HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-03-30, Page 7THIT.ASPAY, *MARCH ,30,th/ 1950 1111.0.$1fik .71PftilFIAOLKAr THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL', LUCINOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN production age—increases supply! • Nola YOU an SUILR... REPAIR... " • REMODEL with PRESD-WOODS *mow *pail 0E1000 WI; !Tempered POsdwricid for ex- '-teriorh. Presciwood.Ternpitile„ an ,tiattirooms, :Pfisdwood ,for ' ' ' • HENDERSON BER.:11f41TED.- -44110NE• 150; iliCKNOW ONT --NinetY-seven--percent- Cross work is 'done .by volunteer workers' ithout- pay. . . • eatt ea er Beatty Deep 'Welt Pumpi Beatty''Three-Way Punips In Steck •• * One, Used, '13EATTY,WINDMILL . • , TWO -WHEELED T'p.AILER Plumbing andHeating• Pump and Windmill .:Repairing z a ric . • 3, GoderiCli • Phone 124-3 Dungannon • Id§IDE Miss' Richardson vis- iting in Toronto. , Sandra •Schaap of Galt has been visiting with her grandparent,. Mr. and Mrs.Robert Donaldson. Messrs, Kenneth. Orr,- Donald Stewart' and • Donald Dpnaldson arelworking at Litt"s Mill in Tees water. .. Mr., Hugh F.eagan croderich spent "a few days at ,his'horne. Mr. and Mrs, Parish Moffat Sz 'Gordon ',spent Tuesday .evening .with Mr.' and, Mks, DaVe 'Moffat. BOY SCOUT .NEWS ;The .regular Meeting •tif the BoY Scouts was ,h.eld Thurs4a3?-, IVIarch ..23i1c1 ..at 720 in , the.. Recreation' Halt •With ,an...attendance .of 15. The flag stand that'''WasMade by Mr.. Stanley. Rider,' Baker and George :Webster, was used for the first time, The. Buffalo, ,Lion and Foot ipatrial eachelected new tiatriD1 .leadeig and seconds. Games Were.playedand the meet- in.g closed With Scout's silence - :Ge.'orge-Webster. • FQRM HURON wEsio OF • It.C.A.F. ASSOCIATION' an....—TWerdne'S:aaY evening. Huron ...•W'ing• of the R C A 'F As- sociation „held an organizational Meeting the ,Legion erich.'• The _meeting. was -attended, byloyer:sixtY e* -Air Force' mem- bers 4rid it *.a.'S evident from the enthusiaStie recePtion. accorded organizational Plans and the pro - :Posed ..program; that.; .the • form - alien of the Wing answered an ,. . .obviotiS -need for such projek iri the conimunity.; The, Wing .pledged itself to cOLoPerate with and 'support : every :'worthy ;Cause 'and organization. ;Ay, ,•and : work in conjunction Witll•..the- Canadian Legion. Prin- cipal speaker Of the evening was Air. Vice Marshall J.. A. 'Sully, . ? chairman of the 'DOrninion..e*6- 'clitive of the ;AsSociation, Because of the. extensive area under the • jurisdiction o the • Huron Wing plans were.:,formu- lated Sci that the Wing meetings would :revolVe on a 'Circtiit about •the key Centres of the Comity:, Anexecutive to be . increased . • by the appointment of representL tativei from: each ofthe key cen- tres, was elected and compoSeil'of, the ,followirig:. president,-.Jaek .4Oberts;. ,. vice president, Elliott • Rivett. -See.-treas. ..Cart ..Bariks. •and •:,Igernbers-at=largei• -Walter Smith of 'Clinton and Ed Poly Of :Seaforth. TWO NEW .BRIDGES, • 232, feet :arid 1.55..feet long, will be built at the ,fsouthern ,..943.proach to Wingharn, and. the highway r will he raised iby a fill. ' • • "Manirna",,:aSked • little , Mary,' "If I ,•get. inarried,', will I have a htis,band like Daddy?" "Yes, dear". ' 'And if I.. don't.' get :married, wifl I .13e;'ary.olci rnaid, like Aunt Agatha?'". . "Yes.. 'dear";. `Mai -luta it ure' • is .hard' world. for 'tiswoMen,.'iSn't UALITY FARM: 011,JIPIVIEN Sales and Service., • erii .ACIlitute Gilson Refrigerators and Washers oods,Combination Frigidaire' and Freezers) Grinders, -etC. c FARM EQUIPMENT J..ITD. Hon Road • 'Phone 1132 'CREWE Aligs,,Phy1114 qiibson spent the week -end at her home at Zion. Mr. Roy Culbert spent a week- end :recently with. -Mr,' and 'MS. Tom Culbert. , !Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd. Saunders, Donald and Nancy Spen,t•Sunday. with Mr.. andMr& George Sauri- Ors of Mafeking. • Mr...and Mrs, Tom, Philips and Beverleylspent ,a Sunday recent- ly with her :father" and„ Mother,' .Mr;' .an Mrs. Vic :Holy at Port Allloert• • • . • The 'flu bug i.S.•!flying around the •neighborhood and not •rniss•-• Mg 'many'. places.- •" the tb,iird• (• ;Taolc MoCreight, who scored 60 goal,, in nine games for Atwood Midgets, has signed an "A" form with the Roston Bruins .Which of - fens a two -weeks' training period on a try -out. If he signs no Other form after the,try-out he becomes a .free lance) * •*, * • •A• new arena and repreational centre has been built in Elmira and Was pt into tise • a few! weeks -ago'. Now a inoVe is on feat to install .prtificiaL ice., . ' • *. * * *Ebnira's 'Minor • hocley iteanis• 'haCre. clone well this 'winter. the 13antams cOPing the Ont r o 0. L 1 VE liewat plaYed first line , defence crciwn irr..decisive fashion.' Bob • . Olivet W.M.S. wfts hejdth, the • church*, March. 16th with an aV. tenclanCe of ...thirteen. 'The Presi- dent, Mrs. jas. ,MeTavish,. •pre; .sided. over the Worship: service: used in the. Missionary. Monthly, and over the business period: ,It. Was decided to give $5.00. to. the _March_ of :•_Dimes.: Mrs Charles read , an • acknowledge-. ment .from Canadian Church Re: lief for three boxes. -cif guilts and clothing Sept. Mrs.. Dexter as 'March convener; then took charge e,f the Meeting, :Mrs. Ross Pia& gave reading on SteWardship, and, a reading: •'"Take'.. tirne. for. 'everything!? .and the scripture was read lay . Dexter. 'The study ..bOok., "Growing •with the Years", was 'taken by Mrs. -.H. Henry. The meeting 'closed with Mr Alex McTavish leading in Prayer.' ontinned from Page Six) ,anticlimax tothis. title;series,„, ,which had 'hockey' 'enthusiasm aroused to the old-time- -fever piteh, • for the chatris • • • . . *: * • • SEPOYS 'DROPPED FItt§.r. 'GAME. TO ALL.ENFORD . , • LuCknoW•Sepoy "B" chamiiions and' Alleniford '•`C"; chainpions of the.W.0„A.A.,.hooked up on. Mon:. • day night in Goderich in the first tain. of a -three game series. the ner will 'meet Wingham for the W.O.A.A. Grand Championship,. theSepoys were away below the 'form tat sWePt the= to the "B" title. and, dropped his open,. ing game by a 5-4 ,scbre, The defeat wain't uneXpeeted in' some quarters as TheSepoys took quite. a pounding •in that *. WellesleY' series, and were af- fected •by .a ;post series' let down, after they had achieved theivotr, jective in Wellesley's.elimination; There were about nine hun- dredfans. in 'attendance in spite of the fog enshrouded 'night. . • • Greer, who'' has been playing,. ..a . steady -• a n'd effective-, game. throughout, the playoffs, got two of the goals. The other pair were bagged..by . Gould,' who *Marked , Man rn the Wellesley • serles„but came through unscattli- ed: A fluke oa1 gave. AllenfOrd ' their. Margin -of victory, • The second game . was slated for Owen Sound last night (Wed--.' .ne.sclay). LOCeity. of ;the third game 'if . necessary. was not •cer-.. • . . • * * The •eraWd. in the 'Kincardine : Arena on Ft,idaY night: got .a..flaigl - surprise when it was •anriOuneed over the public adtiress system • that the •first w� rows on the east 'arid: west 'side of the rink (which 'doesn't leave inch left)' Were priority seats and 'Would have to be vacated to 'those pro- ducing priority-; tickets. ' 'It was Lucknow'S home game They had T ente d the arena for the occasion, apd needless to say we heard of no one vacating these '"priority seats' •. • • * * "SOft • shoulders". •. have • been• taking't,heir tell in pitiling-motor- ists ciff the highWay. Last Wed- . neSday night going! and.' earning from ,Kincattline;' Jerry Rathwei ,and Nick Hedley had this experi- ence, but ,po 'damage 'was done ih either case. • . . , , Ron .M0.,elland who -MiSSed, • the first two ganies.,of the finals,. •Was back in action for the last tw bolsteredthe "Western:, Gentlemen", who- gaive the fans 'plenty'', ; action • every ..time . out, and, got abig. silare, of the 'goals, : An issue �f The ChathamDaily :News last,, week 'carriedn� less than ..four pictures of George Chin': • In one .he appeared: With histeaminates the •C h.ath am Maroons;, semi-finals and ,now 'rripet.Sarnia. ,Then'The •News ran j'a feature story 'in; which George; tUred AVith hOuSe.Mates,': his landlady and her two' children. The 'four,th shot was an individual,• pictilre of George, who ,tOpPed his ,tearn "with 40 :Seoring.,poirits,18 goals and 22 assists. He::served only Minutes. in, the. penalty 'box.. • George placed '9th in the scoring race in this'internationpl League,: • • ,„ Weflington .,(Pelt) MCCoy wish - e to, sincerely ;thank- the Hockey' Club'kr rernemberin;g hirh W-ith Siriokes while in the hospital. • • • * • Allenford, ,yinners of the W. c5; A1, A: "C" championship The final series .from .Ripley in three straight, They wori the first pair handily, but had a battle on their hands 10.• the third 'gable • to edge. the Redmen The ScOrc was tied at3-3 kaing into • f. Ile is just One of the hundreds , , who during the day wili drip into 'the branch bank .around the' corner'.: Savings depositors with their pay chequeS'.. retail, Merchants with the day'S. cash . people consulting .the manager about loans, others_cashing-cheques . . it is all part of the daily work of the branch bank: In ten years the number of accounts xnaintained by -bank depo§itors has grown ,from 5;006,000 to 8.,000,000.,. This -shows hoW Canacijians have corne to 'count On their Jocal banks for a' great variety of seevices. The banks keep pace Withthe growing needs, of the 'nation, SPONSORED BY YOUR :BANK a 1 1, 4. 1 n. . onuments A : family : 'plot.'• Should ..., ,be g.i. cill...cu vvii.ii 7 C §IILA.1 e-11 he4u,t-y. of a monument whiCh. will be .eirerlpstingly., a• tribUte. to those atreSt. 'We have many classic styles. ,to Suggest,and will ,work With you on cus-.. tom designs:, .• • Exceptionally IOW priceS. No: canvassing, which .elimin- ateS .sales: commiSsionS. Inscriptions ., '''' Repairing Sandblasting Memorials ' • . 25 Years! Experience The latest •irl Portable • Sandblast Equipment • All work persona:11Y' 6eectited * Brovinlie Memorial . . . „Alfred St.,.WINGIIAM- '; - -' lihOnp 450 .. NEIL MaeLENNAN,: • .;Ripley, Ontario. ., • Id§IDE Miss' Richardson vis- iting in Toronto. , Sandra •Schaap of Galt has been visiting with her grandparent,. Mr. and Mrs.Robert Donaldson. Messrs, Kenneth. Orr,- Donald Stewart' and • Donald Dpnaldson arelworking at Litt"s Mill in Tees water. .. Mr., Hugh F.eagan croderich spent "a few days at ,his'horne. Mr. and Mrs, Parish Moffat Sz 'Gordon ',spent Tuesday .evening .with Mr.' and, Mks, DaVe 'Moffat. BOY SCOUT .NEWS ;The .regular Meeting •tif the BoY Scouts was ,h.eld Thurs4a3?-, IVIarch ..23i1c1 ..at 720 in , the.. Recreation' Halt •With ,an...attendance .of 15. The flag stand that'''WasMade by Mr.. Stanley. Rider,' Baker and George :Webster, was used for the first time, The. Buffalo, ,Lion and Foot ipatrial eachelected new tiatriD1 .leadeig and seconds. Games Were.playedand the meet- in.g closed With Scout's silence - :Ge.'orge-Webster. • FQRM HURON wEsio OF • It.C.A.F. ASSOCIATION' an....—TWerdne'S:aaY evening. Huron ...•W'ing• of the R C A 'F As- sociation „held an organizational Meeting the ,Legion erich.'• The _meeting. was -attended, byloyer:sixtY e* -Air Force' mem- bers 4rid it *.a.'S evident from the enthusiaStie recePtion. accorded organizational Plans and the pro - :Posed ..program; that.; .the • form - alien of the Wing answered an ,. . .obviotiS -need for such projek iri the conimunity.; The, Wing .pledged itself to cOLoPerate with and 'support : every :'worthy ;Cause 'and organization. ;Ay, ,•and : work in conjunction Witll•..the- Canadian Legion. Prin- cipal speaker Of the evening was Air. Vice Marshall J.. A. 'Sully, . ? chairman of the 'DOrninion..e*6- 'clitive of the ;AsSociation, Because of the. extensive area under the • jurisdiction o the • Huron Wing plans were.:,formu- lated Sci that the Wing meetings would :revolVe on a 'Circtiit about •the key Centres of the Comity:, Anexecutive to be . increased . • by the appointment of representL tativei from: each ofthe key cen- tres, was elected and compoSeil'of, the ,followirig:. president,-.Jaek .4Oberts;. ,. vice president, Elliott • Rivett. -See.-treas. ..Cart ..Bariks. •and •:,Igernbers-at=largei• -Walter Smith of 'Clinton and Ed Poly Of :Seaforth. TWO NEW .BRIDGES, • 232, feet :arid 1.55..feet long, will be built at the ,fsouthern ,..943.proach to Wingharn, and. the highway r will he raised iby a fill. ' • • "Manirna",,:aSked • little , Mary,' "If I ,•get. inarried,', will I have a htis,band like Daddy?" "Yes, dear". ' 'And if I.. don't.' get :married, wifl I .13e;'ary.olci rnaid, like Aunt Agatha?'". . "Yes.. 'dear";. `Mai -luta it ure' • is .hard' world. for 'tiswoMen,.'iSn't UALITY FARM: 011,JIPIVIEN Sales and Service., • erii .ACIlitute Gilson Refrigerators and Washers oods,Combination Frigidaire' and Freezers) Grinders, -etC. c FARM EQUIPMENT J..ITD. Hon Road • 'Phone 1132 'CREWE Aligs,,Phy1114 qiibson spent the week -end at her home at Zion. Mr. Roy Culbert spent a week- end :recently with. -Mr,' and 'MS. Tom Culbert. , !Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd. Saunders, Donald and Nancy Spen,t•Sunday. with Mr.. andMr& George Sauri- Ors of Mafeking. • Mr...and Mrs, Tom, Philips and Beverleylspent ,a Sunday recent- ly with her :father" and„ Mother,' .Mr;' .an Mrs. Vic :Holy at Port Allloert• • • . • The 'flu bug i.S.•!flying around the •neighborhood and not •rniss•-• Mg 'many'. places.- •" the tb,iird• (• ;Taolc MoCreight, who scored 60 goal,, in nine games for Atwood Midgets, has signed an "A" form with the Roston Bruins .Which of - fens a two -weeks' training period on a try -out. If he signs no Other form after the,try-out he becomes a .free lance) * •*, * • •A• new arena and repreational centre has been built in Elmira and Was pt into tise • a few! weeks -ago'. Now a inoVe is on feat to install .prtificiaL ice., . ' • *. * * *Ebnira's 'Minor • hocley iteanis• 'haCre. clone well this 'winter. the 13antams cOPing the Ont r o 0. L 1 VE liewat plaYed first line , defence crciwn irr..decisive fashion.' Bob • . Olivet W.M.S. wfts hejdth, the • church*, March. 16th with an aV. tenclanCe of ...thirteen. 'The Presi- dent, Mrs. jas. ,MeTavish,. •pre; .sided. over the Worship: service: used in the. Missionary. Monthly, and over the business period: ,It. Was decided to give $5.00. to. the _March_ of :•_Dimes.: Mrs Charles read , an • acknowledge-. ment .from Canadian Church Re: lief for three boxes. -cif guilts and clothing Sept. Mrs.. Dexter as 'March convener; then took charge e,f the Meeting, :Mrs. Ross Pia& gave reading on SteWardship, and, a reading: •'"Take'.. tirne. for. 'everything!? .and the scripture was read lay . Dexter. 'The study ..bOok., "Growing •with the Years", was 'taken by Mrs. -.H. Henry. The meeting 'closed with Mr Alex McTavish leading in Prayer.' ontinned from Page Six) ,anticlimax tothis. title;series,„, ,which had 'hockey' 'enthusiasm aroused to the old-time- -fever piteh, • for the chatris • • • . . *: * • • SEPOYS 'DROPPED FItt§.r. 'GAME. TO ALL.ENFORD . , • LuCknoW•Sepoy "B" chamiiions and' Alleniford '•`C"; chainpions of the.W.0„A.A.,.hooked up on. Mon:. • day night in Goderich in the first tain. of a -three game series. the ner will 'meet Wingham for the W.O.A.A. Grand Championship,. theSepoys were away below the 'form tat sWePt the= to the "B" title. and, dropped his open,. ing game by a 5-4 ,scbre, The defeat wain't uneXpeeted in' some quarters as TheSepoys took quite. a pounding •in that *. WellesleY' series, and were af- fected •by .a ;post series' let down, after they had achieved theivotr, jective in Wellesley's.elimination; There were about nine hun- dredfans. in 'attendance in spite of the fog enshrouded 'night. . • • Greer, who'' has been playing,. ..a . steady -• a n'd effective-, game. throughout, the playoffs, got two of the goals. The other pair were bagged..by . Gould,' who *Marked , Man rn the Wellesley • serles„but came through unscattli- ed: A fluke oa1 gave. AllenfOrd ' their. Margin -of victory, • The second game . was slated for Owen Sound last night (Wed--.' .ne.sclay). LOCeity. of ;the third game 'if . necessary. was not •cer-.. • . . • * * The •eraWd. in the 'Kincardine : Arena on Ft,idaY night: got .a..flaigl - surprise when it was •anriOuneed over the public adtiress system • that the •first w� rows on the east 'arid: west 'side of the rink (which 'doesn't leave inch left)' Were priority seats and 'Would have to be vacated to 'those pro- ducing priority-; tickets. ' 'It was Lucknow'S home game They had T ente d the arena for the occasion, apd needless to say we heard of no one vacating these '"priority seats' •. • • * * "SOft • shoulders". •. have • been• taking't,heir tell in pitiling-motor- ists ciff the highWay. Last Wed- . neSday night going! and.' earning from ,Kincattline;' Jerry Rathwei ,and Nick Hedley had this experi- ence, but ,po 'damage 'was done ih either case. • . . , , Ron .M0.,elland who -MiSSed, • the first two ganies.,of the finals,. •Was back in action for the last tw bolsteredthe "Western:, Gentlemen", who- gaive the fans 'plenty'', ; action • every ..time . out, and, got abig. silare, of the 'goals, : An issue �f The ChathamDaily :News last,, week 'carriedn� less than ..four pictures of George Chin': • In one .he appeared: With histeaminates the •C h.ath am Maroons;, semi-finals and ,now 'rripet.Sarnia. ,Then'The •News ran j'a feature story 'in; which George; tUred AVith hOuSe.Mates,': his landlady and her two' children. The 'four,th shot was an individual,• pictilre of George, who ,tOpPed his ,tearn "with 40 :Seoring.,poirits,18 goals and 22 assists. He::served only Minutes. in, the. penalty 'box.. • George placed '9th in the scoring race in this'internationpl League,: • • ,„ Weflington .,(Pelt) MCCoy wish - e to, sincerely ;thank- the Hockey' Club'kr rernemberin;g hirh W-ith Siriokes while in the hospital. • • • * • Allenford, ,yinners of the W. c5; A1, A: "C" championship The final series .from .Ripley in three straight, They wori the first pair handily, but had a battle on their hands 10.• the third 'gable • to edge. the Redmen The ScOrc was tied at3-3 kaing into • f. Ile is just One of the hundreds , , who during the day wili drip into 'the branch bank .around the' corner'.: Savings depositors with their pay chequeS'.. retail, Merchants with the day'S. cash . people consulting .the manager about loans, others_cashing-cheques . . it is all part of the daily work of the branch bank: In ten years the number of accounts xnaintained by -bank depo§itors has grown ,from 5;006,000 to 8.,000,000.,. This -shows hoW Canacijians have corne to 'count On their Jocal banks for a' great variety of seevices. The banks keep pace Withthe growing needs, of the 'nation, SPONSORED BY YOUR :BANK a 1 1, 4. 1 n.