HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-02-09, Page 2�f. -' THE 1 UCI NOW SENTINEL• Ontario A utherized as Second Class Mail, Post OfficeDepartment; Ottawa , Member'. of . `The C. W. N. A. • Established 1873 .— Published.Each Thursday Morning' Subscription Stibscription Rate - $2.50 A Year, in Adlwance-To U.S.A. $3.00 • • L. C. "Thompson, Pulblisher. and Proprietor. THURS., ; FEBRUARY 9th, ' 1950 L1.IGI0OWsENTIN'EL,, .I,UCKNOW, ONTARIO • 1 •' DUSTRIAL 'LOCATION, NOT . 3N MERE. ECONOMIC. MATTER... • When' 'Chambers •,of,Commerce, raurnOipai councils and transpor- '.cation. - experts' and economists discuss .the problems ':of attract=. :fir industry to. •a particular. smun iclpalityf they Olt about such things as . freight rates, proximity the source. of Material, y, , suppl. to, and distribution costs.;' DIT They Tawe partly right, ,for, these some part • have ,' •finch. factors w ,are..... in determining the most economic o � ation of any industrial enter loc ' prise. Neve, however;.°underestimate: themaw er '. of a woman nor the sociability • and;: "livability" ' ,o#' one's community; This'fact •was recently' eznpha- Sized --by '-inaznufaotuners-in 'cus • in' the matter of decentral- s g ization• of industry, Industrialists. SEAWAY NEEDED!: �. (By L. ,Stingel,, ungannon) So John L. DLewis is; to blame? But• this is no excuse, we claim, For. down in Sydney and Glace •Bay There is coal enough, theysay, For the railroads here to burn, But we fdo the seaway spurn As 'twould . cut into .Our earning, No* the. hard way we are learri- lig; reed awl rt -e or not•' And some trains .are standing,atill• abande , o shoa • r n 4 It : does: not seem reasonable, Cause„ we Wouldn't .foot' the bill however, that. the railway should, To make' a 'seauray .to AtI'antic, le to keep ce with. Some of us were .driven frantic. not ,be,..ab . �, ,., .tr ns sortation, -'de'.' e'thought.' how, •much. we'd" Present, dlaY � p' As W BRWA Y ...gth, 1950 ,.THROUGH -THE Sixty: Years ....go .. r D. C.. Taylor was Noble Grand of Lucknow .Lodge I,O.O.F, and John Elliot was recorder, ' ; The -reading room of the Me- ;Chanics Institute 'was •open each week -day. evening. from 6 .to. 10. p.m.,- except ' on ,Saturdays when the..hou„rs ,were from 2, to' 6. The. was D. D. ` Yule' •.arid president James Somerville was secretary.,: SENTINEL. FILES Ranger was T.•' G. ' Gaunt, Frank` Henry,; vfiancial secretary ,of the lodge since it was organized,, gave' " the • address. of the evening; Catering arrangements were id' • • charge. ' of Ken. Paterson.' • The. lodge l,ad a men ibreship of 83, res M ` Armstrong staged her p • w Mrs: j. •riands�and still be the chief con-, ' •• : ,.., : , 'spend. • .. . • - ,•. ::• �sixt'h- annual: benefit in •the. Tern., tender for ' this • fl'ourish ng bust- ,Before pthe frea�ghters• caul �. , : ro ram , peralnce Hall: A variety • p g ti • • � ascend' � w . , r , resentat�on reels::.• was° featured by the{ p_ ` thin seems certainr-=ser- grin irig us the' coal for burning, „ .i One, g g, • of •the farce.. Mx;_ .. n which 'vice on the.branch lines, compar- That would :let, . the wheels ,keep part were ''Robert vic those taking able .to''the' horse and buggy era, • turning,'; George Murray, Amrtiby • •McNabb,,' Will only be •a Millstone .to a • ••' ` Grundy, Maggie Burgess, ;1VIag� progressive and prosperous sat : ;.; r.. i TERROR. : gie Campbell and Kate . Murdoch, • Tonal' system.. .• DEATH'S pointed out ' that in -some • cases. the 'biggest ` single :obstacle was . no x�•g adequate the cost of'• rnov�ing,:the find- ing ade uate personnel, nor freight rates,no hydro rates, but . merely convincing °cel tain. key •error Y `lo` eel and 'their. wives thatP Y life in :a sniall`town: was "human". Making strangers feel, at home, improving local recreation :facil 4. • VASTLY OVERRATED •Thomas •Davis died at his home •- ---- at Paramount:• a was . survived. "Look death ;in the face" caun- ,b his wife, one son' and two • HE CANADIAN' SCENE.: .. �.. , Y leis J. D Ratcliff,',in: the Feibru� ;daughters. nett' officers'' were.. tpres;,. Finlay, Phe e. t the Lan' business atmos ,• • • Digest' "His count- The. Sentinel was .passing : on utset of 1950 is iri., wry Readersi D, igest.MacDoniald•, ; vice 'pies.; Gladys. e at g the o the warning .to the .ladies' that . u �cer=• ''.t so terrifying as , weions . MacDon'ald;MacKen- ' some' :degFree 'clouded by. P ere le isn't the us r;.qf' :;hot curling i ,• .. � . verse . • , rel ole �' ,� , • . _ : zie;•' trews:, • "Dou:glas MacDonald; . taint and .,coon eve ad re: led to Ybeheveb All �; va. a ld turn their. hair gray• pre Y a wou winds roars• .owrerseas: But. . . death ''is • • • < trade n ence , indicates that maturely. ,• pianist. ress irepouea'rEnola ed rBuswe g; v xtumerous ,,appraisals ev d . „' . ud u1 b M d�- :; :ewell __banquet Was, being p_ •s :._ _ l -J•-_.g__.g .,. �., .. _:..._ �..�� _--._---- e-nerally�welcomed; �by the -..age, ,A fax , • 4 Hook for arti�cu�la� fines � •' : 'Hotel � Blackhorse,:. form r:ePx'eseY�tatiV'es; I; �BobT t the nu P s merciful relief :held at Roes , • :. .. •n � canxiot:.red' 'infirm, offers' : , , , ,: .� 0k -deputy .Thompson, Clark -Finlayson;_ the, consensus.• of. opmno a for T. • J. Stewart, an r Edith:Smith, Catherine.:MacKeri- • btermed : • essimistic. Business the' sick. Although they 'hap .Kinloss e 'p ... • reeve of nnan• months •been .foie- feared -death all ' their lives' the: liar fo Y A home: guard ' brigade, was drilling at Whitechurch 'under the • command :of Capt., Robt, Carr.ick;: Whttechttrch folk gavt a rous- ing o s- ,,. i sendoff to. :Russell 1VIcKa .. Toni Gart in and John Kennedy, who 7.1:eft •?for' 'London after ' en- listing.in the t ird ' certtingen t Twenty. Years Ago'' Joan Tiffin, •9-year-old:daugh ter : of ' Mr...and Mrs, "Elmer Tiffin. of Langside, died fol'iowing ani• appendix operation. ' She was ill with scarlet fever at the time The High School'Literary'Soc . ities, raising the' culrtural level ` •'of a community and' : other', sun filar •'considerations' are �of:t a n. " ; '.'hard-headed: "pooh -pooped • by business men' '.and labor leadersr o `claim' ;that the anain job of `wih :.. a chamber of :commerce or ^a:'town: ouncil 'is to :go out Land. get' More 'd try 1 on 'the side of .,tabilityc Moreover, industry'. warned of •�niore difficult and everwhehning majority of'people n • y ier conditions ' ahead, I spabt are willing, to• meet it when it Township who' had accepted a position travelling' er-Masse Company. for the, Sawy Y of Ilarriilton Said that 'fairly•.!be a .es . deed; . it m.ay, con A, .drowning f while Canada's. `postwar economic '. Testifying .to the. • abse ice of -agony: and: terror in dei .pisthe of tthousands who have. died by, .drowning; h k as xna io'n— Y rem me ica a :b • e Ratcliff' These • neo 1 , teniti;on. • .P . p : ,article - ' ibex t . avein ' e. -. m L fro ed the -40d-': Y► , turned frown .^and in bl theyreport that'. there: n' Tush • no' Pain,. no ter-` vwas. no a g P •rer mere an,all-enveloping eace" p physician, Sir'. . Wil- The ' reat- phys , g !Tarn, Osler • studied': .500' deaths. ental... , . ! . re- n two . showed :signs pension,• b lY , . incial secretary was accepted .:tb ld• In , .accident :occurred, t NfcFarlan•s Lake at Kinlough.. T,We ouhg nen; referred' to only . Y. • hole-where'they through: a a been, cutting' ice.. , Ratcpro-'experience zne. III Lorraine • Bra!bson; . Bili Campbell. aced' with.. `'e Major ex.pendi cure :of a proposed dornestic'water.' advisoryMurrayitPrivategot 1 abSent., h t only to J G Anderson Russell Robert ` e' ' following a ;,ri revived y pt d 1 t son and•.A, D. Mackenzie, was ap'. debt be p ' ears" is still pointed to work with theCour►= trend in postwar.y d th e -and was drowned • hi h 'hi:..relation : to outman t 1 condens cil 'and' .Hugh McIntosh and E1= not unduly gpoints, • income and resources. There is no "h d ed re lieu ' Miller the tcanvass . 'tock 'market , T' . •can. large, rvolume •_of •s culation recariously poised'on varia y , .. how many spe PTh install this iffy -Five Years : Ago. The Women's' Committee • of the •Patriotic''. Lea• : 'e •'bras• asking :to cotton. and table linen pieces 'left ''at `:Miss. Bo d's,•.dressmaking Y rooan, to be used in• making `lint and !bandages.. for .army hospitals ,a fatindat on of borrovried money. All.'.these • are Fant factors l 'inPort .. �d tool . • have . , It sten . ha ,.pens; however;•, that while there is, general acceptance 9 Yp •'�a _I 196 0 nti • seemingly unimportant considera of the •possiibility thatY , F A to ii • ions suc ,. things ':which 'determine • the in- , os r- ' cial r ``dustriial and comn,er, 'P Pe , ity. of a 'town or village. Industrial heads ''etre .:unques- essed iby the Way / aioriafbEly "impr Y ,of life in any communityin which theyywlo. d` . consider locating: (.They like the: plea They, like Tn ypeople. the; fisfhing. They like'•the beauty ° of the' community. They •are im- essed by the 'cleanliness' of . the • !pf town: In other words, they thank that's the: sort: of'.' place I'd' like to live in and'raise my children: And if their key executives . feel the same'Way, the'industrial' prod gress of.;.that..town •is' stiire A friendly 'welcome and a pleasant :face is Often a greater . asset to ;.a • comm -unity • than . a , 'strategic' location., • I1VIP'ROVE- IT, OR END IT• ' paper This • . _Wh _ not. reduce the. ` 'the C.N.R.•. curtailed .its service all saving._ . Y . , ' s ` did not "join the hue and' Crythat Was raised when ars-c---Peee SL frim he peaks achieved in 1949, a survey of foreseeable prospects strongly suggests :that the year will. still reasonably ood business witness, reale Y g conditions. • When the osi There .are,, times rnv , p lion: of the small town newspaper publisher, is notes ,enviable one. in on mews is the The `report g ; .., paper's business • 'sand obligation, and whenever p tine information. is :available ' -there. is little choice Publish it, regardless, but. to .:polo though stripe of the , sensational and tempered by consideration. R:, Deachman Ottawa econ- o• mist, J. ist comes.' forward with die erre , �ed to otic were appointed :town. 'to determine.•. hotiseho'iders. ,would . domestic • ,water ser - All:. these er- :vice , • ub orifi C 1 f ` the . ,Curling .:Officers o O. Gallaher;; were: pies.,, :Rev. E. vire pres.,• C. Finney; , sec., T. of terror• Dr Arthur ' MacDona in .`: est Toro ' Th 'b l 'ef incorporate "a' new .'company his t acids that dying is, acco'rilpanied by 'severe suffering, may arise ,from misinterpretation'., of o"u-t:w a r d physical,. signs.. The'' act 'is confus- ed with symptoms:of the disease Which ' preceded death.' There seems " to ;;be • a'•• pause in mature the seems has conquered,' the bat e is over: The body, fatigued battle The by its efforts;to sustain itself, is read o die: All is' tranquility". Ya Dr ' Alfred Worcester„ professor emeritus of; hygiene at Harvard,, •says: "Death . is almost .always*, preceded by a. perfect willingness' tTMo.' die.. It is eas at the last, Y. , ny.; .e;,. e1 .P.. • LuCknow known -as The" Sepoy, Ntanufacturing �mpariy'(forts . .. t 73'" 'John S MacDonald,, who a erl� the�I .g H ld C ) re Y � fid for �• 58 years• as p idea that the number. of members. ent ' in.:'the "'.Federal , of, ..parliament House, he reduced ,,from ' 272 to: 150 and that salaries" be. 'boosted 'frown. 6,000 to , $1,0;000,. 'Which would' result in'a sizeable '•over - mid -da . train •ser- numlbers to 150 -•-period., over - and cut •. off Y . w ' • from ', Luc � _. dw.:..It o .t and .. kn ., � : • .,n, cheek would be • With tongue ,r td " have done so. .• :Mitchof <fhe •bran ch .' line sex;p vice' provided by the O.N.'R. is. Of thehors e and' buggy days and ith curtailment was of ; little. con- cern to the rank: and file of the. community, . who depend' largely ' is ' . on , motorized vehicle f or ran t por.tation and f3;eiglit haulage.. • '`.Mail 'and express' ,service was • the` chief concern when the cur- ta ent order. • was announced, but transport , service replaced The iron horse and 'as 'a result the afternoon mail is now avail- • able' locally ,an hour or so earlier &than• heretofore. If the ,C:N.R:. can' .devise ,'no. better system . of;, transportation than its outmoded, cumbersome and slow mixed train mid-day` service, • it is, all to ,the •good • that this 'effort at railtway'••service .be en Years, Ago .•': m rial Ba o er : o. i•h• an •authorized capital ''of•`.acted:; ' wt center .at South: Knloss. Church,, $20,000.' The charter • rriern�bers eivi .. widespread pub- Dr:. G. A. New was rec nog were John J ate,. .. this 'connection: Frank `-Tate W. �G:' Andrew, ,; Hefty in ton, ers , =The -Whi b trio: of :broth , 'George It Smith, Joseph Aglnew t Y Who ;enlisted` 'soon after •war was and W. J '.Wraith.. The. Company � hen :,Was':' manufacture declared, :were'hro1 'broken ,up when.: ,was authorized to iia u his :'discharge;d�te.;; trucks, sleighs,' ;Sid was given `bag � holders,'g , "etc: to unpaired. hearing Wheelbarrows; ladders, , 'was: com risme ,''and Mrs. 7Y'hoxn.as: A• ,MP`` ' Ashfield Counc 1 , P Mir Stewart,.. of Hazenmote, Sask, ob-' • ed • as . follows.—Charles ' Keith e :'.Joseph P: _Dalton`': James. Served:: their 5'Oth` wedding anni-: reeve; p Alton,' .Joseph Haek'ett; T�lomas•• J. • ver-sary. {"- n Easter Sunday fell ;ons 'March 5 and 22nd; the earlsest' since 1425; early, again :would net occur, so t il' .the ear' 2000 until' Y milton• a former res •R�ol�ert;;H,a ,, ied' in Reston, idem of,Holyroad, died �Mnitdba' in' his' 95th.year: • a 1 ences'. of, 'three`' years 1t1, '•; rent._ __... _ . ; -_ ., . ,�o..:: iri ...ton were' handed: out to t ;youths' wlio pleaded ;guilty robbery' at Kingsbridge, when" to .. istol .in ',pulling they 'used a Y ,p the stick-up. , s' 'for •knitt '•, Wool ;arid. direction r the armed forces. in,g, socks 'for . ' ally' bY. were being given out lec and Mrs. lVixs. Harvey Treleaven. ?ri:i1;erclis,:14Thelee Bdardwascddill competent 'observers agree . roblemof:thethat, except. in imaginationthere 1p defunct 'West.' Shore Railway. , . Posts were .being put up along, the Fourth for 'mail boxes . on • i.. R. 6, Luekriow.' Members of ;the ,. St. • Helens , 'Library Board we're Pres Rev' `1VC�aclnto'sh; vice pres., D.-McKen z;e; secretary, T, B: Taylor: treas., W. • E. Gordon;•librarian, Miss. Colina Clark directors, Mrs. Pet- er Clark,' Mrs. W,• "E. Gordon, -1C.. I. Miller, Peter Clark, John Joyrnt, Will Rutherford, 'Ross .Murray, R. :sight in this com¢nunity but 'it l and. Pleasantness after The initial .Robinson,' is p is no such things as `d'eath a,g!ony . Contractions of :the dying tbody are merely the .contractions , of re- flex `mluseles. Facial contortions 'are involuntary and., not: indicat- ors orf pain. 'R member, faces are often contorted in. sleep", •' One :;-'- hysician, carried, , to ; the p brinkof death by ~a'severe heart I y White 'bane Week, if nothing, attack,; reported: his sensations 'as, the sighted I •". i else, shouldarouse in g .. � those of mil,d ' ; irvtoxncatnon . a thankfulness for liis tblessing..1 Three others,who drowned., but The White Cane: is motfa; familar 1 *ere revived, found only peace • sYiould ''be' remembered wherever r struggle le was over. William Hun,- An oyster supper 'Marked the. h h 7V 1'16' C O F The 'Chief A E 1VfoKim cane gives the . 4 ' is seen,'that 'the Baa g, � � ter, .18th century anatomist, ,mor 30th .anntyersary. of Court White- , user a'•Sense of security, and•. that rnur.ed. with his, last breath:, "Had I he, . or : she is counting on',:.the I strength to hold' a pen I would sighted to recognize it and under- urite'•'how easy and pleasant it �e lives of . stand its value.The very is to die", + the 'blind depend . on your. rec• The' final •flutters of•'a failing heart : pump• ;an • ever -diminishing, supply: of blood, Ratcliff says,, and pain'' attending • the final 'illness, disappears,'as ser s,ory perceptions fail Oxygen, • staryatiori that ac-. companies failing y circulation' at.. Jetts the brain; the patient drifts into ,darkness..without pain, with- out sensation. The final ' blacking out, preceding. death,'' is iri•. no wise different from falling asleep, ognition of their white' .cane. Ontario has. no reason to be complacent about: its traffie rec ord. ':Same 800 lives were lost traffic, accidents cluing 1949,. and at least 18,00.0. persons Suffered- persoinal ' injuries . from . : which: seine .of thein are crippled . for. life.• Will this terrific toll be. re- peated in •1950?'' • • u c o.'. .. c r + t II '•..���..dS .ft' * Q' U ti nas.114sil,lowqmot1aw11ml.1/41011.l4.111ftrll�it�f)��tlM-Yt •. • a tn.. e t or�. 1e Child and ;Animal Photography, A .Sp ecialty PORTRAITS WEDDINGS Films Developed anu Cameras Repaired Tele hon eIggt Winghamh am i MMERCIAL M1• Printed 24 -Hour Service •