HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-02-23, Page 5Ti URS'.., 'FEBRUARY 23rd,,,195O: q .. `Lyceur l'heatrq Wi NGHAM Two Shows Each Night, 'FIRST SHOW. AT 7.15'' p;' • iii"'!!l,�,!I!a'r•�E,•O.`�!!`"'� '�'� ��M;��-;:ei,.�r..�w:: THE •• LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK NOW, ONTARID PAGE FIVE TOl`TI 3HT�—THURSDAY .comgloTheiTABLE.:.. y • S. FRIDAY & SATURDAY FEBRUARY 24, 25 '• .ABBOTT &• COSTEY,LO • AFRICA', SCREAMS Matinee Saturday.'at 2.00 p.in.. MONDAY & TUESDAY FEBRUARY. 27, 28 GREEK GARSON;; ERROL FLYNN iorsite `.Woman That WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY • r:�I•;i - BURT' LANCASTER, CORRINE 'CALVERT, •. PAUL HENREID • — in ROPE OF; SAND: (Adult Entertauiment) FOURTH CONCESSION CARD O 'Tk ANKS. • I wish to Sincerely. thank friends and neighbors who re- mem,bered ,rhe with cards, letters land flowers' during my illness. It was .deeply appreciated. • .Mrs.. Torrance Anderson. The ': f ainily •of the ;late .Mrs: Johnston wish to thank *friends ;and.•;neighbors for 'kind= ne ' and sympathy .shown in th r recent bereavement and. OS for flowers, Mr. ::George Gilchrist*, is eon-. • fined, to. bed with a ',Heart condi tion. . Miss Marga.ret.1yfacDoriald and" her pupils had. a.• Valentine party. Wednesday .afternoon,' a day late as pupis were , net. able 'to• get to school: Tuesday on account of the storm Mrs, Graham Pinkney of Ajax Collyer, in caring for ' her f ath- er, Mr.. Dan 'Ma.cIntyre. ., sil Shirley , NLacClui�e Is . .ck with the Chicken-pox,ckeChicken-pox,. ,,also Dona ld Hamilton: A large�.�owd . of ladies attend- ed the, Kairsheac Institute: iiieeting at the :' Berl e of ] Iirs.- Allister tiigiies last ' Thursday. afternoon: To all my kind friends and neighbors, .thankyou very much for all the : Setters, cards;„ f lovers and fruit , ent; . while ,in,. es- pital, and thanhs,' to ','•my close neighbo s for:thein' help since .T¢ returned harne: All' •vas':•apprecif=` : at•`ed �r : • Mrs. 'J. J. Smith... Now' `"Roy Rogers,, King sot The Co'iwboy.s",, in Color!; Ridewith Roar •Rogers' to Old West adventure! 'Follow this great. new Western' comic, in col- or, •iii The Detroit Sunday Tinies, and also. see Roy Rogers in The Daily .Detroit' Times.. °_ Get The 'Detroit Tiaries:, daily: and Sunday, and thrill to 'this' new Western. comic "Roy Rogers,• King . of . the ,Cowboys" S "l" ENS Mrs, E,. W. 11ice was hostess for the Fabruary meeting of .the Wo- men's Association 'on, Wednesday afternoon, with 14 ladies ' present. .Mrs. S: A. Todd, the president, was • in . the chair ,and the theme of the Worship .:set'vice 'was "Knowledge ' .and Worship. through Faith":; The meeting was ' opened by . the repitition of the creed, ,the singing of the theme song and the Association•oprayer.. the' .roll call was. responded to with: a verse .on "Faith"; Ntrs,. E. W. Rice. • favored with a solo. ••Mrs. ;Cameron•read .. the. Scripture Lesson and Mrs Charier MiePor- alti, the lesson. 'thou'g,hts Mrs, ,. G. Stuart and, Mrrs ,Jas.; Durnin sang a duet:. It was°.decided :to have a birthday tea •at Easter ' andthe- following 'committees were `ap- pointed : lunch, Mrs. G. M,cPher-;' son, Mrs, S. A. To1:d, Mrs E W,. Rice aria. _Mrs, W.A. Miller;,,pro gram, Mrs. C.McDonald, Stuart, •Mrs. •.F. •Cameron.. Some time was spent in sew'in'g, •quilt• blocks:. During this time Mrs: W. A, 1V1 filler read an article; on "The Women Did It",' At th.e conclusion `a pleasant. social 'hour . Was 'eh- j eyed . When the : hostess served' : lunch,' The :World Dray. of Prayerwill be' observed; on •Friday:,afterngon at 2 30 at - me o rs: IA - Miller. :All the !ladies of the con-= inunity are invited . to, attend this Meeting: The death ' occurred in ham': Hospital` on Sunday of Mrs. Herb. Thompson,• forinerly• Miss Elithbeth Todd of:: St 'Helens. i.' 'The' annival, ,meeting; of the Women.'s . Institute �wrll : be .held at the home of Mrs. Stanley Todd Thursday' afternoon, March' 2nd at 2.30:• Al'representative' of: the 'Singer: Sewing Machine eer tre at ,Goderich will .give- a demM .•onstration. Roll.. call,, .Payi'ri0 of gees, for •New • Year". Hostesses .program coTnrnittee, Mrs. Lorne Woods, `1VLrs.. E: W: Rice. Mr.; Wallace,: Miller' :. attended •the funeral of his 'brother, John ;J: Miner at, Toronto last • Wednesday Mr E. .J,' Thom, Mrs. • Win. Golldher :and Mrs. Ronald. WW T'ECHURCH The Worlds lDay . of Prayer, wall:' • be held. in �"t;.'halmers 'church on Friday. afternoon.• All 'the ladies, of the. comniunity`.,are: invited: to .attend •.: Botfi'Churches ..held their W M S .Meeting bast Wednesday after-' noon 'The .:United. ,. at', the home ;of Mrs.. Groskorth :and the Pres- • byterianat ,the .Manse ''. We are 'sorry ,' to report.. Mr. Archie .Aitchison to be'in:London • Where ,he. ;had ::an: Operation ; last .week::. Mr: Wm: Rintoul:: has .`,purchas- ed Mr:. Cairns Aitchison's farm. :Mr. Beth.' Gaunt • of .Preston � •spent the Week -end :With, Mr and Mrs Y. Emerso n.. • .Mr. James ; Mc.Iriries,': ilho is.: in a London hospital;. had. an opera aract from :. a • IL . .'. e • Presents . Thursclay,; Friday, Saturday; February 23, 24, 25 The-Amazingtrue story of the best friend a boy ever had The priest wo refused a bigger church so he •could stay and help his little ,friends. This is a,• real ..achievement of Christian lo ve— FATHER D aGHTING UNE. starring PAT O'BRIEN as Father Dunne. For :our. -added .enjoyment- "HAIL : NOTRE DAME" First Show at 7,15' — Second : Show; at "9.05."» onday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Feb, 2 "All The. King's Men", "The Snake Pit" -Yes these pictures. wen- ' Academy . Awards. "Driftwood" , did not, : but we • can bet you our bottom. dollar that you will enjoy riftWOO d 100 times more than the; above' mentioned award *inners, because it's human. Natalie Wood, ' the'.. six-year-old ' lady will steal your heart away—and old -trimers like :. Walter Brennan., Gay with ` Laughter,, bright with love. ee° us Qif you are interested owing a profitable l contract with` Canada``l ialt n t g We .. 'Are Installing New 'F.quipmeiit to •Insure 'Fast and. Efficient Handling of • Grain at the Luck -now Elevator iiis. eye. also' in attendance. M and .Mrs. Walter James - Plan to attend the social'.even-; :have—,theear-etaking of and'pro'...g.._re-"ssive eu- c'thre p'arty ; `• =. i— f a • k U7r 4• , ...'year.Fri .'a ted ` urc.h for.this ye, • ' din the community ' hall .on F d y r. n: '.ei uff r he, is s i ''.e oft Olive Terrii;f g evenn ''�unde-tliie�.:aus c s iss ,;. g r p from ari attack ;of pleurisy. Womens Institute: Ladies ,are re Rev., Mr. Cui iie•has..been laid quested tobring lune h:.' up with a severe cold during..the. past .-week: ARRIVED :FOR: YOUit•• APPROVAL risit`Our. ;Hatchery For A Close Inspection: Before. Placing Your' 19504 Order: BUY AT HOME ---BECAUSE 1. ,Wegua•�•. rantee . satisfaction _ __ _ 2. Our Hatchery is Ontario Approved Train. service• is at present, inadequate 4. We give FREE'. with 'each order a treatnient• of t6B:Q. 'Tablets fewer'.•chills. ' :' A -sliotter delivery iatsur.e . s efore out interest in. you,. 'You, are not • �a .stranger--ther isli personal as well :as 'business: • Finte5 :For Life, . • . `' ..'feter►a Mash . New Chick Starter,. Pellets or Li At. and' Hatchery Feed " Store. , 'I'IIONE 165 • .: • :COUNCIL 'MINUTES ".. KINLOSS TOWNSI•IIP Council • met Fe!bruary13, 1950 as per :adjournment. All riiem)bers -present. -+ • :Carruthers-Lavis that the Min-. utes :Of: the January 9th meeting be approved ,and signed: Carruthers -McKinnon that the deed : of •the road allowancealong the ,east side, of Lot. 59 .from the. village: limits to:. the .-northern boundary: •of' the said 'Lot • be' `transferred, ,from :'the.' C.N.R.;to the To unship • of Kinloss. • x Lavin -McKinnon that the time, for the , 'retur"n of'the • Collector's` roll 'be extended to .March. 13th, 1950'. ,. ,. Carruthers -.Percy that . we meet. the,Lucknow Council.. in . Satin'.- da°yening' at thee. office ,to: consider the 'Fire: Protection „By- law...-`• Carruthers=McKihnon, that we do not accept any of; the, tenders on ' the. Weed Spraying ,machine.:, .Carruthers .Carruthers - Percy. that » this, Council unanimously agree" to purchase : a. spray `Machine front the Sproinoter,. pop of Rendon, Ontario, • McKinnon -Percy .that: applica- tions,, be' culledfor; the positions` of -operator, of ;the spray Mach- ine" and also 'for "`inspector for Warble Fly , spray for 1950"t op erator to be good mechanic Viand, ,itispeetoo. to be of ,godd'busine,,s ability, State wages expected. McKinnon -Percy: that, =:.tenders: be 'Called .for tile•' crushing and truekin.. of 'the ., nec'essar. _r navel . g Y g required for.::the: year '.1950' ;.• Cariiithers=Percy that' we` do now `adjourn tiimeet'•. again; on Monday, the 13th ,day •.of March 1950• 'Cheques issued '':`Fley ' Huffman 5. fol bounty', '$6.00, ' Jas Cech- rane, 4 fox bounty, '-4:U0; Luck - now Sentinel; lirintlr}g :arid advt., 43x.75;• I13iehard . 1VIcQu.ilTin, wolf bounty $29 and, 4. fox, bounties:, .4.00, 24.00; 'J: R. Lane, reg.' B'.M D.; 1949, 1:75, Municipal World;: sup piles,, 24.27;; Win. G. Moffat, paint • • and painting • at hall, 1.65 45; ;Mrs.: James _ _ Smith, caretaking, ;4':00;. Evai-'r fund do tax 1949; 'Wm. Evans, ., e g � 2.00;x, Roy GrahaM, material and .work- at hall; 229.73,''.Harold "H•al denby, wiring hall, 121 15:•» Highway;;cheques Pay roll' No..' 2, $342.50; E. n, Ag.n,ew .insurance premium• on. grader, '160:90;,. W. C. Becker ,Co., repairs etc. on grad er;. »258.62; , Pedlar People, :'cul • •verts,;'184,40; Stewart McGillvary, •bridge.•tirriber,'70:00, Roofers ;Sup Ply :Co., culverts, .;' 26.6:52 Mont= gomery ,Motors,' ,use of wrecker, '. etc., 5:.10 J R. LANE- Clerk: Feeds; Fertilizer. • z� Phone 71 • Groceries Phone 27 er Your EERTIL1ZER,:.Now :Fertilizer- supplies -are limited. In event of a shortae, orders .: will bedealt -with in order received 1949 supplies: limited • � .production •to 1,000 tons ;Present indications are that an ,equal quantity • will ; not be available for 1950. • All Regular Brands Will Be Mixed Special Brands will be mixed at Your ,request if supplies are available, ; A 'trucking service supplied. 1.00 ` PER .-TON DISCOU for orders picked up; at the plant. ' SHOP THE CO-OP WAY. ucknow D.i»strict Co.Operative.