HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-03-23, Page 31.
L:Cal an eneral
Mrs :George :Plhillips.returned
,hom:e from. Winghani on Thurs-
Mr W. J. ,Spindler ;Was indis-
• posed fora couple 'of day's: last
• week, but w;as' •soon ,aibout again.
Miss Una' • Llliott` %f Toronto
Spent the week -end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, George Elliott.
Mr. N. E,. Bushell was on , ,a.
business triip. to .Toronto .the first
of the week:.'
.Miss Maudie Fisr spient the
•week -end. ;art •Exeter'aa th'e, guest
of •Mr. •and Mrs., Ken Rridges.. '
. Jirn Phillips of .London
ti_tspent pa few 'days with M. acid
Mrs., George Phillips -and family
of Fordyce, .
Mrs ' Win G. Iiumphrey has
returned to her':.home from. Wing-
, ham`Hospital,. where, she was a
patient,for a few•days. •..
Mr... and: Mrs.:Ivtorgan Hender-.
son :were .in Toronto this: week
'where Morgan attended a lulls
Ibermen''s-convention: _ _ _ -:
Mrs. Wm, , Haddick returned
last week ,fziom. Victoria •. Hospi-:
• tai, London, where she 'had been
receiving • treatment for a .time,.
Elmer Johnston is i11 at his
Mahe here Where he is receiving:
treatment for diabetes :.and '4.
heart condiition'.:Ronald Johnston
:Of .Toronto. Uxinversity, '•tspent . the"
week -end with 'his ,parents, •
Miss Helen Salkeld, BSA.' and
her. friend, Miss Ruth Thompson,
whose • home • is ,at Waterde4n
were 'week end: visitors, :, at the
hone Of Mr..'and Mrs. .T: 'J. • Salk
e1d. Both girls are student' 't'
g ts. a
the '`O A C'•
Miss. Lois ' Henderson, who is
a Mo'thereraft nurse, is spending
four weeks professionally in Tol-
edo, Ohio. She :expects to;return.
Mr Russell Phillips received•
bad 'cyto on his face while. work-
&rigg in Mr. Crlanston's busks near
Belfast. It took eleven stitches 'to
close. the gash. •
Mrs, R, J, Cameron,. who has
been a ..patient in Wingham
vital; ''is considerably in•iprpved,ih
health ' and expects to return
'hbnie' shortly. ° p}
Mrs, ' Ed ,Franks ' and MVIr 'and'
Mrs, Gordon' Franks and son
Douglas pent the
'Week -end With ,'Mr,. land-1vlrs. ` N.;
F:: Bushehr.
• Mrs/Jake ' Hunter, •who' has.
.been in Vi'ingham Hospital for
eight weeks; is. at:' the home of
her nephew, • Leonard Phillips of
Winghatli; ' .
1" i u,ckrio (, High School students
''have. his..week •ibeenr. in the Midst'
wrAing 'uhister• exan'iinations,
;aPhor,t•h o • r :1nYber .have been:
through illness:
Mrs. Cordon' Bailey of London
(nee ' Ellen Armstrong) Who is,
convalescingfollowing. a. recent.
operation, spent a few ;days with
1Vtr..and •Mrs. W. G. "Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. John ;Munro have,
their plans completed for return-
ing, to• Scotland early in; May.
They, 'have made their' home here
for some time:.with`�their ,dough
ter,Nirs: Harvey .,Hall . and
Hall', They. have • enjoyed 'their
residence' in Canada -,:'and regret
having.. to return •:to; .their, home-
Z' I O N
• . Mrs:Milvert- -Reid • returned,
home: from: the hospital '(but, left
Mr.: and,..Mrs. Haf.v,e3 Ritchie
the. baby for a..: few',days
Mr: and Mir's '. 'Haivoy Ritchie
visited.Mr. and Mrs: Hames re-
Gently and:,Mi and Mrs Will liitchie'.
Mrs';• Sam Gibson and Cookie. and; Eldon visited in G'roderieh re
visited Mr. sand. Mrs:. •Frank Rit eently . ;
.chic•• Mrs.• Jake Hunter :was moved;
from the hospital.. to :'Leonard•
of, Wingham„ •
• •Mrs WillGardner/ is visiting
LUCKNOW f Miss: Wi11. Reid fol a few days.
I Friends, of 147;rs. ',Apt...Andrew
UNITED 'CHURCH aieglad to know she".has:arrived•
Minister:' Rev. W. J. Muxnforcl; 1';;.f
lff.AI3DS..TI) �ad to heat.
•, • ,
, Mr .. and. Mrs: 'Dan• NichOisori•
SI NDAY, MARCH 269h, '1050 i isited with M'r and Mrs, Jim
. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Forster and
family of Palmerston, visited at
the homes. of Messrs. Jaines•.and
Ronald Forster last week. .
Mrs. Alex Robertson and son
Jiirniny .spent ,a few days with
her {parents, Mr. and Mrs..Jarnes
Foster •
Mr, 'and Mrs. Frank Miller and,
family spent Tuesday evening at
Mr. Pat MacMillan's celebrating
the two ladies' `birthday , which:•
-falls on. the •. same'day.', .,,,
Congratulations, to Mr. & Mrs.
Frank' MacKenzie on the .(birth • of
their daughter.
.'Two.neve cars , haye arrived on'
the ;Mr..'Pat;;MheMillan, got.
a •1Vletepr &'BQb;, Purves a:.Stude-t
als,ois We!bib,1�vian;' Fisher arid.
Murray' Gaunt ;hew all been• •
horns from, tligh School+with. ton
slli: i
Disagreeable :'weather and snow`
filled roads kept down the .atten=
dance tat 1Cornmunity , night -in
. Whitedhui',oh.. ' Mr. • Pharis : Math
ers, 'president of the 'Association; '
presided over the short program•
which took' place (between pict , .
ures by the National -Film -Board:
Solos by Miss Grace' Moir were
enjoyed and readings. by, Shirley: .
iChapn an and Charlie••,Moore. Mr.
and. Mrs. Walter James,and 'Mrs.
Garnet•Farrier.supiplied music for
dancing: • Next 'community night
takes • place on '-March 31st 'with•
a•;good program in preparation by'
44he .committee.
• ,Mr, and Mrs. Alex' Hackett Of.
"Wi:righam, Mr. • ,Cliff Hackett and
Lorne spent. Sunday with Mr. &
Mrs.••Pharis' Mathers.`
AMIE1niq.1111111oi, fio411111).o0111.o1M11prn411111P<r41Ma1.1•111lho1MM.(ir6111.o�i�oiif4111111
Hunter -on Sunday,
• 11.00' a.m. liIow .Much Do We!
. Miss Lillian and Dorothy'Ray
Care?:. Hard and: 'F'i ands Papc.i n.ck vis
`iltea . Mr'.'arlWl ;Mi -s. Nelson Rtiy-•;
12.15 p.rii. Sunday School. : 1'
Hai ci on Sund �� •.
7.00 p.m.: Ways of :Life.:'
Thursday • 7.30 p m:Cpecial i The Phantom• Meets The Ape Idol
• Lenten ;Service. dee the battl.,e of the . •century.
between The Phantom ' and : the`.
1, 160, ha:ve known '•lien; tore ik!, huge Ap:e Idt?a.: Follow'. the ex=.
f:nil de air. In the :•Chukach, i ,, citing adventures of the Phantom,
have. ` found: comfort -plus Blondic; Maggie and:Jiggs,
broken' heart and the ,
ie 1 have I ''lash Gordon. and 'other ,;comic
found hope . .for my brokenstsrs, See Puck, the Comic Week,
plans, We invite•you to`attendi 1 Y, Bixg Sections, with this
Church•. on Sunday.• . •; Stitid�iyE°Mai ch 2G): issue of, the
e�.,r.r.u� �' ' Detroit .Sunday Times.
4.41 ‘100.,14,116. .iL/11Y.`11•19.1.t149•1111�; 1 11 11••(/ {LS.1•11101111141111i.,:1. J,Oi1...1,viour11•mia=1ailm111SI1M11,...
New!. A►I,.Stee1'!.: L.ight!,
'•ow'erfu !' Fast` ' .
,,.Tank Vacuum ,Cleaner WETILNEW "60" RUQ+,• NOZZLE
Complete with
9=, • cleaning tools --
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SMALL DEPOSIT "Then $1,25. PER WEEK ---:Small Carrying Charge
.'PHONE 110,:. L1C;NOf
wlWf1i�11►1iI�tYM�11�►O,onU�Oi1�►i �(7�friwi�•u•asllwltiraidiiYlGU.�s(w�ararWr�(>e4erY1.W,YNdi4Yi�G0i,!
Tle..W:M.S..'and., W.A. •Met .on
Tuesday •afternoon• at the .home
of:.Mrs. Wm.` •;Hardy• with Mrs.
R..-`Chamney. in •'charge of the
meeting. wl'iich opened ' by chug-.
ing • "Jesus. calls -us o'er: the *.tu-
molt", .: the Scripture 'Lesson was
read by. Mrs. (Rev.) . Hewitt, fol-
fowed.,by prayer, by Mrs. Hewitt
after which the :..Lord's 'prayer,
was :repeated in unison A. rea -
• ing , on Christian stewiardshrp,
"Going the second mile'.'. was giv'=
uesday Marc
at 3.00 , p.m.
r..( olio P{ ooa t_,1sOi.(Iiiest1.1.p 1,x(1 .(111 i..,1 1im•Us(Ildemi
Father: 'Hullo•!. ' Where's :`Alfred'
gave •,to?
:Mother If the' ice is as- thick
as he: thinks it is,'he's gone skat-
ing; but: ifit..is as thin as I think
it is, .' he's gone bathing,
en. by Mrs, : R. Chamney:. Mrs..
Hewitt read 2an article ono tem-
perance • :and the last: : chapter •in
the • stuay oor n:_ s armg
sacrifice" was• :reviewed by hVlrs:..
Stuart Cha2nney A.;quilt for the
Missionary bale was completed',
during . the :afternoon.. The
utes; of the February meeting'
were. • read and: •:-approved.' 'Plans
were,made bit; the.Easter.-Thank-
offering ;:meeting
Mrs. Chas. Wood sand son.: Billie
of Seaforth visited,last week. with •
her' sister; Mrs.• Ed Iic bi'nson
Mr.• • and Mrs.' George Webster,
Mrs. Stu•ar't`•'•Cham:ney• and: Diane
were >r ay visitors with Mr;.
and ;Mrs C1ifi,Henderson: at Hip-:
° Mrs. J. C • Robinson was a Lon-
dori Visitor' last 'week with her,
daughter;, Mrs. Doug Willram5utit
'Mr. Williams.' •
Mr; and. Mrs Ira,:Dickie :are
the .prow .parents •of a baby boy
born in Wi haul Hosbital March
'Mr, and Mrs. Duncan TVI•abCon-.
nell moved back to their • home
on the' S'econd's Concession st
Monday.. They will, be•.'greatly?
missed from our heighb'orhood. •
Mr, and. Mrs. Harold Johnls.,op
visited ' relatives in Owen Sound
last Tuesday: �<
Mgrs, Lloyd Mitchell and',infarit
son returned home .last Wednes'
Mr. arid Mrs. John Dickie of:.
Hope Bay are .spending.„ a few
weeks ,at the: home of .their song
Ira. Dickie.,' •
Mr. and Mrs: Jack Needham St
little daughter of Corunna 'spent
the. 'week -end at Rod MacDoug
a11's, .. •
Mr. Arnold Woods',and sister,
Mrs. M.. Martin, and Mrs. Barbour
of St, Helens: were :storon-stayed
'visitorsat the 'home of. R. Mai tiri
over the weekend,'
ItesidMrits of the Huron 'end of
the' Concession vt ere pleased to
see the Huron snowplow. Sunday.
Doctor (after examining ;pat •
dent) I- don't '• like ;'the •'cooks oft.
your husband, Mrs. Larson .; a
• Mrs •Larson:. Neither do' I; dot-.
tor. BLitt he's .:good. to our ehild�
•r•.If all the people•wuho ufork, for the telydphone`company, .,
And, all the people aiiho earn a living by,raking,' t he thsrigs
the telephone :company; needs, ° '
�tzd ttll the people tcrha bare their sdtings"`ti este l :n
'telephone company,' •
;And all the' people who •de end on,good telephone service
to runtheir bisrases and manage their homes;, '
If. di these' people, with. their f aniilies, li d s done city;
This City-)Vrth No Name; uorildm-.fie_by jar. the. largest inn_.:..
Canada; and, one of .the largest in the world..
Ifpeping pace with the growing needs of communities
,everywhere for .. nitre • and . better telephone service has.,.
taken lots. Of work and Tots of money
Only a; financially healthy telephone company can carry
on this big; job. •
Telephone users, employeos, shareholders everyone has
a vital interest ina service that means' so much to the,
welfare of so many people
,u. 4 , ,
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