HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-02-02, Page 4T,Y Y, - 4§ rr, rt, 4, • 1. • • 4:F. PAGE FOUR THE. LUCKNOi 'SENTiwEt..i; LUCK "77...n . • 0 KAIRSHEA INST1TI~rT i .the hame of • s. A. .Hughes or their January meeting when 26. Members *were present and also a' numlber of visitors. After the opening* 'exercises the roll call. was taken and' well responded. to by naming their :favorite winter:. sport. A number of letters 'at • thanks from the sick and shut-ins were ' read. When' .the business part was finished' the ,programme consisted of a paper on "Current. Events"... prepared - and read by Mrs. G.: Hamilton;, • community .singing followed and the topic on,plastics, aluminum and mason,. ite ''and their uses in the .home. e• was given • by -Mrs:.Clif f Roulston. Readings were given by • Mrs. Walter MacKenzie.' and 'Mrs. ` T. Collyer; Solos sung; by: Mrs. Chad and 'Master '.Harold NlcGal V�rrk , n livray 'Were. 'i ucI enjoyed ..by , all: Mrs. H, .Houston favored with, a piano' instrumental`and an, in-. te°resting radio quiz;' was conduct ed by Mrs.' C. 'Rouliton..The'.clos- frig r remarks were' given by. Mrs. Fraser. MacKinnon, thanking the hostess arid. yah. who . took part. The meeting'closed w+tth ,God save the King; when a� tasty . Iunch was served and ►a social 'role spent. ,. • "'WANT AD" RATES 1st insertion •2 cents a -word, subsequent insertions 1' cent a word. Minimum charge 25 cents .Replies care of The•,�,entinel 10 :cents extra. Legal advertising 10 cents per. 'count • line first insertion, '5 cents per line subsequent insertions. • �» chunks of i s. APPLICATIONS WANTED k'UiR', SALE -12 p'g • ;Frank Brown, Kinlough., APPLICATIONS will. be received. by • the ' undersigned . ,until .Feru-- ar,y ;151th, .1950,, ,for. the position of. ' secretary -treasurer' .oL the Luek- now Agricultural ,Society.. State salary ecpected.... • '1Geor e ened y , President,.: ,g y • ;= R. ` R, '1, Lucknow, Ont:. CAR FOR SALE -1939 •RlYmouth sedan, Al 'shape, •radio and fog: lights. $ud' Hamilton, ,Lueknpwi LOST a 1939.Pl ouch hub. cap;, Finder: please ,leave ' at Sen= tinel Office, FOR SALE--+Coleman..011...burner, like new. Ronaldr Feaster,, R R. 1, Lucknow. .9 Q.NTARIO T U RSDAY, FEBIttARY 2, 1950 ' • The 'Kairshea. Institute: met at. Co %ii� � N: C7 E,V � NTS' M{r A f DANCE AT WHITECHURCH In the• Community Memorial Zitall, : Whitechurch,on Friday, February 3rd. Music by 'Jack I endersen's .orchestra. Admission 50c, lunc h counter. NOTICE The .Ladies Auxiliary to .the Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L., No. 309, will hold their° regular meet ing on. Tuesday, February 7th, 1950, in the Auxiliary Rooms -at 8.00 o'clock ;sharp. CARD OF : THANKS •:-Duncan A :11/laclntyr'e 'and. fain 9.ly' wish to convey their ,.thanks -SEALED TENDERS 'MARKED�ei hlbdrs ,an • . friends for Tenders. - Lot - Lake toad , : '81.10* . t. • luring east, will be received by the un- dersigned :and n-• dersigned:and opened . February FOR SALE—a: man's. black fur 15, 1950, for. the above; mentioned coat in good shape. Apply to Bert, property • on . which is a shed, 16. Ward. • ft., x 30 ft, and..approximately 18. acres- planted ^ to Red, White, Scotch and Jack pine, 25; acres is reseeding itself. naturally to pine..• .The, highest or any 'tender • not necessarily accepted. •Send. tender • to William. W.. Hill,'Bruce:'.Street, 'FOR SALElarge: ,oil. burner,;:. new last fall or, will trade for . Goderich, Ont. • ; a small o ,.. -Robert R. Reid, . � .•TEN-D.E1tS. . SEA'T�ED. PRICE TENDERS will be received, by, ' the.. undersigned up to .2.00 p,m' 9n -Monday, the 13th day; of •February,, .1950;.:for the supplying at :6n' early date DISCS'—: 'Niiinneapolis Moline of `a weed 'spraying machine, tom= ;discs, order now for February de;, . plete : -and . ready ' for . use, and` livery. See the new •Z 'Tractor. which, could also,' be•; used as a 'George Wraith, Lucknow, m Warble Fly Spray machine . The lowest or anytender not necessatily accepted. Signed, J. R 4. LANE, , Clerk, Township of Kinloss, R R.' '2, • •Holyrood, .Ont: LOST -3/4 -inch binding chain, .in front. of :Howard Blake's home, Can 9, Ashfield. Finder please return 'fa above Party. Wheeler St„ .Lucknow. ,FOR : SALE — new modern one-' ' storey home, immediate possess ion. Apply' to Geo. Orvis, Luck now.: SKAT . .• SHARPENED at e arena; on ',.new modern skate sharpening'• machine; makes per= feet lolb of sclissor' harpening Art Breckles, Lucknow. `CI°IA.MPION' GRAIN GRINDERS sold and., installed. Electrical ap_. pliance ,sales,,/and repairs. Rural wiring. ,-HAROLD ` :HALDENBY,;. Kinlou h. • g. NOTICE • The annual, meeting' sof the; Lucknow :Fish, and : Game, Protect ive. Association is. to be' held later. this month. Watch for date. to ;be RADIATOR, CLEANING and re= axu'iounced ,• . The future of the t_ 'reasonable • .cost:' :Try •Association will , depend on he. ....pairing interest`shown at, this meeting:: • Bluevale':.Repair; ,Shop . for your, . , 9 'NOTICE • The annual meeting of. the Huron. will ibe held in. the: Town- Hall, tress Also to Drs::Johnston and Wingham, Monday,•; `ebrur '.6th ,Corrin for their splendid medical: at 2.30 for thepurpose. of electing `'attention. officers' and transacting • business: ` The ,meeting' "will be ;. addressed. : e wish to • express our''thanks' by;.' Russell • 'Daley, N,Mpresident of ..,and • appreciation~ for the social FORT SALELpurebred' Shorthorn ' the 'Western. Orta rio"Liberal • As= evening and lovely: gift',.'given to sociation; aliso by'iSenator Gold us at the` Recreational Centre by :red bull calf, ready • for service; ing and . SenatorGladstone,•• : as the young people ' of• the coin-, • .TB ' tested, also:roan,' heifer due well as district M.P 's. muraity; also to 'the friends ` and to '„ fres'hen in March. .Harvie Donald. B: Blue, Pres neighbors who helped., us move, Thompson, R. ,, 3, Ripley,' phone': .:Gordon Elliott, Sec:. : am to. those who patronized' us, - Rile in •tractor work' during the _ last EX�ECUTOR�S S ten •years. Your patronage: and Of Farm Lands m the Township friendship will still be apprecia.- Of Ashfield ' in • the County,' . o ftedd. : • Huron: Freda, Jinn and ;Ronnie :Reid: • - ' The undersigned., has received instructions , to' sell , Yby'. Public Auction at Johnston•Liv 'sery Barn, Lucknow ,$ATURDAY FEBRUARY 11th 1950, at ''3 o'clock in the after - WHATEVER. the situation, `you'll;' noon, ' the ' .following property, want Bray Chicks ;' before the - namely; • rad troubles., Phone Harry Elliott, 648- tr-1 Wingharn Village' property, 6 acres, cement veneer house, hydro, hard and soft water,: barn 24x35, also .3 - 'year -old Holstein heifer TB . test= ed,.'due in 4 :weeks. Syd •Gardner, Lucknow. •`. q their"' bereavement. Mr. arid Mrs. Jos: D. Anderson wish to' acknowled. ge with 'sincere thanks sand ':appreciation the Vari- ousways by. which they were so kindly remembered by. friends „and..'neig hbors:..on theirwedding anniversary.. 0 1Vliss Reza_ Webster. . Wishes, to most sincerely. thank ...all those;. Who so kindly remembered • her in 'many; -Ways during her• illness. Aalthese: thoughtful acts' were' much -appreciated:. The • family of the • late John, Watson wish to sincerY :el �. thank. . their friends in, this community. for"- the ' kindness and sympathy elctended. then' in their bereave-; inent, and to, especially Mention: Rev.. C.: H. MacDonald and . Mr: W. J Davison.. • I wish to •thank::all' those who so kindly rememtbered me' with. �; flowers, ..fruit, cards'. and , good wishes' during, my recent; illness, and 'special 'than to Dr. W. J. Mumford. This ;'was .very ;'much appreciated: • Mrs. Hattie' Roach.'. • Mr. H.: R. Allin wishes .through - this medium 'to express 'heartfelt thanks to h.is,, many,' friends : and the 'organizations who helped, to ,make • hisillness more endurable by their lette';s,' cards, 'flowers;. nf'linrl= BOY SCOUT NEWS` The regular meeting ..of the Boy :Scouts.. was '..held •in - •the Re=' creation Centre on Friday at 7;30" with an 'attendance of • 12. Thexnting •was confined, to games.•. FARM ,FOR SALE=200 aeraes.' of land. on Con., 8, Kinloss, .11/4 'miles ;east of Holyrood, iabo.ut 5.0 :apices fall •.plowed, :• barn 40x60; steel' . roof;. garage. 20x40, _ knew • shingle .•' roof, 'good, spring water, about 20 acres. woodland. Best cash offer.: ;•Apply to Mrs' 'lames •Valad:Luck- now; Ont • season's aver.' Get pricelist, order. now, rnid, pullets' ,cockerels, immediate ,Or later delivery. Agent, 0. D. -R.•FINLAYSON, Lucknow,• $IG -4 CHICKS., , Do you , realize' more Canadians are. going to eat ; more eggs • 'this year? Let the. other • e11 w hold back, we say ' iputl1 find good markets for early chicks production later. 'Big -4' re- ' spend' to care and feed;. they have' a coiriple'te breeding program ,of 30 year's behind them. :Pricelist., ,Agent . 'ED. BAKER, .Lucknow: . .. APPLICATIONS WANTED,: APPLICATIONS will be receive ed by the 'undersigned `'fair an ` . assessor for the Village of Luck - , now: Applicants please .' state qualifications a n d experience, also when available, Salary• will be based on qualifications, . Appl- cations to be fired,`• on or befare E p.m., . February 4th, 1950. • Joseph Agrie,w, Clerk; �ri11nor" of Luekrow',' ;All ..and singular that certain parcel or tract ;of land and•,prem• •uses in the .Township of . Ashfield in the County of Huron and be in!gf : cainposed: of Lot . number Seven; , in the Eleventh ConceS- siori: of ; the said 'llownship of Ashfield, 'containing. two hundred acres; more .or less ' be On .this property is said to• a white'i brick... house, a frame barn, ;cM.;•• stone • foundation and about 60acres of" hard. and soft, wood and swamp. It, is' watered b ,• a drilledWell and windmi•i1. The property 'is situate :5?Iz miles from Lucknow. TERMS Off' • SALE -20' perce nt• of ' the purchase money': On the gay. of sale and • the .balance on. Novetib.er '1st; 1550, when poss- ession shall be given: The prop- erty will be• offered subject to a reserved bid.. Further -particulars and condi- tions ofsale will be rriade"ktiown on theday, of sale or may be had on application to the' undersigned. • Mary,. 1Vlullin, Robert, Nelson, Stewart Mullin, .Executors. Wellington ~Henderson, ' Auction- ecr'. 'NOTICE ,TO CREDITORS • A 11 ; persons having, claims. against the estate of John Well. ington Colwell, late•of the Town:= ship 6f. Kinloss in the County of 'Bruce, Farmer, ' deceased,' who' died on or about the second day of °•January;'. A D. ,1950, are not- ified to,, send to • the 'undersigned ori' or .before 'the eighteenth :day of. February, A.D.:1950, full par- ticulars of, their, claims; in; writ- ing.. Immediately after •the =,said eighteenth 'day of Pebr 'nary the assets of the said testator will ,be distributed' amongst the 'Parties entitled.thereto having', regard only to`,ciainls:• of • which' the • exec: cutors shall then have 'n.iitice Dated this twenty-sixth day of January, A.D. 1950. Crawford. and. Hetherington, Wirigharri, Ontario, Solicitors for, tlie''Executors. 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :State. Farm Mutual.' ; 1ne tOri10�! u 0 0 0 0 0 , Insurance Company ASLOSUIE%ESW RAYTESOU' • with protection in a high category. Investigate Before ..YoU , .,Invest LEX T. ; MacNAY, Agent, Lucknow' 0 f" •' T..:R. CLELAND VETERINARIAN Havelock .St;,, south of Supertest. Garage, I,UC4o•w Telephone 175 • General ., . Atcoont•anc y. .Service for: the small mer chant, professional •'marl• and the 'farmer. 1n Lucknow Tues., ThurS.,' and Friday, •!.Office. in ;. Kilpatrick $loch. Y. . S.J`'.: . PYMM. P,O. Box 14, Lucknow' Ont. Phones:.Residence 23-J • Office 23-W, ARM _ SYR:ONC •OPTOMETRIST.' . •CKNOW FIRST :WEDNESDAY OF EACH 1v1ON1'I11 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.: --- at -- WM. SCHMID'S STORE Insure• In Sure Insurance CoNPEDERATION'LYIFE Car, :Accident, 'Sickness WIND -Western Fermiers', Weather' FIRE—..Howick Farmers' • .Mutual Consult . __OH:N.T _ARRISH_ • 'Phone `1694 Lucknow GIRL GtUIDE NEWS x. ' The C;irl .Guide meeting was held .last Fric7.637` at the home 'of Joyce Mowbray, 'Afterthe meet- ing there .was .a short 'social •per iod during which Mrs;: Mowbray served a tasty lunch. . The meeting will .be 'held' this 'week •' as usual •in the . Legion.00ms. • , ; Let's. have a,'hotter attendance:. Threshing ; Machine 3 Sizes-22x32,'.22x38, 28x48' Roller ` Bearing -Complete ::EARL •H. HODGIN$'• IL' R. '•1,_.'Holyrood, Ont.. M; ; phone 36-r 13 •Teeswater. F Fellow ::.Citizens. ;Why :buy your automobile .m.- suranee or any other insurance from Companies •; over ` which you.. have, no effective control`: Why, not join the thousands of other'. Ontario people building organizations to 'provide them - ,selves with needed insurance? CO-OPERATORS S FIDELITY and , GUARANTEE ASSOCIATIO is ;owned and controlled : b members. It has been develop- ed to provide :Automobile In- surance. at 'cost. 'Co_o" rati pe ve• Life Insurance Company also works on • the principle • "EACH FOR ALL' AND ALL FOR .EACH'; See your Co -Op ;Agent Also 0 SICK AND ACCIDENT and ,FIRE INSURANCE T.(AMERON A Lucknow, Ontario, 'Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 :I NSURANCE FIRE,' CASUALTY, AUTOMeBILE AND;LIFE To Protect,' Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J A M'cDONAGH'' R.: R. 3, ' Lucknow ' Ont. 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon ..ANDREW • Barrister and Solicitor =• .• LUCKN,OW,. ONTARIO~ `. • Office. 'in the Joynt •Block,• . 'Telephone::.' , 'Office 135 • Residen•ce 31-J lorialemeimansulimivromemrimp P.Y Styar.t 'Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor 4 ' � 11;I0 WALKERTON,.ONTA • , KNOW •, IN LuffC. •Each Wednesday IN OFFICCE. . ; . . BLOC .. .HENDIrRS01� R. S etiterongtor K L Barristert Etc.; •Wingliam and A,tirknoW • IN LUCICNOW Y . Ea,h ac Monday • • and Wednesday f; c nd floor' Located. on' g the o ► in the .front of • rick', 13iiilditt ' John •Kil,ls,at • 'phone Whig—imp Office 43, itCsiciciiee J7