HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-03-23, Page 5THtTRSDAY,A'R,V1i '23,rd, 1950 yceum l'heatre W1 NGMAM Two ;Shows Each Night FIRST' SHOW AT 7.15 TONIGHT—THURSDAY JOHN' WAYNE, • , WALTER •BRENNAN • RED RIVER. FR laAY SATURDAY I D► S . MARCH 244. 15 GEORGE RAFT, r '• / GEORGE 1VIacREAD`Y, iooltitiY a«EoRo Matinee 'Satuxdayat 2.00 span. MONDAY; TUESDAY .MARCH . 27, 28 RICHARD' WIDMA.RK,'.• VERONICA LAKE; I'attery s Hurrkane. (Adult ' Entertan merit )• 4V , 'VEDNESDAY, .THURSDAY MARCH 2.9 30 ' ETHEL BARRYMORE,; WALTER . PIDGEON, PETER.,LAWFORI) in THE RED DANUBE: BORN • NOSAL - In` Wingharn•,•General Hospital,., on Wednesday March, 8th; to Mr and ,Nlxs Sfari7;ey• • Nosal,. Lucknow, a , son, : - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO: ' . W.UITECHUktCH•. The ' W,M:S, of the United Church held their' meeting at the 'hove of Mrs. Watt last' Wednes- day. . Chalmers: Church • held their meeting at the hone: of Mrs. Jas. Wilson. • .Rev,• M•r ..:Currie was the • guest speakerat this meeting. 'Mr. Ryan' and 'Mr, and .Mrs.... Jarrzes McInnes' were 'iii, London. last Thursday where Mr.. McIn nes • was ttaking. ;tr.eatr .tints on' his eye, Which. we are glad' to report 'is improving.. •. Mr.: and •Mrs. Cross ,of ,Walk— erton' ."spent ,, Sunday with her parents, Mr,:, arid 'grad McLean. •iVtrs, Cross • is remaining"'for a week to assiat ..her Mother. o Wel are glad to report" Mr Mc can is improving.,.. This .'co'rnmunity; ••.Was•, shocked. :to hear of: the death••. of .NOS: Sher•. wood of Wilkie, Sask., .who had. been visiting here with her 'sis-• ters, Mrs. W. R. Farrier and .Mrs. Reid, Lucknow; •all 'winter: •Her 'M'aiden 'name :was:' Margaret:Jar-. vis: Sympathy is extended to 'the (bereaved;; We. •are sorry toy report Mrs. Lorne. Johnston in Wing -ham Hospital, • Miss Janie : McInnes is .under 'the doctor's care • at her home. here Mr. and Mrs.'Ryan rriade a•trip .to :Goderich';Sunday..'whereher, father, Mr. Jarries.'Johnston, is' ii9` the. hospital.. The box .'social'•,which was to have b'een.•held: this Friday night. is 'put : off until •later. KINGSBRIDGE •Mi, and Mrs.` 'Ray. Dalton, Mrs. Martha ' O'Ne1l and Mike motor- ed' to. Detroit' `on Friday. Lannan was a. Sunday iw sitor with. :Mr. and `Mrs, Lyal 'Lannari. . Rev Fr. Donnellan.'•spent a few ,i days n;etroit. • .Mr and Mrs M': Law were Sunday` visitors With:. Mr. .and Sunday: •visitors ;with 1VIr. ,and Mrs', B. Martin: PAGE FiV'E, • LETTER. TO THE EDITOR ANOTHER'S, VIEW RE;„SNOWPLOWING hear Editor .• ; Wound' you kindly allow me' a li'tte. space, in Your weekly' paper to 'tell the ratepayers of Kinloss Township . where the' township maintainer Might be. I. thing th•e'•writer'.•of the Tetter who° signed- himself "Stoneboat Harry" ;should. (be 4o4•1oe4,' ,as think he • had'done more good •getting the roads plowed than our ,present : Council. ' Int . c1oes seem funny is he says, that oux main.= tainer costing nearly $18.,000;' is, very seldom Steen 'The ,,c}uestidn is •where`is. int? It,,lght:.be in. the dh: ch, at.: some grnae�tay, . sitting at a 'store `':or .(breaking off hydrants Wherethere is ' a. ser- ious, fire.. Why does., it •take • so •brig• to 'plow out our'roads? Other towri ships of similar size:;,and•; mileae can. go aver• their roads., three timesa week,.•.ibut in .Kinloss it does well if. you get ' your roads plowed in , seventeen idays; Then they have to .'(bring in a .cater= pillar tractor with' a. plow; along with a.truck and plow in •the. north portion• of • the .Township.. Can' this Township, maintainer •, not, get ' out-earhier . in the day !after a storm,:.As•' our' last writer' ,said, there iw;aa • 50'. n'iiles to be plowed.; I aim sure° there is. This doubled on ,account,' of winging,, would make .100 , riled to, go over.. Our .maintainer' •.travelling : at. 3, miles `'per .".hour should plow out the while Township in �a •little over 33 .hours.: As it,is,: it. takes t•wo, to . three weeks 'along rw'ith other plows working, The ,people :of • today . are wanting their loads opened up for' cars they are paying . for .it Whey have'paid for it on Provincial andcounty roads; now I'. think it la 'their turn . to have the rural•; roads' plowed. Hoping"to hear some coinxnents„ if there are • any.:., _-,:Yours.:'truly, 'DOG SLED: JOE. • NEWLYWEDS HONORED AT •DUNOANNON FRIDAY - IVIr and' Mrs, Harold Adams •(nee I abeh'• Errington), •newly= D of ri... Albert ::district, •wire honored.. • n Fri o With �a. dance -reception, 1 day. night at• -the ,Dringannon Ag Treleave�n�� h icujtural Hall. Des rte V.ei,v .• ,�rHii„•mo q�l�o i�41�oio�y>�n�p�o�u�aw�,�riirlr>_i,li r u p. stormy weather and blocked roads; •many • persons were pros eat. 1Vtuisie Was. by ;Carruthers .or chestra: An address of, 'corigrat Mations was read by Ross :Erring ton; midi -the presentation of', a Well-filled purse of ' money -was, made 'by 'Fred Crawford:.A• few: of,thorke<' who attended the party 'Were stranded'; in the'Ivillage over- night., and others •had • difficulty: getting ,home on account ..of • the weather., •. • • If You Wait Too Long'To Order Chicks 1 'Fewer chicks : are being hatched . and .'several : dates . are, already.booked :` to capacity.. rawford's pick Hatcher have them AY OLD TO MONTH- O See them before you order:; Several; customers already well satisfied. y. WE ALSO . STOCK New Life and; Lifeteria Feeds= -R. A. Finn Products, Jamesway ' Poultry Supplies. PITO E 16 Y..UCKNAW1 Feeds; Fertilizer= 'Phone 71:' roceries'_ :Phone. 27 For 'Ai. QualYit Seeds, soy . Co=Op parked an tested Clover ---and. Grass: Seeds, ` With two; successive short 'hay crops, a scarcitir ,has developed, so pick' up your •requirements' today. Legume Aid in . stock at' all times. SHOP THE. CO-OP `V�rAY �.utltnow Distrti Co-4�eraty; • ie PLAYHOUSE Presents Thursday, Friday,'Saturday,. March 23, 24, 25 A real thriller 'thatwill please the whole family,:, with the. most - aoveable.,.. character the screen's ever known.,: WALL ACE BEERY and that b right %little girl, Margaret ,O'Brien, in • First Show at l5' asCOmb ' Second Show ' at 6..0i Monday, Tuesday, 'Wedziesday, March 27,• They thrilledyou. for over '25years with •. theircomic antics in the papers and now on the screen—funnier and more ,life -like. agg e a�cl Biggs ` In ;Cour# See Jiggs°order Maggie around for a change --and :we hear this is their best yet.' • .q,�r,ire.4r,..r,...(111111,41.11101r111.0.,.0.41111•0,11.1„i. 1,. • 1. 1 tie us • if ; interested: • , -, y ou are in ow : a •profitable..• in'"contract wit anada Malang Co We Are Installing,' New `. Equipment' to Insure Fast ,and • ancient Handling" •of ;: Grain at' • the Iucknow Elevator • , r; • ,fi • • illing Co. Limiter Wedding bells :are ringing... -Mr/'arid Mrz. Ronald -lender- „son of Ham.ilton spent the week with 'Mr.. and •Mrs, Jack . Hender-. son. .,, • • . MisS. E. Henderson, of Stratford visited avian her `par.- e.nts over .the weep: -end:.' .Mr. .an•a, Mrs O: Brooks and children of Duing•anion and 'Mrs. R:' Brooks •of Luckno.w . visited with • Mrr. and '.Mrs, H. Broolcs' on ' Sunday. -Mr. Phil Smith df-• Toronto spent' the: :week-,erid with Mrs.' Smith. `, Paramount : W ',I. held :their' monthly meeting at • the home of Mrs. Orland .Richards with a good ',attendance. The•' meeting opened v;rith the tn.sti'tute Ode. The roll call 'was apses„„eyed by "Ca'us'es. ,of ';failtire in the' Wo- men's Institute”, Mrs. ' J Web- ster gave a paper "on "Life of an Irishman Current events '. we} e even iby. '`Mrs. W Wylds arid. contests conducted. ' Eby` Mrs, • Al. Irwin, -.One made up on' nearby towns was cond.tucted by Mrs. Nicholsot ,A paper given 'by Mrs I . Ensign, A potluck sup - pee was; inucli enjoyed,,in'eiuding Irish strew and: everything that 'goes -with it • • e take pleasure in announcing the : formation of :the. partnership of S. 'W. GIBSON and; SON (Roy Gibson) 'he 'Service and Repairs Department will be in charge, of Roy.'' Gibson Murray Henderson now in Charge of 'Parts, Tractor �h�e SPECIAL'. •OFFER=free. check up on all 1949 'Massey-lHarris- tractors sold by S. W.,'Gibson Take advantage 'of this Offer .b efore the sprrn'g rush 'starts. 160060110060000004, 06 • i!p • • Massey -Harris ,Dealer 'Phone 59, L ucknow •