HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-03-09, Page 3T,I URSDAY, MrARi4 9tkli�, .: 95.Q If �ocal an THE LUCKNQW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,,ONTARIO EQraham iShern'ff has ' moved from. Dorchester to Simon. Miss: Dorothy Gammie recently joined' the local .staff of the Bel]. Telephone Company. , Miss. Lena. Roibinson .haS joined the nursing staff of Wingham General Hospital, . Miss. Bell Robertson has re- turned from Torontowhere oshe spent several weeks;.. t Miss- Margaret Murray i'ettrrn., ed. from Wingham Hospital day morning and Sat present at the home of R.: `H. 11/icQuillin, Mi',' and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart and Miss' G�wen°':Stiart of :Strat-: -ford' spent the, week -end, at.: their ▪ i.hcnie •here, Thompson spent the ,linter part Of the `Week' in. Nor: • wood at the .borne' 'of Mr... and Mrs*. Ron 'Rothwell. Visit; rs• at th'e home_ of Mr. 'and Mrs. John. England ,o'ver..::.the week -end Wer.e •.Miss Loi, ise Eng- land and Mr. Raymorjd Morrisey; Weather conditions .and ness cut dawn the ,attendance "last. week at .the Women's, Institute 4hort . course`. i.n:- needlecraft:` . The. instructor w a s• 'M i. s s Audrey •:'Spence;, - whose hone . was in Lucknow 'at one tinne, and -who attended school' .here: Mrs° R. J. arneron, 'who has ;been ill at'the home of her dau- ghter, Mrs, N. E. g el'' was taken to Wingham Hospital on Wednesday; Mr; and. Mrs. K. R. Chester (nee Tessie Henderson) and their young spnhave `moved' f rom Tor- onto. to stake .uip residence hef•e in the Henderson home. Mrs. Archie 1VIacIntyr;e spent a few days in Toronto 'last : week with her sister, Dr,mAnna Nicho- 'son Wriight,of Saskatoon, who at - 'tended a•+c'ouncil meeting of Thr Canadian Anesthetists' Society The r eguiar"' Meeting of the Women's Ii titute, 'Wi:11,,be,held on Friclay' , Mai•ch 10th" Auction :sale. 'T-iorstpss,e, Mrs„ R:• It Macl enz,ie,. rsi,Solorxno:n, iVlis Havens,::.11ltis' S. Reid. : • . • Mrs; Margaret herwood, ,re. - turned' home to.Wi kie, Sask.,:`at- ter rending. the winter: with her sister's, Mrs i '.W•. R. Farrier of Whitechur'c4h and Mrs. Sam. Reid. and other,* relatives. Rev: -Duncan Farris •of Streets= ville .was the:guest on. Sunday:`of Mr. and Mrs. Cani'eron MacDen- ald :Rev. :Farris ,was•'..the first minister to: occup3; the .:pulpit • of the- Presbyterian.- C h u r c h in preaching for .4:call.' The ; "regular meeting Of the: Cubs' was .held on ; Tuesday even ,ing with an 'attendance–Off 15. Following the' opening 'cerarrioh .. res; games were played: 'with :the tubs; ,therm gathering in .their liars` for One Star instruction by : th,e. leaders. Prentation of ',Sire'''s Stripes' ~. was made to Bob Glardner, and Op ':Second's Stripe ., to Bill Fish `er, Roy :Erri,berlin and Ronald LOO'A 7IEAC"1C' A`F T D. BY . HANOVER- SCHOOL FIRE The 'destruction by fire of'the Hanover :Publie'School°early last Thursday morning had special: signrfic.ance locally 'Miss Helen; Thompson has been a: member• 'of the Hanover. 'teaching staff .fowl- several.' r, several' years, and in the fire 'lest practicailly •everything in the line, of ;books, notes, teaching aids, etc. that one :•would• ,accurtiuliate!, in civier _.twenty' years, :of teaching,. Miss' Thompson •spent,"'th,e :Week- end, here and..repoi.ted..=for duty; on Monday iinorninlg•: at the: Town Hall when' the 'staff and students' Saw Eire-• Fightin Films porary aiiragements • .for. .carry: rig on el.asses. TO'SELL"GLEBE: kr WHITECHURCH •. The Presbytery o f Huron - Maitland• .of the Presbyterian Church, met. ,1lasit week at Clinton, with the moderator, Rey. George Milne,. _ pr,.esiding. • �Corrimissioners ' to "the General Assernlbly to be` held in McVicar Memorial Church, Montreal, in June, were appointed from.. the Presibytery, viz: Dr, C. H. Mac- Donald ' of.. Bluevale, ' and Rev. John Hutton of Molesworth and Gorrie;.,'with elders ;froth South,. Kinloss and Kfnlough,' and••froni Lircknow •and Dungannon, • Report from.:the General; As sernlbl'y's . committee .on -,the pre Assert- bly 'Congress,..•whic,h; is ''to'' Celebrate' the 7th anniversary of, the union of the' fours branches of the' Pres'byterilar : "Ch'urch in Canada as of 1875,: Was read,..and• delegates 'to -'the 'Congress. were, appointed. by 'th'e : •Presbytery, '-as well „ as those to ` represent ..the .Young. People's Soeietios and the Women's • Missionary Societies within the bounds of the 'Pres- bytery. • • Reiv. •A. Ninlmo reported that Lucknow and Dungannon, Jcon gr-egations w111 beg; to- hear candidates for:a `'call on..Sunday, March'. 5th..., Tentative • 'arrangements were made • for an •itirery through : the _Presbytery for Rev.' Allan Reoch, one_ of the' church's missionaries to Manchuria; :and' China; if pass ?phe' nomination for the ;Mod 'erator` of the: •Synod• .of 'Hamilton and London, made )by ,the Pres-. Ibytery, :: was Rev, . D "J; 'Lane of Clinic who had: serve .Over' 30 .. n, d years withip the Synod:. The name of:Rev,, Carlyle Web- �steno : Charlo tetow . i' . f b n, P.E, ,. was' 'put into nomination .for the mod= .eratorship .4. -•the General •' As se�rnlbly, as' the c hence, ,of ,this Pres'bntery. The;` ,Presbytery... endorsed • ,a' strong.., resolution,'expressng, its protest.,against the .en:aotnient of any possible, provincial -leg;sla tion perimitting: the commercial-. iza i n: of s' ' in an ` m nicr- t o orfs A Y n. -pality in the, province on:theSab hath, .; and. copies .•of the re.solu tion were -'ordered tom forward' ed to the 'local. "''inemlbers of :the, Ontario 'Legislature, 'and to . the Provincial: secretary. Permission.; was granted by the Presbytery to the congregation Of Tavener. The' meeting: closed. with the Cu�b',prayer,:,Standing ;in. the: Six Corn e+t tion' i re = G :=197 p Y . , T92;'Red' 191, White 155 Sixteen members of the Luck . now Fire ,Company saw an inter= i seting„ ::group` :of „..;films at The Playhouse theatre pn.Sunday -af- ternoon. . They were Of an educa= 'eceived instructions asTt'o tem tional nature on .su'bjetts; plea in, with fire .fightirig ,methods and •: 1 the 1ocaI volunteer,`brigaile,' GIRL: 'GUIDE NEWS : ' The ` Gini Guide meeting was held iji the .form of a.. sleigh rid-. 7Vhatechurc to sell part of the Glebe, at resent lieldnging to the roans property. Two repre- I sentatiiv+es , of. the congregation - spoke 'fp • the, congregation con= cerning lis` request.. The'ne3et 'meeting of the court vas 'arranged for, in' "StArid- yew's.Churcl, Wirigham;: on the. Piresbyter ;,an. Young Peeples held` 1s ! i '.cgN-OW �. ITED. CH•URCH Minister:. Rev. NV. J Miiinitore, 1 SUNDAY, MARCH :10th , 11 a m "F�ce to Face With., God• 1215 p,m •'Sunday School '7,1J0 "The: Tp "he Moral Law". 1 1 4 1 1 I inrg, par . y. e me : a l:e ecrea- tiorual Centre` at 8.00 • o'clock. At - ter going around the town we„re turned; to :the Recreational Centre Where ky.e had.liineh 'There were "fifteen present: Presbyterian' Young Peoples ... The- 'Legular meeting of ; 'the second:. Tuesday:May,.: • • March -Gth;; opened "with, the sin;;- ng oC hymn` 292;,': The: scripture; St. John• '15 12-27, was ::read: by, •Betty. .Miller, followed , by ° the •Lord's prayer in,:, unison. Miss Pearl` Inc?nderson• :took. the Bible. 'study, ::Following hymn' 272'`. a duet Wass sung by :Joan and Joyce Can,�p;hell. , Elinor Umbach 'cies- ed the, ::meeting ,w.ith 'prayer:.' BORN WALL-in,Wing'harn Hopsital •on IVRindiiy, March.:6th, to Mr: •and. Harr Wa11 Lu.cknovi a M'rs. y , . datighter .. ...:...:.. •Guarantee Trust Certiif cotes ISSUED fOr`any anno:utit . .'..'for a term' of five years .: ; , guaranteed both as to principal` and interest + .,Interest'clieilues dialled to reach holders- on due date, or, at , Holder's ojition, may be all'ovi ed : to• accumulate. at compound: interest. , An ideal;investmentfoi Eixecutoiis •: Individ`u all . Administrator; ,Committees .' Corporations • Trost” 44 Cemetery' Boards • Hospital Boards THS STERLING TRUSTS - C'ORP'ORATION 37.2_ Bay• Street,: Toronto 1. 38 years in Business, Received Her; Cap ` Miss. Gwendolyn'. Stewart ' was o ;one of a groupf 'student nurses, at the :;gtr'atford; ,General l ospi tat who received her 'cap 'at; an itnpressluve ceremony Saturday afterri'on :.at the .nurses res; rlen c' The: "ce pg n ceremony. p'P. .follows, the completion' of the, probationary .period. Gwen isthe elder' daughter'', of . Mr.:. and- 1Virs: Philip Stewart. Installs :Seed, -Treating Machine S. E. "Robertson has. installed'ia Pa,nogen liquid. disinfectant 'machine rat' his ' seed ,'Cleaning. plant, that eliminates the, objet-. ionalble - •dui ,from 'the present ..systemof seed treating: United 'Church Y. P. IL Theregular weekly, meeting of the Young PeOples was' held ,on Monday evening with Donald McNay, Chi$istLa.n . missions con. ivener, in 'change of the ;program. Following the .opening devotion - 41 and business periods, Miss Sean • Osborne addressed ' th.i meeting. Tri,' recognition of Edu- cation Week, she spoke on "Edu- cation : and 'the Church'' referring to Ale .educational facilities: ;prri vided by the United Church at' home and overseas,, tbroui h th 'various depaa'ta'rientstaf'the church and also through , the cntircit' ()Wheel schools:' acid l.�. ►lleges. This proved very''intereting °and in formlative. In ,conclusion she gave a , hurnorous. sketch of the prob leins,;+ of today's ,modern ' youth,• PAGE THREE :0. ill/. Henderson Lumber S imi •.ted•. one, No:'1 • With . which sch"oo teacher's' ,are imizp_ an benediction closed the ,canfronted:. H, mn 55 0 ,and, the 1 Meeting.• tit ompiircllilin,wllr14• •,4il4044•04=p•f,!Om.o••i,arkoromO4olti4,0Q4•444:4• a rig m a r gild and. Animal. Photography.A 'Specialty P Y :PORTRAI' DD:NGS: ;COMMERCIAL.— Films Dcv+eloped and Printed 24=Houlr. Service ameras Repaired ` " Telephone 199, :Wingham *sow , ir 4amtoamauamiai • aom moat) ,••a4111•u4uammaoq• ,si014maa4 •P fr }., • 3t, Ale k, When `., you ...think', about' it, ever;;hod y .has a'. stake, one wayor, another•; in the tele phone business. . 28,000 Bell ,employees and their families .:. .62000 Bell shareholdersandabeir families. , Thbusa'nds of supplie'r's of materials for tele- phone ;construction and: expansion 1;250,000 telephone customers in Ontario and Quebec,,in hoines, offices; hotpitals,''shops. Keeping pace with growing_needs for nlbre:� find .better telephone "service takes lots 'of •-• -work and Lots of money. Only ,a . financially healthy. company ,can carry ontthis, big job. • Telephone . users, employees, shareholders, everyone has a vital interest, in .a service :that =.mean's •o much to-' the welfare -of xo'' • many people. •i •t ,,THE BELL TELEPHONE 'COMPANY OF CANADA . 'Owned' and operated by Canadians for Canadians • • 5 '1