrs. D. Beecroft and Mrs. Milan Moore. Guitar .and whistling,sel- ections by Messrs. Bob Ball and Cecil . Markley; of Wingham Were Most `enjoyable. .A 'l4sson ;in' Eng 11sh , pn "Little Jack Horner!' by Charlie- Moore -kept the audience well 'enitet l ained. 'llwio fine ,solos were sung by:Mrs:,Andrew mount, "Meitlier •Mgcthreee" and "When: Irish Eyes are SrniIing ' An amusing sloit; "Jelly' ;for the' miiiister', . was acted'...by.. Mes-. dames.;P.gb .Ross, Ernie Casemore and ,William Dawson Mr;" and .Mrs. James :Falconer :played' a piano duet: After lunch was ser- ved dancing was. ' enjoyed ...by •Messrs Mer'kley, : and Hall • with Mrs, E. Scholtz'' at the piano. ` Mr.. ;Jack Gillies: attended :the ,funeral' of his ;uncle; the= late Mr, •Robert; .McGuire Of " London;. •w'ho inas`° buried- in Greenhill cemet- ery on 'Saturday. Mr. :and Mrs.; • Roy Cringle'. and Mr:: and Mrs. 'He'nty. Kruger , of Lincoln Park, Mich spent the week -end with Mr. Jack : Gill'es: George Kennedy, attended a • meeting •. in. the Parliament Bindings, Torontd,,: On Monday. lVfr: 'an'd, 'Mrs, • Alex `Robertson, and :• son Jianm.y :. spent `' .Sunday. with Mr:.'. and '•Mrs •:,James''.For, We wish to extend 'our: deepest sympathy to .. Mrs,. Russel • Gaunt whose• mother, Mrs:'; „Currie of Wingharn,was, buried last' week ZION We;are •glad . Mrs. Jake. Hunter is ,home' 'and gaining.', Mrs.:M!cAuley: of' Acton is ,:v'is- it ng with Mr. • and..; Mrs. :Frank. -Ritchie. Mrs:Margaret Gardner vi i ted a day. with : Mr. and •. Mrs: Henry . Gardner":'and.. Mrs:. Will' Gard er who returned home'with her' for a !visit • :. We are' 'sorry'•to ,lie losing Mr. sand: Mrs. Lorne • Ritchie but wish them •every success • Mr. and Mrs: Bob Irvin and vey Ritchie on.SundaY "There was, a ' shower held for Yvonne, Magoffin, 'bride to -be, on Monday 'night:: We. :had '..a :,.few words :fro¢•n.." :Miss; Ada Webster and Mamie._ Irwin . and 'musical- ;Umbers :musical•;Umbers .)by: Miss, 'RuthR'aynard: and . Carol ::Gardner. Miss Jean •Ritchie ;read an address and. Yvonne thanked then!' .for the gifts. A social tinie. was. 'enjoyed. by all • If You : Wait Too = Long To Order Chicks Fewer.. chicks are being hatched and several dates are aliady booked to capacity. :rawfor • have them ' DAY OLD TO MONTH OLD; See. them before you order: Several -customers already ,well satisfied. Hatcher' WE . ALSO STOCK ew Life' and Lifeteria Feeds R.. A. Finn Products," Jamesway Poultry Supplies. t. 'PT!ONr T.11CKN.OW • +Uldw11 Ii11�11AY/ouli.1lllll.s�llsl/`IIr11e6i#1/71�().#=/1*I11.)11f1111.1"1114.0"0)4.11/11•1 • 1 1 ee us :.if you are : interested in Y 1. growing a profitable r ' P �CASH,:CRO .. xi contract with Canada; Malting' Co We Are Installing New Equipment to Insure Fast 'and Efficient, Handling of Grain . at. the ' Lucknow Elevator iel'eaven Milling Coy Limited I •DiJNGANNO] ' Mr. Albert O:rser.= ivho has been 'ill for the ~;past few weeks, : is friucl• improved: ,Mrs. Cora 'Driv- er ,Of Golden Valley' is: spending, a while . :with• her mother and father.. • Miss F'lora;,,D irnin'of Ma'rkdale was. a�usitor with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. R:.'J. , Durnin over the ,week-entt. , ' ' ' ' Ari ,Easter Service .w.ill be held. in the' Pre�ib.yterian ,,Church•. On Sunday, ` April,; 9th ' : at 8:00 p'm, With', Rev: .T: Bright df, the Dun- gannon'`United- Church -delivering the address. ' : /) • `•'.Codi union service was , held irf connection with the 'domino;.' service t at Dungannon United Church.' 'Rev': • arighI,_making. th_e.. usual ul'announcements at the reg- :War-Seri/Ice, eg- ar= ser -vice,' reported , .$55.5 as , the donations toward the '.cause. of temperancey when Mr, Norville • E.. Lick of Toronto preached. at' Dungannon, . Port . Albert:..,and G,rewe . Rev, Creaser of Ottawa preach- ed • foxs,.a call at'Erskine'` Presby- terian church • on Sunday. At a rneeting this'Wednesday night at Luc'kriw, further. plans.' will be .made 'seuring .. , a permanent clergy. - S. C urnrn;'son af`.Mrs. Chas. Durnin, fell while !playing at the' river on Saturday and broke tWo bones in his 'foot.' He was alone; abl did notregard probably. it as serious and hobbled homy/with his ;bicycle After the',swelling goes down a east will, be put, on. 1A Presents . . Thursday,;; Friday, Satur,day,•April 6th, 7th, 8th. What a 'ruder,, .. what.fun.Yes' folks; yourpopular comedians —and also also voted this year's top comedy team— . ABBOTT arid COS:TELLO, in• I ican a ' r�I onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 'April 10, More . laughs -and ' RED SKELTON knows 'how• to hand • them out, in' 4;tM.RTQNOF'THE. MOV�S with Virginia O'Brien `. Your 'Movies cost Fess to see, now --thanks to the Ontario Government. EVENING PRICES -Adults 40c. (35c .• plus 5e tax); Students, 29c (26c plus 3c "tax)'; Children, 19c (17c plus 2c tax). • MATINEE—Adults, 33c (29c. plus 4c .tax); Students, 24c (21c ` -Phis 3c tax).;. Children;, 15c (no :tax). , Lucknow, ':formed!• of Ashfield' . for burial at Calgary. Township, received ' word'that. �. ': Mrs; `•K: ,. K. Dawson has 'been .her. brother-in-law,.. Mr. James confined to bed with a heavy.' Baillie, $2, of .;Calgary, Alta., : had 'ease of the 'flu this past • week. • passed, away ...On Saturday, April •;'; Mr.; Ben Caldwell 'of Leaning.. 1•st, ,after . 'a short . illness of': a• ton spent.'th week=end, Wi i e th.lus heavy paralytic stroke. '.Mr.' -Bail-• a 'native .of West Wawanosh,' was a 'brother- of -the late Win, ai re,.•born:•on• the farm of Mir. Howard Sproul: on, the 2nd CO. of;West Wayranosh. His wife"pre- dece.ased -hi 'a number of,years ago- ,'.and: ' was formerl. Emma Reed .of this district and a sister, of,; Mts:-Anderson--T-here survives two son's,. Calvin.= and Bryon and a; daughter, ' S to Y, ' ' •who is :Mrs. H gh, ,, p ugh :Mason. ,. living all ' in.fie ar-.. iby districts of Calgary.: With the exceptions of , visits to '.Ontario, :it.. is about forty years since . the Bailhg family"move to "the,' West but 'will Abe rernenvbered by some .of, ,the older '.residents. Funeral arrangernents were '';(tieing. made mother,. Mrs..:. Rebecca Caidwello and 'sister, 1VMiss Pearl Caldwell Visitors over. the • '!Week=end; with 'Mrs.. Abner. Morris Were Mr. • and -Mrs. Anderson ,Mugford and' Mr,.and Mrs..: Harold;:' Mugford of" London. They also attended .the'.i `dance reception, .;for Mr. Francis: Schraann at :' Nile i who Was ` rem Ce c ntly married' : to LL•.Miss :dean` ' , . '. Baechler of ,Goderich Mr.'RaY ; Stewart • and his bride the former -Betty- • lYwns • 'were - honored with a dance at the Dun gannoliagricultural hall on' ;Fr, i- day evening. Miss . Edna; . S:tewart read' the address ands` a; purse ' oif money was presented to: them by Paul Caesar: • Tifin's. `orch'estra.. supplied music. �� .e1�►, �1...(, Y,..►(, � •.,.�,,., ,,• :Mrs,dersen, .Sr,; . of Tl�:os.�� An Feeds, Fertilizer: Phone .:71 uc new .District o Groceries Phone' .27 erative f ',We' Haven't Got It,. We'll Get . ihy ; go elsewhere when at your Co -OP you'. an seta- -full line of Co Op' Feeds,: Minerals, , . Salt, Tonics and: Dewormers: Op. Fefttilizers:'and Ingredients . for Your Specific.�' Requirerrients: ALL .'YOUR GROCERY REQUIREMENTS IN THE MOST MODERN, 1TP TO -DATE, SELF=,SERVE. STORE•: INTC' , . L KNOW; Clover and Grass Seeds to meet youi• 'needs. Legume Ail:•' Gehl Tractor and' $ell' Electric' Hamnier Mills. Shallow and Deep, Well Pressure, Pumps; , Piping & Fittings: Universal Co:Op Milking Machines of'Short Tube, •.Long •. 'rube' and.' Portable Types, 'all installed and serviced.. ELECTRIC' RANGES, REFRIGERATORS,. , `WASHING MACHINES, OIL BURNERS, BROODERS, FENCERS, MOTORS .' & CREAM. SEPARATORS. A. full ,line of 'Pedlar Products including Roofing, .Steel Stanchions, 'Water Bowls and Litter Carriers. •'. I ` N. . Barbed Wire, Steel Posts, Nails, Steeples and Woven Wire. A Woven Wire 'Stretcher available' for your convenience. , SHOP THECO OP WAY .nA .4 • d R