HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-02-23, Page 7h.. r,. r. TIiUIRS,, EEBR,UARY 23rd, 1950 KINGSBRIDGE Mips 'Jrau1a Hebert ; was • '.a Week -end visitor ., with her pro. ttier, John O'C•Qnnor. - N1l" P..af Courtney is a patient in 4odericli Hospitalwith:.pneu: monia. We h'olie,for a speedy re covert'. • lVr.. land Mrs; • Blaise Martin spent the week -end in Hamilton, massrs, Bert' :anti. Mike Martin motored .from Halm'ilton and' ,at- tended ' the funeral oi' the Lite • Tem, l3ueglass : on Monday. On. Monday evening the •C , W,:L: 1;c1d a dance in the •Parish tiatl.'' ,A good, time eras 'enjoyed 'by ?alis' '1'ei.esa ' A. usti ii v is:i.ted hi (,troit iitrer" t,.e:. wet k-o.n.d. 14-E41i„• D LAW AT °I«I:VrJ? UI A cianc6 ui "Kintai'l•'on Friday fetature'dby a .prize . draw, which resulted.' as `fallow : • two Firestone t1r.e, , Mrs. Dick Mac- ' Dynald, 'l)r•ass ire cookc61•; a. • Patterson, . GuLierich; 'woollen blanket, ;:Miss. Edith. Johnston, R, 7,'.Lticknow l�rcice'cds of elle event «rcie for .the ;Kintail • sports field,: where it: ,as planned 'to., Bove an, open air• :: rink and softball diainond. Xhe weat'herman: has upset ice;making plans .this season,. but 'with a ouc'1T._.(5 r ih 1lrsrtto l e week• the 'Kintail boys were dls' cussing trying it again.'. A. 1. TIDE'. LLICKNO- SEN.''INEL,• LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO , . 0 yi PAGE SVE' W a Tired � Pepless Men, • IervvouSbeing 'available for the average 1 .person for some years, he said; Ip .C'ECSN.HEALTH iURANCE P.LA�NS A •.cl. r ' . .lea . Acture of what is.going on in the . medical world and of the '.attempts .being. rnade:b.y soc- iety 10 provide 'modern' medical attention- to all, its members forn-i eel the stubjeet-matter, of an• lady dress. by Dr, 'Victor Johnston,. of LucknoW at -the Rotary luncheon. inet ting•''• at Owen Socind :last week. • . . Dr. John stun:,.. who has (been general pr i ctitioner in: Lilo'now ince he gr. ac}uatod in hie- ';cine in 9:2:3, .114 the preSidvnt of lie On- .iri0 1V•7edic1d "•?iss•,i0iatiOn„I-lo • is the='. Iittst 4(fe{o •' liiorh-this: region totihold thiT office, . 1\1t"1iein +i.... I11 •onY' :ofb it.)..„1-1g;.,• PURPLE GROVE M.•r., ,and Mrs,. Al Irwin, of I,uckr>ibw visited with .Mr.''How- and T'hornipson recently,. 1VIiss • Merle . Dore spent the week -end at the' home: of hex parents.. Miss Frances Scott is a patient in Kincardine . Hospital ,where. ;she. underwent an •appendix oper- ation last' week., Mr. and Mrs, Don McCosh.. vis- ited with the: latter's mother,,. 11Viz:s,_ 'Jahn .Colwell last Thurs- day. :' •' coir. ' Norman ` Isaac of,..Tloi n- bury'visited with ' hia:cousiri, Mrs.: J oh.ny' ..E rrierson,• Iast i •we:ek. • '" ' M.i tW hox't •She'ape visited at';. _Mr, Ralph p I -1i way of weaving these materials •into the fabric of our :social ,strut- tune; • "We are trying to play ail irra- portant role in finding ways and means 'or bringing this modern medical.' attention` to all our pea,- 'Plc eon'plc and in such a way :that they' can pay' lou' :it. In •this latter endeavbur we • share responsibil- ity with you", Dr, .Johnston eon-. eluded. tetl1t yt;tt'�la_:,.dcrtlalcu Lal .aoliti- ll s ,Saturday even t, t cl .to the a�c� TE;4CI1LRs INSTALLED eovtNon e,• iui the • trcatine t c;f r;ieui;rati; n -i trod a;r- • At theevening' sc;i•v ic.e• i;1 the: �lrr .lrs Lend tel 111(, now ucseti ':'' United C;hi:rrch orS` Sur1d•iyt 116` . l its ,4f(1 lncntci11iti. �.l..ich ale Dr: 7q, J. Mullnforclconducted the (e`• • rr1.6ntils , a �lationof of.fic"Lrs anti tench err ai''the` Sunday.Schooi. •Those • iii;ttc nd'ance for•". the installation, t; eleinony'we1 e, Nirs. Orland' Rich aids, 11iis Grant .' 7McDiaranict; Mrs, Jahn-Kilputr.ick•,. Mrs. W. ' ; • Andrew, Mrs N J. Ma Kenzie; s; r: o n Venn. Mur.di`e, S.. O. Roth vc11, Wil stoic remai keds, I'he use of the'fred:' J):rennan, Margaret . Rae, Gordon. Morrison;.:'Stuarf Collyer, Willard :Thompson,': W.. L. Mac Keniie. Re'v ,.1M1umford,,gave ':an appro pl iate •anal 'very forceful addressr on '"The 'training', of : Our Child. ren''. 1•hese; alone • wi'tll • netir stir ;i' c 1 :Proeuclures, tiuve g r e a t'.1' v' broadened . the scope at medical ni actist he s��.id: • °, • • • r1'}ie dfiscovery. of eO tisca:ne: ha,s. ;opened:up challenging prospect;; in many other fields D John - drug h' drug is: still •in the experimental. I. gra're-CT.'an. la. 'year's 'treatment •would .cost. about • '$100,000. Be•• cause of: difficu'l.tie$ in manufact ure there.. , is little chance of. ' it: iomenLife Span Lengthens , Indicating .the .remarkable im Get New Vint' Vigor,' Vitality: Fay.goodbye.tothese'weak, `always tired feelings;. ilepreS,slon and • nervousness due to weak,. thin' Ilood. Get up feeling fresh, be peppy all'day;<bave pfenty:of vitality left over by evening: Tako Ostrex • •Contains• iron, .vitamin 1.11,. calcium, phosphprue for blood building body strengthening, stimulation, invigorates system; Improves appetite, ;diggestive' powers Costa 1ittle.•New bet acquainted'• size ouly flet Try 'Osbrex "Tonto Tablets for new, nor- mal,Gep, viin, vigor, Ills, very day. At ali,d'ruggiata.. COWS - $2.50 each '. HORSES =- $2.50,Ea. HOGS — 50cper cwt.,. (Over 250 lbs. each) Phone collect: Ripley 182 •" Winghaim 5G1:j Ingersoll 21., pravement in the health of the; people of Canada in the.:last two F,eneratioris, Dr: Johnston.,`stated* that!,in 190.0. the aver age length of: life in Ontario was• about, 49 years and no\ r:.'it •hiis 'elimbed•:t;i ti•earlyG_ yea•:rs..:`:The e remadr_u t a}. e.acan e5.1iiie not been. Solely to the effects:of .the ical pi ofession the '.pee l (1 • There. Were fo recognircd s•ae ,cialists: in• Ontario • until,about '1002: The . sick usually staed• in. bed at' home.'There.. were few expensive drugs and.:nurs:i"ng .w•as. ,irf 'the fajnily -and .by practical': nurses. Most. of . the population. wasi ut a -'];=and the fame income did: not stop .when . tide -head Of. . the. house was ill "Now• :our ,'sel vices al.e. builf around;•doctor,s groups of :worn:-. •• .erS, departments of,`}i:ealth .and n- stitutions", •Dr: Johnston stud. • ,. ••T,he speaker , dx ew attention to the, changed ' conditions under which • hospitals ;operated many years -ago. At.: that 't nie. there were c niparatively : fow: patients each ;t,eir- pow •every .hospitals is crowded, he: ren n 1' ed. Cost:: Increasing. M idern icciie' ,l are is: getting'better': ti id .better,' i l e'cc�min.l rnol•e expon ive, arid • its cost .c•ontintic to. iritic 1se.and:will'not. decline in the 'forsctoabir .future ', Dr.. Johnston Commenting on, 'Society's iictiot'i to the mounting costs ii f' iriodern . 'inedieai attention, •the speaker -.said' -; that "one 'would I.thinl< that with health measures developing so fast all ,61 us would be happy and: satisfied- •with the progress Tirade", Iii added ' that this is not the'•case.. �” _COiir people are becoming more, anti i,rerre a«"ar•e6f the need'. of malting nrcdiral' care available4O those sections . of the poptt]ati•on that recei'cwlc. -too Betio of" ifor noneat, all", he stated. So mush: new 'cite betclone for- the ill and in„j,tii,ed that health services aye being considered by many as esu sen:tial .for all c•ltt4se as•.is.a pub- lic education. ,1')i . Jhhnston de- Blared. ' )" 1.10,01th Insurance' i't)t ctor: f tiei`ViC0.3, ho:pitailiyii- tion, ch tidy and special appliances 'cost money. he� pointed ,out. The: Public irs C'(inming to the' conc1us ion' t'that the. best wasp to; make these .available to all citizens and: ;Clean,: dry litter' on the laying house floor .is 'a key tosuccessful egg production during the, winter; Months. • be 'paid '' for is ..the ,ins n anco method There are a number: of y investment. ,.' •' • the_vital:. hick:starti Protectyour- up •, c , rig.. . 'season' by feeding your next winter's laYers now on a .rowin mash made' 'with:;:Natiorlal'Develop'in Concen- trate g trate :.. fresh -mixed far tastygoodness.: The grOwindseoson makes or breaks your flock. So • �icce;.isitlly '. orerated fortes of• C ,1 a1.1 Lri .ur s antesoine vountar' rid spine".comptulaory, he solei , At :..least one • of the three inajul : political 'parties at, Ottawa. h tiuld like to see this implement= ed by compulsory .health: ' ince, soixiething.•after :the''pattert •o a a•op e. •y `,ng :ari. , ..rr;. Johnston remarked -.•'"Tire ••press. ore •on_ our Dlom nron_:govermnent to do something m 'this field .ap pears to ,be great The medical. -profession ;of On tart() and, of :.Canada approves health insurance if it is:fair" to, • those receiving and to those rens. dering .'the se-Ivices;.'the., speaker stated.; ''W e yvould like to see a' national voluntary • prepaid Med: :' Leat' icare",program"; he added D.r.-Jolxnston• referred .to',. the ti'V .tidsor Me.dical''Schenic. started 11 years ago by' doctors and. now Managed , by ,five ,doctors•arid -ti-1.3 1- en, IIB : pointed •out' that lhero' are 155;090. people in great- ci VV..'indsor'-and, more than: 70 000 1. are: insured iii: tins one plan Un- der ;'this ' •scheme, practically 'ail medical and ;• surgical • costs . are paid. for'. "If every city` andtown iff On tario ' •had its "citizens ,cover: ed to �. this extent with health insurance "We WOUld ge_a...iting...1,vay__toward: solving the problem' of . how •to Make modern •medical :attention •M. available to more of our people", •Jolins'ton: 'stated: Doctors' Scheme The doctois_.,of Ontario set up two years 'I' ago' an ' or ganiza•tibh : with. machinery'. that -can operate. in,i all parts 'of the .province. It has.'lay representation, ,with near • ly .50,000'•sub'scribers. It . is call:ex1 Physicians' : , Services Inc, Dr, Johnston. said , that at ''present it insures only groups,•' : bzt .iht soon rt w$-11, have irtd`vidual con. trats to offer, • , . "Tile medical men of • this pro- vince, wish to, retain ,as much in- dividualism ,and personal initia tive :as is possible and 'we :al'tl '•Y' ' wantthe inaxiniutxi. • of security against' sickness".and injury for our fellow men"i D ;,< .i ohnston. ;;aid..' ``There six st•`-bw: a sucieessful • 1 1 •1 • • • . O . • 11 • 1 dR, • • 4 • a. WAY". ge:sure of birds that lay Premium. eggs. steadily,. ... Through•Fall.and Winter. r• Just one dozen eggs from' each pullet;pays• the cost ' of a''growing mash made with .National Developing Con ,I. -' tent'rate'far• the entire' growing' p• eriod. Cut your feed costs :by supplying a grass range, with • tender 'green crop.. Remember, no livestock gives, higher reiurns per ;acre. thdn polJlfry:' See youl'•'IocaI ;NATSONAL Feed Dealer'today. WILLIAM STONE. SONS,'LIMIT'ED INGERSOLL r . ONTARIO • ' NSG -1' ' Ii list on NATIONAL well -cured, properly -blended fertilizer, , • R FINLAYSQN,i1a1er Phone 91:w LttcknoW, 4rt:t .1� • A., family" graced beauty of will* be :plot, with , the a"monument•:which everlastingly'. l f.:'should be . shrine -like a tribute_ ((i ose :a classic .styles •vtrill. work ..res . • "e. ave many to suggest; and' ' with:. you , on Bus- tori designs . '' Exceptionally: low • • prices. Nc,. canvassing, : 'which." elimin- • ates sales. con'imission!s. ' Inscriptions. • :Repairing • •Sandblasting" : Memoriial5 '•'': . 25 Years' ,Experience The latest in Portable Sandblast Equipment. •:., 'All work personally, executed B• rownlie.. Memori`al • Alfred St: ; . WIN(IHAM 'Phone 450 ' . • , 'or ; NEI.[ • .MaeLENNAN, Riple.y,. Ontario. COWS - $2.50 each '. HORSES =- $2.50,Ea. HOGS — 50cper cwt.,. (Over 250 lbs. each) Phone collect: Ripley 182 •" Winghaim 5G1:j Ingersoll 21., pravement in the health of the; people of Canada in the.:last two F,eneratioris, Dr: Johnston.,`stated* that!,in 190.0. the aver age length of: life in Ontario was• about, 49 years and no\ r:.'it •hiis 'elimbed•:t;i ti•earlyG_ yea•:rs..:`:The e remadr_u t a}. e.acan e5.1iiie not been. Solely to the effects:of .the ical pi ofession the '.pee l (1 • There. Were fo recognircd s•ae ,cialists: in• Ontario • until,about '1002: The . sick usually staed• in. bed at' home.'There.. were few expensive drugs and.:nurs:i"ng .w•as. ,irf 'the fajnily -and .by practical': nurses. Most. of . the population. wasi ut a -'];=and the fame income did: not stop .when . tide -head Of. . the. house was ill "Now• :our ,'sel vices al.e. builf around;•doctor,s groups of :worn:-. •• .erS, departments of,`}i:ealth .and n- stitutions", •Dr: Johnston stud. • ,. ••T,he speaker , dx ew attention to the, changed ' conditions under which • hospitals ;operated many years -ago. At.: that 't nie. there were c niparatively : fow: patients each ;t,eir- pow •every .hospitals is crowded, he: ren n 1' ed. Cost:: Increasing. M idern icciie' ,l are is: getting'better': ti id .better,' i l e'cc�min.l rnol•e expon ive, arid • its cost .c•ontintic to. iritic 1se.and:will'not. decline in the 'forsctoabir .future ', Dr.. Johnston Commenting on, 'Society's iictiot'i to the mounting costs ii f' iriodern . 'inedieai attention, •the speaker -.said' -; that "one 'would I.thinl< that with health measures developing so fast all ,61 us would be happy and: satisfied- •with the progress Tirade", Iii added ' that this is not the'•case.. �” _COiir people are becoming more, anti i,rerre a«"ar•e6f the need'. of malting nrcdiral' care available4O those sections . of the poptt]ati•on that recei'cwlc. -too Betio of" ifor noneat, all", he stated. So mush: new 'cite betclone for- the ill and in„j,tii,ed that health services aye being considered by many as esu sen:tial .for all c•ltt4se as•.is.a pub- lic education. ,1')i . Jhhnston de- Blared. ' )" 1.10,01th Insurance' i't)t ctor: f tiei`ViC0.3, ho:pitailiyii- tion, ch tidy and special appliances 'cost money. he� pointed ,out. The: Public irs C'(inming to the' conc1us ion' t'that the. best wasp to; make these .available to all citizens and: ;Clean,: dry litter' on the laying house floor .is 'a key tosuccessful egg production during the, winter; Months. • be 'paid '' for is ..the ,ins n anco method There are a number: of y investment. ,.' •' • the_vital:. hick:starti Protectyour- up •, c , rig.. . 'season' by feeding your next winter's laYers now on a .rowin mash made' 'with:;:Natiorlal'Develop'in Concen- trate g trate :.. fresh -mixed far tastygoodness.: The grOwindseoson makes or breaks your flock. So • �icce;.isitlly '. orerated fortes of• C ,1 a1.1 Lri .ur s antesoine vountar' rid spine".comptulaory, he solei , At :..least one • of the three inajul : political 'parties at, Ottawa. h tiuld like to see this implement= ed by compulsory .health: ' ince, soixiething.•after :the''pattert •o a a•op e. •y `,ng :ari. , ..rr;. Johnston remarked -.•'"Tire ••press. ore •on_ our Dlom nron_:govermnent to do something m 'this field .ap pears to ,be great The medical. -profession ;of On tart() and, of :.Canada approves health insurance if it is:fair" to, • those receiving and to those rens. dering .'the se-Ivices;.'the., speaker stated.; ''W e yvould like to see a' national voluntary • prepaid Med: :' Leat' icare",program"; he added D.r.-Jolxnston• referred .to',. the ti'V .tidsor Me.dical''Schenic. started 11 years ago by' doctors and. now Managed , by ,five ,doctors•arid -ti-1.3 1- en, IIB : pointed •out' that lhero' are 155;090. people in great- ci VV..'indsor'-and, more than: 70 000 1. are: insured iii: tins one plan Un- der ;'this ' •scheme, practically 'ail medical and ;• surgical • costs . are paid. for'. "If every city` andtown iff On tario ' •had its "citizens ,cover: ed to �. this extent with health insurance "We WOUld ge_a...iting...1,vay__toward: solving the problem' of . how •to Make modern •medical :attention •M. available to more of our people", •Jolins'ton: 'stated: Doctors' Scheme The doctois_.,of Ontario set up two years 'I' ago' an ' or ganiza•tibh : with. machinery'. that -can operate. in,i all parts 'of the .province. It has.'lay representation, ,with near • ly .50,000'•sub'scribers. It . is call:ex1 Physicians' : , Services Inc, Dr, Johnston. said , that at ''present it insures only groups,•' : bzt .iht soon rt w$-11, have irtd`vidual con. trats to offer, • , . "Tile medical men of • this pro- vince, wish to, retain ,as much in- dividualism ,and personal initia tive :as is possible and 'we :al'tl '•Y' ' wantthe inaxiniutxi. • of security against' sickness".and injury for our fellow men"i D ;,< .i ohnston. ;;aid..' ``There six st•`-bw: a sucieessful • 1 1 •1 • • • . O . • 11 • 1 dR, • • 4 • a. WAY". ge:sure of birds that lay Premium. eggs. steadily,. ... Through•Fall.and Winter. r• Just one dozen eggs from' each pullet;pays• the cost ' of a''growing mash made with .National Developing Con ,I. -' tent'rate'far• the entire' growing' p• eriod. Cut your feed costs :by supplying a grass range, with • tender 'green crop.. Remember, no livestock gives, higher reiurns per ;acre. thdn polJlfry:' See youl'•'IocaI ;NATSONAL Feed Dealer'today. WILLIAM STONE. SONS,'LIMIT'ED INGERSOLL r . ONTARIO • ' NSG -1' ' Ii list on NATIONAL well -cured, properly -blended fertilizer, , • R FINLAYSQN,i1a1er Phone 91:w LttcknoW, 4rt:t .1� •