HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-01-19, Page 9TI•UtSUAY :JANUARY 12,'1950 Lyceum' Theatre W I NGHAM Two Showy Each Night • FIST .SHOW, AT TONIGST :; -T 14:110DAY' GLORIA ..beHAVEN, ' . CHARLES COBURN in e� •.�•octor';& The FRIDAY &, SATURDAY.. JANUARY • 20, .21, • JG .CROSBY', •"ANN :RLYTH,4 BAR1i,Y` FITZGERAI.D ;op:Of : The Morning .Matinee Saturday`'at 2;00 'p.m.., • • MONDAY &:TUESDAY JANUARY 23,, 24; ' MAUIRE N O HARA, , , • DANA ANDREWS .. in. - .. Forbidden :Street - WEDNESDAY &THURSDAY JANUARY 25, 26 ANNE. BAXTER., DAN DAILEY: ou re My Everything Considerably Improved ., Jean. '.Guest, , daughter of• .Mr.' :and : Mrs. Wesley Guest of: Kin-. lou�h, who has been 'confined to' bed for some time with a ' rheu- matc condition; that affected her 'heart, is considerably improved:, at pr.eserit,', and:;•holes . to be able:. to' be ,up very "soon • Jean• is in.:her ,16th Year and Iles been :troubled with the .,ail- inept. for: upwards t.o:'two,. yyears, and , which reed ' her to • tempor-: arily` give up.: " er s c o res a Lucknow High' S•chool,. which.' she :hopes : to resume next' term. Her 'many.; friends are ,pleased. to learn of h'er. ' 'rovement and for:•a; com 1? lete wish her -the:, best _. restoration of h`e a 1 t li; -.and strep ht. g THE 'LUCKNOW •SENTINELt IUGINOW, ONTARIO: JANES E,,; LITTLE .IS' MASTER.,• OF OLD LIGHT Officers ofl0 d Light Lodge, A.F. & A.M., for 1950' are asfol,,, loves. Jas. E. Little; W.M.;. Gar- field MacDonald, I.P.M.; Sam, Al- ton, S.W.; Fred Newman, J.W.; Innes MacSween, Chap.; . W. W. Hill, treas.; T. J. Salkeld," sec.; Leonard MacDonald, : D.D:; Wm. Evans, J.D.; .Floyd Wilson, S.S.; Edgar Watson, J.S.;' Harvey_ Web- ster, ,,1 eb-ster,'nI Q,;; George Wraith, O.G.; W,. A. Porteous, D. of f.. T OBITUARY" CHARLES H., CO:URVOISIER` Charles Henry Courvoisier, 81, of Ashfield township,. died Goderich. 'hospital ori' Saturday afternoon. after 'a -short ilkness. .Born. in. StWitzetiancV he came the Parry, 'Sound district" :he age' of 40',•years and had lived near . Dungannon for ' he past .21 years. He was a member of Dun- gannon .United'Church.• His •wife predeceased hiirn , .by several' years. He: is survived by one son, David," on, the Ashfield: townslip "ham,estead two daughters; Mrs'' Logan, Pearson > and Mrs...: 'Fred King, both of. Hamilton one sis- ter; is.-ter; Mrs. Gusta Tilson • in British Columbia; and ' four grandchild; ren ` The remains rested ' at the taphey-= -funeral—home-u-r t l: Tuesday, when' the committal ser vice ' was held in Dungannon cemetery :Rev. J, Bright 'officiat- MRS. 'R.' BLACK , -REELECTED PRESIDENT OF AUXILIARY Officers of the Ladies•Auxiliary to'.the Canadian, Legion ,:for '1950 • are ` as ',follows: prep.; Comrade: Eva.' Black, 1st vice; Comrade; Joan. England; .2nd' vice, Com= rade E Cameron` sec Comrade' A. Johnstone; treasurer, Comrade M Johnston;. 'standard • bearer, ,Comrade M: Stimson;, • • auditors, Comrades J., Claark...`and ster; executive:: eomrriittee,. Com,- .. rides H. Hedlew, Collyer, J.. Clark, , M. MacFarlan, M • Mac.-•• Lerman. • FIRE CALL MONDAY Lucknow -Fire 'Company re: •ss.onded :.to a' fire.falarm :at :the •suipper'hoar' on on. ay ,evening,. but their, services were fortunate-. .lY . n,ot:required A : flooded:,oil- burning :;stove at the '•home. of: ,Mr.' and Mrs.'John Farrish was. red: hot,., and• threatened to start' an outbreak. A watch' was: kept until 'the. surplus oil was' burned. out, t. and- the •stove, cooled . off I. on imminomiipmemis FARMEQUIPMEN1 LTD, Iuron Road.. hone' 1.1 32 erich, OntE a : pleasure: in announcing their anpointrnent as District Agents for reshhl lachine e'ria. rott Yare :cordially invited to: drop in and inspect, ;these outstanding inachiiies and discuss. your , .` . . , `.. needs for the, C.0/flint. year., so., (,QUALITY , FARM EQUIPMENT. Sales and:Service • WALTER ALTON. IS. !WARD. oCHAI�RMAN Ashfield Township School Board met „on January 11th, 1950 with all members.; present. Waiter Alton was ` appointed as chairrnar :and. Walter Tigert as,' 'vice chairman for 1950. Caretaker's' tenders. were a cepted :a$ follows:. No. 1, rs.; Dave Martin.;, No. Z, • Mr, s.. Duncan; McKay; No.' 4, Mr. and' Mrs, Gor- don Ross; No 5, : Mr. Douglas Raynard; No. 6,, .Mrs., Mel' Stew- art ; tewart; No, •- 7, Mr, Earl Swan, No. 8, ,Mr.. Rory McDonald.;,No 9, -11�iss IViiargaret, McNall; No., 'Ni Mr. .Robert 'Scott;. N. 11, Mrs. Edna,. McCabe; , No. ,12, Mr. Jas:, -Bradley;; No. 13, Mr.'Harry Hack- ett; No.,15, Mrs. Isabelle.Mc(ay No; `16, ,; Nor: Chester. Finnigan; No.. 17„ IVLrsBen, Brown. On January 16th; : 1950, -the Board' made .itsannual tour of inspection of • schools in • tle Area. ,Next .regular. meeting is to be held February . 7th, 19,50 R, T. Kilpatrick; Sec.-Treas. • KING;SBRIDGE':. Mr Clifton Austin motored to Timmins to be with .his'son:.Jack who was ina bad . car' accident recently. Mrs Hlansford spent, g a _few days with friends here ,,.., Mr. John Wallace is visiting in Flint; Michigan: ' • .Our• sincerest sympathy 'to. the' family 'and .. relativesof the' 'late Mrs.' • D. ' 1VIcIptyre ,who . , passed away in.' .Goderich Hospital on. Saturday; • Set Ftrst Hatch Monday The first hatch- : of eggs was placed in' the 'incubators ' at Craw - Chick Hatchery ,On 'Monday morning. Ernie '• has been • in the chicken brooding • business for- some ' time, ` and during recent weeks added modern • incubating equipment ,to: -combine both act- ivities • WAS, FIRST NEW. 'YEAR;% BABY AT KINCARDINE Mary` Helen _MacGregor;- .daugh= ter ;of Mr. f and ;Mi s. 'Gordon: Mac Gregor of .Ashfield, was the, first New Year'§' baby:iborn: in `Kin •_iiie°Hosoital arid as .such -Was PAGE 'NINE' awarded; • the Junior F' Hospital League layette: Mary Helen wa s born on January AL' S T: Lly Fl N .TECi•I•N'LCA L TY -At the Junior Farmer Confer,- ence held in Toronto on January 1.0th there were many highlights one of the ::outstanding being the public .speaking. contest. Fran- cis 'Boyle' of the Ripley' Junior Farmers. who had • previously won couny,J1i'strict and zone contests: wasone of the /five 'finalists. While in • the ,final results he laced :.second'. to' :Mrs. Huff , of Stormont County, the , ,final de- cision was based pn a technical point. °. Dr. 'Reaman ;of ` the 0.A.C. in announcing. the' 'decision " pointed out 'that the , top two contestants mutually` • , excelled. each other.. Wili the possibility of It tie fac- ing their the'judges. refeirred" to the'; rules and found ,that there was`: a 1O -min te.--thee :limit, on lsrepared, speeches Checking, with the stop watch is was 'found that Francis • had exceeded the limit by ; two mrn�ttes. f FE�►ERATFI (By W. V..Roy) The annual .meeting of the On-' tario Federation of : Agriculture. that was.• held in the .King • Ed- ward .Hotel,, Toronto, was ' well attended by, members of Huron County Federation. It was a very .inSpir,in.g.' meetingwith ' many resolutions being, presented and, acceptd by the voting delegates. The most interesting resolution from the 'standpoint of . Huron County' delegates dealt with price support ,foi' • farm 'prodtuce. o--� During the Ontario .Federation of Agriculture annual Meeting a• •7 4., • Presents . Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 19,' 20,' 21 Yes Girls! This picture wall' show you • all the angles on how to* get your,nian...See Betsy Drake "do, it, and Cary Grant. being hooked. A hilarious comedy that will satisfy everyone. Every Giri Shoul•d :BeMarried' • ' Treat yourself and -family to -a week-end.of laughter. Morrda juesda Wednesday; January23;24, '2S A love' story With a tremendduS impact and interesting • ' from` start to finish. That's TIMBERLAI4E* with Spencer Tracy, Lana Turner, Zachary 'Scott THIS MONTH'S GIVEAWAY GIFT will .be an' electric; pada Draw on Thursday, : January 26th. Alex .:Percy, R. 1, Holyrood resent High Prices ''of Grain •: Affect. Feeding Costs. nv e,. Omparlson of our • ii t. 4, 4 `{ SINGE BAGS to CARLOT. QUANTITIE ou Know We 1Vlair A►' HIGH , UALITY 'STEER. FATTENER ''with ' molasses rimulae by , Swift: Canadian Co., proven. on:. their. experimental farm. releaven Milling` .fact.'was. placed'before • the dele- gates ,that the poultry producers' have •no Organization to resent g P them similar to. the hog , produc- ers or ,the: ,crearn` producers. , It was' agreed that something should ;be done immediately toward or- ganizing the Poultry .,Producers of .Ontario Poultry fanners, of'. Huron• should prepare,tb.eMselves to support' this organization. It May be too .late • to,'aids much in th e present finan iadisaster;'a:but if we' had had . nst such ; an or-, gamzation previous to the loss of the :BruMarket, . ,. could . we . have brought pressure to bear on the- , Government, ' to find ' new markets and give us`,asatisfactory floor 'price• so we` -would not have to. Operate our poultry :flocks. at, a..loss • The •E;xecutive 'and Directors•.o€ Huron, County •Federation: of Ag- riculture will;: meet' on : Tuesday, 4anuary`'14th, 1950 at the : Agri: cultural Board :' Roo, M.Cl niton, Ontario The Executive will meet at r 1.30 p.rn. and the •Directors' at :2:30 pan. • ,. It ,is .planned to discuss the resolutl'on presentedby the Mon- Grief Forum group of "Grey" Twp., regarding. the' proposed. change in the educational. 'system, as plan red by' the 'Minister of Education; Hon.' `D,' Porter: /, 'eeds, ' Fertilizer. :Phone ..7.1 Groceries Phon - _. a 27 !fuer Buy.' .Your 1951 Fertilizer At 1949 Prices... l-lOW BUY: NOW 'Take delive'y in ,the Spring. Our first 200 tons"ii5 being sold •" at .last year's level: Al! regular brands available for int - , mediate or Spring delivery. For 'unregistered brands as may be recommended in soil tests,' or for ,special- crops`, ,see, The Lucknow District Co -Operative:, early as such brands must have the endorsement of Governmient.. Fertilizer inspec- tors. SHOP THE CO-OP WAY Luckriow Distvict Co.Operatve• ,: 0' t. a • • 414 r a: