HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-02-02, Page 71 THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 2, 1950 , Reply to Sleeping Sickness (TooLate For Last' Week) •rue known the author of last week's ppein For really quite some time; I've always thought that he was Until I' read his rhyirte..; . How any Tian as nice as he 'Could,.sleep through Sunday ser - Vice, And •,tell it, so the AvOrld knout. ;It"really makes wine nervous 'He's not 'the only ane; I know;; The church •shows,'there -are athers.` ; Don't ,call it Sleeping Sickness!..." though,:. It's Satan; 'heath 'the:.cover s.: —A. Wingharn Reader: A. family plot should' be graced with'. the;. shrine=like beauty :Of : a monument which will.•be everlastingly: a tribute to thoseat rest:'We have Many classic • styles to suggest,:. and: will' work with' you -: on ens toix designs:• ` Exceptionally low, . Prices, 1Vo', canvassing; whichelrmin ' ates.• sales: -commissions. ,Inscriptions Repairing. Sandblasting Memorials' 25 Years' Experience. Tli'e •latest -.in:-Portable •.• `Sandblast, . Equipment • All work personally executed rownl•ie"`Memori:al, Alfred 'St='„ 'WINGHAM 'Phone . 450 or _' NEIL MacLENNAN, Ripley, Ontario. , TUE' LUCKNOVV SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Opening Appointment Studio. Ianville Hammerton, Wingharn •photographer, . is opening an ap- pointment office in. the buildingad oinin g; 1Vl ShoMacMillan's . = utcher' Shop. Mrs. Hammer -to wi 'be in 'Lucknow daily excer"t Thursdays to make appointments and offer 'others service to those interested in :photography and, associated Biles,- • - • • • Isn't it, .strange how gals. sud - denly becOrne left-handed when ''they are wearing a ,brand new eng4getnent ring? • You are the"other' fellow" to . sotn6hod.y else., Drivecarefully.', a IDono rs Donations to h Lucknow ,and: • District Christmas Seal Fund now ;stand, at $1,028.05, .to' surpass the minimum .objective ef•$1;000; William 'Fisher,,, John Dahmer, Roy Finlayson, Mrs. Elizabeth' Rose, • Harold Gaunt, Miss Hazel Culbert; W J; Brown; Sainuel Reid, , Archie .Nicholson, Orville Jokes, George . Haldenby, Harold Treleaven,: Ralph Cameron, Le Roy. Culbert, ' Myles: MacMillan; Grant, McDiarmid, Wrri, Bueking haat, Thomas Moffat, Ernest' Ack-- •ert, . Harold • Johnston, Kenneth Mawfbraay, :J 5, Hutc�n:ison; Geo. Jardine, .''Robert, Roak, Harvey Hall, +Marry 'Laviis, Jacob Hunter, "Fred Johnston;/° W, G Hunter;, Louis Hogan, T": J. Hackett; Wm: Wareing, Lo La -Le ,Club, Irvine, Henry, 'Basil Hogan; Harry Hac: kett, .Noble Johnston, Ewart Tay lop, Dr: J.. E.: Little, Frank Hann • ilton, :Harvey :Webb; R..: McNall; 1 Clark;: D.. Moffat; Ewart PAGE SEVEN NOT "OPERATING' 'BOOTH • Last week we announced that the Arena Committee wasbuild- ing a refreshment booth at the arena, and that the concession rights had been. awarded .to, Art Breckles, Objection was raised 'by some to the booth operating, in' that it effected the .business of local restaurants, and the pressure ' w so strong, that It was decided notto have the booth operate as' a r..eireshmen,t' booth,. Mr ' Breckles .has. set, up his skate Sharpening' machine: in THE. ',VOICE' "OF, 'TEMPERANCE This paragraph -has often point; ed; out the (i,leniima of ,alcoholism;' There. is a happier alternative and' that is sobriety.•.• Sobriety is riot, the ',cause Of 80; •Percent of our :crimes as. alcoholism. is.. Sob riety does not snake •,a'. car' driver a killer on the'•high*iy,as alai)- • holism, does. Sobriety. not rdb a _man of his freedom and make hint-• a beaten slave, as al- coholism does. Sobriety is' the- happy state of those' who never: touch alcohol: Say no `to••.alcohol 'always 'ando•everywhere.1 We will have a happier world.-Adyt .son, ' Gordon M�ontgo'mery, ''.Eldon Miller, Jim Burt, Archie_•MacIn tyre, ,L. Phillips;;'R isselT'`R tchie, D, C.:: KiugSb'ury; Wm. Ruther-. ford, • Fred McQuillin, Duncan; Far. risk, Kelso;°1VfcNay, Jas. ' •Nel- •son, Wilbert Hodgkinson, Eliza , beth` .MacDonald, :Ronald'Fors�ter, ar. ohrrston, Fred -Webb, Wm. S. 'Eadie A *.p u m4o�i,4••i,41•44 �) i14o4.14.o41•Ofo ie.i.4i t)♦•••••64.mm4i4iN:,.. ' J • ` 0uir .Tru . , . , • ' • : � . Truck on 'Route. No. 2 will make storm at Lucknow, Holyrood, Kinloss and : Kincardine. • STARTED CHICKS gr. Ronald Stanley, Kinloss, will. have Lakeview started chicks 2-4. weeks old for sale, 'capacity 2000 to '3000. ,Place - your order for.. Lakeview day old or started chicks with Ronald Stanley, phone Ripley 76-r-14 or.• send your ` order dir=ect'. to Lakevtiew Farms : and Hatchery; phone 78, Exeter., • DON'T BE AN IN: AND OUTER ;: It pays to . stayrlN when others: drop' out. If you are an in and outer, past records prove it ' would pay , you to go IN r -when •prices are low and out when prices ,are high. 0 JUST..THINK THIS OVER A 10 to- 20 e t • percent reducti'gn in •our' laying flocks next Sumner and fall, ,and :we have no surplus: • A 16 of 25.•percent• r'eduotion in earlyinlets and: cock erels raised, and we` have a shortagand prices, will be high. Settings and advance • chick . orders aredown about 50 percent in Canada.' 4• . Total :settings in` the big (broiler areas of the .0 S.A.' are down over 30 percent from a year: areas, eggs as -compared . to over 3,500;000 A year' ago for , the same. period. , ,� • POultry -Prides have been. 10V, but 'toasting chicks and • s. 1950 ;;will be a repetition of 1948. Do you remember Mani didn't buy pullets, many .didn't :buy cockerels.' Many • delayed• •or; postponed . ordering.' THE RESULT:. , e. 'good egg,prices and the 'biggest profits producing poultry. - meat on record. RoastingRoastingcockerels 38c to 45c b , capons ! • '50! to 55c a' Ib.. 'turkeys 60e to' 65c' a 115., all pricesalive 1 !broilers moved up 5c per Lb: in the last 5 days, .at the farm: , " DON'T ,DELAY, PLACE `YOUR' ORDER, TODAY. Lakeview Arlin HatCher ' hone 78, ExeAer, 'Ontario MlwV•1•i► afiiiiiulrikal•o �uwwr w.risib41.441•444i•4tr4ii•ai41 ►w'1dru4tga 1, ' ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and `Mrs. Carman Feagan,.. R, '5, ' G oderielr:,- anribunce the • en gh'ement' of their younger dad-... ghter, Joyce Elaine,._ to Herbert: Arnold Stothers,'• only son of ,Mr..' and Mrs. "Herb Stothers,. „dannon, the, • marriage •to take' place early in February. Mr.; and Ntr s. I'raril Han iiltoi announce the engagement of their, daughter,':Betty, to• Mi,Maxwell. Stanley Hianna of London, son .of Mr.'and Mrs, Thornas.,Hanna of, C m hatha, the marriage „ to'- take'_ place >on Friday,' February 24th; at their home;: Ashfield Town-. ship slides of England, and a iso some of nearer home .in • aur focality. Mr.. k'rank:14OIKenzie then play- ed„Loch 'Lomond on theJ•bagpipes. The closing hymn was. the 23rd' psalm'"Converters tufie".A vote of thanks was given by 'Wayne Johnston, 'president of ' Kinlough ' Y. P. .Society and Rev. Newton; •closed with prayer. Before lunch grace was given in Gaelic by Miss Dean MacLeod. • • • • 4r • Held Softball A.: -.banquet on ''behalf of the Legion, softball 'team 'IV as held1n` the Legion,:IRooms last' Thursday •evenin,g Therewas an attendance. -of about ,sixty including' members of the team, Legion members, and other guests who `had, aided in the team's activities ' during the season. A sumptuousturkey, din- 'her, with all the 'trimmings, was prepared •.and- served sby - an all- "f ,male committee who had•eharge 1 of the ibanquet that" is With the exception ;of:' stuffing and cooking • of the 'fowl, which were roasted in Purdon's'Bakery'•oven,' j FLIGHT:- BOOTS reduced :.,from '$10.95 to '$8.50' . at 31,c KA Y;' S CLEARING.' SALE. FO'URTH', •CONCESSION Mrs. Fred'Gilchris't Was called,. 'to Paisley Sunday, by the illness. .of a relative.- . • We are sorry, to report. that Mr • Dan•:M'acIntyre is very ill ,again, :at ' his, 'home on the Fourth: Miss Olive. Blake spent the past -week' with : her •sister, "-gra; Don: .MacIver, • Mr, Walter.: MacKenzie attend ed the -funeral of his cousin, the late Mr.Moffat, in Seaifortli last Saturday. The .Y.P.S. 8f •Kinlough were entertained last Friday night by the Y.P.S.'• of''South .Kinloss the 15as,ement of South Kinloss' church. It was a 'real. Scotch, pro; gram :consisting' of the -following and presided over,;by Mr. Bruce . Maci enzie Mr,. Donald MacDon- aid read the23rd'psalm in Gaelic;' Rev. , G,-. Baulch then offered prayer and Rev, .'Newton showed slides on the 'life. of Christ, Miss Dean, MacLeod' gave a Scotch reading 'The Black' Lamb". •A' quartette,- consisting of' Messrs.. Fraser Mac4innon, Lloyd Mac Dougall, Leonard Machines a n d l ' Mac Keith sang "The Ninety and Nine". 1Vtiss Anna MacKay told of thelife of Robert Burns. ,Mrs. • H, avis and Miss Annie MaeT'ay'• then sang a duet, `'lvMy Ain Count reg". Rev. Newton, showed more Protect your investment. `Follow op the vital chick `sta in, season• by feeding your next ,Winter's `layers now on .a -growing mash made` with National •Developing ,',Concen-;,. trate. . fresh mixed for tasty goodness. The growing : season: makes. or breaks your. flock..- So :.build strong, vigorous egg machines now, the "NATIONAL WAY". Be, sure of birds that lay premium eggsgs steadily through Fall and Winter. • • Justone dozen eggs from each pullet pays the cost 1 of a .growing mash made. with National Developing Con- centrate for the enticee growin eriod. . Cut your. feed costs . by supplying a gpass. ;.range with1 tender green crop. ,. Remember, • no livestock 'gives- higher e - returns per acre than poultry. 1 lift imp -•, . TIpN,"AL QUAL' icy FEES 5R VIC ' M MIN rme um, See your IocaI NATIONAL feedDealer.todar • WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED 1144E18OLL ' • ONTARIO', • NSG -1.. 1,• FEED -MIX TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE 'Insist on NATIONAL. well -cured, properly -blended. fertilizer. e,le Phone 91-w,Luekuow, Out,. •