HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-03-23, Page 1$2;50 Yearly In Advance -- 50c Extra to U.S,A, • N •• A R. C. D R LV E PAST • HALF • WAY MARK the second week o .. f 'With -6 the Red':•Cross: campaign completed,' the" local Objective :is :consider ably more than half -subscribed: `The : Lucknbw and V i c i 'n i t y • . Branch has a; minimum quota" of: Sf 000.:Donations• • received by', the Finance . 01or:mit'tee; treasurer ,at the first of the week totalled 605.50 the.ch v s ' S'om'eas eafy, n rs .hive completed their task tied., made their • returns. The others:tare 'ex- pected,' ex-pec•tel ` to complete their calls within . a • few days; so that the campaign. may be speedily wound Committee •em;pihasi'zes the needfor::`ural .support to make the ;c'arnjpaign a-. success, sand ifs no rural canvass is being, con ,ducted, . an appeal : is made to. countrytolk:tp„,r'espond voluntar- ily to: aid this worthy ocause Rural resid.ents,may leave• their donati ns, at, :their'• neighborhood o store, or at the Bank of Mon- treal, McKim's Drug Store or The. Sentinel Office. Village .residents need: not wait 1. for a canvasser .to call. :They too "1Yr;ay• leave; their contributions' at any of •..these. three places of business. ;Donations in the treasurer's hands at they iv'eek-end,.. and, 'not previously acknowledged, • are as follows: Dave F. Anderson; $2.00; Mrs. Ma'rg'aret Gaunt 1.00;. John M. Aitchison 1.00; Mrs .A Sher- wood ' 2.00;' .Ernest" 'Blake ''2.00 ' •Ed R:'• MeQ uillin 2':00; • E. R.,' Gaunt 2.00;, ::'Ewart Taylor . 10.00; .Miss Elizabeth Henderson 5.00;: Miss Pearl' .Henderson 5:00; .Roy' Firi•"' 'layson $.00; Chas. Cthin 1.00;' Weir. Schmid 5.00 `: Wellin tori Render - ion son' 5.00r ; :The a oy' Store 10.00; P Win: il~8:19A,Ixaie 10.00; • Leonard' MacDonald'.; 2.00; •• Bert`.'Raach 2;00; Fharve•We y b- ster 3, 00;:• Joseph'• Agnew '2.00; J. R. ,Johnstone, 5.00;•.E. C. Thoienp Con 5.00; R. W. Andre 4000,; -Eli. .abeth Mprdie 5.00 ; .Harold .Greer' 10.00; Ilene Fuliton 5.00; :.Harvey Hall' 2.00;; ' W. J. Davison ,p 5:00; Henry , Donais 2.00; Chas. Mason 5 00;.: Thomas ',1.VI' Anderson ,2.00 Gretta Cam ll'2.00Jean- M Pbe'; ac � 0 Kinnorn' 1.00;:W. A. Solomon,5. 0,: Roy; Havens 400; E..; H: ,• Agnew; 2,00;. Fred: Nixon f1.00; Dr,.James Little '10.00;.:. Mary MacKenzie. 1.00; '; Mrs. ' Harriett' Wilson 1.00;' Andrew Gaunt 5.00;. Rev. W. J. Mumford 5.00; Ernie Crawford 5.00; Nelson Winterstein.500., A1-` lap, Hunter `2:00; , Andrey Smythe 2.00 •Gordon McPherson .7.00; : Alex 'Sutherland 2:00; Dorothy LUCKNOW, •ONTARIO°, THURSDAY, .MARCH 23rd, '1950 checking On Licenses, .Provincial Police officers were In the • eommunity, _ on 'Tuesday, checking' on motorists who: -.had failed to. observe the deadline for 'obtaining . license plates We un- derstand that on., Tu da es y the various alibisadyyaneed•' 'by de linquents: were ." accepted;: !but thereafter; charges were oin to be ,,laid; g la RECEIVE t ( RANTS O1' FOII. ITEfIL RCH DAL .. Th,e ,White1 ehurc � . mori:al Ilan, of which that community can's. e j,u.stly. proud, .is now debt free,` Cost, of the •buildrig ' ecee. - ,d € d .$8,00b with . Provin'ci'al •;grants. recei!✓ed covering.approximately 25 percent of thecapital cost. The• "7 • YEAR M' S ARRIED grants ' totalling ..$2',125 were re EIGHT .PAGE WEATHERMAN UNKIND:TO IRISH ON ST.. PATRICK'S' DAY The "weatherman is no respect- er of persons and .last • Friday... St. Patrick's Day—let loose with a .bad •iblow that -quickly blocked Practically:all- but the main •higi - ways The I.,,Pcln'ow Branch of the. Canadian',Leg'ion had a big,danee. pl,annecl for that night,`and,went` ahead `wi.tli tie'"even''but little more than,'broke .even, •,'I;t was the : first .dance here in some time and no. doubt would have drawn a capacity crowd. The promoters had'',planned to. use the proceeds to help defray, the , expenses in- •carred 9 in' sponsoring Juvenile hockey.. • Spring Is Here!. • , Spring arrived on Tuesday,' al- though. o'f f icially it made its -1950 debut late. Monday evening. Tues- day dawned -bright and mild, to give proiirse that at 'itsworst winteer•'s: :_grip won't linger long, althougth Old Sol still ' has a big. job' to .do, on •the :snowi'hanks;' SELLS PROPERTY JUST EAST,' OF TH•E .VILLAGE • Orville .yTones ' has void p his. 'property' at the •eastern outskirts of'_ .the '!village to Sam Nesbit • of the 'Bluewater Highway.:. Mr. Nes- bit r will obtain possession _on April .1st.' The Jones family' have: rented Horace A.itthison's ' .h o n7 e ,on •` "Standpipe Hill"• and will. move there shortly.. ceived 'in two, installments.• 112i• anal 1VIrs, W, ;J. Spindler, Many ; will ng• hands gave of longtime residents of the vi11ag ttheii servicesin making the'•hall quietly observedtheir: 47thwed; •a reality, ,'and• to• aid.. in financing . ding anniversar ' on Saturda ;the;..,b � Y ;v, project.: dances were. held March llth..Con;grat1ia1ations and periodicallyfor some time, These . • best wishes were extended by •a have now:been, discontinued, tem- n'm(ber 'Of . friendas ''who, *erre al, are of this anniversary `occas- ing ding • • porarrly,;_ at least RAZOR IS NEXT • The Playh'ouse-Theatre's. month=, _DIET .SUDDENLY'' AFTER SUFFERING _BROKEN •'HIP ly Prize draw :will be held .on Mr's. Saxe, Reid. leas received the. Thiu•sday' :of'•next...Week; March• 30th This month's prize is :some electric,razor : and all .they accessories t:complete a most attractive shaving• kit which any n pn,..yrould•• be happy': to win. DIVISION COURT .CASES •• CREATE WIDE INTEREST_: sad news of the' death. ' Of, her sister, Mrs,,. Margaret _ Sherwood, • which occurred in• : Saskatoon Hospital. on Thursday. Mrs.Sher= wood :had suffered a fra:ctured•hi � P the :' previous Tuesday and, was underigoing an operation to have the': limb, • set, • but', .rallied froth` the anae'sthetic.; . 'Mrs.. Sherwood had visited. in this noxi,.munity''duringg:the.Winter, • HAVE ,NEW BONNET' CRESTS When the Lu1cknow, Pipe Band steeps out:; thisoyear; they will wear. new. • bonnet ,crests; 'as a .distin- guishing, accessory: to their • re- galia.' The crest Was designed by :the ''Band members. It bears;the words, " Luecknow ,Highlanders" on: the ,garter. ;:In . the ., centre ;is a athistle in•.relief' on a: st:..Andrew's: Cross. • HAS $EEN ` NOMINATED 'AS MODERATOR: CANDIDATE .Rev. F.. Stott MacKenzie :.of Montreal, '; and a native bf . Ash- field Township;.°;has • been 'nom- inated •tby the Presbytery'k;of Ot- talwa•, as' a: candidate'' for. the Mod- eratorship of the General Assem: bly ,of the. Presbyterian Church Two lawsuits, were heard by . 'with her • sisters, Mrs.. Reid. and in Canada. The•election of . ,a: mod- Mrs.: R..' Farrier. She wasen Judge J. F.' P.:Birnie •at'a Divi ion W • :' eratox Will takeP lace in :June. `Cdtxrt -sitting11c'erplastFrzdy'' Q.n ,-�.�u.a; that created unusual 'interest , and...mishap and stopped' off to visit a (frien`1.' at Brandon; wrhere she' (packed ;the court room., In.(both. JUDGING GROUP fele and•broke laer,,hip.. HEADED •• bases Judeg.: Berme .reserved 'leis. decision Tom Culbert of the Calwanash it be- '‘ tween Ernest 'Ackert : and' Robert . `Button • over the .ownership; of a steer: The ,nen ,had cattle • •pas tured on adjaCent farms last year: .The, other' . case '' -.was' between IrwLorne tchell "Spence. a'n 'and � • and :arose from:' a ' dispute over osts of a Cethement- •ob Which c • .NNOT1I11C.P.M NTt Jr;^ior; An adjourned Meeting • of the. .congregations...of ,•Lucknow-Dun-• gannon will 'be held 'in the Pres- -,b'y�terian •Church, .Lucknow,: on Wednesday, March:'. 29th :at ' 8.00. p.m '. for the purpose 6f issuing a call to••. a minister plr' IV>ur grid; Interim :•Moderator. r, Mr. 'Irwin did for Mr. Mitchell. .' Helen S • a • lkeld Wins o � h 1 000 Scholarship a GUIDE 'ASSOCIATION 'NOTICE A : meeting. of the Local ' As- socia;tion of Girl Guides" will be held , in the Recreational Centre, Lucknow, on Wednesday,' •M'arclt 29th at .8:06 o'clock. `New ' Mem- bers welcome.. • • 1 TO OPEN :BAKERY. 1 N PARKH`IL- L. . • Harold' Jo'hnstan rerite �S d Z, bakery' and 'restaurant business in Parkhill and:will'take over the. business. on, April 17th. The res-. •taurant' •,is : irt o eration but the • ',bakery..:'department ,been '61° ed fo, a ••time ankd was'"Park-= hill's :only baler , .° ' A i mess an artin en tr. ; the, (bsi.; premises, er .':Mr. and Mrs; Johnston;(nee tattra- Conn,) and three children, B-obbby, Jim-. my. and. Donna Lynn, Will take 'u residence. They are offering their •horne In Lttek'ri<ow for 'sale.' T. fiarcld eldest, son of Mr. and Mrs.; James: ,Johnston .' of novv, has-' been 'engaged .in '' the. baking .l usine.=s 'for twenty-two years.. ,Upon finishing school `, he started .working'.at Reid's _.Bakery ,•` where he': •w.as employed for' 8i/2.• years.:I .then "accepted "a.,P osi • tion'; at 'H;ollyman•'s :Bakery and, has.continued in the em_ to Y " of Pardons Bakery; . who -bo ht Mr.. Hollyman's 'business. 'Friends of . the: Johnston Earn ily. will,:vwish .thein,. well in :tiheir; new enterprisej regretting how- : ' ever that it, means their; removal from Lticknow:: ASHES'INTER1tED:IN VAULT IN, GREENHILL THI ., .Sl✓ The:' ashes of Bruce, :3ameron were interred on. Tuesday in the. ;Carnerori-Whitely' vault in Green= hill . •;Cemeter. . ' Mr rY .Cameron's, death, occurred in New Yark City. Born in Lucknow> he was the .son of, .'the 'late' D' .:' E. 1:Cameron and -Mary -Whitely.: His father: was: in the banking. !business in • Luc'k .now -..and aifter leaving here held ' the. post of Ontario Provincial •treasurer.'.'The Cameron : famil' later moved . to -New ; York. LAID. T O REST IN , .: group -wih.o toured the Whyte . A resident:' PackingPlant-': a't.: Stratford _last • of Southairn. ton - p .. tie : , a A'ry'hi hli ghat of ' ,the fel .two years o ` Mrs.. Wednesd y. • , g g . . �'. , lV�argaret••'., ;Browning .'died' Sat day was.the::judgngp and •grading•... , g Saturday' at..herr, were • home,. 955. Colborne S o f 'a,pen. of hogs There' 95 t.,. London: " Widov boys �co'mpetmg :with Tom Scor-- ' • the. late Charles, Y ing the highest.mark: to win , a Br.ownrfg, .who • predeceased. her •• two ears she": Picnic '''h�ar . y , went t®"Lox dory: shortlyafter. his death; S'ur. rely- ing are•.one daughter and one son, Lillian ..and Ross Browning, ToI mun�z'e..ln B...o#h �' . • m.both of 'London ': Cal, was he d a.t r .. And Kinloss nd I • �LU�I('noW ate` • residence on Tuesday'at 12' 3'0 Rev. :Richard ' Stewart of,.' As part ' of . its irnmunization' New' St. James Presbyterian • l• 400• . and Mrs.. T. J. Salkeld .of: Bruce 'County Health'.Unit, plans . Gammrre 1.00 . Llo d Asditon ` ' ''' of 1V�r. ,, has',been'`award ENGAGEMENTS to hold an :•immunization •clinic Gordon 1Vfontgomery 2 00' ' Dan. Went Wawanosh, ro ram 'for this rm ' `the 'Church, of w1 •ieh she w:a Miss Helen` Salkeld, daughter p. .g P g, . s a mein-• •ber of ficiatedi Burial was iiz• " Greenhil,l Cemetery, Luaknow. P. 'Thom n 00; Bud` Hamilton ed a $1,000': scholarrshi by the'...in Luckriow and also.to'offer this :" . . • - e- tied• Nirs. Earl Hawes of. , rotection' in the' schools :jn Kiri 1U0;; N. H. Hedley. 2.00; Charles Scholarship Committee•o�the•R Mr. p • • - Ashfield ' townshi announce the loss::' Tow•nship.• The : first`' clinic' �•.Weebster 5:00; Floyd• •yV'jelson 2.t)0;:' Search Council of. Ontario, ,. P. . •y engagement of 'ttheir.:only' deatugh-:, in the',Lucknow series 'will be: ,T-eslre:Alton' 2.00; Clark'Fnlay= 'The: scholarship �•s for` post,,. , . _ sore '2 50 Mrs R Struthers and - 'd' t ork ' and was one' of ter- , Isabel ',Martha; : to . Ronald .. •., . gra ura e' ;'w .lames Clare _-T or anto,_.0-4m_-. on_ ry ; 2.00; Donald. Mthea• ti -5:00; awai•.:• a ' :• last•�`riday renovating the voce, tori. d Friend sin er , .On= .of tMr, Morley ,. Oke of , Napanee, Geoige. Elliott 5.00, A by Hon, William Greg g , .. ,will .be n the ante: w lie•�purcliasec1 fr n ::i1V. w': de. ,and the •late; Mrs... Oke. The mar ,the schools o,, • h s p < Jack `tai io, minister of plani Ing and Hill,:. came across an old ,edition: Fis Peter:;Johnston gate rrrage. will ,take'•place in Ashfield •dray. Ond; the .time 'Will. be an Fisher ,1•.00,1 Mike (Hogan 2.00, velapmetit: :. ,. ,• un ed ''t the scliools. of The Toronto World, :when'hc•. Rose2ella ahem: 2,0 Mrs R: V. . : < Presbyterian church on April•l t.. no c a . Miss °Salkeld is' completing her : ; Paients pare ur ed` to see that lis mor Thc'"::r. M smantled" '1 window r�� • MacKenzie •2.00, Thos. Ferguson, Ontrio'.A 'ricul- :NIT., and Mrs.. Thoxrvas., James paper yt�as: behind a lass' aril t �, fifth .year, at the g children of all ages ,att.end..Im 'the g • n • 1. r.;. 5.00;' George A. Webb • 1,00, e. .. .. , tar' 1 Colle e •at Guelph •:where NI ' f,i.iri .wish to announce the munization against smallpox; well preserved -The date was 1Vo- g held ; on' Tuesday afternoons = .gat- 00' n'elock, ft arch ; Town' Hall: The irmunization • at 49 -YEAR -OL -D' •PAP: ER FOUND. BEHIND •• 'MIRROR Archie` Stinith who' ha JQ,. R. B. er i ?eph Johnston 1.00; he has obtained Lei B.S.A.. de engagement f th d ht lv ib 2 tia • ce 1. ; Campbell 1.00, °- S• he � n .00, Rod , P , .. ' gree . and. is studying for ''Jatn:es .Burns .1.00;- Mrs. Ewen • Master degree, At present Helen MacKenzie 2.00; Oscar Hodgins • .., . 2.1, , is engaged in' rescar'ch work in. ••2,00; 1Vlisses• McQuai.• 5.00, Stew:- art" tew- and a � slriturc: t, imalogy • art" Lavin 2.00' m:'.Po '''Potter. ; l.,ucl:-' ngagernen', o heir tug er;: 'diphtheria' wrhoaping •cough sand' fl b er 0, 1901, and carried , Vivienne Yvonne Mary, 'to Don- tetanu (locfz'aw'S will. be offer -' story,: about. the Boer wax 1 , W tt 2 00 en o o L : _.. elen is .a raduate �Thc)mas. Burns 2:00; . Jitlr• :Gard--- . I� 0 . _ _ ,. �..... .- now High ' School and her' out: nci 1:00 Ted Howey 1,00; Fraser ern.. uirves • . am , • �r . e e ue of Cane , aditin trade and, Ontario Slid• f' , Mrs, rrin scholarship .. g this valuable p and the late Mr•:• Fiar;ry,•Wa�tts of, T11e. ll�.alth I,, ag• . da Q. Garfield, MacDonald 1 00, 1.00, Mrs. 1 nt to .tl:e •.G • �ornts c)ut that 155 children' died: bec limber limits , •adds: another aehrcvc�r llamilton,. . blrtario, to.. poll' ;aid i , dick 5 Ilrairrl labn.1M00'; Mis.,.Shad r ,a:r d of from „w}roo in! _ •.cough' and 85 DL..r char dine• prices catch one •. , .: scholarship winning ic.c, , James 1VIat entre, son of Mr, and • p g clrc}c• ,50,• Cam McTavish 2.00, The, ,ed from m'diphtheria,eYe'r Coal' •\v ne $6.50 a tan:.•Eattoitr: - : ucknaw. 'high School studerr'ts• ill'i'an .MacKenzie of Luck _••• ncctirr d . MIs,... , .1\'',t_ ('Kays . S:Ob John ilenry" :50, •. ,�. • ... � .. Wedding + in Canada , .in, '1f148.. • ,�T1tc�• 'deaths v�-ere of�Eht irig•;� �'otltl�',s . ` 3�•prec•e • r . • x , 'ntarrro. Research Council now; . Ontario; weddin}g to take . C.laai , A ,new •3.00. � 1V1><4; , J, j1V, .The t1 .. . ., . • . ; ; o 'n ' cou�'h equalled, •shoe"t pants ft�rs:$2.91)..1VIe�'� ;pili moi+ ' , on , , , : ..,, ,•,''•,hitt} ranging _ . We: tdale United Churcl5, from whop g• lIc ,. am sch(�1ai51rip:, hxt.te.�. . • . place in i . .,; bi•ea.-tei1 suits., ''�'' � .�, it;' J C o:00, Ronald an l • l- .or... _., r ' • •those' from drphth:ei`•la,• ''car'lrt t. for S0;:95 /incl �I,nc:;', - •�` �� , •:: 'from t)00 to .1;200 ,:r,rlct: pre 'for. Ht;r,rYti.l,ton,. on •;�,pi it lath at 4;.30, 00; J., C,"L6.8t> if)/' ,$1.50.,`At.Sit7 sOn`', ;4?wrt.' 1vfeN b 5,006 • .SiYc et $ p.• r.. m y' �cr.>t Ewer and pO]inrpvelitis ` (inf In�. . wood r" Flova 'the purpose o . facilltat + 1 ,p.m. r" r . r , ti` �) d Dainres ,:T.�td: 70.00; F o 1 � •tile p:�rirlysis) eot�rl�u1cct., ce�ttld�Ic.t 7 pe <14rtlrrt Zcrr • <3,3; .� .•r)rl ,m aitzi'ic�ul.t�ir`tll M�ict) , A:, Mac.-...ar crdt.ratc V .. ' bnal.d 1.00, Jc)Irn - . ' l., '.�,., . Mr's, 1Viartl'ia Macdonald, Sarni, Whooping f 1 ,. { ' ,: . �- 1)ic) chc.irrr�,tr , rdul,h nd ,dipl.i-: A �`r)ng� S!r< cit d�tYti•.t et'•;i� rr • Ilo 'on science.. 1)1(i1rTi,V, r -•• r?t 'raring' ":.trill Set" ( „, f ir��lcl1..00, ..John V�t..liendrr;,, ,, .. � T.a h artncruoccs t,lte en,„a>;eri�erit of leer tyier•i:t ,can bc, preyexated �hy Lin- f� y )f 1.�.�tJi. ���.. 4 �, ; ' Fisher' e .. 1.ig'neeiWhi i;,. forestry, , gC.og p • y, 'eldest r- r 1. .,...t Ltd, 3 Fjgh r' 2, F'i5hcr gn.,r a ,.. , eldest daughter,. Eliza.• muni;zat.ion.. Poliotnyelrtis, catinot $r.r0:' 4'' , , . A r� mathematics, nrc,tallutg;St, g 2.Op; >11!Caudie 1, ishei� . .2:00; grkc)Ic)g, to:.NelsSrr lliar�rey 1 r5 )revcrttetl. A 7:i r)oi. . • %. l_n il? lrtrl.:,•f .. . a,n sic', Gi tido- beth (Betty r i X. • Friend' 0 3,00' W.1 .i0ed I•la,ckett rnrncr , ,. . , , i, ��, . , .; r,Y' 4•, l , _ • ,� may'`son•ot Mi. a, Mrs. A. F: 15orsch; , ; •`WYr�r take a• chatrce • �xritliyritrir. with furnace and. •i�ail� tt a.rifxc• ,• .. 5,�C4 at4`�' of. Ontario universities w . i n protect, •! ed for,$1,400.. El,. Joe' Walney 2:00; Herb 11!I .,, r,,aidi ite " Now Hamiburg, the wedding to chrldi�en mmuniiatio pi x . ttr)nte for l�c)st g Lerman' ,. ., _ r sc the .t Y r. . •. • t lac) in.. •• ';Ci.�r•1in s: - Lab€r•tt's '' .pt),x ;;• et7nan 5.00; l lizaibeth. MaF117 i r ,,ince., take place at: St. w Ahdi ew s Pi05- . against. diphtheria, ,, 1 p g • . l o rt • , . .`f•.,' ',,, •'' le , the ,pro , , .: .. .• Site 2: } Irza- studi+:5..., • ch Kitchener, on cough, tetanus and srrralI ioar>, Af `ewing Co., rlc., • m:erc all Yah X10, Chas, Cook„ 1,00,. • ;. , . , , � ti ' .`frrcrlrtres are avtrrl �byterian C,ivur , � a > 1 • loth 'Welsh 1 00 Mrs Richard where 4 .,.rrr1• a1d' B.ru:ce: Gray, son of 14r: and : , ecome full ratected Canada's .offer'' ;of ,aid. .. .:.. the. ed. ,'ro b y , 1V11s. Ernest Gray of London. The. attend. al clinrca• A , cartoon. da icted Un lr, children must at nd 1 .1�, c Wedding to take :•place the early and .due to pressure e of v�rork m S " am as' :an bctoous,wh'o "want,' '. Part of t r s f the county. the showed' ion( p p other part o u y th." . and t the •'•e in -= 1":tentacles encir. ---•---..-�:._.�`riit w°i�h: Prot:°be -able to• hold. ., clir`i the The :engagement ,is. announced „ g +' in: ��• extra 'clinics' for those w ,miss. "gi aspin'g". such• things as Can' • • P 100 `Ad Bowman 2,00; standing accc)mplishn�ent of Fay,daughter of Mrs Watts Gardner' 2.00,, " ', alive. • April 8th at .00',p,rrr..... ` -tend ''the :coining clinic. : yei`tisiril , therr;'•pradti.Cts . i� n. • 1�• ,.t a' is 9 • b • 4 R 4