HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-03-02, Page 8GIST L �T Th'- RC, 74/0/7-4Praf` l'.,, THE 1Fr Luciciow sENTINEL, SENTINEL, ] YCKNOW,. ONTARIO •oma A foundation that can do: for you what no other oanA curved slash in the back:teleseppes every time you bend or twist- 'allowing - ease` of :`move= merit; 'preventing. riding up and 'garter strain. -No matter what .yo'ur figure- problem -there's a. • NuBack garment, for you.. } • Nis. GOTHIC RRASSIERES,11ERA-4ACK rid LELON6' FstM aNs*;, ENGAGEMENTS . 1 Mr, and. Mrs: William 'Stanley, M Wish, to ,announce the engagement of their9daughter, Velma, to John Harold Anderson of London, . son of Mrs.: Anderson and the late Mr, Harold .'Anderson, H rnilt Q The anaariage to .take Place. Mlarch. '25th, at four o'clock in the ,Lucknow Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs.. Everett Erring- ton, 'Dungannon, . wish, to an - ounce the engagernent • of their: eldest daughter,, Mary, Isabel'.to Mr. •Harold George Adams, • ' et` soil' .of the late .Mr. and Mrs George 'Adam$, Point Albert, : :the marl cage. to•. take; place quietly, in 1VLarch TIIU SDA►SX, ;MARCii, 2nd, 1950 . giorIIIIImtinlIlly!l!;INIUIIIIiNIIIIIIIIIIIfIQiNNIIIiIIIIIINIIIINIQIN1111�NN lll�!!luII!IIIIiNINNIN{IIfiI�t0011,111111111111111001i0011.11llllh4;llII�IIIIIIIli III�1111111 c m „ . BORN FORAN--=ln Goderich Hospital;on`. Monday, February 27th . to, Mr. and Mrs. 'John Foran, R• R. Auburn,1 a son, a brother for Eileen land Ann.: , 'BiJTTON Iti'.London on $atur day,,' February. 11th. to. Mr. and. Mss: Ernest •Button (nee Marie :Aitchison), a son, David Charles.. ECICENSWILLER-=4n .Kincardine; a. ... ,Y .,.:.N>...y... Hospital on 'Fe'bruary. 14th, .1.950, `to Mr. ' •and Mrs.:. Grant : Ecken FIND NO BLAME' `founnd the.'smoke } heavier . and , filler, It 1, Holyrood, a- daugh • I' could see flames. at the thimble 'ter. • Continued' from page 1) ' in the ceilingthrough which the . Alta sprang p znereased • iihe , draft. °; Mr. Macconnel thenwent about, his 'evening chores; The: three ladies . •,sof. .the: :guest. hoaneb Mrs. Louuisa Naylor,, Miss Margaret Murray and ,Miss Jane blathers, • were in •tthe : kitchen:making pre- parations for the evening :meal. They, asked. 'hien to,. •go , to the Vbove=ground':' cellar for :an art- icle; and on entering,' it he. smell- Macconnell told how he: showed ed smoke. Upon invesitigating' he:, the Firemen in 'what ;room .Mr. entered the back `,kitchen and 'Barger eras•.an•d that, his gybed was just to the right :of the window,, land • .that he • would-be within: reach, of the .'.window:';'He.'then' wernt hack to the: front of the 'house: to see to' .the welfare -of the' 'ladies iipes-passed lie ranla-phonevthe= aharrn, ,and' then.:met two' risen,. whom he directed to Mr. Barger's room, as . he . !himself ' was not Physiically • alble to ,, ado • , anything. • Mr Macconnel . then went t to , ,see about .the ladies. '.;The two, men curve dovlriis'tairs and 'said' d' ;they Could not ' get through to' Mir. Barger ''for s roke The fire. ',ap paraftus. was :'arrwirm , and ,Mr,. YOUR eek -End si �, f yN.T••iw�". 4' ra from THOMPSON'S uaker Apple Sauce ,. C.hoice quality, <sweetened1 15 oz. 'tin •' 2 for 25c',10 Aylmer Pitted Cherries ' • Choice quality,;:wweetened._v 20 oz.. tin 256 ' ...Excellent forpies. Cadbury's' Instant Chocolate 1 lb, tin •-19c Keep +a tin on hand for quick deliciops hot chocolate., after skating or . hockey;. .or for chetcolate icing iand , creamy fudge: All 7 ' Delicious Flavors 2' PCKGS.. 19c Concentrated': Super Suds Smeclat! Box 33c ardine • Ho on February' 16th, 1950, to and Mrs Melville ` Henry, R. Kincardine, a, daughter. 'ital 1, Henderson's • express office', .dut- ies, .with Miss, Catherine Win-. nes continuing, her regular' duties' at the. 9 iest•H+ame where she.has been eniploxed 'fora year They were ;disappointed : in their plans for ,a `'supply;! helper at the Ex Press ' Office,'• and Miss McInnes .Was 'tutored ;for; ra few' days . few - this, job.., It' ,for planned to get _another: • assistant_ _at the Guest Hosie, but :this the'ladies' did :not wish, and wereVery anxious that the ':,1V11'§§ -es . - Hendidrsona shoultj take 'the. 'trip, and- thatthey':' be. .When' queried' by tie • Crown' permitted.to carry on with ''Rev Attorney, Rev. i acconnell. said Macconnel's' heltp and supervision •that the ladies . had objected •to They had ' a,: grand time planning. Miss/ I3enderson's . suggestion' that, she •would •get al lady supervisor' to come in duringtheir absence. Purity Quick Oatmeal ! lb,l 21/z S rbe,Store of Friendly. Service Phone 82. • • We Deliver ey o. r .,• ,as want, a .s ranger; coming in, if Mr.,. Maceori sell= would -look. after__ the 'fires and other Manual duties. 'As to the. merits • of. 'the .guest st home,1 Mavconn�ell replied; "I don't know of . anything .better.' They live' there like one family, and "go to theirown moans when tY e_y., want. to rest" Mr., Banger ,vitas' hard of hear= ing ,but was strong enough phys-, ically- and mentally' Asked if he .could have got: to. the window;, Rev. ' Macconnell's -opinion "• was ithat he had dropped 'Off to sleep. The Doctor had left- some taiblets J e and, , oarryirug .:out their •duties, Miss •Hendreson said,. ariFl •while she.:felt it was safe,, she did :not., REMEMBER:: Business s Uaual. D taring lteratiofls to tiie LADIES one 85 AND MEN'S .WEAR . Lucknow, Ont. 6. II 1IIIIIIIIIINI11111111111111111111111111 IIIII I I IIIIIINIIIIIIIINIIIIIIII IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111I11111IIIU'VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!I NIMIIIIOU!IIIINliul l (1111 I 1..11 I I NI IIIININpiI{S`9. �.�dIIIIIIIUIIIIIIiII • hcr;.mind was eased iby the reports. he received of how vtirell things• were`. going' in ' their absence. i Miss Henderson:.said thatthose she took in /were given; light dut ies, accordiiiIgl to their •atbility, and ;werehap¢ier doing. these :in +what . was regarded by:, then -as. :."their .home'o: The Crown ' Attorney , at the :conclusion of Miss ' Henderson's •evidence, commented ••that, :;`I be- lieve you 'are•;doing • a • very use ful' •service ' beyond thought : of financial return": Firemen: Called of ' which he :was.'• to , take ,two Fire: Chief K. Ci. Murd e. told every four. hours; He' had known briefly Of responding ' to , the l him to take two alarm' and of the Brigade's Felt It:Was. Safe •actions When the window;' was Miss Pearl Henderson said they; smashed' 'it .was at .first, humanly had been'.'•running the'. Guest .impossible to enter the room be -'J Home for about: foum- ;years and emphasized that it wasnot an old ••people's ,home In reply to a question . of experience she said they had been operating Rest -A - While Guest Home.. at Bruce Beach for 12 years him out, ..was the last witness, •datiSe..of the smoke that billc wed out, . driving •the men .down the ladder momentarily. George Whitby, , a ' riember. nt the Fire Company, ,and who' en- t¢red. Mr: Barger's 'roorri to' bl ing. 1• spring ;'Styles! ;NOW IN STOCK er,a: u.ede ::Casual Navy, . Wine, ' Black in -NaY , RICES c R:EATLY} DEDUCED to e of :our. clearing'sale .of tike' ad�anS . • BUTTERFiY NY1(iN.. HOSIERY s fs i�t. at- neatly 'reduced prices.. :All.g A,raduate of the Moo 8dy 13ible: On •reaching the window, George r it' was 21 years since she ' ' end' .of • the. bed and waulted over • sox,said , • had been 'aback, arid -she ander' the sash. Ail` he knew was what' sister, in planning their,: first' ` he 'could feel—he could see, no- •rholida in 12 years,' decided to Ithingn. Mr. ].anger "had never., Y attend the Founders Week Con- Ynoved"•: :His arms 'were under. i s were laid to.have.: the covers. George slipped his ference. Plan a supe Y a y avliool in Chicago, Miss Hendertook a deep ;breath; grabbed- the • rrri d 'hi d lift d hi Brae Wool, 3 ply; Clearing Bonniel _ ;• 1 o?�. keins, only . 29c skeins, !NOW, d Saves W ` Not Stock Up.•No'vi . 1 /1 Wool,;.3 and 4 ply, double o we•1;3ouquet W�e aIs ha knitting and baby wool Wool nylon reinforced.: At the' present tme we' have a: splendid range ,0 LADIES' SKIRTS Pastel -Plaids, Corduroys, CheckA. Come in while the selection .s good, OYS'' PARKAS,b'regular $16.9.5 •Sht S -LADIES' WEA TOT' -T4 -WEEN and L R 'Phone 89-w . Lucknow,;`Ot�tai1° from the -bed and out` the window, to ,,those on `•the: ladder outside. The taking of .the evidence oc- cupied little. more than an hour,. With the jury 'retiring at 3.15 Ai- '. 'Fi eeborn • had br'iefly commented on -.the ; *ase; •pointi•ng the jury that- it IS always oiat , to i very, easy to be wise. tii'terw r ' . 'He said -it Wa5.fc't ben); lito.daye de if this; tragedy migh res+ -•h t; 01f it 'Was avoided -bY. fo: 1; •: t ti � term •rrrerely' as .ont ,r �i,h . Agan _ aet� :ref ; •G'oi • to Store Wit, ie stock: • .11