HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-02-02, Page 3THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2: 19:50
Loyal' and Generai
FOOTWEAR SALE—clearing X11
lines- • at. .big' . savings, McK4 y•
Mr,.Dar Maclntyre is quite ill
at his. home ' •at Langside
Mr.. Adam '1 l Queer suffered a
severe stroke recently and is a
patient in Wingham Hospital.
Mrs. Minnie Sheer of 'Bervie • is
visiting ,.With ''Mrs. Janes Web -
Davad Thompson 'returned.
hoRxie " on Tuesday from the Sick•
Children's, Hospital in L' oridori.r
'`:•'••• Miss I-fazel Webster returned
`hotiie from 1 Winglham -Hospital
.last Friday. •
Mrs, Jennie McGratten of God-
erieh ,. is visiting this ;:week, with,.
her ,sister, Mrs., Burton. Roach and
Mr, 'Roach, ,
Miss. Bell Robertson is visiting
in • Toronto and will '.,attend the
Millinery showing which .opens
later this month.
The Misses Elizabeth and Pearl
Henderson are:in .Chicago attend
king the, Founders Week• annual
:conference ',,of the "Moody Bible
Institute , ter '
Mr and Mrs. J: D; Anderson ,•
-Mr.. and Mrs 'Fred'•McQuillin and
•'Mrs: John °Mi11er, were at Guelph.
on Noonday atten'ding'. the, funeral
of :Mr, Torrance. Miller.
' Mrs. Elliott' Webster, ;Of Kin-
cardine was. thrown 'through the
windshield. of a car last Wednes- •
day night at Harriston', suffering
'facial lacerations that,' received
forty stitches at Palmerston .Hos--
, Her ibr..other-in-law; Bill ` Web-
ebster • suffered :.an injure ; leg and
: •therloss of several teeth.Bill was.
driving' the car., Visibi ityTWas:
very bad .at • tkve tithe, nc1 it is
understood' that he drove .into a
standing 'train which'blo \ked the
`.h'ighway just, west of
. H rri
Mrs- ; aek,'.C bean .anothr--F.-
in •the 'czar, escape , inlur,
.. They . were .enroute home from'
• 'Toronto, 'Where. Bill had driven.
Mrs.::Webster and her youig son;
who was 'receiving treatment at
Sick Child'ren's Hospital/ for 'a
hand injury received in tle wash
ing machine 'roller. 7
A quiet wedding w '.solemn-
ized at St.•Mary's Chu chi,' Walk--'
• ;ervlille, on :Saturday, anuar,y • 21,..
%;by ' the "rector,' the ev. H M..
Langford, when- he united • in
Marriage; :Shirley Be nice Ban-
nister,. 'eldest 'daughter of Mid.
and. :Mrs. Grant Bannister, for
erly:,ef Lucknewm-
. and St elens,;
and James • T. Gault; Ir.; son 'of,
Mr.' and Mrs. James Gault, Win
sor. 'Their only attendantsd
• Miss :Lanr.a .Barr, R.N„ and Mr.
.Kenneth Gnault; brother' of the:;
groom, both of Windsor.
After a short'bo'neyrrtdon they-
hey•will. reside in Windsor, where the'
bride • is on the staff of Grace
IYospital and ,the groom is man
ager' at Fairbanks Morse
Minister: Rev W. J..Mumford, l'
M.A., B.D.;
• Mrs. Uriah Thompson, ;a, life-
-long .resident' of East and West
Wa:wanosh• Townships, p a s,s'e d,
away 'at her home, Concession
:West Wawanosh :on Thursday.
night,, :January 26th: She Was in
her 78th year.,
Mrs. Thompson, had been par-
tially• • invalided for 'six. dears, •
since suffering a .stroke .and' had
been bedfast for the past two
Mrs.,' Thompson' was forinerly;
Florence Martin,a daughter of
•the 1Vlartn"" arid"
Lucy Hardin and was 'born near
Fordyce, • where :she .resided' :until
her .`marriage to Mr. Thompson
47 ' years ;ago For ; the past ' 43
years . she had. resided • in West.
Wawano$h'on Concession•6,.about,
'11/g miles from St.' Augustine. She
was.:'a home -loving, woman,, •de-
voted to her family, ;and ,held in
highest. regard' in her commnui=•:
' She was•:a . member of Donny-
brook United Church:
eral 'service 'was field
at ' her ••'late residence.
The 'fun-.
n. Sunday
•by her pastor, Rev A.
Interment • was.' in
Cemetery:,` '•`Pallbearersw.e re'
Mason McAllister, .l o h n , R.'
Thompson,,, M`or 1 e y Johnston,:
Bert Thompson,. 'Brown 'Smyth'
and "Wm.' Cranston,
M,r.,' T.homoson predeceased:.his
wifesix years, ago last July. Sur
vii'ving„are-twp sons,':John A and
•b'onald Tbotnpson at Shorne;•. Mrs:
1'.Donald GibbOri . ((Rebecca).. of
Sundridge and Miss Lucy Thom-
son,of Onondaga, ,near Branitford.`,
The death occurred in Queen
Alexandra Marine and General
•Hospitar,KaGoder'ich,.'ori./ Thursday
January. 26th' ,of James.' Wesley.
Gibson, in 'his 80th year. He suf
fered 'a heart• attack .'about three
weeks age. He was:a lifelong res=
ident of West' Waui anesh • town-:.
Shp. 'He' was a sone of the late'
James Gibson`: and• Charlotte,
Wallace of West Wawanosl, and..
was the second of.a: fa • mily • of
United Chureh X. P, :s
The meeting on Monday even-
ing was• held at 7,30 because of
the thockey ,game, Hymn • 26.7 was
sung ",'after ; which the Lord's
prayer was repeated, in unison.
Gladys• Itilpatrick had charge of
the meeting. 'H,ygnn 500 was'sung
and the' topic on ':Christian Fel-
lowship, was given by Miss Helen
Hamilton. A, piano solo by Norma
Sher'wood.. was .followed "by a
xeading. by Gwen Treleaven. The
-meeting was closed with the miz-'
pah benediction.:
Th„ere died, at the hpme of her
niece, Louisa Macdonald en Sun-
day, 'January': :22nd, • Annabella
Ross,, daughter of the. late' •Ken:-
rieth ''and lora Ross,';early:pion-
eers .of t1 Lochalsh .district. Her
illness dated back .a.. few: years
'w1ten she. was. partially invalided
:but bore with 'Christian fortitude
her affliction. She never wearied
in showing affection' ;to ,those by
whom she was surrounded.
She graduated as .a, nurse from
Chatham Hospital and devoted
herself tothe relief' of suffering.
To ' that 'work she brought: , not
Only ability and 'ithorough• train-
ing, but the utmost of , devotion,
• a radiant disposition, and ,a. ,wo-
maxi.; of culture, Slte; was•'gener
ally beloved ' by her; sympathy,
her sense of humor' 'and ready
wit 'Her benevolent spirit will be
long rernernbered, •
'a large family,. •two sisters.
survive, Mrs , .'D. J; MacLennan
(lWffie) of Toronto and Mrs. W4
McNaughton (Flora') of Sex -
smith; Alta.;.' also a large ' nunn-
b'er of nieces and nephews• who
will miss her ..kindly interest.
• Her body . rras;-taken t� Ripley
to MacLennan s 'funeral parlors;
where the 'funeral 'service was
conducted' by. Rev. J. R MaeDon-
ald •and :burial took place. in the.
family :plot in Lochalsh cemetery.
1.1.60. am uThe Grospel Ac '� .
: seven, children. His ,wife, the for
. '
cording to You": I ' mer Isa1be11a Robertson,' died. - Six
Induction of .nevi; elders.. • ' i . • years ago. He had •.two children,,
hters, ' 'both now dead,
12:15 p.m.: :Sunday ' School': ' ii twin 'daug ,
,'!; He: is. survived by;: two. sisters,
"The Way -to �. Mrs,. Jaminnigan, .and
hirirrra,• ,
Know" ' Charlotte, Mrs. , Wm. McConiiell;r
There' i•s something in, • these ` ..•, :both • of ' ` Dungannon:. by • 'two
• serv'ice's for ,You, granddaughters, 'Miss ..May Irwin,,
• • Do not miss it Wingham, and: Miss,; Helen ,Ir-
win, London, A; --grandson, Har
old Irwin, 'wee ,..killed overseas; irl
chesterfields ' And;
Occasional' • Chairs
Repaired andRecovered
Factory Guarantee.
Free 'Fick-rp and . Delivery •
42 Brunswick, St. Stratford
For further information
enquire at
Furniture Store
'Phone 76, iuckrio*' , .
World War II. -Four ,brothers pre
deceased' Mr. : Gibson, Robert,
Sidney; Walter and William.
The funeral service Was held o,n
Saturday at the ', home of his
niece, 1Vtrs , Alvin Sherlitoo'd 'bf
Dungannon,. with Rev.; Jas; Bright.
offiiiiating, Interment• :Was ire
Dungannon Cemetety. '
You will be delighted with
this fragranctea
Sales mid' Service
Gilson: `Refrigerators and Washers
foods Combination Frigidaire and Freezers
Grinders,. ,etc,
Roail. ' ' Phone • 113Z Gi
erieh Ont;;
A :very large number of friends silent witnesses, Friends; froin ' a
showed;'their' respect and` esteem. distance were from :Buffalo, Tor
Beautiful ' floral ' tributes` .''were• onto, - Barrie and Chatham
, Y'
4. ,7
,t. ry
Presbyterian 'Young People'
, The regular ' meeting of the,
Presbyterian Yung.Peoples held.
'January, '30th, 'opened with the
hymn 381; The scripture, takers.
'from Romans 10( was read by
Morley Chin: Business was 'then
discussed 'and the minutes. were'
read 'by "Marton'' Graham.' The
topicnwas taken by Gladys Mac-
.Donald and . Marion Graham.
Gladys Chin •gave'' the reading,
"'You'll. never be ,sorry'. Hymn
•a,71; Was sung oand t v—meeting•
„closed' with prayer..
e. Unsatisfied
tinder an': amendment to the Highway hwa T affic Act enacted id 1941, pro-
vision was made for; the creation of an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund out -of
whichwill be 'paid, in the manner prescribed, ':judgments for personal:,
• injuries and property.' damage. sustained by reason , of : the operation of
motor vehicles, which cannot be collected in the ordinary Manner from
the judgment debtors ' .
Fund is the collection' of a special
The •., prescribed for creating.ahe • u ,. .,.
method r
;..: ee,:when required, from each person to wham is issued either an operator's
or•a chauffeurs licence
While „this legislation hasbeen in effect since the lst'of July, 1947, the
Unsatisfied Judgment Fund; Fee has been • collected only' since. January
1st, -1949.:
._,tal:feescollected-for ,,the Fund ansLxea ents ..t.h__ Fu.__..nd�from January."
1st to December 31st, 1949,.amounted to. ....,.....:..... $638,430:37
Judgments paid out of the Fund from July 1st, 1947, to December •31st,.
1949, amounted to
As",there is notnow sufficient in the Fund`to pay judgments for, a period
of a :year, an Un•satisfied Judgment Fund Fee. of 50c will',be...collected f•rom
each person to, whom is issued a 1950 operator's,'. or chau•ffeur's license..
• ra '
GEQ, 1 , D' Ut[TT Mtn sten