HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-02-16, Page 51=1 Lie P1'1ft.Jl S.,, FF.BRI,JARY 16th, 1950 ` Tl1E UICK . OW _: SE]�T TEL, I,iJ�G E NOW, ONTARIO .. • PACxE -F��T Asuguriscaxammillumokao.' ,1, '�... cauit Theatre WIN.GKAM Two Shows, Each Night • FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 TONIGIIT THURSDAY THE'..GREAT S N .ER (Adult . •Entertainment) baa FRIDAY8i SATURDAY 'FEBRUARY 17 18 M RIE WIL.S6 ],' JOHN LUND, D ANNA LYNN in• Y FRIEND 'I*MA Matinee Saturday' at.. Z,00 pan 1 I1'rONDAY.°& TUESDAY • FEBRUARY '20. 2V HERON ,MQORE,.1 1 • DULCRAY.I an About the House ' 'Adult Entertainment)',,' • WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY FEBRUARY 22i 23; LORETTA YOUNG, CELESTE :HOLM• a :. ME To The STA,B Lipp: iViEMBERSHTl'.' 'P,ESENT 1'I). AT S. KINLOSS The Febr.ttary- irteeting 'of the South ° KiriIoss W,M.S. was ,held at the home. of Mrs; Alec Suther- land with a good crowd in; atten- dance. The meeting opened with hymn 108 fo14owed':by the Lord's :prayer in unison: 'Thea Scripture and ..meditation was ',taken by Miss Pean MacLeod A. quartette consisting • of •,Mrs. ' Frase : Mac- Kinnon, Mrs.. D' L`. MacKinnon, Mrs, Gilbert Hamilton ' and Mrs. Lloyd 1WacDougall 'san-g " puilding for Eternity'>. Tee topic was taken by •Mrs, Allister• Hughes, from ''t116 new . study. book '`.`To- wards -aew' , t; . N Dawn"in Japan', A A• letter was read from,•Rey, L7:1. Hti h 1 raelVlillan. g ,: A ver°y irit iestr,n:g part, of the program followed ' when Mrs.. Alex Sutherlatid . and Mrs. -Alex MacLeod ' Were. -presented with 'Life MGnil.tershitp ,certifi'cates ' Those taking part `'in th'e,.pr ay;er circle •v;:o•r:o Mrs.. Dougl"as 'Gra- ham, Mi 140:wrence MacLeod, :Mrs, W; . ' :MacDonald and M ..s b. L. MacKinnon, Hymn: 383 was •sung and the rneeti•ng cloaca. with the. 'inizpah'bbenedicti•.on. BROWN ' SMITH HEADS I•IU1tWN-anusE LIBERALS Brown Smyth,, , ex - reeve ° of West Wawanosh • Township and a former' ' arden of Huron Coun- ty, was elected head . of the Huron:Bruce Liberal 'Association. at the annual Meeting held , last week irr Wingham. He succeeds` Donald: Blue; M.P} •' '" ' Officers elected were• as fol lows: Pres., Brown Smyth, R 2, Auburn; 1st vie Wes,: A, H. MacTavish,• Teetswater; 2nd 'vice pres:, Mrs. Simon Hhallahan, R. " 8; .Blyth;, sec..-freas:;, Gordon El- liott of Blyth.• • • Addresses weie' 'delivered , by RuOell 'Daly;; 'president of 'the: Western Ontario' Liberal Assocla • tion, ;'Seriator; Gladstone.'- and Sen-' ••atox W; : TI: Golding; •Seaforth Others'„ who spoke' 'briefly` were:: Donald Blue; • 1Vr.P:. for Bruce;. James,' Gerrie, iVI:P., for':Perth; HenryH ekin h; and. A. c,p, MacLean, for 'Huron -Perth:''• Group Three of The; W A. The Mumford Group of the W. A: of the United Church 'met at The Parsonage with Mrs. Mum-. ;fid. presiding: After,.the, opening devotions land' the: business ; p:er- ' `';We. .alw��ays enjoy=•The Sentinel iod the :.•scripture was `read' ;,by. 'and look forward to' it each week MPs..'Taylor.• The 'roll .,call was ler;�ftoxa ,.;seai?odedt, ,iia .area Mrs, Frank •.MacIntosh ',:of Wind- verse; .'There:'were' 24 :'present:' sof.: Mrs Neil.'J, •:MacKenzie : presided for the: program. Mrs Jack Hen=. dersorr :offered prayer. A:; Valen- :tine ',reading was given 'tby Mrs: Fjoyd " Wilson:, and a piano solo by Noreen .Kilpatrick, Dr,; Mum force : closed :'.with ;prayer: and < a. Valentinecontest'. and:.: a„"social half ...hew!. ,followed. • The ,•next` meeting :will', be .held at' the' home of •Mrs. S.: Collyer' on 1Vlareli, •9th with . the ':hostesses ;being . Mrs. 0: Richards, ' Mrs:; Jack Henderson and Mls I ."Cam bell'. • 1�.UNGA'NN',O• ;I e'v.'' C lei': •MaeDon•ald, • easier .'o'f ••Z..ucknow and Dungan- E,'non 1'resbyte i lsin , churches :for the past 25 , ye'ars, : and Mrrs. 'Mao. Donald' wei•e•••honored ih recog- nition ;of faaliful 'and splendid • TIM -VOICE OF ..E+MPERANCE A leading` Canadian industrial 'ist states • that-, alcuhrlisin costs Canadian industry. $8,0.00,000 a, . year. Ae'cording to, resea'rebersrin tox sated workers.'or•' workers N rno: are' suffering . ' . a hangover` cause accidents costing close te:$1O,000,000'a year:in Can aria. NO, wonder an • inci•ea,•ingly large number of ipdustiiai Hfirilis in Canada and the. U:Sare wen., :soring • the treatment df 'alcoholir employees .with: • the, new dr ig' 6ritabuse, .But `wouldn't an 'ounce', of prevention be 'worth "a pound. of :' cure" Reduce' . he:. •outlets. curtail :,the sale—sett down .on. there .is• no -Other wad i.-Ac1 rt.. • service in a cer.einoriy at Er;sk.ine ,Presbyter ian Church, Dungan non, Inst week.J. Reed w�i •C'hiiirman for• the evpi ing;, Masi. cal 'numbers were contributed ••by' a ;duai;tette. com„Nrisng Florence Hudson,' :Barbara` Wilson, Murray NV:lson. and Shirley. Finnigan; trio Ma'r'ga et:Blac.k, •Betty Black;'I Murray;solo Mrs. s. 77d-: Norma , I Allan. Peed, Miss Iva:•Carr :eon cduel 'tel .`three contests, and at''tire, concics:ion• read'an address to, Di MacDonald, ' ex.:Moderator of the Cr tirtei it Asseinbly,• ;o.L the.'Pi•eyby ;terianChurcl in •Canada; and,his, wife Johri Bennett made the' prewenl'a;tron of a.''inii se of man.ey., Mrs. Ri' hard•`McWhinne' •; gave a c Y �;ivrd arid,. inter c'sting • outline.'. of, the services ' of Dr...MacDonald and; the history, of the church•. Lunch was., served. ARRIVED •FOR : YOUR.- APP.RO`1AL Visit Owr. Hatchery,' For:.A •Close:, Inspection Before Placing Your ' 1950 .Order:. BUY AT .. - HOME.=-SEI~AU:SE s., 1 We guarantee satisfaction: • . 011r Hatchery is Ontario Approve • Train service is at present inadequat We give FREE With each order' a R.B.% Tablets. -1 A shorter *livery insures ''fewer You are not., a. stranger:—therefore is personal as' -well: as business.: .: . • e, treatment of Finn's chills: Our 'interest in.•yo.0 For ew' Life Chick Starter, •Pellets or' F d '$tore ani ifeteria Mash "PHONE .165. ttC e y Hunter -Jones .Group W. A'. t'. The .February meet fi was: held at the home of.;Mrs .Nelson. • Bushell.`•The'' convener , of -'the Month Mrs:'' Wraith conducted the. mieetnig: _ The; • scripture was red' by, Mrs:: Nelson Bushell and. Nr:rs ,Wraith • •led rid prayer., Sug �;es i roils for l cisiaig” iiiuiuey fur• • the groups ' were ,discussed :'•A paper: on The Life•of St. Valenti ne" was give•a Y:Mis..; aroldJohn store, 'Mrs,' 'Orville Jones and Mrs... H. 'Webster favored ,.with t A name contest ., was. Con'ducted by MrS.',Kenneth•,Caxner'on Lunch, ▪ was served ,by the comrsiit�tee and hostess •�at• the; close of the meet; • ng • Presents Thta rsday; Friday, Saturday, 'February 16, 17, 18 More, :than ever the King of the West. GENE AUTRY World's. GreatestCowboy. See Gene battle high class crooks' in smile le P.LLTS-Those,•°°two•. ftinst rs, Laurel and Iiardy, in "Pirt,' • Work" and: more laughs with Pasty.. Kelly in\°'• •"Beauty and the Bus". First `Show at' 7.15 - — ° Second, Show at 9.05 4 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Feb., '.20,' 21, 22 • Everybody falls. for Maisie. She's -.the cutest cop thatever wore a skid t.: ` r' ' aisle• ' Maisie's a slack chick vvith a judo trick, starring • Ann. Sothern::and Barry Nelson •• PLUS -An . M -G -M.. ,short.• on ".badminton".: ►n00.glO4=1.04mr' ()�b�l)�U 1, I,0() l)4�tf�11A(A111�1)�Il�<I 04m,"" N1•0,1/1 �aa,.c.me ,-- ,.ate+:;=:,,,ewe. ..., <,2yt,., -. o:...•.,,..�+..��m.,,R,���rn.�':�+ ree :. us i you' are nterestei growi.n r00441, ga. e . C >< contra •''tIX SKI. h CanadaMalting We Are • ,Installing New . Equipment to. Insure Fast. and; EffiFcient Handling of Grain at the':"Luckiow , Elevator' ASHFI.ELD .miss.. Sadie:. Johnston has re turned' home after two weeks: spent, writhfriends 'in Toronto' and Lucknolw. ' • • Mr:. , Frank Hamilton, is'under the doctor's. care. , and has. been ordered to `•spend, some' time .in. fed., His' many friends': are' hop. ing he .Will soon be *ell again The people' of .this: ' cog munity ,were shocked . on Friday, evening ...to hear of the 'sudden death . of Mr. Thomas K.' Btieglass.''Hehad • been in ': 'poor health: for .some•. ` tune: A. son of the late M. `and Mrs. 'Wini.' Bueglass, •he -is sur- vived by •two' sisters. The funeral on. Monday afternoon- was from • Davison's funeral • ' Tparlors i n. Lueknow vw i t h interment i n Greenhill Cemetery, •• WHITECHURCH • N rs..,Larne. Johnston; is`in Lon- don where. •Mr. Johnston is 'still 'in the hospital. . • ' • Mrs',J. G,. Gillespie' returned: Saturday from London' where she had; been for the. past; Week` ow-- irig to' the' serious illness of her brother, Wm. Peddle, - who is in the• hospital there. Mr. J:: F. MacLean who t ffee ed . a sti'o.ke ever, a week ;agoi, xs improving slowly • Mr: Ezra Weiwood is helping Mrs. MacLean with the. mail; ' eaven- 0.. ` 1111: • rkN ji llifl U- 0.111•1)f Ur041.41. IJ ( .11.O ►(,v!I) .11nikU 4.0•fl l)111 QlVII • agents .,Mr. and Mrs Ezra Wel:- . Mi• ss Betty Newman is Under pW 1 • maod` the 'doctor's care" for ,the. 'past week. Mr.' -and Mrs. Ben McClenagban spent..'Sunday afternoon at . the home of her ,.brother,. Mr and. Mrs.. Elwood • Barber::. :' Mrs..:Lorne Durnir , St. Helens' and Mrs. Harry'Tichborne visited last .Thursday with their mother," Mrs. l ennedy: and Pete: Mr. 'and Mrs. Torii' Morrison. Si family' d. - Mr . and Mrs. Walter James , spent: Sunday With Mr p Mrs. .G. Hamilton near' Lucknow:' . Mr., and Mrs. • 'C , Heiffer ' of Turriberry spent Sunday 'with her • BQY SCO` The Bpi'. 'Scouts held''• their` WeekJ,y n'reeiing ;on February 9th The leaders. and .,menib.ers of the'. troop were pleased to welcome'' Mr. Taveriei ' kback' .to 'our', meeti,n;'s after his `recent illness:• Business; was discussed and • plans,' forfur ther • instructiol • were made Sandy Ryder •conclucted a :�'gani:e` period. The'meeting was closed'' .. with'•the Scout- silence:-G;'Web •:.. ster. Feeds Fertilizer :Phone =7.1 Groceries Phone- 27 _ rder Your FERTILIZER • Fertilizersupplies-are limited. • In event of ' a shortage, orders will be dealt 'With in order received.,1949 ,supplies, limited production to. 1,000 'tens.. Present indications are that ui equal quantity will not be available -for. 1950. All Regular Brands Will Be Mixed' •Spee'ial Brands will, be : mixed. at4,your ' request if supplies :•' areA t 'available+ rucking Service 'supplied. • ,. $1.00 PER, TON DISCOUNT for orders nicked, up at the plant. 4 ' THE SHOP CO-OP • . WAY. Luckio'District, :.Co-O'perat'ke .. 9 i' *HII n;( ( a'