HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-01-19, Page 121 IP . THE LUCKNOW SE NEL; LUCI NOW, QN'1' fQ_ LOOKS FOR :SOUTH' KI N:LOSS .NEV..• S' • • Thug':, JANUARY 19th, 1950 Macleod; °Alberta; January 4th, 1950: Dear Mr• Thompson; . I am sorry that I 'ani sa..late in getting: our subscription; off to you for this. year's "Sentinel" paper ' which we still enjoy 4- though so many names -arestrange :toe us nano, it is rather. amaiing• how a few, years makes such a difference, but rnaturally' there is .still .a great deal to keep. our. interest : aliive more so. any, newsr,;from ' Soufh, Kinloss, •'I arri. py there is a correspondent.. on tb Fourth Concession, for I. usually �. ok for :it first, of all, We':are at the Moment hav rag a pretty cold snap; and envy"You: having nt 'so mild, ;but I expect ,you'.will••get some of it, •Monday' night Lethbridge went to an all time low of '45 below zero, and .Calgary has set' a record ,for the .three. coldest' days of the:.' years ever recorded, However ' it is much. better, today andwe .are all' hoping for .a, .good vhinodk to help us out. .• HEADLIGHT OVERALLS, COVERALLS,: PANTS AND SMOCKS,. LINED 'SMOCK,;_ r 1:. 'or'.men?� who insist on: the greatest wear: available. • Seams are- double ., stitched, cut: Size 34-4 roomy. s� 4•` PRESENTATION • MAD:E :- OR. AND .. MRS. FARRIER e ' d` Mrs..Garnet Farrier • Mr. -:' an were pleasantly surprised . re- cently at a-aance at Wh tecchu`rch- ' .Institute made •, �. a Wo+m _. Institute of ` an, . electric they presentation, alarm, ';clock.: Mrs. • Lorne John; :spun read the address ,and . Mrs. - Russell 'Gaunt made the presen-,: tation..On' behalf of . the ' com munity. a radio picture was pre- •sented by Donald Ross, Mx: : and '; Mrs. '. Farrier have worked unceasingly in the inter- ests of; Whitechurch Community;. Hall, .and the ,presentOiotiS were made after : Mr. and, Mrs Farrier ga'v'e . up their orchestra work. • y ,:DON'T MISS THESE .OUTSTANDING venter ci Ivory Snow,_ um size Choice Quality Pitons Prune or 'Green, Gage ; 20 _oz, tins, 2,for, 29c` Quaker "Cornflakes 8 :oz. 'box Q'2 for 25c Choice G. B. Corn' 15 'oz..tin' 2 for 25c' Choice Tomatoes a. 20. oz. '`tin t t, - 2 for 25c Purity cracked Wheat 2,1b. cello bag ; 25c Blue . .Bonnet'Margarine::. In new Y'elloW Quik bag 1 Ib. .:.. 38c z NEW':. IM'PROYED EL: `wHITECHURCH We are glad to: report Mr Joe Tiffin Sr, is hotne from Wing- ` We ave had `.a busy "year: ' I . h was fortunate enough in. Juneto get`akarip to Banff to the 'Legion convention and they took. one af- harp . Hospital. and r is much. „ 'm- 'bemoan off to take us on •a trip :proved. 'to the - beauty . spots .around. We -- - e- - Mr.- and.-Mrs..Wes-min,-lvir.•: .and Mrs: Wm::Dawson and Har- ris Purdon .spent the : Week -end visiting friends at Brantford: .' We are • sorryto report that Mrs: .''Russell. Ross is in London:: taking treatment for' asthn'na :; We were • sorry ,,to -hear that Mrs. Merle Cantelon of Wirigham had her ;.ankle • broken in a fall at,,her home. She* the 'former ',Agnes'' Patterson,. a sister of Mr. Alfred Patterson. The servicer in: Chalmers church last Sunday wertaken: ,by Rev,. John, Pollock, .:as. Rev:' Currie was laid: up with •a. 'severe Cold. M,r., John Sparrow • of :New.: Westminster, B:: C , - spent the '±week. -end with. his ;.cousin Mir.. Ezra. Welwood.. and" fam,iljr; Mr. and Mrs:' Tom'McInries. and ',son' of'Gorrie `visited 'on Sunday. with his (brother, Mr. and; Mrs.• James 'McInnes. +Mrs.''Lornee /Johnston and Mrs. 4 :.buses and ',• these •buses had.. 3 have .glass t s so -that -one can. see everything; 'the, driver of the bus: has a.• microphone and., as' we ipass:th einteresting ;spots'' he tells its all about them. I Was quite thrilled with it; all :: 'Then we also had the. pleasure of .a visit' fromsome friends of ours '• from 'Nova Scotia. . They motored with a trailer and being lucky ' enough to: have lots' OI 'space. at the back,they' drew up at the back fence and so we were able to hive a really; good. visit. There +were six in the family so that' it Was impossible 'for me'to house 'that many ' in this small Manse. 1.: still- ,;wish I had. the. .South• Kinloss Manse here.. zn Septemiber -we were thrilled- to shave ‘a short visit fx'om' Isabel., 'She had not been home for- mpre than two .years ,so her, boss gave. her some • extra days' fat"' Labor., .Dayweek-end and she flew here in...a few. hours. Naw` I ain look= ing: forward .to,- a longer ; visit from ' rimer :On account . of our Nova' Saotta visitors We did' not take -any, holiday as :they ar- rived abouit: the ,time we • ;had -planned to 'be away, and . it Was quitewotth .our while to forego' that to see' them after 16 years. Uncle is- just about ready for town- and I do not want to' keep this from getting away any long er, so I will • conclude with very best wishes for " the New ` Year from • us ' both: Yours sincerely, Lydia •Philip. • Tom : Morrison pent' Sunday with their his •: • in • on, • ere they have been °for some . time Westminster 'Iios4ii�tal. ' u • SNOW SUITS at GREAT :SAVINGS Why. Not' Buy Now For Next Winter? . GIRLS' SKI SUITS -Sizes i,. 8; 9, • XQ.. Sale price .., .. ' .$7;95 Sizes 12, 14, 14x. Sale Price ... $8.511 . GIRLS". SNOW SUITS--•. Sizes' 2, 3 4, 5,a6 $ale price ..: $4.95 •SPEOIAL, PRICES; • on 'A11, Children's Snow Suits and Coat Y• OUR ,SALE ONTINtJES of• LADIES :,COATS and DRESSES :Sao n s From 20, to 50 Percent You Are Invited To Look Them Over..., .TOT -TO -TEEN and. LADIES' WEAR 'Phone 89-:w Lucknow, Ontario current, The event was •,celebrat ed by ringing' 'the fire bell ll and . the blowing of: steam whistles, and the Town Bann; turned ' out under the leadership of Mr D C. MaclVlorran. - - _ . . th ` Int,hat issue the-_dea etas reported 'of' Rev. Dr. Richard. Tre leaven, . a brother • of the .late T.... .L.. Treleaven of :Lucknow. 'Re had 'been in' the -ministry 47 years.. An item Was .the granting 'of 'r `pool room• li�cens�e.'to Welting.' taon , McCoy 'by the, .19. 1921 `Council: ; ' IIIIIIp iUIIUIIi,mi IltrililllIUfl mi 111 !!!!boli mil{uMHINIInllimmilllilliiii IlNllllllullllmiliill!p.�Imok ' • I�1!!JIIIIIuIINII.!ih1nUNIlu�IlulullHlllll�illlull ,ry, Alterations To The' Store, ,Before. Starting�Al e Are Offering: Attended' l ,other's Funeral Mrs. Margaret Pinnell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Pinnell of Kincar- dine' irncardi ie' and. formerly of, Kinlough, 'attended the funeral in London Township . of Charles .J Bradley. who passed, away in .1-4 90th year Mr: Bradley was, a retired school:. `teacher, .and a . brother• of Mrs. • Margaret Pinnell. Another :sister,, Mrs:.. George: McKay, lives at.' Seattle, Washington. With One, Bar ,Of Palmolive Soap ' BQ H YOB '36c. it `k � �a • .13 • THOMP SON'S:' The Store of 'Friendly Service Phone 82 • 'We. Deliver AUXILIARY, HELD ;HOSTESS PARTY ON MONDAY The •Ladies Auxiliary to the; Canadian Legion held a hostess Bridge, .and Shoot. party 'in . the. Auxiliary I ooms` on Monday ev- ening: There v-ening:'There was a- large ,attend - "lance and' a very enjoyable even- ing' was spent, and which con- -chided-With on-`chided with the serving of lunch Bridge winners: high lady, Thelnia..MacDonald; . high man; Art Andrew,:: 'consolation,' Mrs. Grant. MacDiarmid.: Shoot win- ners: higli lady, Miss Dorothy Cook;: high: man, Jack 'Hall; con= solation, Mrs, 'D. ,Huston, • NE ,11 UNTIL 'SATURDAY, JANUARY 21st LADIES' i ;ND .ME ,P:.:: r Lucknow, 9nt. , 1 Phone. 85 � � i I Itl ttio UIgGIIIIIIIUNIIIgININ{MIIIIUIW�`�1NIIIIIIIINillilul toit1111Mi111ippilMNli}IIUlI11111pIIIIIIIiIilUllllllfllillllllllNIIHIIIIIII�UIiIIIiIIIhHIIiI�IIUYI� IIUgUlpula ,, J • •, 1iUarl ear HYDRO WAS TURNED ON, 7 HERE 29 YEARS; AGO a • T hs Week ' week ' Philip Stewart showed us a , copy, of The •Sentinel. dated January 13th; 1921, which reported • the- turning on of the hydro in. Lucknow .on Tuesday,, January llth, • and which . was 7h'eralded as' ..the beginning of ,a •new, era • . The opening paragraph read: "After more than a year of wand- ering-in and-ering-in the -darkness,-;--relieved only by the dim 'light of • lan- terns and 'flashlights, Lucknow residents on Tuesday night were again privileged, to enj oy the , ad= vantages Of a ' made°rnlighting sysrtem".:•Reeve Robert 'Johnston -closed the switch' to turn on the DUCTIONS: RUBBER FOOTWEAR, SLIPPERS FELT SHOES. d. athwell ro • t'. With Stec