HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-01-19, Page 11)50 6.66 1 •. THURS., JANUARY 19th, 1950. °GI1LD,E NEWS The usual Girl Guide meeting , was 'held on . Friday night at 7.30 in the Legion Rooms.. Seventeen ill ,Quid, were'' present. Mrs. • Cannel,, the . Huronia Camp Commissionerr, from Galt an4 Mrs 1 elCini,. told the Guides about. Ith °damage done to the Huronia C+arnp by wind, After = a few songs .and games the _meeting ended with.. .Taps. • • Held Successful Bingo Zion Orange Lodge held a suc- ,gessful bingo 'and, dance on Fri- ! day evening. Many of the bingo, prizes. were donated by. local • merchants, µ 1N i' 1. ■ 1. ■ .. ■ ■ 1r i 1- 0. .•. 1• ■ . PRINCE CHARLES • • ,BORN • THE LUCKNOW • SEI '.'',.NEL, I ZJCKI OW,., ONTARIQ, WXLD,S—in. Kincardine General. HOspital ori Monday,' January 9, to Mr. • and Mrs. Lloyd Wylds Ripley,, a .s. , Brian Lloyd. Mae REGOR. In. , Kingar, dine General Hospital son Wednesday, January 4th, 1950, to . Mr. ,and Mrs. Gordon MacGregor,. R. 3, Ltxcknow, a daughter,' Mary Diel en,', a sister. for Jeannie. • ` CHANMNEY—at Wirigharri Hespi- tal on !Sunday, January ,15th„,.'to :Mr. and Mrs: Stuart, Charnney,,, •R° 2, •Auburn;• a .daughter, Diane• Eliz�aibetll . • s;T.BIR'i'HDY Her Royal.Highness Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of: Edinburgh,and her one -year-old son, Prince . Charles. °A new portrait of Her Roy.6al Highness Princess Eliza- beth, Duchess of Edinburgh, with. her. infant son, Prirnce Charles, who was,one year old on, 14th:.November, 1949. - At 11% months the Prince weighed .24%” lbs.,' had six _teeth, and "was ta31' for his age Start ReadingThis hiI:ess You head It All! The future success of anybusiness enterprise 'depends large' 1y not on the number of customers it obtains, but on The number :SATISFIED.,CUSTOMER& obtained. • Is determined � give' 'complete satisfaction to. those who favor us with their patronage. 4 You ,are invited to give 'us the opportunity, of proving our, words • by Placing Your Order Now'' For : AY -OLD ,or S'TARTED'CHICKS REMEMBER. Our eggs .coin e. • .from •.,Canadian approved f flocks , pullorum free. Our'hatchery and equipment' has been inspected and Government.approved. All eggs used are .r well Over, the.:•minimum '-requiremnents and placed. tn.nlnodein r , etrbators where procedure is carefully ,folloWed. • Our; Brooders (6000 ,capacity).• have . done 'excellent work in the past BUY AT HOME Where you are known and ,where• your personal,' welfa-re is our. concern, 'FHQNE 1651 LUCI4NOW )iscount' For , Orders Rec - ivied In' January Leghorn •X• Barred Rocks ' • New Iia •x. >arred ,Rock, Fast Feathering F'° -red: Rock --�• PAGE FLEVEl D:th4NYBROO° .: The W.M.S. and W.A.' of Don- nybrook United Church met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Mark' Armstrong with 14 ladies present, The president,,. Mrs; Arnold Craig, was in charge of the following program. The opening hymn.Aollowed by all re peating the Ford's prayer; scrip ture reading by Mrs: Clarence' Chamney;'a. prayer read by Mrs.. Arnold Craig; ,a solo by Mrs. 11; ,Jefferson; . a temperance talk by Mrs. (Rev,) °Hewitt; a reading, "Stewardship of .Time". by Mrs. R Chamney; a sumnwary of chap. .IV in the study. book "In'Health end` Healing' by Mrs. Chas; Jef- ferson. After the closing I-6mM Ret';. •,Hewitt' closed the meeting- with ."prayer. Lunch. was served•; by• the; hostess :,assisted: .by Mr`s." Ii: 'Jefferson and ° Mrs.. E. Rob'- ,inson, A MOVEMENT' ' is on in' Tees'- water to 'petition the ..Dominion: Governrnent for a new post of flee.• William Pitt -was Prime .Mini;- ister,'of England at the age of 23. FIRST TELEVISION SETa' . in Teeswater has been installed by Bill ,Sillick, who : is getting fairly' good. ;reception: You ,need your money..: And 'need mine, if vue both get 'ours That will be' fine,. But : if you get ,yours Arid 'keep mine. too, What `th'e heck Am I 'going : to do gr6cultural ews (By G. R Gear, Ag. Rep.) `. The announcement that -we ' are in the process of .losing' our ex- port. . markets is ''a very depress- ing piece of news;' It is not, quite. as ''bad : as it, would first appear since : there has been . an : an nouiwernent.' that a conaideraple: amount . of dollars have. been ,di. iverted from; the , purchase of wheat to bacon. Britain, however, Wants it at a : lower "price „ so it. wvouuld,seem'that. the bottom will anarket, but a lower 'price is in ;evidence.. Estimated marketings of hosgS . for.. the first three months of 195.0 is :20 '.percent 'above last year. If we can g6f ,beyond: this first three months period the.. rest• of Atte 'year` should • pretty 'Well look after itself. Condition's look... reasonably • good for ;the .,-nixed ' fanner' i'n =' sehin;g beef,.' bacon,.' cream,; .etc., Ibut : int' probably'';111 not be, quite as happy 'for. , ;the cash' :cropfarmer,: since with : the slightly lower :priide for farm,'pro 'duce the. market <:for: corn, 'cash crops, etc.' will `net .be . quite sa good. Lower price has already, hit he.' -egg market. I do ". not ;,think' that'. 'fanners .'should enitirely, • go Out' . of, the 'egg ' (business since ';they: an ;,produce eggs „more cheaply .' that the. commercial P oultryian,.: and in the' long ,'run' the price o ,eggs does reflect the cost of pro4ditction. Ori. top , txL,this we have the an- nouncement that fertilizer is" apt to be scarce: and will likely be about 10 percent hidher. Farmers :Would. be ,weli advised to look after'their fertilizer 'require-nerits at once and take' delivery. The`first'short ',course or series of meetings was�t Colpoy'sBay. The ;-terest good and the discussion *as exceptionally good. Further short. -courses .are. planned • for :the coming winter months,; Announcements will be made later. The Principles of the short courses in Bruce County to- listen to recorded 'talks : by professors arid.. heads of-' ,the dif- ferent.',departments. and. eollbW- ing is .up with a • discussion Itis really an, exchange ' df ideas P •a'iriong the ,good fanners in each locality ,where, • the ,,courses „are' held. Y.. d 11/xi ced farmers in, Bruce Cotinn ty would ba well advised to buy grain and. market all marketable stock ' this corning 'Winter. They should• :feed off some yearlings and ralve,4 ,and keep• ,two or 'three a'•=". heifers for cows, 1n this , way they, could :cut down ,:their overhead, stock without depress ing the yielding ability of the herd; There is. ,still time tido it profitably and it is much <gznore profitable' to lose a few cents • per Pound -on 20 head of stock, than it would. be to lose a few ;cents per 'pound on 40 head; Also, now is the time to get rid of the old poorer cows'' .and' replace them with lighter younger ones. .000 iur w'cl '144,11110 APR! filin = •R.. A CHICK STARTER made from Feed a.''Irish-mixed" feed'and watc • your checks :fight:; f•or ' morel Fresh-rn�xecl means tastier feed,- less -loss of :valuable:'' . nutrients. Chick Starter made with National; Chick Mix Concentrate' :gives . the feeders dend • pe able feed ford, less> Money. 8 e 1, Don't order more ;chicks than' your brooder .can handle ;Allow..a . square. foot of 'floor :'space for each '.2 chicks. Remember, a chick increases 1 its weight'twelve times in the first 8 .weeks. 1 For vigorous, fast:rowin birds, . allow.lent of , g. 9plenty room, good; :humidity .' and fresri-mixed Chick . 1 Starter made with' National Chick Mix.-- 1 ix. 1• See year lecaI NATIONAL feed Dealer today, WILLIAM ' STONE SONS LIMITED INGERSOLL ONTARIO 1 ®� FEED -MIX FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE Insist on NATIONAL -well+,cured- properly -blended fertilizer.: Phone 91-1v, Lucknow,. `Ont eater .,: • p.