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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-03-23, Page 7
�tf UP,S�DAY, IVIARCH 23rd, 1950 THE LUCKNOW • ,SENTINEL, LLTCKNOW,, ONT $IO PAGE . SEVEN (Continued' froth, Page Six) . blocked by' F iiday's storm. 'and this cut Saturday nyght's, crowd' sonjewhat,' but there was a good crowd or 'iiat'rd.j•llst the sairie'and they got Ivlalue for their half•, dol= lar, , 'i'. Road conditions • delayed: the °We'llesley,, team. It .was. 9.3.5 when thegame" gait underway and 'near- ing.'midnight when it ended. Theio001 Pee.Wees had . arl- .other of their :'weekly , battles on Saturdaymorning with the•ill- R bilabe, ,cha ing 'u' a `'6=4.••:;win p Weak, Nervous, Pepless Men, Women Get New Vim, Vigor .Vitality Bay. goodbye to these weak, always tired feelings, depression..and nervousness due to weak, , thin. 11ood. Get up feeling fresh, be Peppy all dart hays , plenty of vitality left over by evening. Take Ostrexr Contalus'Iron . vita in Bi, calcium, phosphorus for blood building, body strengthening stimulation. Invigorates system,• improves appetite,,: dlggestivs powers. Costs, little. Nev "get acquainted'' size only •60o. Try Ostrex Tonle Tablets tor' new, nor. mal pep, vlm, vigor, this very day. Atall druggist& eatty Dialer Beatty Deep Well Pumps Beatty Three-Wa:•y Pumps In' Stock. One Used,. BEATTY WINDM1LL W 1 TO -WHEELED TRAILER' Pluinbing°'and Beating Pump, and Windm li Repairing itzpatrick R., R. 3, Goderich 'Phone, 1.2-r=3 • Dungannon: i • over, the Swamp, Kings.. • *,*. Atwood Midgets were.nosed .out; in the .OaM.H.A. "D" finals by Tottenham „who ' won the, third' game of: the series 19:27-. Atw�oocl defeateLucknow in. the' W. 0.;, A. A. finals, and then: continued into the 0.M.H.A, playdowns, At wood,',s• ace' was Jack McCreight,, a' nephew of Roy McCreight,, for.- merly of Lucknow; * * Ron McLelland of The Sepoys is, a cousin of:+� "Bucko"..MacDon- ald,' Who• led his Suriridridgeatilad' into. Walkerton on:' Tuesday to open an O H.A.: playdowx 'series with the' Irgn::-Frern.en,.. Ineidenta11y', Ron's •eye is re sptlndtng;'to treatment and he was eounting on being in action last. night against Wellesley, ' • I * * • Springlike, weather on Tuesday' and similar 'Drabs" ,for Wednes- day, decided the Sepoy manage merit to engage 'the Kincardine Arena for Iast night.` The fourth ;ame"in allprobability, will be played in, . Waterloo. • *•*. John :Dahmer was • the.: hero of M•oiday's game, net;ting.,both the tying and winning "goal, At home' John hada mother pig"Who o cele. brated the • occasion' byi `giving birth to a litter:of: X8' young ones:. • . • . , Elmira ; Bantams are showing ,plenty •of class. in the OA H A,; ,playdowns, , and : last week, ex' terminated Clinton, -Lions, W. 0;. ••A. • A.' `."B"eharnpions by scores of, 1.7-5 • :and 19-0, Bob He-wat plays .: • defence' . for,:' the ::Elmira, team. _ ' QUALITY BREEDING STOCK OFFERED A'1' 1 RULE. SALh;S The • Walkertor>„' sales have be- Carrie .an institution. and ' place a where' the farmers 'count .an 'go.-, to purchase, top 'q}tality ., breed= ng: stock.to keep:. up'. the. quality. .of the commercial beef- and ',perk sold out.of this`part of the; coun- try. Tli.e .Shorthorn' and `'York s.hir"e sales w'ill••be held on coni- secutive...days .The. Bruce- County Shorthorn sale will aberor.•Wed , ._ 'Yorkshire:sale Will; be on. Thursday, 'April 6th.. . The Shorthorn sale consists of 16, 16 ibulls and 5 heifers ,from: ;Bruce County's ' quality herds.".There. have•.been literally dogens: of, tap quality 'Shortlorn, bulls pzrchas ed !by ;Bruce County breeders the lana ,few years„'The Producers."elf .Commercial, cattle • wiYl. now have the'..benefit of some of. these• blood Tunes In: the Yorkshire sale .on Thurs- dayApril 6th, consigiiinents are selected :from the .breeders • ',in /Zone 2 comprising• Grey,::Brtice, Huron, Perth' arid., Wellington.: These are the.. best individuals ,from •a district where the; best: `blood lines are 'repro- duged.. Enti les eonof 2sist 1 bred: sows, 5 gilts and 12 ' boars..• Most of ',these • entries Nave:, long :lines. of qualified ancestry which would guarantee 'the right.,kind : of ffer for•mance. under average farad cond•itions.. : QUALITY ..FARM : EQUIPMENT Sales : and Service • Iflpeia'i' hresh ng achnes Gilson 'Refrigerators end Washers. cods Combination Frigidaire and 'Freezersi` 'Grinders, etc: •�yy '{�1� 'wv�' T,T.e r q' i� ARM i�Q���M'�11� �'/l ✓..' .. r .,. `I ikon Road r 'Phone•1 t 32 ';. Goderich, Gn. HURON'S POPULATION IS 2,353 GREATER THAN*BRUCE.• The 1950 Municipal Directory,, of the Ontario Department ` of. Municipal Affairs, lists some in; teresting figures 'as to . •the pope= lation, 'acreage, assessment;, • road mileage, etc. For , Lu'cknow. aria adj.acent'munieipaliaties these fig ures• are as follows: Lucknow: population,, 939; ,as:« sessed .acreage,` 49'5 total acre 'age 50.0 total assessrnent -upon Which taxes'..will be 1„evied, •$611,; 608; total • exemptions,..$187;355; totalroadmileage; .. gee9 • •, ,. . Ripley:;' population,- 430; assess-'' edf • :acre'a'ge, '205, • .: t©tai •acreage;=, 244; total assessrn'ent, „$223,212; exemptiaons, ; $30,290;° road,, mile- _age; 3. " Hero, Township; .• population,. � � ..n p�. , 1 1,395; assessed ',acreage, .572; .total. acreage,. '584; total 'assessment,; $2,302,806;, exemptions, $$6,800; road:mileage, .'158. • 1. • • .Kinloss Township: %Population,. 1,',255; • assessed acreage, 46,121; total aasessmert, ••$1,426,417; ex- emptions, .$29,100; road; n ilea e, •Culross:: population, .1•,500; sessed .acreage,;. 56,537; • total, acre- age, 57,437;':total 'assessment, 707,930; exeni,pt'ions,;,,$.19 000;'roa.d' m'leage 139- Ashfield Township:; population, 1;572; -•iassesfsed •. 'acreage, : 64,07.8;: total assessmer1t, $2;849,525; road rnil'eage, 115 , Wawanosh Township population 1,105,';.',assessed'•.acre age, 41,490; total acreage; 41,593;' total' .assessrnent 1, 8837;;'.total exemptions, $63,475; :, road age; 80. ' }arca ; County totals popular; - tion 42;791, ' ; as's,essed acreage; 796.,117;; , tot'a1: assessment ccoii.glete),,'�$47,685,721;; total road' mileage, 2x146. ' Eruce Ce intYitatalsi,;popula- tion, , •40;438; • ' assessed acreage ; 872,306;. total •acreage;' 887,057; total••assessment, $11,940,923;. total is.. '• • • onuments • ..family, plot .sho.. 'be graced with the • Ahrine-like beauty ,.of a monument which will be . everlastingly •a tribute to those at rest. We have,inany' classic styles ''to, suggest; and'. will , wOrk with yell.' on . cis-•- tom designs, • •Exceptionally low prices: No canvassing, which limin- •ates sales commissions: Inscriptions . Repairing •., Sandblasting' 1Vlemorials 25''Years'. Experience The._ latest in Portable '. Sandblasts. Equipment' r All work personally 'executed • Bro• wnlie; Memorial 'Alfred St:,• WINGHAM •'Phone 450 dr NEIL MaCLENNAN,. Ripley; Ontario.. over, the Swamp, Kings.. • *,*. Atwood Midgets were.nosed .out; in the .OaM.H.A. "D" finals by Tottenham „who ' won the, third' game of: the series 19:27-. Atw�oocl defeateLucknow in. the' W. 0.;, A. A. finals, and then: continued into the 0.M.H.A, playdowns, At wood,',s• ace' was Jack McCreight,, a' nephew of Roy McCreight,, for.- merly of Lucknow; * * Ron McLelland of The Sepoys is, a cousin of:+� "Bucko"..MacDon- ald,' Who• led his Suriridridgeatilad' into. Walkerton on:' Tuesday to open an O H.A.: playdowx 'series with the' Irgn::-Frern.en,.. Ineidenta11y', Ron's •eye is re sptlndtng;'to treatment and he was eounting on being in action last. night against Wellesley, ' • I * * • Springlike, weather on Tuesday' and similar 'Drabs" ,for Wednes- day, decided the Sepoy manage merit to engage 'the Kincardine Arena for Iast night.` The fourth ;ame"in allprobability, will be played in, . Waterloo. • *•*. John :Dahmer was • the.: hero of M•oiday's game, net;ting.,both the tying and winning "goal, At home' John hada mother pig"Who o cele. brated the • occasion' byi `giving birth to a litter:of: X8' young ones:. • . • . , Elmira ; Bantams are showing ,plenty •of class. in the OA H A,; ,playdowns, , and : last week, ex' terminated Clinton, -Lions, W. 0;. ••A. • A.' `."B"eharnpions by scores of, 1.7-5 • :and 19-0, Bob He-wat plays .: • defence' . for,:' the ::Elmira, team. _ ' QUALITY BREEDING STOCK OFFERED A'1' 1 RULE. SALh;S The • Walkertor>„' sales have be- Carrie .an institution. and ' place a where' the farmers 'count .an 'go.-, to purchase, top 'q}tality ., breed= ng: stock.to keep:. up'. the. quality. .of the commercial beef- and ',perk sold out.of this`part of the; coun- try. Tli.e .Shorthorn' and `'York s.hir"e sales w'ill••be held on coni- secutive...days .The. Bruce- County Shorthorn sale will aberor.•Wed , ._ 'Yorkshire:sale Will; be on. Thursday, 'April 6th.. . The Shorthorn sale consists of 16, 16 ibulls and 5 heifers ,from: ;Bruce County's ' quality herds.".There. have•.been literally dogens: of, tap quality 'Shortlorn, bulls pzrchas ed !by ;Bruce County breeders the lana ,few years„'The Producers."elf .Commercial, cattle • wiYl. now have the'..benefit of some of. these• blood Tunes In: the Yorkshire sale .on Thurs- dayApril 6th, consigiiinents are selected :from the .breeders • ',in /Zone 2 comprising• Grey,::Brtice, Huron, Perth' arid., Wellington.: These are the.. best individuals ,from •a district where the; best: `blood lines are 'repro- duged.. Enti les eonof 2sist 1 bred: sows, 5 gilts and 12 ' boars..• Most of ',these • entries Nave:, long :lines. of qualified ancestry which would guarantee 'the right.,kind : of ffer for•mance. under average farad cond•itions.. : QUALITY ..FARM : EQUIPMENT Sales : and Service • Iflpeia'i' hresh ng achnes Gilson 'Refrigerators end Washers. cods Combination Frigidaire and 'Freezersi` 'Grinders, etc: •�yy '{�1� 'wv�' T,T.e r q' i� ARM i�Q���M'�11� �'/l ✓..' .. r .,. `I ikon Road r 'Phone•1 t 32 ';. Goderich, Gn. HURON'S POPULATION IS 2,353 GREATER THAN*BRUCE.• The 1950 Municipal Directory,, of the Ontario Department ` of. Municipal Affairs, lists some in; teresting figures 'as to . •the pope= lation, 'acreage, assessment;, • road mileage, etc. For , Lu'cknow. aria adj.acent'munieipaliaties these fig ures• are as follows: Lucknow: population,, 939; ,as:« sessed .acreage,` 49'5 total acre 'age 50.0 total assessrnent -upon Which taxes'..will be 1„evied, •$611,; 608; total • exemptions,..$187;355; totalroadmileage; .. gee9 • •, ,. . Ripley:;' population,- 430; assess-'' edf • :acre'a'ge, '205, • .: t©tai •acreage;=, 244; total assessrn'ent, „$223,212; exemptiaons, ; $30,290;° road,, mile- _age; 3. " Hero, Township; .• population,. � � ..n p�. , 1 1,395; assessed ',acreage, .572; .total. acreage,. '584; total 'assessment,; $2,302,806;, exemptions, $$6,800; road:mileage, .'158. • 1. • • .Kinloss Township: %Population,. 1,',255; • assessed acreage, 46,121; total aasessmert, ••$1,426,417; ex- emptions, .$29,100; road; n ilea e, •Culross:: population, .1•,500; sessed .acreage,;. 56,537; • total, acre- age, 57,437;':total 'assessment, 707,930; exeni,pt'ions,;,,$.19 000;'roa.d' m'leage 139- Ashfield Township:; population, 1;572; -•iassesfsed •. 'acreage, : 64,07.8;: total assessmer1t, $2;849,525; road rnil'eage, 115 , Wawanosh Township population 1,105,';.',assessed'•.acre age, 41,490; total acreage; 41,593;' total' .assessrnent 1, 8837;;'.total exemptions, $63,475; :, road age; 80. ' }arca ; County totals popular; - tion 42;791, ' ; as's,essed acreage; 796.,117;; , tot'a1: assessment ccoii.glete),,'�$47,685,721;; total road' mileage, 2x146. ' Eruce Ce intYitatalsi,;popula- tion, , •40;438; • ' assessed acreage ; 872,306;. total •acreage;' 887,057; total••assessment, $11,940,923;. total is.. '• • • road mileage,' 2;16.1. BERT "McLEAN has purchased According:. to ; 1949 assessment the N'or. th End ' Grocery : in Kin figures the total :p ��opulation of cardine. 'Ontario is now 4,974,615. "Say,. neighbor, you ottght:::'to .pull your shades' down when .you ' kissour wife y; 1 saw , 3 ou x1a5t ' :Neig r ."Ho; 'ho!. The joke's on wasn't .horne.:la stt J y�ou night Cuustbnier: •Are P: those eggs strictly fresh . Grocer (•to: his clerk)': Feel .those eggs, George,` and, see if: they're •;cool enough: ",.to sell yet. TA �.r ONTARIO URGENT': APPEAL 'I•S • MADE FOR WHOLE -HEARTED... PUBLIC : AND : PERSONALCOOPERATION TO CUT; TRAFFIC :LOSSES IN 1950p. In deaths and injuries on Ontario streets: and highways.;1949 roved••to be the 'worst, 1 year in ;the histo, of the Province. Despite ite the fact that the intensive and aintained Y l' � .:campaign for safety by' the, Department received generous support and co=operation of the press,,the radio, the schools,:tbe, olice, Many service. clubs, safety organizations, the operators and drivers, of commercial'vehicles and many thousands of citizens, the_.._. "'IOU -of tragedeached ;a.n all-time high;,i HERE 15 `THE' 19.49 .RECORD Motor` vehicles registered` in •Ontario 'Tourist Vehicles recorded 4,500,000. Persons 'killed' 830:: Persons injured• 17,469, ..'.;Property damage ;,•,$9,531,659: . • 969,3.68 THE PICTURE IN:" 1950 In •19$0 there will'be in operation on Ontario highways one million �. motor ,vehicles' owned by Ontario residents.. There will be more tourist vehicles in the Province: than ever, before, " Traffic will be much heavier, and more chances of accidents•will exist. `Estimated motor vehicles In 1950, l;Oso Doo'• ' Estimated drivers,liceiises in 1950, 1,356,000. Estimated tourist vehicles ink 1950, 5,00b,000 • "' Unless the Ontario public takes this problem of 1iighway -safety seriously to:'heart and everyone sets out to cut down this mounting.scale:of accidents, it, is possible •that. in : 1950 the 'death toll. may reach a neve shocking figure, with the,.number of persons, injured keeping pace. • : With these • facts lir view ,.it iae1' ooves every man and woman, young and old, to make; a•,pe'rsonal objective to establish Arid. maintain safety, and to preach it at limes to schbols; families, 'dt•ivers:and acquaintances. The Department ;of' .Highways is devotit g all its ens gigs to a continuous planned attack on accidents'. The eai'nest.teatiavvork of all Citizens and organizations is re: quested, It is g 'gammon. cause that..all'of can aid for, the general good. GEO. H. DOl10ETT Minister of Highways' fr ar, • • ii , tic. ence,Required under the Tovris# Establishments Act,�.J1949R�� • Nod v NOTICE TO 'OPERATORS pt TARIO Licenc• es: Expire' .MARCH 31st •,' :. . . . ; .' , • •. travelling licenced . : • • 0 you operate a Tourist Establishment, accommodating the or 'vacationing public; and if you are not already under the Game and Fisheries Act as an "outfitter', at, under the:Liquor Licence "Act„ you must apply , before March '31st a licence under.: the 'PoUrist Establishments Act. 4 Tourist Establishment includes. ; •An::Inn "i 'A Lodge .•A Touri t;Home• renting five or: more"room$ • A Cabin o iwox.or,.inore • rental•,units • A -Cottage. Estab- lishment of two . or more rental 'units • A Trailer, or Camping-Park'o. • 4" Liceces 'are issued ed bymu ici alities, or in that that 'artofa.•territorial district without municipal organization, by, the district inspector' of the 'Ontario Provincial' Police Force, • The feeon first application is '$5.00 and on each annual renewal is 2.50. Fee shall accompany application. , Operation without licence entails a maximum penalty of $100.00-02 conviction;: as does aay.violation of"the.regu Iations.• .. • ' :.,., ' Copy of the regulations will be forwar ed • on .request by . 'THE DEVELOPMENT BRANCH: DEPARTMENT ,OF .;TRAVEL AND .PUALICI �4 , •• • • ' PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO HON. ..."LOUIS P.,CECILE, K.C.TOM C. McCALL• Minister Deputy Minister •National Tourist .Service. Week Floor May. 1st to May 8th Tourist business: is' YOUR business.. ' The,Canadian Tourist ` ' Association•. has ,published , an informative-. booklet booklet' "The `Visitor Industry" which,'.tells you what you can• do to help' further ..this 'important, national. program. Write'. fol••: your freep'copy•., .. . ,• road mileage,' 2;16.1. BERT "McLEAN has purchased According:. to ; 1949 assessment the N'or. th End ' Grocery : in Kin figures the total :p ��opulation of cardine. 'Ontario is now 4,974,615. "Say,. neighbor, you ottght:::'to .pull your shades' down when .you ' kissour wife y; 1 saw , 3 ou x1a5t ' :Neig r ."Ho; 'ho!. The joke's on wasn't .horne.:la stt J y�ou night Cuustbnier: •Are P: those eggs strictly fresh . Grocer (•to: his clerk)': Feel .those eggs, George,` and, see if: they're •;cool enough: ",.to sell yet. TA �.r ONTARIO URGENT': APPEAL 'I•S • MADE FOR WHOLE -HEARTED... PUBLIC : AND : PERSONALCOOPERATION TO CUT; TRAFFIC :LOSSES IN 1950p. In deaths and injuries on Ontario streets: and highways.;1949 roved••to be the 'worst, 1 year in ;the histo, of the Province. Despite ite the fact that the intensive and aintained Y l' � .:campaign for safety by' the, Department received generous support and co=operation of the press,,the radio, the schools,:tbe, olice, Many service. clubs, safety organizations, the operators and drivers, of commercial'vehicles and many thousands of citizens, the_.._. "'IOU -of tragedeached ;a.n all-time high;,i HERE 15 `THE' 19.49 .RECORD Motor` vehicles registered` in •Ontario 'Tourist Vehicles recorded 4,500,000. Persons 'killed' 830:: Persons injured• 17,469, ..'.;Property damage ;,•,$9,531,659: . • 969,3.68 THE PICTURE IN:" 1950 In •19$0 there will'be in operation on Ontario highways one million �. motor ,vehicles' owned by Ontario residents.. There will be more tourist vehicles in the Province: than ever, before, " Traffic will be much heavier, and more chances of accidents•will exist. `Estimated motor vehicles In 1950, l;Oso Doo'• ' Estimated drivers,liceiises in 1950, 1,356,000. Estimated tourist vehicles ink 1950, 5,00b,000 • "' Unless the Ontario public takes this problem of 1iighway -safety seriously to:'heart and everyone sets out to cut down this mounting.scale:of accidents, it, is possible •that. in : 1950 the 'death toll. may reach a neve shocking figure, with the,.number of persons, injured keeping pace. • : With these • facts lir view ,.it iae1' ooves every man and woman, young and old, to make; a•,pe'rsonal objective to establish Arid. maintain safety, and to preach it at limes to schbols; families, 'dt•ivers:and acquaintances. The Department ;of' .Highways is devotit g all its ens gigs to a continuous planned attack on accidents'. The eai'nest.teatiavvork of all Citizens and organizations is re: quested, It is g 'gammon. cause that..all'of can aid for, the general good. GEO. H. DOl10ETT Minister of Highways' fr ar, • • ii