HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-02-16, Page 1a. a'. Iilli` vas re- vas uf- ire • of eer .. ant red ;es," ['he . re*!1, rh& : ing• tory my st• led the• . ,ght '. eel.. een' :m.. dict. 1 • • • "$2.50• Yearly In Advance•,— 50c Extra to P.S.A. LUCKNOW, ,ONTARIO, THURS., FEBRUARY 1Mth, 1950 EIGI-IT PAGES, f X ocation Elis Ninefieth i(ear 1Vlr: Jahn Barger; .13 years. old. •' �;: LADIES, • .I. ., �. , ATTENTION.: ; died° of suffocation on Monday af- ' ternooh• when • :w _ • fire. ire '• broke .Lo,. ca. l n _ -• : f:.the the IucknoW:•DistrictG, Guide , •Niiss .P earl�and�E1izabeth- Hen-kv 1 .holdumeetin in -, 1 : 'deisoh, vtho were,„ at Coizurity Centre.,Liiday' ater-'. . the titne on their wayhome from ,00n,.Fe rtiary 17that'3 o'cock” Chicago.. attendinr,a Moody Bible :Every wciman in the canmunit v •. Institute Conference. On ; beingis cordially • iryited to attend, . advised •by plione of the' tragedy I, . ,The °Local:.Association •is the they ' returned.. bathe, Tuesday .l .•o'rganiziatian' •which.,` administers, night,. ;twenty -lour hours earlier than had: been'. their;';pla s',. It was ,George :Whitby;'; a cap- ; tarn of the Ltucknow Fire Com-' • pony, •who entered. the ., smoke- -filled • second -floor bedroom from • a ladder arid 'passed the aged run to •waitinj thands. He 'was taken to the nearby •Silverwood Dairies the Girl Guide activities' in '.the Curti i(t:., It is their duty to see' that ;proper leadei•shp is •trained arid 'maintained iri' the three branches, Brownies,. Guides: and- Rangers.. ndRangers.• Committees: 'are "formed .to test badges; look '"after Camp- ing matters and to assist in every. :Way possible: The membership is. i rit; rtff rai resparation� pen --t e-r-y-Lpexsor--ik eereste�d- was, performed. by two 'Members in girls and;there: i$.,an. opportun of the Fire Company, :Bill John- ity to".serve the. community :in; ,a • sto i'•:and • Jack MacDon.a'ld;: under very worthwhile way. The; Boy • the. dir,ection'.of Dr, .M ,H.'Corrin.• .Scout. slogan `-'It is better,to,build: Res'usitation`'efforts'• were ,carried boys than ':to mend• men"•.,•ca:n ori •for' half an .hour in �a, futile.a: apply equally well/to the :girls, hope of ' reviivin ' .the: victim.:: The Lucknow. Local Association. g„ Funeral`'Toda. 4wra foi-rned• 'in. 1923 ''and •,.;•has,' The funeral' service, for Mr. worked, with ,a•small;'.corrunittee, mmis' ner -Thea • and a Distrxct�Co io Barger is being ., held this after - s . tii:rie has.now come 'When :a larger noon ,(Thursdayy :at 2:0.4 p.m. at ,.., .. .. • s riee e ' :o. ;ladies • •Davison s Ftineral� Home •witl�i in-ymembership i d d, s , , ,. ��' • lease'^wine -.out and ' give our ter"iric?nt '; in Greenhill h° g y Rev. C. H tvLaeDonald will. be'.'ii� /char e...The deceased. was in his 9Oth •year, having 'been bm n . on. June 66th, 1860. inquestq Ordered:`:': - • Dr. M. H•.: Gillies •of' Teeswater;: :'Bruce 'County coroner •• viewed" the i ei•nains. a:t`:17avison's' Funeral • Dome• that., evenin�' :and'rele.asca the bod `for .burial. e'h.as called Luek ow an.`.•in ut.st to be held in n . Town 'Hall .on Friday, .February. 24th at • 2.00 m: p ' • 'ke Ottt Off: •Sano Y •Tt was aibout 41'5 Monday, of-. tei•noon ': that.: the; . alarm /v'as sounded.. '�R.edvers:: •Johnston and. d George;Hassa11, employees at`` the Silk er • ., iant `:almost simul vwood.pl , tareously noticed 'smoke seeping • from•the' rear'•. of the Henderson bonne across` the road.i'Meff'.' ran toy phone .the: alarmd. George and.Dan'!Thompson ran to warn'; and' help the Occupants, • of the. house. esape..They' were joined. :;b.• other e • to eel .and. atrons. from the 'Silverwood plant•: Chok- .` -ing smoke . prevented them from' getting to Mr.; Bargees . bedroom which' is at the rear' of the home Wand immediate efforts were : con- . •centrated : in helping; three' aged ladies , to evacuate the premises. Theywere, Miss Margaret• Mur- • :ray, 7g, , of Paramount; ,.Mrs: :Louisa Naylor, 76, of - Lucknow; aril 1V ss Jane, Mathers, 86, `'of. Kincardine. They were: taken to the nearby' home of ; Miss FlOra MacDonald. Besides , "Mr ; Barger, Rev. ltobbert Macconnell made' his • :hoine, at Henderssdn'.•s; -and • had. :.....su - ernrisi n' §iarin .the ;alb,_ �, o of ,it d g . •sence :•of. the. owners: Had Ilijured Leg Barger had suffered a' tall Wast' 'Saturday •'wh' a on • his .:Way: down street for a 'shave. He `:buffered a leg injury' and was taken: back,: to • the Henders(xi home where he received:- medical attentions On Monday afternoon Mr. Barger' was removed to his upstairs rooin by W. J: Davison and • James Mathers, ;who' had' been 'called to the horn'e 'for' -this' purpose, A half hour later lie was dead. Fire Didn't'Reach Bedroom The many -roomed house is • heatec by stoves -and -Rev. Mac (Oontlnued on page tt): :SENTINEL'•MAILING LIST WAS ,.REV ED• SATVRDAY' The, S.entinel, mailing; list ivas corrected tip :to Saturday p -i rnin•g and: subscribers who have made :subscription 'pay • ments during the.past•several`. ,weeks: should be credited acThe arinuai, meeting of West •i'prute 'District grange 'Lodge WaS .held last week at Amberley, Was marked•by the retirement of has serVecl as district Secietark • officer for,,,45 years and has S.er.:- in the fo lo ea acities: secretary,. '33 years; lecturer, - • ed cordingly.. ' When .tape:label 'date :'.reads,.. "49" ori.or to that date, the subscription' has' expired 'oris • in arrears; ,and'prompt atten= tion to the'matter is request FXVEFOQT DRIFTS• .. . x)( Loe1 -MoR JI�TO -T -AIN vele • - ears marshall • 3 years; deputy ut The 'Winter's ,first storm which -DAMAGED HYDRANT On Monday ',evening. the K:in loss Township:.,snowploW . struck tie hydrant at' the: C.N.R.• :corner, and put it out, of• •commission; •A hose line and `coupling was• also ruined.: The incident.. happened, fortunately; • after * the Henderson. ,fire . had'been,. extinguished, aria :.the;'`hydrant 'was not. then beings used. "'Repairs 'Were . made •on. •Tuesd o: Put the 'h. drant back" ay t p, h , y in working order, MEMBER:AT.I'N FI=FTY-F�'. E YEARS ... in "-master,.,1 year • and county Trial-;. clew it�p ,late �.d Monday .afternoon, . . ter, 1:; : year. Mr. McDonagh w did a ;quick': job` that. of • Count - 1V.fa�ster, iii'1909. " ;roads and •rail way l;nes., • . Y . , ,. • . . . �ueki.ng A ;,inixtire' at sleetB'•,and snow - He has been a ''member of Zion. Lodge 'f°'7. ' 55 eat s. This' lod e Whipped 'by., a• strong east wind• �• •, "rejuvenated"y g reduced visibility and traction was recenly., ' .. and: and, brought•a..c•generalyneW..has ths ie largest . membership, in „wie- WestBru'ce District with almost a eaniplcte ,stanactill Ambe 1e ' Lodge .a �close'-second. • The •C.N.R.•train on ;; Tuesday g x Y w,.,.There was' a' large.turn'out at. mernin became. log ed in 'a five-•. : g ' ,• 'la 't' v eek'sglistrict meeting when 'fool drift in the cut at;;Fraser s s m g' iri officers Were ere , ele • .the.' follow o c w c... .interest and su ort • to the C�ir•1 ; ; ' .... :. � . � ` miles g � , . pI? _ ,...,: ,,:_ Viac�iinnon s._, faun, two......... • GuidEs.• north oJ town. The ,sugar Pike ed county •'master_.Robert M,1c- • . ,Cormick' :de ut ., master• •.Claude. : snow, : packed : into a ^ sand-lik.e p.. , Y. — ":DoreHutton• is d the t : h eless p CONFER ` i 4S:*. EISTRIC`T MAN The Municipal ,Council and the Luc i.now Board of Education held a joint„ session last Friday night to, discuss, the .matter of . the pro= posed Lucknow High •,School' dis- as ects�o : -. trict .and the financial p � • •, • The Board of Educaticiri pre '• rented ,the ••follov'irg ;esoltation'.: ,"When:. Lucknowh • School Area is. formed. the: Board. of'.Ed• A ucation of L:ucknoik requests the Lucknow Village Council to agree to.assurne a higher proportion o±, any capital ex-periditur•es 'than , would be •indicated by present equalized kassessnernt". ••The Council approved 'the re quest in principal stipulating -that • •ang suggested .•:adjustririent' .:must.' .; have' the •Council's: 'approval •be •fore becoming final. �,• Councillor. Ernie Crawford, and Robert. Rae of the. Board of : Edi - - cation were delegated •to inter v eihfie-ds"�Towrt"t1 Cauicii" " concern:in the. High :School • IDis- g g trict • uestion.' They were • accom q panied.;by Reeve 'J. C. McNab. • AN F1RST S; R MARCH FIRST. ':Wednesday, -1Vlarcli 1st • is' the cl; tte sot fol• the lii•st com'rnun�it°✓ auction ::sale :'in ,Lucknow,' and hereafter, if the cr�tidic�all: t , P Y. i:ci ect is favorably ieceived. ; :project n;ass,.an e ramwas., oop ri.:ved rec ,: mersti �,t th.. �,. • Ontoil •Percy ANGUS CALVES •AVAILABLE FOR' LOCAL CALF:,CLUB Any boys.' or • girl. wishing Polled Arictis:'calf with which to J enter; .the,.Luckn'aw..Agricultural .Society's Calf. Club, , should con- • tact Toth: Todd .."at St.= . Ielensi •;' Toil."'' is- 'one of .the.:' Clubp leaders, 'and can obtain a few':blackcalves if interested em"bedded•.ti�ntil :plow;ar P«l .boys or girds set at_ once. i s ec., Earl Tout;,assistanC sec : a'n was so nreleas ter. Errirrieiton;• tress., Bert Alton ho ii �.he tri o from: n,2c-Cormi..k, fun. •see, Ches- �ariars11a11, Morley Mills',lectu:x.ers, d'and' arrived' at the •local;•depot , .o, e. t : 1.23 fare ' .than seven C: Einmerton• and 4.Ii:win ' a pJn•,' 1 t ours'•":beh'ind''tiirre: it. was the'. The:semi-annual ''Meeting will. be held' at. "Zion in June en from A. deputation v=as Pres ,i t ' n. ' ex ` : i. ' . lz i.n ita•t�o Harristan tend,ng,: a v for ,. t e ` district''lodges-'to: c ele; brate July 12th•inthat !town since' the bad•:tie up iri. March ,of, 19;47: : • I ri�ie4 3i•omro otrr ' of the 'sale is • °Country ads wel'e badly blocii ,Jack' 'Iaclntash of Paramount, ed arid :main. highwais.:Were who.- is wbrki;ng 'ib-- ,conjunction rwith thc 1A,ricultui•al Cominittee Of . the:, Lucknow. arid'. Disti-;ct Chamber of •Commence in. his, ef- forts'. :f- forts to -:."swing" the.. venture.' 'The auction will'; ..e held at Mr. MacIntosh''s ' sale. barn in Lucknow, which'. was •.form' rly Janes • •Johnston's''.; livery barn which �:r. :Macintosh recently purchased:., It -is an,�•open' market :available l:a ssible until .plows went't.hroug.o. l3us , service' was. ; disrupted' on Monday night and•Tue qday morn ing, and:,the comirtia�nity was with-' out Bail T a .err. ori ';.Tuesday S p p in.orniin;g - when the' . paper 'truck didn't' get in': By.,, Tuesday after', `noon'. it: was pouring rain. The Jtiveni'(e hockey .teanii. had, a Abad trip home from ' Goderich on ;Monday..night• :and, the. Ripley boys s reniained here overnight; • y -Y • to anyone who has a• saleable art i.le to offer;: All cattle .•must be �. c . 'tested and; all stock ;offereci Ts. ;'tel a STRICT FiIRE .must be free of• disease: There • , charge no. ca for articles not . H i EFS.: TO .ME ET will' be h g C ''Members of the Lucknow Fire Company were in Ripley' •last week• discussing. lire, protection matters 'with members .: of the' Rile_Brigade,. Outcome -of, this meeting was 'the decision to'call' ..`a district meeting of fire chiefs, : reeves of ' Stall. reservations, may,be•made flay Phoning. Mason's ' Garage, Lucknow,, or Jack Macintosh at ount..'The auctioneer Will Paramount , e,.:_ erson. be Wellington. H..nd , ..... ENGAGEMENTS • Mr. and Mrs.Alvin Barkley of Echo Bay wish to announce the engagement of 'their: youngest u Zona Joy-:'toStewart daughter, Y� Enland; son- , of" Mr: and YNi`r's England; James England. 'The•wedding will e the latter part of Feb -1 take place the ruary. , o on Expected Horde #e So n. ct tl .that, Wilbert It is expected Hodgkinson will be able, to 're.: turn home at theend of the N,Veek: had ' . his• left hand. `ba'dly Vi�ib mangled three weeks ago in an, accident at Lloyd's' Sash & Door factory Wing hain..He has had an : three casts 'applied to the hand in: the meantime, 'as every effort is' �being'made to restorethe hand as :fully as. pn$sib1e. • He lost one finger arta two others were all but 'severed:' district, Municipalities, and iheads of insurance coinpamies, serving this :area A representative of the Fire—Marshall's-Office will be in- vited'to attend this conference:' '• l t is -expected that fire co'm. panies i:n Lucknow,: Ripley, Kin carding, Teeswater and' Winghar3Jl will be. represented at this meet-. Ing when itis intended'to co-ord- Mate fire 'fighting` efforts in.•the district and .arrange- ;i;iiutual aid plans.. It ' will be _ necessary' :to, study technical .points of eacch company's, equipment so it can .adapted for use in .neighbor- ing municipalities if reci.uired. Those; from. Lucknow` at last week's Ripley meeting were Fire Chief .K. C: Murdie, Jack Mac -- Donald, J. L:. MacMillan and Jim Ieriderson. • ,TO PROCEED • WITH FIRE- . .ESCAPE- ERECTION The Village• Council: has auth• ori.7e' 'the 'ro+ert C'o mit .e pr ceed with: the erection of: a =" o e fir'e. escape on the:Town Hallin. ace.rrda ce.with.th.,e'estite .su. b mittedby "AlexMoivbrayL • Ionored BCongregati�n on u 0 . OF.25-'Year-Ministr' • G7 Rev. •Dr::Charles II: 'MacDon- ald. ld gyp. resc hed farewell services at Lucknow . .and Dungannon on Sunday,to' terminate •a pastorate that was within a• feW. Months of reaching, twenty-five • years. Rev:'•MacDonald came t.o'Luck= now in Octaber,.1925, succeeding - •the. late Rev. Robert •Ma11um whose death'occurred in the early mer of that . During Y yearDr. MacDonald's ministry here he rose 'to the highest position iri the church, ,When : he was elected as,,Moderator 'of' the General As= 'setnbly- o f - t h: e' Presbyterian Church -in Canada in, °June offs 194? Dr. MacDonald has accepted an invitation to the two-point. charge 'at'Bluevale and Belmore. He and • cDoiiaid moved' to their never , charge yesterday. , and Dr MacDonald will :be inc'iiteted • 'on Friday evening, 'They will reside in The Manse at Bluevale:, . 'Miss ADDRESSED OWEN .SOUND ROTARIAIITS . 011T MONDAY V., Johnston wad `in Owen' 'Sound' on.' Monday when. he 'addressed 'a luncheon meeting ofOwen Soun Rotarians: The .; ,• Si ° R address * r subject of phis as "Med- kine and ,Modern' , Society". As ipresident of the . Ontario Medical ' Ass iation ' , :Dr.:Johns'ton .s. ` a .busy 'man, as he is in frequent, demand as a speaker;,.., and, has numerous:' conderences and, con- ventions Marion MacDonald, who is in. structor, of :music iri. ; district schools :will remain here during. the school week, ' and will make her' home at •Mr" • and, Mrs, IX7, A. Russell's: At the Sunday morning ,service' Dr:,MacDonald addressed his :per- sonal "remarks: to his: congrega- tion, .and 'at .the evening service confined -his farewell to an.• ext- pression..of appreciation to those - (Cior[tinued on page 8%'„'' INJURED ''•SIN BUST' ACCIDENT • Joseph. .Weiler of. the Second. 'Concession,. Kinloss, is in Walk- erton 1-fos ital : with 'severe: chest, injuries .received -in •.a logging • ac -y J ' cident'about four o'clock 'on Wed= nesday.afternooi1 of last week, .Mr Weiler was.11oading kgs' on • tb a truck in a, Culross rownOlip woodlot• at• the time. One ,1' the,• Jogs rolled off• the truck and: iri striking him inflicted ,a broken collarbone and;,fractured ribs, His injuries' :were 'considered quite' : serious at.the time;: but Mr, Weil er,'is now, noaking$favorable pra grecs, in. the County Town hospi- tal. ,1 t