HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-03-30, Page 81�.• 4i4,.*4' a ..ftp 7. 1 1, WPIctiQW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ON.TAIUO BORN. SHIRTS, TIES, SHORTS FPR , EASTER, APRIL 9th 1 •Forsythe .Shirts,country: Club, white Forsythe Shirts,, ,colored stripes: y a" 4 Forsythe Ties,, new Easter Forsythe Shp ,. boxer type,a plat ,colors and ,Stripes,. size i30-42. Awt kik it 9.' His : responsibility is no less ' in peacetime During elections, a loyal citizen. will vote -a .privil- ege whit . all Canadians enjoy' once the have . reached: the age of twenty=one: If ; we refuse to take advantage" of . this privilege; wxl1.'gradually ' disappear:: To ntie;. those that- do ` not , vote. are. ,icanmutting little, less than treat-. on. This, at first, may seem an exaggeiration, but if 'we rernem-' rber that* a • nonvoter is diving Camunumsn .a" ° strong foothold .in Canada,. .it.. will no.;longer seem an, over -statement... • • 'Hence, a Canadian citizen ;must be .a good *mod'el and, . as. '.Joseph Joubert once said,; "Children need .models, " snore than they:''.need critics" Thus, , ,in .my . opinion, he who refuses to accept the 'chal- lenges lenges of , citizenship . is not worthy of being called, a . Cana =fan: ESSAY. CONTEST .(Continued• from .page 1) be .tauglhrt to accept larger under, takings. He, will striive to meet • the- needs of otherpeople He, will revo nd to the ca11 •: of the Giri Guides, ..the Boy .Scouts, and. the Red Cross:: The Projects, > of the school, . and cd ' the church, will. be his constant concern, too. In fact the 'town's . business will be- come his business: put above all, the Must `ust' alwayss ° !lie' snore y ready to (gave than ; to • receive, and prepared tp improve the con- ditions of his fellow citizens: Do, not. lassuane; howe+er, that a ::citizen's sole responsibility is o to his liomne-and village' `It is 'also to his country, .and to the world. in , in general, and ”a. gaod citizen Must always be conscious 'of this fact. • In wartime, a ,-citizen must resrpend .to the calf: of his coon- try: He , must ,be prepared to. ggo where the need is =.greatest, oast ing aside' all rpersonal comforts. • McDONALD--In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday March 21st, too.. Mr,, sand. I`Mrs. "Norman McDonald, R. 2, Lucknow, a au- fighter.. 'CARTER. -in Kincardine Hos�pi-' tal on. Wednesday, March 15th,, to Mr, and 'Mrs, Levi Carter," R. 3,, xolyrood, '.a :daughter, Grace Margaret, Margin RTPLEV1S TAX ATE Will be. 75 mulls thi ,year, .an, increase of 1.'S r WEDDING ..BELLS McQUIL,LIN—WILSON In a 'quiet".ceremony•performried, at :.she Manse of the United• A Veterinary who • was • a 'wit Church, St Helens, `•on; Thursday mess for Mr; Ackert,' stated 'that: 1 afternoon: at 2 00 o clack; Pew M mills' dyer last year's •:rate. waterworks system, village drain: anrd a new school enter :into. the'. ,big tax GIVES DECISIONS; IN TWO' •SUITS ,Judge J.,. F.. '; Birni'c�, Judge • of, the County Court; bias` handed down his decisions in -two- actions. heard two vr'eeks ago in'Division Court in. Lucknow and,which at tracted • widespread interest the caninnun1ty, Ju�dlge B rnie . dismissed with costs the faction . Of .Ernest. Ackert who. sued ,;for . possession Of ' a steer, or. 'damages; The ,defendant, ; Robert 'Burtrt of admitted= he; had- entered the:. plaintiff's premises' and"taken . the .steer Which he 4 claimed was his.:`: Judge Birnie• •stated that the•onus was 'strictly„ upon. > Mr. Button to satisfy the.. court that the steer Was his: Ho* the ' ioi'ns Were rernoved was the. deciding, factor in Judge'„Birnie's. decision. -Mr.. Hoy, Mr Ackert and Jas. Donnelly' all :identified the steer as •the property of Mr. Akert; and., the'.: Judge .noted •that.,, there was no doubt. in his, mind::that the three `,witnesses. were : absolutely: honest : their (belief •' that the steer ":belonged .td the. plaintiff. Mr': HoY� who claimed `toehave• • raised ;the steer, sand . Mr. Ackert, Who bought_it,_iboth stated that' nothing had :been done arrest.. the growth 'af the:,horns.by cans-- tic or ;to ` remove; ::them: with Saw:or cutter. • MA' C1. 30th, 1950. �Spring, Styles NOW ars s�rQc� eatier•:a1;d Sue a Casuals Navy, ' Wines : PRICES: GREATLY.REDUCED--: "Take _advantage .of ..01;17.cl�earng4"sale of BUTTERFLY NYLON-IOiIERY. firsts at greatly reduced. "prices..r '. athiell or Your EASTER • LADIES' SHORTe ' � COATS—The coat that cdvfers three ;seas- ons, as' well as your whole wardrobe. Prices' from'. $17.95 up LADIES' LONG COATS ---.forte ,; twills; covercloth and g En l.ish whipcord. Sizes from. 11. to 20, LADIES' SUITS -In. all. shades: and `the finest of materials.'' 'We have,a price that will it the pocketbook From $15,95'. to ' $42.95 NEW S RING HANDBAGS IN' STOCK KAYSER NYLONS --Spring 'shades. in stock; now The only Y Nylon ` made with the non-twiat heel. ee � `.n B -B NA�GER.S-�- sk�'to • tee ,the e�w o ' Vest 'so' o ul ;'TEE... Ap P.A ar ., at present ';in •the cities. " , ' COA'• - ri l/Si GIRI•S - �'S=N • ew SPring .Coats for til�es • 6 'm mos.',• years," 4 to- 6x, 7 to: 10 and 12: to._14x: .: for:l'siz 6x'as. low �B4O'YS• COATS• : al 'sizes kip to � as . :. $4:95 :x. 6Y ri +r: `a_. rA, :G" f'. f.r Standard Quality ` Peas'; '. 15oz. tin. 3 -for 29c Choice Quality • Peas 15 oz. tin 2 for 23c' 5 Choice Quality Corn 15 oz tin .. 2 for 25c Choice Quality . Tomatoes . 20 oz.; tin 2 for:23e • 'Fancy' tuce i ` •Tomato Juice 15 oz: 'tin 3. for 25c. - o -tins 2_ior:9c' .48 "oz. tin • • Each 23c. Here • are outstanding ' eanii ed food . buys.., that', the thrifty housewife, .should.' not pass up. Put' in. a supply ,of •these :top 'quality' products at real econ- omy :prices: ,,.. THOMPSOWS.l The Store of Friendly Service. We Deliver. Prone . 82.< -- , unitedage •ithe. steer's 'h.orns.'•rhrad something .:Newton- '' m i.+arr `x done to them . to '''"'u ~ ' ` • • ” growth or, remove them of Mr 'and.Mrs Wallace; A...Mi1- w •, ••° would; not give . an opinion as to which method had been used: ..• Mr: Button' swore he removed win Land :had horns .Iby. sa g Land ,had four witnesses i''Jvho declared tli°at the horns had (been removed by sawing. a itis '!unquestioned, .'the Judge summed up , that' somethin ': head: P, ,g been ...done :' .to ;the 'steer's . horns :and under the circumstances. must :find • that. the animal is the property lroperty: of. Mr: =Button.: •c Allows. C.exnent Claim the Second faction entered:by. Spence`.Irwin. claiming •. the' sum. lin will reside' • on, 'the''' bride- of. $146:5 ;fro• m. Lorne Mitchell gr'oom's farms, Con.. 9 ,!West Wa- ; � � as the balance due for work and TOT -TO -TEED` gone 89-w Lucknow, Ontari retard their ,,,,,,,;;i„��u,r�p ueisu ' rwuuws fmWw>wurrnmuiu uuniuurwmuuriucruu�rruir,rurmu ,: uiuullroirmr. orami! ler, to. ''Mr. , Andrew Franklin Mc Q,uilhn., younger son ;of Mr. .John .McQuillin and rthe hate .. rs Mc- uillin: The bride. ',wore ` street length dress of (powder, ;blue with. • corsage: of :white <gardenias. She • was..attendedi by Mrs.' Carl Joann- ston, ;Bit evale #sister.: of the_ lbride- groom, who !was wearing; a dress of gray : rinrted crepe 9 or sage of pink Dream : roses:: Mr. `Allan Miller <bl'o trier of the bride, volas `'best man ...Qn' their return' from'a m.otor trip to, • London arid Windsor, Mri' ''• and: *Mrs. McQt il- wanosh. • STE'WART-NIVINS. Con Saturday afternoon • at 1.3Q• o'clock, ,Rev. S: E. Hayward,` pas for of .Benrniller ,.United.: Church,' in; .a : cereinoriy at the manse, un- ited in marriage Betty: Evylin,; daughter of .Mr. and •. Mrs.: David :Nivins, Con 2, ,' West. Waivanosh, labor in building .acement, stable, the. verdict •was.:in favor. of Mi Irwin,.: with the arnount of $37.50 deducted for meals in ,;Mr.? Mit- chell's •favor. !' ' The '. :defendant claimed that Mr. Irwin 'Was charging ,more: per hour' for h thself and. hired xnen,. than he' agreedto, that ":the: plain- to. 'Mr. Earl . Ray' ,Stewart; elder tiff ' agreed: to pay for. "meals, and: son' sof Mr. and M :: ordon' Ste- ' was; 'clai�mups '.• too :man -; .: . ,� � Wawa.. Ste- .. '. ., g• • , . y Incurs. wart, also of Con.. 2,- West Wawa- ..:•The • Judge', stated that he. re •nosh. The ;'bride. 'wore =,a street, (erred:„11;Ir: ;irurin's „evidence., Ile len th blue silk. Jerse• dress' with swore, that' hemen 6Oc short sleeves, and a corsage of an hour, 'plus •workmen's. com- 'deep . pink 'roses :and..•ferri. Wit- :pensation ;fees, :and'it Was there messes ' were. the '•bridegroom's .fore unlikely that he would make l t M • • • 'cousin; Miss Joyce ,Stewart and• .an' agreement whereby he'would :Mr. Paul Caesar,. Dungannon. . be paid .75c an ••hour.• The Judge (OUR` STORE FOR 'EASTER SHOPPING :LADIES' ::'SUITS 5 HORT1ES AND- ' TOPCOATS WE HAVE. : • AVE. THEM. • :, All sizes, all stylet' and all colors: •Als all with an . ,S Spring Ensemble o 1 accessories oto go t, y p .1 g , Weave a wide range o yand fabrics 'in' h ,� .t styles, M EN'S •: :- -- S' •T _�', EN'S . NEW SPRING ' SUIT TOPCOATS AND RAINCOATS' Ready for`' ou to try ori y • • � •: � Webster s Ladies':and Men's Wear Ont. c in o w: 0. •u k Phone 85 L nr 1 111 Ilillllllll'oin 11@Qllllpllll l illll, , ��dllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHiilHIdHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII►11111111NIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII{ � "th rid fn �s >;e preferred the plaintiffs evidence to sixpply •mea l5 f , on' the,` uestion oof' hours sPerf.t. absence of ,any afj'ccilir trgreemet?t, because of- -the method. -by which allocuv.ed Mx. Mitchri•1. fr�r 75 m . t:wns., S0c � reducio•1 Mr'• , T . l r• r_oul;d find tie a iidence.''of agreed 'award to, •$108,95 to (&Bier Vitt ,Ment whereby • theybwere recordett. He, however, r SEE OUIR ,LOVELY�iNEW PRINTS--- AT TRACT:IVELY LOW PRICED•• • to St r ..w%tri The toc