HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-02-09, Page 7l5U _TB R•SS.; .FEBItuAity ' 9th,'. '1950.
air '
(By W„ r 'y. Roy)
The executive and directors • .of
Huron County :Federation met re-
cently in Clinton. and decided to.
hold .their next meeting. on Feb-
rua,. 21st ;and. have two voting
rY .
delegates , pesent trorri, e•ach,.
township as it isplanned to dis
eus,finances., f
It has been proposed that , one
fifth' o . a:.mill levy. is not
,. income. to ,support. the
'ederatiort work, and .it has, been.
suggest -ed.
that ' this. levy. be,
, shamed to.. o -fifths of 'a mill,
It -;.was also. suggested that - ,the
division., of this , money between
e -M
township . and ': : d t he,countY, . be
- changed:' ' • •, ••• ':i: •
-'The 'Federation Will again hold
field day and publish 'a •
book. One invit•
ation. has been 're-
ceived to hold the annual picnic:
in Goderich again this • year. No
'action. 'was taken ' on this invit-
tion as it . was considered .advis-
able to wait .and see if other, in-
vitations. are received, '
Huron County led' all , count-
, ce: i'
, iesinthe l'r,on n. amount of
-• erative - life ' insurance sold
�Co; op
during •1949 $118,000,00 .of Insur-
ance was placed by Co -Op life;
agents in : Huron County during
-Huron County County was 'second high-
est•' in number 'of vehicles, insured
with 665`., insured up to. the 'end
of:1:949,: and.rthis county was first
in potential coverage:.This shows
that Co - Pp insurance is definite=
popular- Company :and ,:(lust
be what the Huron;•County farm-
er, has been lgoking..for.
Miss Catherine Gibslon 'attend
ed the No mal School 'Yat home"
at Stratf(Arcl en Friday evening. •
On Thursday .afternoon,' the
Holyrogd • Women's Institute meta
at the home of Mrs.: Wm, Eadie
with the vice press Mrs. P. A;"'
Murray, in charge. The Meeting
opened with the singing oaf the;
Ode ,and .the Lord's ;prayer was
repeated in -unison, Business 'fol. -
lowed with plans being made .for'
the re-opening'.of the .Holyreod
Hall which hasbeen ezttensively T
renovated,. h, .' ,iiloss' To.' :ri-: M th ' f t Indian woman,' nc4:uding a heavy
r',, d. by .the w•. •.
shi assisted the omen's.-ln p t d Pi quilt. Mrs. E. 'V.. MacKenzie and.
p'.1),Y' e World„ f , Mrs. Douglas' ffered' "to act .on
stitute.' The c�om�inittee •in: charge � •lVt g A
..nited Chgreh• V{T:, M. • S
The W:1Vf S. .of the United
Church held their February meet-
ing at the: home of Mrs. Umbach
with 25 meirnbers, present. The!
President, ..Mrs.. "W. , 8; Anderson,,
conducted the devotional period
and., business,. The theme 'for the
worThip •service was ':`The church,
the "household of faith". Mrs. Roy
P,resbyter>ian `W.]V .&
Mrs, C Mason was• hostess for
the February •. meeting, at which
twenty ladies. ' Were 'present. The
retiring • president, • •Mrs, C. 'H.
r "•
lunch., The Week of Prayer will'
be held. in the, United Church on
February, 24. The regular March.
meeting will 'be at the .home of.
Mrs.•, W. Douglas with Mrs. ,It
self in change.
MacDonald was in the chair, Af-
ter the opening ' hyr}n, 1Vliss M. '
MacLeod led in prayer'. In• the •.ab-
sense of the ,�:eeretary, MrS, :Port-'
sous;: Ntrs. W. Douglas 'read 'the
minutes after which various.mat
`Culbert; rend' the • scripture. 'The ,ters came up for discussion. Ten
stewardship secretary, Mrs,, A. ladies offered to help in the. Red
Treleaven, read a'• timely paper Cross '• work. • The 'bale require-
on Stewardship,' and Mrs. Neil merits:are 12 and ,clothing for. an
l $
ac enzie` e ,herald or ern,
oe�;ance re 'ore' :-Plans are n
derway ,,for the oil 1Ya t o ,
•Pr e r' i • �' h '11 he
a r b m: w
y P. gra , �'�'.c l
held. on ri •. a t6 roar i
the :United • wish, ',The ro ' am•::
a r+an e Mrs.. "eo. ' .Ti rexiv,
r g ,•y..
Mrs• Chas,.' Cong�;a.rn •:and Miss.
SueKilpatrick,incl i s . a sold
by • Mrs.. Harold • treleaven, a:
paper ;oh. the . Stewardship, of
Mile and'talents by 'Mrs: 'J'
Jo t "and : ars. Jim.byMrs,Ewartreviewedtheyears,•
soldcallSi,Val-andsunny'life"given ored With a fine solo with. Mrs.'
May Boyle. Mrs. Ed 1 h Ate- Ch h" .Taylor.
ee'. Mrs. R s e11<<
the,:sick c.ornmitt , . u7s . • ,,
Fid F b 4th ' nr i ere t portions 'frank the
. , .., .Yf Y. , read d ff .. n
Clair Agnew at the piano. In the
conducted a heart 'contest. A re-
citation "So�melbod 's Mother"
was 'given : :by Mrs. ' Thos. 'Harris:
Mrs. Howard Harris:; ,,took charge
Of a quiz. Mrs.', .Allister. Hughes,'
:Mrs. Eldon Eckenswilier; & Mrs.
Mark Johnston •were judges for
a Valentine 'cookie. contest. The-
-w'+iriri-ers�`w•ere-•�Vlrs--P�-�A �u�r�y
and Mrs. Lorne. Eadie. The meet-
ing with prayer • after which Mrs.
Charles Mason •served a :dainty
• few of. the men 'On the, line
Lave started to• do some work on.
the drey Ox' -school ' house so.: rt.
can be used as 'a communitY••can-
Mrs. Beth '• MacLeod spent a
eek . with ''
. ' days . of last•'week fewd
• 3
friends in Kincardine..
Mrs.•• „Gt. Gu•Stayson,•formerly
/ �
Clara ,Stra'thdee, ofthe .P•as'
"111ia •,
and • Mrs:, W Abernathy ;of aBows-
Man; Manitoba, Who Was:: former-
n Strathdee, P s' ent several. '
days • of; last week among their
cid neighbors on the Fourth.
Mr. Jack. Gilchrist'of Mt, Forest
spenttheweek-end at ..his home
on 'the :Fourth, -
s. R Martin was in. Niagara
several days last 'week as a dele
gate to ' the Federation of Agricul-'
tur, e •.'eorivention
The .Farm ' For urirr (net • at the
home of • Mr. W. F: MaeDonad
:last:. Monday night.
closed' With the National an -.t,.
them .and a dainty lunch was
served •
Mis. 'ATthur,:Graham spent the•
week -end at..Stratford 'with her
sister;'.Mrs, Dorothy Thompson:
Mrs..:Jacob•' 'Eckenswiller.' spent,
a few days with•Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Graham:. •
Sympathy :.is extended to the
family .of' the -'late' John • Ttiomp-•
son. who passed away in 'Kinser=
{dine, IHospital''on Monday last
Sunday visitors with Mr'Ger-.
dem, Hodgkinson were/his'mother,
Mxs Maude H
••odlgkinson, r Mrs.
Garfield.Sh•oebottom,Mrs:: Clark
Stanley, and son 'John and Miss
Audrey : Baird, all of Clinton
Mr. and Mrs: Midford Wallen-
tertained the Anglican •; Young
People on, Monday' evening.
er and Helen visited SGunday rwith
Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Wm.' Wall:
,Relatives ,' andfriends ' from
here attended .`the funeral of ',the
late Joh•Thompson•' at the Link -
later, funeral; home,. Kincardine; is
ori:.;Wednesday •
1VIr and Mrs. Pete Shoebottom
sand family of London spent •., the
°week=end; wwit*Mr., : and'�Mrs:• Karl:
Boylct.: ',-
Canadian private: banks are.' no
'longer allowed to• issue bills.. The
igovernsnent bank alone has thP
family : plot .. should
graced , with the :'shrine
beauty. of a monument
wili be. everlastingly a
•on cus=`
0 ose t, res ". e' ave
classic, styles to suggest,/
will work with. you
:tom designs.,
• "Exceptionally low
No canvassing, which.elimin
aces sales commissipins:
Inscriptions Repairing;
Sandblasting- 10Iemo'rals /.-
•25':Years' Experience '' ' '
25 Years'
The 'latest in. Portable ..
f • Sandblast 'Equipment,
A•11 wor... personally.: executed
Brownlee M marial
' Alfred' St.:, ; WINGHA1V1
• 'Phone 450 •
or ,.
Ripley, • Ontario., `
COWS •$2.50 each •
HORSES —.$2.50, Ea
HOGS -=— 50c. per' cwt'.
(Over 250 lbs. each) .
Phone collect:
Ripley .112'
• Wingham 561-j,
61-f ;Ingersoll 21. •
William Stone Sons, Ltd.
The Kintail Women's' Institute.
r iet. for the ;February, .meeting at.
the:,home- 'of Mrs.•' David "'lVf1dc�•
Kenzie. Mrs. Frei -MacGregor
was in charge of the -'•,program..
After the usual'opening exercises
the minutes wea'e• read 'and I use
ness old and: pew, was taken`care
•of.: A donation; Of .$10 'was given
to help:the the 'C.P.T. ' fund .. JO? this
district.. $15:0.1'+\•as :as. e onated to the'
open air 'rink• land. $10 Was
sent, to 'Goderich.-Hospital-The
roll •call `tA treasured dish and
its history" proved very:interest
ing..Miss Pearl Jamieson gavea
review' .o'f'the 'book "Cheaper by
.the Dozen". The',program ,cpnsist
ed • of a piano solo' by` Mrs,•;W:
.Johnston, solo; Mrs's. Duncan Mc
,'Kay; r,eadirg, i,�Tlie''•11icker";•
piano solo; Mis•:Duncan Sime --
son: • ;The singing` of. the National
•Arithem,.Ybrotef The; rYeeting;''to
Weak, Tired, Nervous,
PeplessMen, Wmen
Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality
pay goodbye to these wean, always tired feelings.""
depreesfon and nervouenees due to weak, 'thin
blood. Get up feeling fresh, be poppy all day, have •
Plenty of vitality left over by evening. Take C etre%
C,ontalne iron Vitamin Di, calcium( 'phosphorus;
for blood building, body strengthening stimulation.,
Invigorates system,improvee appetite, dlgeat1Ve
only 60e. Try little. Tonle'Tablete for neeeddvi.'norr-'
mal pep,•vimr Vigor, this very day. At W drionwu.
•.`. •
``\�`� `----.• : may.e.
4ftec*h. a, all it
' /Aiding -'pigs within: the sow
'. putting body" Weight on the
sow herself as a reserve for :the
milking period .. 'Improving
the quantity and quality of the
milk after she farrows °... •is`a job,
for a'top quality `faedhr.
that's made, fresh with National
Sow and ' Pig concentrate .
Feed 'your;next litter in the sow.,
5.. your Local NATIONAL
Feed Dealer today
If a sow farrows 10 pigs;-
igs, she must build 45 pounds ' 1`
of young` pigs as well as her own bodyin. the 1.
last 114 days. Only a specially balanced .sow
ration can do this 'job. •If you want strong, 1
large vigorous litters L ` feed them in the
sow and 4keep,them growing on a ration made
the NATIONAL way. • ,
GI; see In lin me mi mu em• Ns Wel "Fie mw
wet me'
Insist on.
• NATION� AL well -cared, fertilizer. •
C •‘r