HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-04-06, Page 4., Owl • • • PA'GE.FOUR. TIDE LUCKNQ-W SENTINEL, LUC:IKNOW, 'ONTARIO • ' "WANT AD" .RATES---lst -insertion '•2 cents a .word, Subsequent insertions. 1 cent . a word. Minimum charge 25, cents. Replies :care • of The . Sentinel JO cents extra. Legal advertising •10 . cents •per count line first insertion, 5',cents per, line subsequent insertions. WANTED -quantity of dry baled 'NOTICE—!the party who took the straw Wm, Bitekingh'am, Belfast, i poultry fou tains and, other tools. the lbari on .Willoughby St: PIGS FOR• SALE -,-Wilfred • Mc- .frommis advised to retunr scathe at once, Quillin,a phone 42 r=5 Lt oknow• ,and avoid : police action.: M • `,RENT A' ".•SINGER Sewing Mach - FOIL. SALE -23 pigs; :•six weeksi old; John ;•Crowston' yRt, 5, Luck ine by, week ,or.• month. FREE' -dome iii Hol rood Township �.. P',and DELIVERY. •ida', 'A rtl 14th" at. ..; now;'. ;.,�, ,; , • :.'� .. ,; PICK /J:.. • � Hall, •�on�- �Fr y, F' . 8 15 for : mem s� 'and `,invited, w b �; : •FOIi; SAL -= .Cockshutt �, spring � or� 'phone .Singer ��Sewing' . entre,, ,. � er tooth:culitiv�ator good as new; Geo.. Hanover, « `•; guests. East of Gravel Road, sand ucknow.. suitesmattresses,••r. e', "wiches, west; tarts, Stuart, R, '•2, E BDRO M , frigerators, pianos. You'll see a MINSTREL , SHOW lar a selection at Schuett and • ' gWingham 'Kinsmen Club Min.,. .. Sons', Mildmay, Furniture', Store, steel 'Sh'ow will be,'presented in Trade-ins accepted.; Free. del'iv- Lucknow' ToSVn Hall on .Friday, ery,` . . ,April .14th, under auspices' of the AUCTION SSALEof` farm'stock Lucknow' Agricultural Society,, Ad 'issio.n :5Uc",and 2sc, and: ' implements: at, Lot .22; .,Con m ,si. • . . '3, 'Kinloss,••1•:mile'W'est•'ef` Lang- BOK SeCIAL AND DANCE `. FOR SALE -H•1940 both ars look Side' on.T11ursday, April. 13th at There 'witl be a boa social,. good',and,run well, •Cash, .trade, 2:00 o'clock:' See bills;' Terums ,pliagram and dance`'to'.ri'usic by o terms; N. W. Wi.nter.'stein; ; cash: W'm MacInityre, John°Miac- . Tiif fin's' orchestra in ; Whitechurch • Intyre,. :executors ,estate.,of the, Comimiunity Memorial Hall,. Wed- n ell Addmissio , Wed, - late Donald. Macintyre W neSday;'. Anri . 12th, .Henderson, Aiuc ' ....gents •25�c. Ladies with "bore free. .: S` E of farm' stock everyone•welcome:' ' AUCTION:AL and implernents at Lot, 11;and '.12, . P Con., 2A,; Huron ToOnship, 21/2' Miles'. west of Bkuewater.'' High way on Second ;Concession, • on Tuesday; April 1•ith, at 1.00; sharp See bills for .list and,ter' ns. Sam=' uel Nesbit,,, Prop ; ,Emile'MacLen nan, Aue. ' COMING : EVENTS • BAZAAR & SOCIAL: EVENING In Crewe SchoolhouSe on Tues- day, April 11th at • 8,30.. o'clock, under'' auspices' of the ladies of Crewe W. A.. Debate, musical nultnibers, lunch LO .LA LE. CLUB DANCE' Wednesday, April 19th, in the Town Hall, Lucknow, Jack Hen- derson's orchestra. Quilt on dis; play, in, Johnstone's, • Furniture Store will be drawn ,far at dance Door prizes, Admission, 50c. w ,ROOD, AT :11„OME` AT. HOLY. Kairahea. Women's Institute At. FOR; SALE:—Clinton oats,, clean- ed, :'$1.50 per , bus. ;George '"Ken- nedy, Kennedy, R.. 1; Lucknow•' FOR SALE --•Beaver seed oats & Galore .ibarley: Bob " Barkwell, R. 6; •L' ttckn:ow, phone. Ripley 11-6. --1940 Hudson seddan.; :1938 Hudson coae of � c C"o ick= 0 SVIo rm 5 3 FOR SALE --•a 1 . . Deering tractor in (flair' running, shape. ' Awry M. Ra�snage, .St. Helens. FOR SA1:..:E-400 IbushellsClinton • oats. Will make good seed: Growi'n, .on ,new land, no wild, oats. Gorr don • •Drennan,. R..3, Goderich: PIONEER .Chicle ".Mash Starter, • Crumbles, giving. sensational re-. Stilts. See .Roy Finlayson, Luck - now. FOR SALE =- Mammoth broad- . breasted bronze; gobbler',and large -7White .Pekin -ducks --and ::drakes: :Goldie Martin, 'Paramount. a ,+, { )y •, 5. 21) 4 .44 fr •t! fy� h4 • WINGHAM .CONCERT='SERIES -The last:- concert of the; 194975.0 :series will' be held in Wingham. Town Hall`,' on Wednesday; Aprtl 12th at ,8 30;.Artist, I�al'ina 'Dil r- ld: violinist as oshesky,; 13 yea o . sistant: °artist, ,Lawrence Felton, • b:aritone.' SALE of livestock':;& 1• KANSAS, FARMER; AUCTION .THE • K imiplements . at. WH: Lot 8, .Con `'hand' His ,Entertainers will pre sent a'.: variety concert in •• Dun gannon -Agricultural Hall, Wed nesday,': ,;April, 12th- . at .8.15: Ad mission 50e :and .25c: Dance 161_ low, ing; with music by JackThynne's Clover "Hullers:. orches :Dance ,adinission 50c. tea. • .1.2,, Ashfield. ,Township ;(the •,Ed garRitchie Farrn) , 1 'block south ' and 1 x/• -blocks west "af Luicknow;.. .on Thursday, April.. 6th,. at .1,30 DISCS. ;Minneapolis: Moline See .bills. Terms cash. The. 100 Orcl�r . no* :for:.. immediate acre farm will also..bet offered. c,;iscs: • 'delimery. See the' neW Z::tractor Lorne .;Ritchie,Prop:,, Emile Mac - George , . Wraith, Ltiicknow. Lennan, Auc FOR SALE: - new' modern one COMNIU�IIT T SALE storey :home, immediate ,:possess :. Saturday, :., April :8th ; at Com - ion. Apply ,to Geo: 'Orrvis, Luck- mtinity Sales Barn, Lucknow, at now 9 2 0 o'clock: Maohiner, •,fors ring work , furniture, ay„, d': • 11 iartx= HOUSE `FOR SALE—eight room :les. Haigh quality' chickeng : from frame house' in' • Lucknoiw', hard - •wood -floors, hard and soft water, modern ;convenien.ces.• Apply to Wm. Fisher,, Lucknow: " ' Y FOR , SALE 1500 • bus: of Mont-, calm . seed barley ; grown from registered. .seed; also some barley for.; contract:. Apply" Bert Walden, - ;Ainiberley, phone •30-r-22' 1.ipley. FOI#, • SAL1-baby carriage, Play 'pen, baby tenderiand push chair. All in good condition;` reasonable (price .Apply Mrs;' 'Harvey Hall, Lucknow. • RADIATOR CLEANING. and: re- pairing. 'atreasonable . -cost., Try —Blueyalp :Repair, • Shop for your rad troubles.• Phone Harry Elliott,, 648-w-1 Wingbtell. • 'F'OR SALE --59,` bushels: sof Beaver • oats'mixed aibout, 25 ,percent Gal- 'ore barley, also a.liinited,quantity of Roxton, a new oat.. E. G` Zinn & Sens,' Phone .14-r-15. Dungan- . non PLUMBING, Tin;Smithing, :'E•ave- troughing, Deep; Well and Shat- low 'pressure .systems.. Experi-. eneed :.workrnariship N. Thomp- ' ;son,. Whitechurch, 'phone '652-34 Winghan • Crawfords, Chick 'Hatchery, all 'ages:' Bring: in your merchandise. No sale, no charge. Ladies espec- ially invited. Jack Maclrntosh,. Sales Mgr.. • Well. Henderson, Ant PLICATIONS' Applications for the .position of assessor ,for the Township. of 'Ash. field will, tie., received` "by', . the`. Undersigned up `to Tuesday, :April llth, 1950, at 'a salary :af .$250 per annum. C. McDONP GH, Clerk. NOTICE Since attending .the' convention nvention we are now .prepared to. give the teen-age,,,girl -and ladies the treat, • Of 'a soft natural ,curl at a 'much lower' price. Make your appoint- meats early at Miss Audrey Smyth's and. Miss Hazel Culnert's ,B9'aU.ty' Salon; •' FARB& FOR; 'SALE -- 150 acres, 21 miles west : of • Dungannon, 3/4Of Lot 6; Con. 5, Ashfield, good frame . house, •'8 rooms, barn 45x53 and, L -shed 40x30, double. garage,driving shed, all 'cement foundations, drilled- ,well, wind, mill; schools liextw farm, 45 "acres seeded-, • remainder plowed,. Easy terms, inn ediate possession. -. 'J• Durnin, 'phone 40, Durtganno •i • NOTICE The regular meeting, of Kin- Township:Connell . has 'been . Until Monday; April • Nth. J . R. LANE,.Clerk. • TI URSDAY) APRIL, :6th, 195p, : PAINT 'AGENT WANTED You can't . beat this --25% corn-. mission to sell best 'line of guaranteed paint; made by one of .the..- world's great: paint makers. All• colors, interior.& exterior; •It's, easy on sell paint, Every, householder uses many gallons • every :Spring, Don't wait, 'Be sure: you are the agent your neighborhood.. Write. today ';for complete".infor Iia- tion SURE 4�'IN ,PAINT CO., 1758 Eglinton .West, .Toronto RO'BERT E. 11RyiN' GARAGE': Repairs' to aU mares. of'.ears Also:, agents .for .CO.• :FARM• IMRLEMENTS ,'and Repairs ., 'Phone' 53, -Dungannon 'MR ` ER � J AKE S ..WA.LT , O of: Lucknow, has 'been appointed-. agent for •grad©c . Nurse. ries Ca -Strat roy, Ontario' Fad line ofFruit .Trees, Ever'' greens, •Shrubs;: `Raspberries, Strawberries for Spring and, Fall delivery,. : Phone.Lucknow'. .. 3, . . TENDERS DER . -- GRAV.,EL.'TI';N ��. Sealed tenders .will be receiv. ed• iby the undersigned until 6.00 pm April 10th fbr:•crushing and, hauling` 7,000 ,cubic., yards..gravel, 3/4 inch in .size• for the Township: of West Wawanosh'at ,a ;flat rate, applied'. as :.directed by Road Superintendent, A marked oheque 400- . must-._accoinpart `*.each far � . � tender.. Lowest or:any' tender not necessarily accepted. Lorne Ivens, Road .Superinten dent, Dungannon, Ontario: NOTICT -'TO- CREDITORS •'. All `-':p ersons ha ring •c1.a. i m: again t the 'estate of Dc aid*M,ac- lntyre late of the Township of • Kinloss in. the :County 'of' Bruce, Farmer,. deceased; who 21ied-on or about the 'sixth; day ,.of March,. AiD. 1950, are notified to send to the ,undersigned on :or before the fifteenth day df 1950,.' full particulars,' of their claims in; writing Immediately `after the said. fif.teenth day of April, the .assets of the said test- ator will ibe • distributed arnongst the ,parties .entitled. thereto, hay-. it g regard.:: only to ' )clairns ''of which the 'executors ' shall then have' notice, • -.bated this 'twenty fourth" dhay of arch; A.D. 1950. awford •& Hetherington, Winig!hamr Ontario: ' ' . Solicitors . for the • Eecutors, ,mile McLennan • Loehalsh ` R 3;;Luckbow EXPERIENCED LICENSED AUCTIONEER �fJ DR. T. B'., CLELAND VETERINARIAN 'Havelock. St,,,, :south of • . Supertest. "garage LU:CK.N0w Telephone• ..... ,TM . 175 General AccountOcy ,'Service• . for the..,snlall• me-• :;.chant, professional , rOn and the 'farmer:. In Lucknow 'Thurs,, ;and Friday,4Offrce...1n: Kilpatrick , S., J. PYMM P.O. Sox 74, Lucknoll, Ont. Phones: Residence 23-J • Office 23-W. • ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST • IN LUCKNOW . FIRST :WEDNESDAY , ;,0 OF' • EACH MONTH • from_ 10 a;m to - 6. p.m. • WM. SGHMID'S: STORE Insure : °In' . Sure Insurance Western' :Farm'ers'.: Weather FIRE Howick Fanners' Mutual• - •C'ar, Accident,. -Sickness' .= .Consult'. :JOHN FARRISH 'Phone '.169-4':Lucknow INSURANCE;... NOTICE RE CALF CLUB'' ;All boys, and girls plathiinig oh, entering the "Lucknow Agricultur- • 1 Society Calf: Club competition' are requested to sigh : up; at once' With: the secretary, 'Mr , :Alex M;acNay PIANOS : ,Annual sp ring Sale :of used pianos.. Suchwell'-known makes: rs 'Heintzni,an, Mason •& Risch,., Weber, Nordheimer, etc, Special prices and terms during .this :sale.: Write -'for list: of bargains. - • .Heintzman & -Co, Limited, 242 Dundas 'St.; ,London.: •. BRAY CHICKS --many varieties; including : •;New- Hamps, Ham.p ,'Crosses, Columbia- 'Rocks:. Dayolds, started,, pullets, mixed, cockerels.. Y.oixll•ibe wanting eggs. 6n frn rket5 miakbe--caught :.short:: Don't put off. Contact:a8ent=` l FIN,I..:AYSON; .Ltreknow:. FEWER CHICKS bought this spring •,rneaii:.less laying; birds,. that's why experts Say there may be a scarcity of eggs .jus tivhen.. buying' ••is good. :That's why we say, buy 'Big -4 new, They have what chicks bought now should .have, to mature quickly.. They're the product of a 30 ,year breeding prligeam by, practical Hatchery, Get prices, order. noW, • ED, V, I AKER, ,Lucknow. one Ripley 1247:„.. THE MUSKRAT SEASON, ;which.. opened p'n2 Miarch 20th,' Advi11 close on , April 21st, 1NSURAN Co=Operative'Life Insurance~ Co -Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & Fatm Fire. .. Insurance: Econornioal and Reliable See a A.T. CAMERON LUCKNOW 'Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon, AUTOMOBILE:. .:AND ", LIFE' To' Protect•Y6ur Jack;' Insure , With Jack, Toi:iay, McDONAGH R::3, Lucknow,. Ont. 'Phone . 61-5, Dungannon . FLOOD. 'CONDITIONS last week' threatened the CNR;' line near `Gowanstowri. A Slow order' of 10. miles' an 'tour `,was in effect and Roy • M'cCrcight and two section men' "kept' an, all-night tai f it an' Monday 1 /. 1 1 1 l 1 1 - utu '1 State �' Farm : IVI a, .i: 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1. 1 ut.onta►ble , Insurance Company ASSURES YOU LOW RATES,. i rr'in a high . with ,protect o • category. ' investigate • -Befor You Invest -j- 1.4 -EX T MacN'AY • Agent, Phone 1,77 'Lucknow NOW:IS-TOE TIME. • To Order, A Threshing `Machine sizes --22x32, 22x38, 28x48 'Roller Bearing' Complete, EARL fl.,I1V R. II'.'°t Bol rood Ont, 'phone, :36-r'-13 Teeswater ANDREW Barrister : and Solicitor:; LVCKNOW, ONTARIO ;;' Office in the ,Jo nt_.Blcek' Telephone': Residence 31-.1 Office.�t35' acK Stuart �A . •Barrister and 'Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO, irsOLUCKNbW :ednesiiay Cach. W • 'OFFICE. IN HENDERSON 131 QCIK .' R.. Hetherington, ICC Barrister, Etc: Wiinghani ;and I..ucknow I1�t 'LUCKNOW • Each 6 1Vlonday • � •and • Wednesday , Locatetl'on tho ground floor ' in the front cif ' Kil '.trick's Btiildirig John p "'Phone.:Winghain ltesideiice Office 48 •