HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-01-19, Page 11 Lr tr ▪ • 4 ••=4 . ; • , . . • , • • - • • 1.1; • $2,60 Yearly n Advance 50c Extra to 1LS A,• Rev. ac Pastorate ONTAR.19; THURS., •JANUARY0 1.9th,1950 onald To Erid 25-Year, TRIO OF AGED LADIES HAVE BIRTHDAYS Trois BION'tH ere In Mid -F Rev. Dy. Charles H. MacDon- ald has accepted: a Call extended by the congregations .of the Bel - more and /3elgrave- byter' n *: Churches,' arid Will terminate his, Pasterate in .4ucknew7and .Dun- gannon on Sunclay;:februaity:12. He inrify be inducted into his:..new charge on February , !ReV, ,Nraeponald servinghis .25th 'Yeai- aninister of :Luck:: now „Preabyterian Church. His roots pre deep here ,and it will not, be an easy task .for pastor and congregation to sever the ties' ithat have bound them closely since' Rev. MacDonald first oc- euPied this pulpit in October of 1925. He' had preached. here for a call in August. • Rev. MacDonald - was ordained in .1916 • and went to fCreernore where he remained until: 1923. ' He was at Penetanguishene for two years before coming : t� Lucknow. • . 2-111eloveci-- by -4 ,people,. - to whomhe was devoted and .attent ive, Mr. MacDonald has also • served* the Presbyterian C-hureh in . Canada faithfully and.• well, and has been 'a public spirited and untiring worker for all things, .fOr the ;good' and the uplift. of the community:. • , Rose To ..Motleiatorship In his church, he rose. to... reL. ceive the highest honour, the Presbyterian Church in Canada cduld 'confer upon hiin--the'mod--. •Erratorsilip of • the. 'General* As- o•TWELVE PAGES • , .... . e ruary •day at least to two nonagenan- January brings -an birth, • , , ' • ' ians. -wild are well knewn, in this ' . • _, district, 'and to an,octogenarian.... MRS' 111°S.V. 1111413EitTPASSFF4 who is nearing the ninety mark. ' Mrs. WM.- A. Johnston of Ash- , .._...7..,._.„ • • The death---oceurr4-in-!'4est ,fleld'WaS-91.,7bir January 4th. She ' . .. . WaWanosh on Tuesday of Mrs. is stillquiteactive and enjoying '. . ., . • . Thomas Culbert in .her 80th year: . comparatively good health. Mr. She was formerly Mary Elizabeth Johnston's.'. death opciiriedMay ...Wraith and' was bbrn. at . Lang- of .1948 at the age of 93. • .,`. ,Side, ' - .• -: • . • . ' ': - On January ).1rth Nil's, 'Annie • The funeral : Service -"will:' be Campbell-,..:•foriner y of Lucknow held on,.FridaY :afterriodn at 2.80 observed her .92nd birthday.. She atthe home • of 'her son; Nelson is the mother of Mr: Cyril. Catrip- •'• . Culbert, West Wawanoshi' with bell and Mrs. CharleS Alton. — , ...• Rev, Jarnes . Bright •-officiating. 1, On january 25th, Mrs, . Janet Interment will be in Dtirigannbn MacDonald will observe her 88th. , ' .. *,! . • Cemetery. . - • ' • birthday. A .foriner resident. of • ' : " •%, , • . . • -4,..., Lucknow; Mrs. MacDonald now , , • , • RECEPTION FOR NEWLYWEDS ttnales •her 'home with her.daugh- . . . . , f , . _....._, ... . ., , . . . . ter . Kate, Mrs: ClintonSI,:nith .df .., . • • . • at a well attended .dance-rccep- pi -, Robert Stothers and his bride; §eaforth, , the former Helen Anderson, were. . '. ' • - guests of honor on Friday. 'night ' . . • To. End .25 -Year. Pastorate • • ; , • .. , • Rev.- Dr. Charles. H. MacDonald Who is 'serving his 25th year .. as minister of ,'Lucknow Presbyterian Church, has accePted. a tural Hall. Carruther's orchestra D bon in :the Dungannon Agricul, • ES .BANU • - - calFto Belniere and Beigrave, effeciive in .iid-FebruarY. I . ' . • . . LEADER suPPlied,#lusic.' Du .ing.•the ' ' • ing Danel.n,"ED._...CR_OSS-.A.NNU'CAN'TRESTORE AL• 4 . • ,-.Lifais, Alvin --Sherwodd:- read -1,-; i -M , • • — . 4 . lark-cMorran; •••• . " an address - of congratulations inent musician. and a resident of and gdod wishes .and William LuCkilow for? More than half a Wiggins. presented Mr. and Mrs; centurY; died in Kincardine Hos., Stothers with a:well-filled purge .pital last Thursday Morning. He of mbrieY. ' was. 85 years of •age. Mr. McMor, •' • ranbad been in failing health •for' POUR IN Huntu. WERE • •the past Year but •had been can- , • - fined to ibed, only a few Weeks and the end Caine. rapidly. Mr: MclVtarran was one of. 11 Childfer4., 'was the . the eighth son DOWN ,WITH • PNEUMONIA for n Mrs. ank • Miller and their two sons Harvey and :Al- that, evening:, Thus' it is hoped lan of LangSkle..are recuperating of the 'late . \IYfr. and *.o..., Alex- that a good 'attendance will . be from pneumonia that, had /all .ander Melvietirn, :aria was barn, present; , .• ' '..- •• .: .. .. ' fear Under J the doctor's. care at in 1865 on. the homestead a ."mile .. The Ltiekno. ''. and Vicinity' SET FOR NEXT, ',WEEK The: anrittal, meeting ,of !-the Ltteknoyr and Vicinity Branch of the RedCrogs Society has been called for next Tuesday evening . • • • • .41 • 40 • • . ' Jr, WELL FLOW Councillor' E. Robertson , • 'showed us a sample of • the sand ' by :President J • R MeNab.,' The • „ and Clay sediment. which is clog- ineeting.has,been•set for 7..30 and ging the No. 1. well of the 'dem- ' •• • • , it is expected it will, 'be compar estic water ,system, •and ends all atively` brief' se-kas not to inter- hope.. that the flaw of water in •• • ; # • • • .• • • „ fere with any other engageinerits seiribly. to Which ,.office he was the. Same time. • .' • ':from Pai4eY-: His 'brother liarrY. 'Bra.neh has a Wart' e ,a•a post - died in June of 1947.c • Neighbors were ' most helpful, Among the many other offices and Mrs. Miller's brother, Elmer, • PP .0,6 Smile. farm last war co r d achieVeinente: spring. One sister, S. Thomas equalled by, :few branclies . any - Mr. MacDonald held' irr--re--- spent .:a few days at --where;-Tb.-e--Red''CrdaaThkS • ligious and civic circles 'Thehome assisting with the . chores.. Canadian Who's Who", lists the Betty: Miller of the Bank of Mon - following: memlber o. Beard and , ideal staff, \took her .• "holitlays", Senate .of. Knox College, Toronto; and went • hoMe assume. Moderator of the ~Presbytery of charge, of the household duties. Maitland and of Huron -Maitland; . • • " clerk of Synod ,*of. Hamilton and • SUFFERED 'BROKEN ANKLE I I I 8 111 i • • ministration; .Board. of :Missions, Board of Missionary and Deacon ess Training, Home,' Toronto; Board of 'Evangelism: •and Social Action; Board Of Sabbath Schools and Young People's Societies . all • of the. Presbyterian Church. 'in Canada; Moderator �f Synod of Hamilton' and London ' in 1938; •, chairman Library Board, LuCk- ,, noW.;.,inany years member 'of the School Board, on which he -served as chairman and .secretary4reas- Received 522 In Communion During • :the ,years of his min- istry '.here, Dr, MacDonald spectfully known to ;many. as !'Cliarlie?'); has baptized 253 per-, sons, conducted 407 :funerals, ,re- ceived 522 into• full cOrnimpnion,, • and performed 240: Marriages, • 'Of the 284 who signed the Call' 'to Lucknow 'in 1925,. only 19 new. remain in in 'the congregation, and •of the.,100 whosigned the Dun- , . gannon call, only 38 remain ‘ in the congregation • • Rev. MacDonald's pastorate here hasbeenother • Ways, Three young'ineri, have en- tered th.e ininiStry froth his con- gregation: Rev. .George L. Doug riaSiRev. Wm./ Henderson, his son-in-law; and his "son, ney„ R. • In approving the call on Tues. 'day Huron-Maitlarid": Presbytery Rev. 'Alex" Nitrin16,-Nr of Wingharri as interim-rnodPiator during the period the Ludknow :and Dungannon' pulpits are va,-..; ,b , • GALE noists ROOF mom NEW IMPLEMENT BUILDING :Gales the end' 6i -the 'week rip- Peci the roof off Bert MeLelland's new farm implement building at, 13ervie The roof .was .badly shat- tered in being hoisted clear off the building.. Parts of came !lawn on gas.puMPS and new• im- ?lenlonts which were on display in the front of the (building. surviving member of the fainily. .p rtant peacetrine :role , to per- • On.. September 2nd, 1891, Mr.,- form and in this the local branch MeMerran married Margaret is iplaying :.an important part, Wallace 'Five. years ,later they thanks to a little band of :loyal came to ..12clutow where. theY and faithful 'workers. • had since made their home and • ' were spared to observe their 58th .‘• • • ,„ .1 ' • r. 1VIc1VIorrari fe - to Ti._ George ,Anderson,,son ef Mr: now..to' fill ;the 'pocari sition of band, and Mrs. W. B. Anderson, suf.' leader, and not until August of • fered a fractured 'ankle on Mon-' last year :did,he put away his in - day evening when he stepped 'On strumentS,. -when failingh KI N LOSealth STOREr .Mr: Jim Reid has; purchased a stone on the, sidewalk near the forced: Win to do So. Mr. Mc- Sam Farmees',General'Store busi- Presbyterin ,.Church : The :Stone Mc:pi-ran 'Went. inte 'the grocery ness at .Blackhorse and will ob- flipped 'him over on the ankle, business h,eree and continued in tarn possession on Satirday, Jan - breaking a bone. It is expected this ibuSineSs until 1918 nary Z8th' , • • ' f ' . ; ' • • , ,•;...„•:...,.,.... this well can „ be restored. . „ . •• .. ' • ',' .. A.cidizhig .the well was :tried unsuccessfully last all. This 'week workmen of the, Internat,-,.. .. ' • •'• : . ional Water 'Supply Company -`,,: :, -.• ,., , pulled the Pump With a View to „. trying another system to remove ,.. .. , •. , ,the • aseumula,tion, of Seclinient _ - that Wag blocking the water sup- ply. However, when • they • countered this type of Sedirrienta;: tion,' the -work ,was abandoned and-thePump replaced., ' The fie* in this. well has drop- ped to albout 35 gallons a Minute, and it wil be used tolu. lenient econ • we , •• e water. from which .is much less palatable be:. cause of an odorous iron content; that also makes it much "harder". With no prospect of restoring the No. 1 well the. Municipality ; seeths faced with early action in-. drilling for , another -water sup - 13 •. • . . . . .. . • . , . . . , . ,.• . ., that a 'walking .: cast Can be ap- ' 'T0 say he 'liras.. a lover of music The Reid' property, just south ' ' ' ' .• :plied in a few dayS,.' but Gebrge is an understatement. He Was es. of the ,Village, has been purchas7, will be on .the -shelf for, the Win- 'sociated. with Lucknow Bands. as ed by:Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lor . ".: • ter so far .a.'s Midget hockey hockey is, "leader .andiriStructor from When ..enz, 'Who have been, residing .for • ' concerned: : ' ' . : ...-. , he carne 10 Lucknow until about a start time in Kintar.dine,' Mr. ,. ,,... - . fifteen years ago. He could play Lorenz was formerly in . the (:HOPE TO. PUBLISH FINAL • . , • , . . DONOR LIST NEXT' WEEK and was the master of practically Blacksmith busine$,s, ,at. Ainber TO • STOP SMOK I NG every and and stringed iiistru- ley. • 'and continued the teaching • Mr, and Mrs. Reid and their-. • N LOCAL -ARENA' of stringed instrum.ents until last son Ronnie, have many friends , • • r I • • • anitner,.. He •was a teacher of here Who: will regret their de - "Positively No Smoking'? signs musical instruthent- for' 70 'years :parture from the community. but were posted in the, Lucknow Inhis youngei• years he :was 'in i are. pleased •-to ,kriew, they: will .Arena for the first „game of the great demand .for concert .:and be. going no further away, than season On Tuesday night. night. Special, orchestra Work:, . , • , • Kinloss- Village and best. 'wishes :Constablps,were authorized to en- Mt. McMorran,..' '"Dari'!, as he are extended fdr.StiecesS in their force the order, Order,: which has beenwas best ktioWn, took great pride new venture., adopted in a numberof district in the organizing of Boy's' Bands, Mr. and Mrs. Reid have have re - arenas; . • • •.?: and 'claimed. to have •forined..'the sided for the past six:years just The move is primarily'.a safety first such group in Canada. A south • of the Village. *Jim has measure to. guard , against the Boy Scout Band which he formed been 'engaged in.. doing eustorr angerof fire, as insurance rates -about thirty years ago Was,the mechanized faun work, and his are',prohibitive in carrying .any- last Of four boys' bands which he services have been in constant de.. Where near sufficient protection' organized and directed.. • • bland. . over .the top this week -end. ..• • Donations t the.Luckno* and District •Christmas; Seal Fund are' 'still 'trickling in.. It is the. Com- 0 mittee's wish to .end the •• • 4 zt • suing ,.thig• .reininder to all those • paign.:.up quickly, .and so, are is- • " make a donation and . who plan who 'have, as yet , neglected to •• • .• • • A 7c It is hoped to publish the final , -list of donors in next week's, is- sne. January*. 26th, and in .order •• ' to, have this coMplete, donations • -,- should ' be in by the end of this The 'rnininrin objective, of • ,,,, • $1000 has, not ,yet been reached, but it is loped that it will go • .• ' :n the building, . • Mr.:.MclVIorran.was a•mild7man-. . As well, when there•is a big nered• man, oneWho loved nature .. crowd in the'buildhig,',the smoke and learned to imitate, the call hangs in a fog that "you -could of the -birds. ,He led an exemp- cut with a knife". In such crowds: lary life, and his example , was '. complaints are freqUentlY, heard always for good in his, band and of damage. to., 'or the danger ef other associations, ' „ daniage to clothingi'especially td A private...funeral ser,Vice Was ladies' fur coats. •„ , conducted at his late. residence However, the fire hpialti fen-. on Saturday; conducted by Dr:: ture IS the reason for the "No C. H. MacDonald and ReV. Robt. Smoking” order which was de -1 MacConnell,, who,., both paid. high ceded at a ..rneeting.on Mon- 'tribute to the deceaSed, day, night of :the 'riewly, appoint- • Interrnent was in Greenhill ed Arena .Coinritittee, The ,corn- CemeterY, the pallbearersbeing rnittee re -appointed Robert Rae Frank•Graharn, J. M.•Greer,,John as chairman and Gerald Rathwell, MacDonald, Alex Purclon, Robert as secretary treasurer ''Other Andrew and. S. E. Robertson, A, Member's are W., B. ',..Aticierseit, ,. large ,nuniber of relatives attend- arneron Mac'Donald, Chas. Web- ed the service froni a distance. iter S. E. Robertson and Innes Besides, his sorrowing widow, iVfacSween, the latter three being two daughters' sitrvive(Mrs, J. D. new members' of the 'seVen,itian McKendrick (Mae) • of Windsor Board i(ppointed by the Cottn- and Miss Madelyn McMorran of cil,,•• . IKingsville.• •, 4 1 . • o nstcln Brina ar ens 1p to s fi.el -1 '•:1VIr. Cecil Johnston;., who i ser- 1893. Next to hold the; offiCeW'as wing his third term as reeve of Thomas Stothers " in 1912, and Ashfield -ToWnship,. was elected now; 38years later, Ashfield • :4 warden of Huron County on can .again proudly lay claim' to the Tuesday afteenoon. Mr Johnston, honor, and the municipality won out on the, • third ballotshowerirg its congratulations up- . • ' • . There were four contesatnts for on Reeve johnston. . the honor, three ,Of them by the Cecil was elected tothe reeve:-;.: ' name of Johns'ton—Ceeir:John,ittietlatir year ago last fall; and • •atorr. of Ashfield; Murray john.- since been •returned each Ston of ' Wingham, Harvey John-. year by acclamation. His father, „st n of Morris and R. Cousins of the late. Richard Johnston. was BruSseli. • • elected Reeve of Ashfield for 1937 By his victory on Tuesday, and was returned by acclamation . • !Cecilbrought the third Warden-; in 1938, but died about tweo shiptooAshfield Township. It Was months later. He was succeeded :first held by Joseph Griffin in by, Alex MacDonald of Lochalsh, .• r • ' • • • ; ,t •.!