HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-02-23, Page 3.ur ed eci an of.`.. ob= .t T�IIU'RS:t,. FEBRUARY 23rd, 1950 �. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO a _o : and er era Mr. Wm. Hornell is ill at h home :here.• ' Mr and. Mrs. Floyd Wilson sent .the 'week -end ,in Petrolia with their" parents: ` " Mrs.,. .George Phillips. :spent oa week at Winlgharn; Hospital with her •sister,; Mrs. Jake liunter,, who was very i11, . " Mr andMrs` Tixr, ,Court and 1VI'r.' and. Mrs. Irving Reid of. '11144111 spent Sunday with Mr. George' Phillips•' Mr",, Murray Jo •nston•.of .W1'ng- •Albert' a d lli ''m s ham _ . i 'of Fo . _• r 1'd n p yce. spent, a few days ' at New Liskeard and Kirkland: La• e, Mrs.. J Ines' Laois ,suffered, .,a seV.ere 'heart attack last :''week, blit her condition is now •iinPreyed.' Mrs.. Lavis is in her 85th • year, Mrs. • Wm: • Stewart of 'Windham visited last week. with Mrs, R. J, Cameron. Mr, and Mrs. 'Chas, *Steward 'have returned froma two, weeks.' vacation spent with- their family in Toronto,•London, Chatham and Ailsa C'aig. Rev.• John Pollock of Winghan conducted services 'in the Pres- byterian :church o'h Sunday; preaching :the pulpit .Vacant., Rev. Pollock 'will have: charge of ,the servicesagain the Sunday; • Mr: and Mss. Russ Clipperton and Lynda, of :Landon ' a visited Ire, •cently •with"•herr anent p s, lYtr and 1V[ns, Sari` Rid, and on•,tl eir ,r'e- turn Ms. Reid' land sister; Mrs, Margaret 'Sherwood, .'went with them and spent a few days' in the• f.'ity. On their return.4thev• visited Godeiich -and Dungannon' friends. VALENTINE: TEA HELD. BY; 'EVENING A.0 •CILIARY• A very, -successful Valentine tea was held Thursday. last • in the -United h Church Sunday' ,School Rooms under 'the auspices of' the' 'Evening Auxiliary. The guests • were received :a;t'the, door by Mrs:, el a nd . M.rs.. ' Andrew. The following "program► was mush enjoyed --a: vocal trio -,by J,' W. • Joynt, ; Mrs. J. • Hall, and Miss Doris Taylor; two huim oreys ' readings by :Mrs: C. E. Woolley, 'followed by a ;:solo ''by, C: 'Armstrong; Miss Aad- rey••Ross favored -• with .a . piano insti=umental • 'and 1Vlr s'es ' Joyce la J Cam ell rendered two. s nd oan. pb pleasing •M,ttmford• gave a .few words ..Of welcome.. A mo'st'• attractively decorated• tea. table •centred' the xoom:. Burn intg'; •red tapers : in : silver' ;cancel abra graced7the alae 'htoughout the tea. hour.,,Mrs. W. B. `Ander- son, : Mrs., Geo. Andrew, .'Mrs R H. Thompson; and•Mrs.• E. Taylor, :.members ''of the W:Ni S.,' 'pourecl'• tea, ,assisted by Members, of . the Aiatiliary.:.. WI\GHAMVI AGREES- TQ i?`IIITUAL VIRE .4110 The following is from the min • utes :'of the February 'meeting o.f the Wingharn. Town .Council; "A letter wa•s read; from Mr. Josepli. .Agnew; 'clerk, Liteknowi Ontario; enclosing -a. copy of. a• J.ite by aw :,:rt l c•tti�ti et hat - ;the Lucknow Fire ,Brigade .would: ;be willing to c'*operate with. the; Winghain Fii: e `,Department blit an agreement 'should ' be drawn up' between .ah'e 'own and, .the Luchnow. Fire Den:artment. "The By law .from Lucknow be approved, and the clerk".notified> thatwe will co-operate in every vyay'•possible. '']t Was.'agreed:that Council, :study• 'by-law 'until next Meeting" • THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE • Sy1AIps-starred fee -the Maple Leafs • for 10` ,years, 'Hr; says. Dt ink,ing has: .no plzce:',n ::the life of an ,athlete either" • psysica.l- ly or morally"'.; •Hap Day is coach of the. Maple 'Leafs. He 'says"'„ "I haw no use for�liq oi: or athletes writ•' u. e it i haveken too many gdod l,liiy._r s `:fail by'. the ww: a1,': side Ted, Kennedy ` is Ca,ptai.n 3.16•11•11 -4i=1•41414111•1 •11.11,1'•iq ew v.rs • L,l CKNOW UNITED CHURL i • ATintster'i`Rev.,•W ,T': Munntord;1 ,. S.T.D. �. • :.uitdav Eft ruary 2G,tlr, ` L9aa.g • 11.00 it m Lett ' aur"rii,test-.�: :ants • • • 4.15 p.m.:. Sunday School. 7'L00_;p.m.: Question' l�igbit. 1 • 1 Lent affords us an opportunity! for cultivating our' Christian !'life ;Resolve• • to. attend . the,• Church services and, express i iyour loyal devotion to Jesus • • Christ .i,1' ,I.O4e1 A�71/•111.I:4111111s.4;1 01 H/14,4IfI •lei1l of .t•he 1Vlaple`Leafs:'Fie. says,, "I'v.e seen 'the' drinkers. come .and go. They don't 1,aSt ' 1`o.hg •:•:rill', ••'this league. Tho �.oice of ,hrrckey and• tale.; �vicc ot:.torn pci°1Pce 'say the sdIilc iie. Dont chink-Advt,.'. Muddy: Spectacle • Iaast.Fr id iX s: i'ssi.ie of the'G1obe �C : Mrii"car r ied• •a the e-ct'rltrriin. cut.'of, Pill 1'-ia'b:klrk;,. bre spattered with "mud foltowi:ng' a 'irate .at Dufferin .`track 'in Toronto. Mud from head to • foot; Bill was un- • i•ecogniza.ble The cut line _ t cad,. i "It Doesn,t Pay To Ffnish Third }:Does It?" Bill;was•ahown, wiping the mud fr oi'n his suets after., the fifth race of.;the hat nes.s meet pit Dufferi'n .cin Thuisaa amok '4116. P .3O 11.1.1 I�JOU•,o>Jr11 4. A REAL=, BARGAIN s for $31.00 If'rom Any Strident of the I`tickio�v li%i,fr, School . •Y11.1. Can Now Obtain •. any, ' DEBS 1(' OR ` " MOhYT1Is, r ()R S1;0. • 'JClie Commissions' from thq.5e sales ivill' go into a school. fiij ' to defray the costs' of a.. students' 'trill • to thy' .' Nia,g •ra Farts District, at tlie•I nt. of.The Tcrm. •!Allo►x rriii1•1 I1 T1Yiu�sl►0,bl�lr :hliVipligi5u4ibipmelovondioroiOpplei7u }„sery imiDet,400.0 6.041i.04t ASHFIELD CHURCH HAD' SUCCESSFUL YEAR T h e iannual .congregational •meeting of Ashfield Presbyterian Church was: presided over by the minister, Rev. J. R. MacDonald,, The report of the session, pr`•e- sented by Dungan Cameron, not- ed the phange in the pastorate, Rev. Dr. R,hoad, who xiinistered. to the Congregation for , several years, having; accepted a- call to Baltimore, ..V d,, ,and having been succeeded,, Bate in the- year, by Rev. J. R. Ma.eDonald. • The ,Sabbath . School ..reported. tlie' most ,regular a•ttendance'.,in: ',Years. a' The report, Port: Wgmen.s, Missronairy Society,, compiled '(by tli;e r ''secretary; Mrs,• ,A;' A J.,.: Sixripsorr; ;and presented' by, D Pi MacLennan:, .Spoke,•• of inreased' attendance at the Im:eetings of. th'e Society •,and of increased gvings, and •-issued an' invitationto/th•e: young women of the congregation to join the&Society sand strengthen its' mern,"bership., -..The. board of managers; w'hos.e 'report was read by John: Mac-; Kenzie, n of ed ' improverpents Miade during the : year to. the church building • and the, matise. '. The:financial statement show ed -Ha. subitanlial 'increase :in, the, general ;funds, but,' adecrease :'iii =.gi.wings,:-,f-ar�tkr�latd•g't��, ' . . Henry:' Ma i ie; ;Allan' Mac- Lean and Duncan :McKay ;were appointed :'to':bhe' (board, of rnan-• agement fo'r .a 3-year•term:.Other• officers were re -appointed' as fol= lows: D. .A. 'M:aoDor ,ald :treasur- er ; '�T. Finiay IYfacDoriald,:, financial secretary: David MacDonald, :as sistan,t financial secretary;; John Cath art; , (budget treasun'- rer: ; Du can .Cameron 'and •Frank. Mac; ennen, auditors;• "D:. A. MacLen- I nan,' . - congregational:'. secretary David ".G. ` Stew'art, : `Presbyterian Record 'secretary.--Goderich Sig anal -Star.• P • PAGE THREE Hazel Webster., Mr and Mrs Bill Helen grid• 'family visited {Sunday with -her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Evans ••of, Clinton . We are. sorry to hear :,Mrs!- Frank Ritchie f •is a not feeling very" +v?ell y r • HN►: DEE QUAL. ITY FARM EQUIPM.E•' Sales and Service:.' e 1 "I - hreshing Machines NO. SCOUT 'MEETING • There :will be, no 'Meeting this week'fbecause of 'hockey'. act: ivities •Next `meeting- wi11 .be •oar' Thu,rsday_,;•March 2nd' LANGSIDE•. N1isS Dolena Oar''' of ;London `pent the.; week -end •at h'ci'rile Mr. and ,Mr s. •'Farish Moffat & 'Gcir1on spent;, Saturday:. evening \vi1h Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tif= . fir•;. T.he Y.P S • meeting was` held: at •the ..horne' of Mr. 1{'. G: ;Moffat;;: Sanies ;.Richardson and •'Donald' Stetivart 'prepared the •progi.am` Rev, Curie invited ;the. Young: People to the Mianse, for tile; next, meeting The W.M.S:' meeting was held at the'home of Mi s'' Wrn Donald: Mrs. ,Tolton prepared, the ptog arii., The topic. was; , read ,fiorn the .study book iby., a nuiir-' ber •of ladies.. Mrs. Neil • MacDori -,a� sXd conducted 'quiz., A, Z I:O We a'e'g1ad"M1:'s...Jak.e 'Th inter is iniprcWing..: Miss ` A'da Webster` is ;back' teaching. Mrs. • • Baulch .supplied for ` her ' for ten days. -Mr:,' and Mrs,. Walter ..`'Dexter. .and gr. John: 'Mc ntosh,: • IV;,iss' Susie . Gibson, spent• : ari evening with w?4 ..and `1VJ1`s Ne1s6n Ray-• nard. ' 33Mr' ,and" Mrs.: Gordon: Kirlclancl and family visited Mr. ' and Vlrs. Wallace 'Wilson recently.• 1V r; and. Mrs,' Jack Mclean vis-, ited Mr. sand Mrs: Harvey., Ritchie iecelitly.. Mr, and Mrs.'. W' O. Htinter visited Mrs, and Mrs John 1VIc-. Kinnon. t , Mr. Edgar and Jeri, l'ithhi•e. visited last Stunday with, .1\64 'meld Mrs ,'Frartl Ritchie, N rs l red Anderson is hon•ie aft r being with -:Misses Ada and. • Gilson' : Refrigerators and Washers Woods Combination at>tonFrigida>:re' and Freezers; Grinders, etc. • 4. FARYVI' 'E.Q UIPMENT L. •u on Road' Phone x 1132.. Qoder><ch; .Ont: 4,11 '41/ tl e,people who ipor,k.'for. the telephone toi parry, And all the people who earn a• living T5y .makhig•the things the telephone company needs, And all I be, ,people eho 3hal'e il,;eJ, siwings-ini.este'd in the telephone cotrrpanyi ; ' Aird 'all the people who- depend :o; good telephone,servi'ce to rite their-hris tresses find—manage their hollies;' 1f all these people; with their families, lied rr •one• city, This Cttl 11. ,rah -No -Name would be by .far the largest, in Canada, ;and .one of the largest i.ti;the , tiforlth', Kee'pin,g pace„wiih. the growing;` needs.'of•:comnitinities' everywhere' for More and better 'te'lephone 'service has taken kis of, work and lots 6f• trolley. ' Only d•financially healthy. telephone company can carry” ' big job. ,Telephone users, employees; shareholders'— everyone has a vital, interest in d 'service thatmeans, so much to`the welfare of so many pq,ople. .THE B'ELL .TELEPHONE COMPANY, OF CNADA Owned .and opera fed `"by. eanadicimi, for Canadians, • • • s9 ti