HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-04-06, Page 1• $2.50 Yearly In Advance — 50c Extra to U.S.A. LTJCKNOW, • ONTARIO, 1950 ° THURSDAY, APRIL m6th, .. EIGHT PAGES DECIDE. ON GRAVEL ,WELL. At the .regular meeti: of the meeting Village Council on:Tuesday night. _the decision was reached to. enter ' . into .a eontr'act with the Inter-, national; Wetet Supply Company for the drilling df a : gravel wall well,, ` This is the: same: • type of .well '•: :ori •ia1. No. 1 Well,'Whichy as .the, gn , produced s. o; f t ° end 'palatarble water; The flow of this well has ' now, •diminished until it is pract-. •. i+cally valueless. in supplying.• the domest`c• Water, needs; The. No: 2 well which is much harder, and contains distasteful iron and:. •troithlesoine ;lime can- ten;, h �Ibeefi m;,, use : now ,'for some ',time.. The No. 2 'Well .is' a :rock well. . ' Mr. , F. L. Davidson . who is not q .pp e ui ed: to sink .a a gravel wall •well', -had- submitted. -am...-estimate :: fora a. rock, well 'which ,would Ib aper` e- a .CheWell,. NI. ra • r w . • ' ' prok'ab. y , .' Davidson offered:", no ,hQpe that' another •rock well _ would..be any "sof'e r" than: the`• 'present No. 2 di. advised readily 1 Coup 11 i" .and e Wel., and y c that: a gravel' well would.�provide- softer, Water ,but : he ''doubted if; • '�essar r vel form do thy_ avec Y. g a a n •• existed here. • Council ''decided : to have the Water Supply representative con- fer 'with the Board again :with a 'view toeamp'Ietin,g . details •,arid entering, into .a,contract for drill:- Mg > the gravel wall: well ` The :p ' rocedure 's` to :drill, 'a test ntil a: ; suitable s ells � •'well or ' w , , • tylpe and quant. a f' ` • it � � �.' water: is•.ob-' . � . tainedr.. Test drillirigat; • 10:00' ' is$ r -.,:ho ur- witha maximum ex- pe penditure' o'f $3,000. The" Company :'-. •then guarantee s well' of •state d . 'flow'Which, must .'be .naintained •foryA -g"l Imin-. ute well ••°would cost '$6,944, ::• or 'S34.72 a ;gallon. To provide;` •animle ',funds•a for. pl'UeeCUEll!g W.Pyll - 1,1u17 %A&n. . i Iar....e.. Council authorized a $16,000 de-. bbenture...issue .at 3I/2" percent for i ' suitable 20 years, •: `It shopeda - 'well can be obtained for a good deal less:- ' Tuesday night's meeting was devoted chiefly to the well ques- tion.,The Board held' special :meetigs on this subject •on .Tues day: afternoon and. last. Friday ,'right '• '-HEADS ;HURON. COUNTY FRUIT GROWERS. Thomas • J. `Salkeld R. 1,,Luck:- now,, was elected president of .the Huron County Fruit::.Growers As- sociation which met recently at Clinton., The sheeting had -'been postponed for : two weeks'because of,.weather conditions. :,Mayor . `Hattin of` Clinton wel- coned the fruit. men. Warden Cecil Johnston' - wias • also •called' on.. He-. spoke in. `cornpli'xnentary terrn�s :Of the Huron +County.Ag- ricultural representative;' Gordon • Bennett and congratulated the • new. ;president land Mrs.. Salkeld on the `success• attained. ' by, their 'slaughter: Miss 'Helen ' .Salkeld," in winning a. $1,000 scholarship. '• During . the: afternoon session, addresses 'were giv 'end discus- sion led; by'Dr, J. D. ' . cLacfilari; r -, Prof. 'p afessor •of Botany; °OAC, II,: W. Golble, ;professor of Eritorn= r'lo- y, .OAC, 'and • provincial en- tomologist; and J. J .Johnston, London, 'of the inspection,servic&, Dominion Department of 'Ag'ri culture, MTt. 1�1.:L. CAMPBELL 'PASSED AWAY, WEDNESDAY The death. ;occurred i"n Tor onto early * Wednescday morningJ• , cif 1Vlrs, I✓, C�ampbel•l, She was, in her '94th year and had 'bean 'failing. healtth for some tinge. - l� fiservice was held in Toronto an 'Wednesday evening)with the remains .being 'brought to Luck- now today for 'burial, Funeral .arrangements here were, riot corm pleted �at,'press .time. CUT DOWN TREES TO CLEAR l WAY FOR SERVICE STATION • Five trees ::at '.the north -West • corner of Campbell and. Ou,tram,' S'treetS' fell 'prey to:the "woods-; n ati's axe"' last, week,- as the first step in clearing 'this corner for a :new and modern service . sta tion, • Four big maples and: a' bass ,wood °were expertly •felledwith ou mishap. t . a ap or�tra,ffic tie° -ups. 'The}. job was in charge. of Walter ,;games' Who is an . exipert at thin work TH • . ' AT Dr._ •sand• Mrs. .Kenneth Thompson of . Chicago. _ NEW. ' BRIDGE LIKELY TO BE ' BUILT :SOUTH OF LUCKNOW 'It is understood, that a new �bfidge is. 'to bel built on the. Luck- row-Dung'anon ° • County Road south of the,12th •Concession: The • old bridge' spanning the; Nine Mile- River,.at ;point is dang Q erous'ly narrow' and is: no longer. in • Condition . 'f o r. :the heavy, ' ;tr. of fic that, it .carries. We ;understand• that construction of this bridge - will likely be undertaken. this Year: SUFFERED M'HIP FRACTURE• . . of• . an +fes 4 IN BASEENT FALL STORY •HOUR FORnovel 'way . CHILDREN' announcing the •. TO START THIS.'. SATURDAY erri:VVal: of 'their sort John Wil- M D C.T.1: t. t. in •Wingh�am Hospital with •a ;frac A .story hour for children, ales ' ; headed"Ye Q 5,to7I2.Years,will "cornmence • in BOy''„ Thatmakes ys'thee Recreational' Centreon tie Tharnpson hausehod= tf`oalrlodwihnig p- t:Shhee. ;mza ssha-np ut'and is •'as • liam.: The' : �arin'ou'ricement i rs. ay, or, is., a . pa len is urday of this week, Apra ath. Kenneth, Bruce and now, well as: `carr be expected consider:= The Story hour, •with aures will John Williii ;m. ' Bob, ' ing her ' advanced years g a Mrs:. Tayl6r suffered . the. in ire "from " 10'. to •11.00 o'clock, and, *. * >k is anew venture vc*hich wi e •ifilIA,T there jury:.a ..week; ago -Sunday Sh'e had. a're only 'about 50 t s trial, g f gil 'en a :two Months' nded church that evenin and atte .armexs out of 5000 .iri. Bruce This week's', story hour ;will b'e with'. friends :before. County •who are not 'su' orrtin had nisited pp g returning.home. Ont, oin to the • basement , 'Mrs Taylor' fell - an surtfered the; break. She' was alone 'at the ,time' and lay there help.- - help- less for some time until the ar-• rival.. home' of her .sister, Mrs. R. touch "'With Mrs. Clark`: Frnla ..;,.• V MacKenzie, • with ,•. whom ..she, Y TIIAT, .Rev. 'Cliar/ H. MatDon- :r " soQ•1, , , •'••. • � resides. Mrs, MacKenzie had been Bald' D.D.:af. Bluevale. • :. s,' . ' ; .. � ,conduct- ..• : .; , : visiting.;iri. Waterloo , and :; very ed„anniversar -. •'services; t• Pen-• • �'. a . , .fortunately ...returned . �ome. '(by. ,KAJRSHEA' CALICO BALL;' etari 'isleneon Sunda y, which. bus Ghatevening:, ELD ,FRIDAY,',N•' H . %CHT � ; :: was;the Centennial ; 'a of •the - •_ .. . in ..charge of . Ars;: Munroe : and Mrs McKim The Girl Guides •are'. lending their.' assistance ` Anyone who is. interested in helping with' this weekly:child . rev.'s hour, is asked :to :get in 'The :Federation- of Agriculture, and that about 35 of these are" in the southern •end of the 'Counity ,lin the Huron and Kin loss' ;district. • • • church' 'and Wag marked :,by. ,a In :spite. of other. attractions :in rweek's .., .l • , activities•:in'cludm' ':' an�. eluding a Hockey gameand wed annifv!er5ar s er'laxd home - Y ,supper ding reception, there was a very coming r e u n i.o n Penetan good crowd <at --the .Kairshea .::In " ishene wird ' ` ' : :: g'u s Rev,• MacDonald s stitute's annual 'Calico. Ball;; on ::`second charge, where. he ..' - .g., . , min. Fridlay ,''evening ;:istered from 1923' . ' ' ' ' '` �to,.1925 ',and First prize.' for. •the, prettiest is the oldes. : li in ; a:. dreg's'. t v, ,'g,rcniniSteic.^c�irhq: :,calico 'was won ,,by Mrs.formerl � . , occ . ied that: ' .... Y i?'p pulpit. Jack "Ackert. !:Secon'd prize ,went • *... :* to i Mrs. Cliff . Cra.wford. 'Prizes 'Were .:.. THAT. Orval • ; � . . ,, ,..,. • . -,. ,. •. ,,, Martin a i ra?tier $3,00:'and :$2.00: The jutiges "' ';Gran`ad trunk l�a;ilrova;� ei�ift were 'Mrs Howard • 'Anew, Mrs'retired.' y ' g .�Lu�cliriovw; has 'retired. ' His, las Elliott Sandy' and Mrs J:: C.._Mc- t assignml�nt was • gas CNA agent :Nab:'. TO AD OPT :,DAYUIGIIT 'SA'VING •END OF APRIL The Lucknow Village uncil g Ca , in session Tuesday, gave appro'vai to the •adoption of Daylight Sav- ing- Time to go' into effect' here'' on Saturday midnight, April`, 29th. The termina'tion' date. of. DD.S.T. willcoincide with other muni- "cipalities ; in this area;: • COMM• UNITY SALE WAS rBIC • SUCCESS The first Lucknow Community. sale .was held on Wednesday of fast wweek, 'and• got off to, a most encouraging start,. with a .:huge, crowd in 'attendance, and with:.. pien"ty of. sellers and ' Ibuye s. ` to make this''�openeinsg venture a big success :More than $5,000 chang: • ed -hands that afternoon,' and ,' from` the reception •this inotvation received the continued success of' the: Comnmur i'ty Sale, seems as: sured The auctioneer Was Well' •I3em<derson. The sale. mariaige-r and • �omot i. er. is. Mr.: Jack MacIntosh` of `.Para- :, nount; :who plans to-hold-••weekl --•-- livestock sales for the time being, and periodic :;sales of :household furniture, ` machinery arid Many and 'all other • saleable articles Plat the. public. may wish'"to of - The community sale offers an open market to bring buyer and selelr to. ether' convenientlyfor` g 'an ` exchange of ' commodities :at fair.:;, prices:.. One' "the mistakes es •made. • at ; , . theos eniiig sale; which Mr Mac= Intosh'-says won't- occur again; -asStart , .. .. . . tl a ,•late' start.' made in. sell;' ing the livestock, which 'was the. No 1> c : �odit ,, on `the sale. In-: oa>�'m y :chided . n' • "the stock �, ock sold;� were five purebred;: Ibulls offered by Morley Johnston. , • At future sales' an ler%ients Which are ,'o� offered. ' >� will have to •. be siold . before; _two;-o'clock...?Mr.. Macintosh is'.:planting to `hold. a,�'° furniture and im e " '' pl• Ment sale 'on Saturday;' April 8th...•Th '' - Y� 1s :Earn' ture:: Sale' will 'be "ladies'day”, ' . and -t the ladies are especially._in-: vited.Ito attend, and -to ,bring any : article s .o f :houehold;;; Earn'41 •an e�eswhclthey. • may, •liave to 'Offer . ' There 1.s a small , fee for each, 'MUST SIGN. UP . FOR'.. LOCAL CAV t' CLUB and Mrs:: Robert Fisher and' '— - static$n ... ., ' ' ed •at: Lucknoziv from1909 ' , . : Mrs.. Jean • Haigh '`.of ; Hamilton - All girls and; lewd Vanning on ur1'tih 1918• w'he, •he�-wa �• � �}..,I , n s trans- 'ter` 'a'e n 1n'htit the' ryveek 'endhe • � • >bp r e with �. e g e Alit ill I 9°e- ferred 'to' aSowthaxri 't � � relatives.:•,G on. let 's.•Calf l' li�l�i l` rf'� ' '� �o' ' *• ' ' Y 1 t r gister with secretary tit; lNtieNay at once. : n e.. Ther e must. ll t►n . be.:;tits les, to.forxn a 'club -and vvhile a mars' ber•'already have';cnlves selected for the competition theyhave neglected, to sign Up.- D.UTtCH FAMILY ARRI.: ED R Mrs. Gerrit Logden:-. !berg and their farinily of ---Seven. children .arrived:' ,by train.' at Lueknow, last :Thursday ..after roon;to take in :residence in Ash wield : Where .Mr. Logderiberg 1s 'employed by .Reeve .tCecil Johri- ston. :,•• The :. Logde'nberig • family, moved .into the, home, on' the for, rater F1i er:Johnston •farm, which had been put in readiness for their arrival, The 'faintly:.was. sponsored 'by Mr: Johnston and.':cane .direct' from Holland. •'herr;:, e M•Lodgeri= 'berg was formerly'engaged '.mixed' farming. 'and is anexperi-' ' enced. stock 'man. , en ' n •:'have b e Study- ingThe pare is I , , Y ing English 'for,- the past- few .months and have a• Sufficient un- •derstanding•of the- lan-ua e to . language � help • Make A.themsel,ves, under- •sto.od. The,. mein'bers of the; :family. e� 'from three ears range in ages y � to • 22 years. There ar.e'two'boys: and five iris ' ith . the eighth g • a married the r 'member. of f n ly d 'Oughtr havirig ei ained in' '. 1-ronancl, Oi,e boy is `of "pre-school age, and ,the other ,brotle'r and: two sisters d,. have' concluded their schooling, 'Thre.c 'girls are of school, age and started to school in Ashfield',on,IV10 �ndr ry, with Miss Shirley, Sherwood as their teach • Another.:,-JDutch family. 'ai r ivied in, Ash ficld earlier, this year;; h4 - ing beensponsored" by Bob Helm, There are our children in .this family and "they .are attending school a't Zion :With Miss Ada Webster as• teacher.. These child, ren,‘ two boys :and two, -girls; are, Teadje, Marinus, •Evert•je and Annie- Beaker. The two' families J had a .gettogether 'on Sunday♦ • THAT movie .goers will,pray less •'to • attend ; T,he ` -Playhouse Theatre, • due to a • slight reduc . tion . in the 'Provincial amuse. •ment: tax. Evening prices.'ire: adults 40c, students 29c : child= ': ren : 19c; 'matinee; adults' 33c students. 24c, A children 15e (no tax). Students, are classified as 14' and'.over if attending school and chi11ren as under .14.: • THAT :there are, two 1950' license ' 'plates 'awaiting their owners at ;The , Sentinel: Office! The num fibers are S8753 and . 870410 T AT, • Jack ' Oa rrupbell' has the. • , .Point Clark' i •1 ghthouse'in readi- ness, for ead'ness,.for turning' 'ori' the light as soot' as ships ,start movin to or from the' head of the lakes. Orily'shi.p'rnoverrients up to"the first ofthe"week were south csf, The 'Point: 1V.Gi:'and Mrs:.Albert. McQuillin will .again spend the season With Jac1c• ,at Point • Clarlt. • THAT Mi. fi;, ,l. MacKenzie of town,-.',an.d :formerly ,of Loch;-, alsh, 6observed 'his 78th birth.+ • dal Y • on Saturda, Although his Y, g eyesight is 'not what' it was,: Mir MacKenzie is enjoying good health and:ris as. chipper. ,.as, a lad. (Continued .tan page '.8):s :' WON THEATRE IZE'_ THAT '`all" :business la. ' p ccs ' in: Lucknow 'willbe-•open this: af- to moon(Thursday) • on account: 'of thebl . ' pw fc• holidar•'th'e fol - Y lowin ,day -,-Good g > *: * • Keith• Kilpatrick :held the lucky ticket in; The, Playhhouse Theatre draw last Thursdayi +lat, and,, ng von: an eleG tric razor 'and Com-. plete shaving: kit. Several' tickets were drawn before Keith's luckr iittmaber oarzie tip. 'e, ,Agricultural Representa- tive plans to hold an organization meeting' here shortly ,and'. all who intend registering', should doso at once: P:�'OL I . O .VI�CTI M ABLE'TO WRIT Imiprol"errrrent; very is'low`, but encouraging; is noted in the:gcon dition of Marie Cupskev, ..;who: was stricken with poliomyelitis early Iasi :September. ' Her life •was 'saved., .byhe ., use of., the• iron lung,' but .the, crippling ..disease left , her totally ,paralyzed.' . E,arly this year she ' was • able to ..b,e rel snowed perni.anently'• from • the lung ,and sinc e then has'regaihed sufficient u e.,of -iter fingers'that that a 'short, time ago•.`slie was able to write a g le iible letter. When Marie . was first put into a chair,'she• had to be strapped iri'it.•Nova she::has regained -sufficient control of her balance to •sit Upright unfettered, This progress, in addition ' to the evidence ;of miraculous `recov- eries of'•othes who have been totally paralyzed, leciids high: hopes' that ;Mari •:• will. yet walk • i~ again, ..and her outlook: -is bright and .cheerfuul, ' ,Marie' is the •daughter of':Mr. and Mrs. San' Cu.pskey •, of ,Ilei - fast,' who spent° .the" week -end with her a week ago in ,Hamilton General' 'Hospital. Mar;ie; " who will ibe 18 in,.Ma . contracted . y,..t the." disease :while working at Galt. • A new electronics /treatment has been tried at. Boston; on 'par- alysis patients, with amazing re-`, sults, and vve "understand that Hamilton Hospital. officials:'=plia` to investigategh` the•:treatr•ti.ent'•with° the possibility' that it May be cvenually received by Marie. -, •. .av ;qaL ,. "Au cuaib•'e policy. Y• The weekly'_ Wednesday,';. gale will (oe .concentrated •on, live-' st k:' The' oc sales, :of'::course as e'," being': held' at' Mr.:: ],VfacIntosh's' barn in ' Lucknow, the " former Johnston Feed : Barn. Won Prize For' Crest In a crest contest eondu. by the East London Busin ration;. Allan Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip ` Stewart,`, won a $10 • prize: Allan, is . a Grade 'XII art :dor ' major . at Beal •• -Technical:, School in "London Wand his .crest di awing ,was l;udged: to • be the best subinitted frome ' s Gonda y ,. Sohools. VISITED MOTHER �LND :SISTER AT: •1VIONTItEAL iVt'` rs. Irvine. 'Henry: 'arid,'` :Mrs. Robert Pardon. speiit�last'wee k 1Vl9ntreal °with. their mother, Mrs. Archie Anderson, and' theirs • sis ter,' Elizabeth; --at the Echo' Nurs••' ing ;Home on Jeanne'...Mance- ,St_ ,. Some: of . the .places of inuteresi 'they s'aW were. ,S,t, '.Joseph's Ora - for y University, -Royal., Vietoria :` Hospital;' Laurentain Hotel )Where they.' had: dinner , in the.Laurel: rooms, . Capital, Theatre • *here • • thev saw the picture, "The Kin�'< �s .Men". They attended church on, Sunday in the : `neiv MacVrca.i, 1V.r4niorial',Churc'z, went 'through gh the :Q botanical "gardens,. motorec.D along 'Notre Datrie St. and St Jarnos St. and saw the 'Forum • where all the hockey gashes •aro:. : played. Other pointy of•.•inter. st • were 'Notre Dane; Catherdal and :d\lontr'eal's ' 1 a r ge clepartmem.''. stores; ie'tludii the 'Jm aes• A •,," :Ogilvey's Stores with which .firm. 1VIi:. Dare IIoriiell' of,. Luckriow': +: . was . associated ' for tci y ,: • 11,'trs, Anderson, ivllr;o is -in he 134th year, was able.• to go with : her •daughters to :Tudor Hall, i "- Jas., A.• store anal {zccoi panieli• them to ; dinner 'and, then,to tie At*enue theatre' to see. tho ,;picture; '.`The ' Tight Little : rc.; - laand' , an Arthur Raiik prod'.uc-• tion. .r • 9 1 it • • • • er •