HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-02-16, Page 3t '• t.s as c.. a. r -a• o:-.• • ty, LV - as.• h. ice of • . Ca Ot" ool ,ip- THURS,,, FEBRUARV 16th, l950 • • THE LUCKNOW SZNTIN.E14 LUCKNOW, QNTA PAGE, TIIREE Local and lormillogouto".."..mr neral : 'Mrs, H. R..Allin returned from IVIiss Kathryn Agnew returned • Goderich Hospital. on Saturday. .on Saturday from a week's vaca • • tion in Chicago, •Cecil and Rustal Armstrong Of ,• • •,Pert Colborne .spent the •week- end with Mr, and Mrs! W,, Arrristrong. , Mrs. Harry J7Parnell-of 1-furcirt Township, is convalescing Satis- factorily -after having undergone •a:major. operation in TorOnto a • few,„ weeks ago,. Jack' Ackert,. of 'Holyrood 14porki 'week recently at the ihdine Of 'her, parents, Mi and S; e ' tWart„ Taylor Whil SUffeP .• - , ' .ing from sinus trouble'''. • -- 4 • ". ' • , • Postni.aster, 'Kenneth.. Cameron, :Was in° London 'the first of th,e „ •Week •. undergoing , a medical check -.up at Westrnins_ter Hospital. It is abOut'a; 'year now since Keri7: neth reeciVecli his discharge.'frotn •he hospital after :undergoing ,..)-car's treatment, and. surger0O.r. a spinal ailment. •: . ••1: Mr.: T. A. Canteron, yilio was a • patient in Wingham 'Hospital for a few days, returned home on Friday. :••• . ' Mrs. Neil, Campbell, whois vis- trng in Clinton withher sister, Mr. D. R. Webster,: spent the,. week end. here attendin,Ithe farewell .Ser•Vices the -,Presby-: terian Church. ";' ••,-; Mr., and MrS,•• 'W. :A. Porteotis . • -visitecl•the :fust'oflast week ui Montreal • with • their daughter, ori, their returnett•en-4 ded the Hardware,COmiention iri • . • • • . . Miss Jean Allin is spending a couple ot•months at :the borne of her father, Mr: H. R. „Anita, •who is, c.urivalescing from e. serious heart attack,. Miss lVtabelle Allin o TOronto,...sPent the'. week:end • • •• • GIRL, GUIDE, NEWS • The .regular piri Guide mot- : ing was held on Friday night at • 730irithe. Legion RoorriS.,..There was;an:.atreircie'rice o eighteen:. •Mis McKim told' the 'GUI -des' that there was, a Girl. Guide cil- crdar this year to be sold 'by • • the different companies. „• A Girl. Guide: hike was:planned for Sattircley..on which the Guides were tO, look for tracks' in the• .,. snowand •• weeds sticking out • . ••- . . th,tOugh the snow. : • • ••• ;• A•paeeting will be held On. Fi • afterrioon:.iti''th'e., Recreation Centre- for all.. ladies who.,are :in- tereSted .rn Guide..vvork• After .a; ••few -games - and sOngi--. • the meeting was closed with . • Oar UARY ••THOMAS RUEGLASS• • ,• . • 'Thortias jc.ernp.ton 13.ueg1a'ss, 59:- year:oldias.helorlaymer of As.hz, Township, and. One • of 'the clistrict.'s best knoWn characters, died suddenly on his kingsbtidge. farm on. .Friday afternoon Tom was 'walking' across gthe farm with friend, -Co .see a sick horse, -When he • collapsed' and was . dead: before ..,fielp could ieich him .1.16 had been a patient, in Wingham pital 'list:fll with diabetes, • Son Orf the.lato Wm: andAnpie Bilegiass he was...born 'An .ASh- field.: Township 'where" .he spent entire life';and- had • become orie-,of • :the Township's * larest.,• ratepayers, awriing!son-iesix htm- • p • c. a t ol it on Concession • 12'; His ' father died and his .mother • in. 19;32.. J -H6 two D McMui chv ef Ashfield and .1\,Ti's. boral:Urriberi . • • .'' • ...• • ' • '• • • AGED. L;ADY .PASSES• 'or'•,. ; was ..: .'. Thedeath of. Mrs. *Wm....John- het - ..- -:-..tonacctirred early ,. Wednesday • . . . ., rhprr,ing at thehome of her son, . • WI i insrn a Kintail...She, . . the ..1,S .92 years :of age; the .fncrel . • ;. :erviee il1 :be held' On •Fr'.-iiY; at: tip: , . 2.3q 0:clOck. In; Ashfield PresbY':'.• teriari.:Church with interinent 'in. the •• Loehelli Cemetery.•• .• - ' G. Mr., -tale • 0 t rat sida, the nbld Tan fre- date LhiS al a Sba- ,totoOmo 1!IMMIrlISSIdoca461M11.WIls”4,44 o•wooisro 1..UCKNOVV.' • UNITED::CHURCH'' Mumord,! Sunday, February .19th, 1950 11.00'. "Wayside Oppor-I tunities". • • ' ' . • I 1215•.P.m.t Sunday' School: 7.00 p.m.: Installation servicei • 1 • for Sunday Sehool officers• ! 1 • and teachers. Parents an/ • 1: friendS\invited to attend. • Address: On Training Our, Children. , • • • h- • ,."••••`)...1.414111..4141111111141611•41101111.06•111141,%110411111$0,11.0-0.1.0.o. • . • Chesterfields And Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Factory • Guarantee • Free Pick -Up. and Delivery • STRATFORD' PHOLSTERING, .(0. 42, laruniwiat 'St. 'Stratford' For further informatiOn • ' enquire at • • JOI-INSTONE'S • Furniture Store 'Phone '76* LuclEnovv he I C' SOF N' 1 C (2. ' ' Funeral'. Horie on: TIondiy:f1erfloor1 conducted. by. Rev. • J. R MaDortl:d of A.hfiied • • Prebyteran cll. In ei taellt.*1 was Gteenhill Crnete. C.OMPLETE - HISTORY • •••••••••••••••••`. With., the president, Mrs., -4, J. Wilsn in the chair, the Febru ary meetihg of the Women's In- stitute was held. in the Council Chamber. Mrs, Elmer Johnston and Mrs. Roach had charge. During business: details it was voted to; contribute $15 to the Crippled Children's.Fund. committee was formed to have the history of the Nillage written u1pfrom 1906. to the present,clate. This Conies' as• a request 'from the Bruce County Coimeil, • , :The motto was „.ensWerecl, by, telling °something 40 serve, unex- pected company. A paper was, reed. dealing, *.ith.. that wonderful •ecianirnLthe 1ivan. bodyaO41.• the: consideration it, should get: Miss . Margaret 'Rae had, a splendid paper on Home Econ-, ()midi. The highlight of the meet- in.was, a talk by :MisS Edith; Munroe,. the local .public , health nurse. She spoke lei -tell on child psychologY,. dealing- with •the emotional • and physical uplaring•-• :ing and 'showing ho wise dis- cipline and' the forming of good Mental, habits played 'sUeli '"art .important part in the' child's suc- cess in: life.. Mrs.' Cameron and nominating committee. Mary -Chin and Winnie Stewart favored.' with a cornet duet .arid Noreen Kilpatrick with a piano Solo. At the •,close, • the hostesses served lunch, ' •' .The March meeting concludes the year's. Work and 'a pot luck, Supper Will' be served.. • : • ., • . • . NATIVE OF ST. •HELENS DIEDSUDDENLY MONDAY. The death ..of Mr Jo‘h 1V11 er of Toronto"occ_rre'suckem,, y,n MendaY :Morning ...from a, editt attack:: He, Was in his 57th year heart• cOnditiein, • more than a. year ago, but had been muob mprov- ed in.. health: A, 'Son of the'.Iate John :•MilIer and Berbera Wallace, he • was born, et St:':Heleni Where he reW to _oung manhood.- • • The .funeral was held. in, Ton.' onto , on likrecinesdy' aftertoon His brother, • Wallace 'Miller., ten ed from. here and his sister, E,2L: thorn and: Mrs.,' Wrn.• - • .••-• Golloher• were ,present frorri.l\Tdr- • • • More flavour? That's because it's better tea • • Gilson Refrigerators and Washers Woods Combination Frigidaire and Freezers WARS. THONAS AGAR ,PASSES • . . • • The death of : Mrs. Thomas Agar'..occdrid:•et her late resi- dence :in. PraniPtan. on Wednes- day, February .8th. • Mrs. ' „Agari waS . formerly • .Mry • Hnry'. end waS° in her 8.k3thyer. The funeral Mi Milier'had suffered .fro a :Servite',Was held in,BraMPtOniOn • Friday afternoon 'with interment in, Brarriptory Obinetery.' , • • TOUG PEOPLE riIET IN ASIIFIELD' SUNDSY. A delfghtful time Was ,had at •81aites When .the Ashfield United' Church Young PeOple•vtrere hosts on Sunday ev.ening to the iiiiron Presbytery Young: People exe• tutve and? number of local union. The Ekecutive provided• the fpll�Wedhy a singsong. A. bountiful l'unch was served by; the Ashfield Young, Pevle to bring the •suocessful evening .to close; • .. • , • 'AIM TO HAVE ALL HURON CO, CATTLE WARBLE SPRAYED • T1ie ;..catriPtign ia ,ort againto have all cattle •in Huron CoUnty, sprayed for the eradication of thig • Warble fly..This work havachieV, ed fevoable results in the;past, W"---sregra-i- It is aticipate4 all townships will see fit to continue spraying the cattle tlfis-year. •. Township Federations .are be • hihd this • work and 'are. respons- ible to sce. that the petition . is • ckeFlated in plenty of• titne to get necessayv 66- percen: .of all the cattle' owners sined- up; then up to your.township tunell to pass a b -law anet make 'arrandements, to have the spraying Carried ov and a coin- • petant, irispector provided. •Some toWnships Circulated the pctitictil last. year al* got as high 11S brpercerit pf :the, cattle own.. 'er' approvaT. Held Skating Party .• Lucknow -ligh Schoolstudents held a Skating party. on Tuesday .night that featured p'broombell• genie, giriegaint the 'boys, with thelatter allowed to aie only one hand on the broom. The result Was . a draw. :NoveltY -skating •nurnbers added to the 'fun of the evening which :concluded: with the serving of sandwiches; coffee and 'dougnuts. ' . . • SHMOOS HOLD ANNUAL • OUTING AT TORONTO, • . , Members of `The Friendly Brotherhood of Shrnoos" .met to- gether at the Ford Hotel; .Tor,. onto, for their "econd, annual convention", front Febr9.ary 2nd froin the and were Sam Chins .T onto 5th : Si);' "delegates',' local brpnch attende roklly entertained 113' "president Of. th e branch". ,Aaon,g the entertain ment highlights ,on the cothten tion progran-i: Were the 195() The Follies, the .SmplionyPop •con- cert, featuring the 'Lestie-le,II Singers,: and Junior "A" hokey, AOtivties concluded With attend- ing he • evening service. of the. • Mettopolitan United Church! • At the Fridey session 'a preview Was had of a .newly ,p4b1ished book of ShrhOo" Songs 'I'WO of • t the local ;members .reynained the city for a few days,•The group included Wilfred Black, Morley Chin; Larry Salkeld, Ham- ilton, Ehrter Urribech Thompson. . • ' .. . . • • 4.. 4 • • SENTINEL • 'KEEPS HEIt IN. TOUCH WITH IvinviE, TOWN' ". Mrs. Joseph, Elliot (nee :T. M. Paterson) writes as follows., from Toronto It is .tosend in our .subscription to The' Sen- inel We 'are most hapPy to•••get' the borne town' paper for in; it We often see inews_. of interest that 'otherwise we" we- Would .neer he4r of"; •• • :" .4501 °•;• • • * I • • • • , 41 ; 010. •••••4 MeNeY.:KilPatriek Group •••• ; • 2- Mis Ernie,CraWford WaS.:hos- tess for the McNay -Kilpatrick Group of theW.. A: With 25 1adie5'. present.-•:•-Mrs-;-•:-EWart• Taylor• • sided. , and ;..the Meeting` Opened • With hymn and Prayer. Mrs: Wil- son kkarrultop: read thescripture lesson: Ater' the Jbusiness peiod, lVfiss Eileen•Uall gave .a •very iri- structive on, Trial, pc,:proit is the horrie of the Consolidated' Mining and Smelting Co of -Can- .ada, the largest in the. worktand '• W. A. president; • MrS.•Hoag, was With Us and 'gave :a short taik on the W A. wOrk. .;Misses• ..115ap,. • '• Crawford. and Joyce •••MOWfbray. sang a 1:31..iet, accompanied by Mrs. joYnt and. Mrs. Go. And • - rew. 7: The next :nleeting :is to hes,. held at the home of .:Mrs : Js ML1 •• • .• • 4.4 ,..14..$4, • • .,„„ • :11.`, •" • ; *' • ' t "0; . , •; ; *41' or • ";*1";.• • . •, '.• .•• , 41 • • • r 4, ECI •• • Now Is The Time To Have Your: Winter . . Dry Cleaning Done. • : MEN'S SUITS and TOP COATS LADIES' SUITS and COATS DRESES (Plain Only) MEN'S and LADIE& OVERcOATS • ,11. ° o • imitpd Time Only — Watch for Closing Date • r • . • . . . ,•,. • .• • „4 t • :'• r HA o141 tt o • •