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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-22, Page 15
TSIURS., : DEoFMBER .22nd? 1849. szAsoN's "pig ' LUCKNOW> SENTINEL,, ,I.UOKNOW, ONTARIO e'r,. a eheehing our. list to Fee thc¢t'. R we wish each and ererg one 'off our... is • most MEEt It Y Cllrltl �' � f1A5 aeejd.: a gig. ileum.- bright, NE. W. )'I 4 t l,: Many 'Thanks" For •V.our:Patronage= Y ntd The Ple�asa�tt Business-''Rel'ations, We Hai e` Enjoyed. During The tear; UNTERBROS., PREDICTS, OPEC WINTER, LAKE LOW An open winter and a hot and, comlparatively dry sllmnaer' predicted 15yJohn McKay': 0,1 Kin=. tail. John, whose [farmhome overlooks Lake Huron,• bases his, predictions on the lowness of the lake: • For Many years he arid: his father have watched the rise and fall :of the •lake waters, 'easily gauged by. 'the . piled;" whielr .are all that remain of the old weath- er-beaten dock 'at ' Kintail.r. • Their observations have been'. •that .When, the water` is low, the, ,winter ' has invariably .been an open .one, 'and the following siusn mer'.lint 'and dry. The, lake .levelhasbeen on the down:. trentl, ,for .' the: , ast,: c u 'l -.of ears. Lot:' s ;de - pen, a �r�nte � s cidedly open, and the' past sum' mer was dry :and hot.: The lake level *this' f all is .lower than•:ever, S,upertest 'Service and Mr.' McKay is banking on .'Phone 77, Lucknow 1 this as :a certain, sign` that; we're r o :tio o a o+ o+ or:.a, # in for.'another ate � :. . ; �r��rtrD�D�r�bi;?t���3rr�� ... ,, _ o her winter of coax= paratively light` snowfall to' be • • PAGE' FIt-)..bE1l BORN. r+1,c + r+ r+t,a ,csry(oyy �� y� BION EST. in Women's. College i Ko$- 'pital., Toronito, on Friday, De- ,I ceinber 2nd to Mr. and Mrs., Fred �41 e . tidrew), a son, p ' � . � , , _ Robert' .F Best (nee Ellen A MacMILLAN.in Wingham Gen- eral I•iospitaI, on Thursday, D.e- ' cemlber 8th, to Mr. ;and Mrs, Pat- rick MacMillan, R; 1, Lucknow; a son ,t' JOHNSTONE -. In ..St Joseph's Hospital Chatham, on Monday, December. 12th'; to Mr,' .and Mrs. •Donald Johnstone,, ason,' James 'Russell ,MARTIN at Mountainview Hos. txital, Harn lton,;'Qn Decemnher 6th to Mr, and Mrs Bert 11/lartin,,' IT'amilton, 'a sou, Philip .Ste hen, followed. by anotherhot and dry: summer. . • John made 'these predictions 0prior.'.to.the•heavy snowfall -early this month and which later. corn- pletely disappeared in the thaw of ten '.days *ago • i-. r� w i' IShinp IP)" 'aril •the peisee and Jog of fhrietma8, and' all the blessings . for flee.New• Year' .• STEWAIT'S WALLPAPER and GIFT' SHOP 'ovitioDeropoiliootte,oritve4mtiotiolirter THE NO SMOKING regulation Walkerton arena is running jnto..�... a few snags, • and Walkerton' Council has demanded `enforce= ment _ al. the order, without inter- ference, fear or favor.' • • HOLIDAYING; in Florida are Mr. and Mrs.: W J:' freeman and Mr. and: Mrs 'Guthrie Reid of; Tees- 'water SH`.0 FFLEBOAR©� , e FOR REC. CENTRE?`�.. • Daytona Beach,' Florida;. ,;.Dear Editor: 1 . efore leaving' "' Luckriow last month I brought to. the .attention of •several''Lucknow residents the great benefit:' the • popular;-' gain of shuffleboard. Would be to .your ., town., ' Mr..Robt. Andrew sug- Bested that' at least t*o :or may' Abe . More ourts of ;this'' : game a a; very an _ cost: in:. the Recreational':Centre` You one and all, enthusiastically, approved.' the. idea .and there ' is no doubt ,the residents' as :a whole,. would. • also just as strongly , ap ow, there is • rio.; very great" .,. IN hurry ` to instal the game,,:Mit: it. -is "very urgent that sufficient. space ; 'should'. be definitely and without delay, assigned for ' this': (purpose ..tby: the ` proper officials.. before ,this space: is allotted.' for, some other ,purpose,, ' MY only.; interest, 'this' -gnat- ter. is that this healthy, pleasure. able game: 'be made available for the •use of 'old and young; but • n c re e►specially'•for. those wlio are pasta the primes of life and; need the • {pleasnire and' recreation and 2 ' •proper 'exercise .this :game pro vides fdr, them. Many young.: peo, ,ple 4; ` enjoy it too , The • courts would ,b•e there . , to use " day or, night . in ,'all ' kinds of 'weather, (winter ` or ' sum;mer,, ' year' after year, and. the cost of ' upkeep .go very slight. , The ` enclosed circular shows' the 'aplan of: a •court..A standard' court .is. 52 , feet Eby s'ix. feet but for several., :reasons morallow- ance allow- ance must:; -.be made. in both. length , and „width. The rules of'. the game . are very simple and easily ..learnre4d,, and the_pay ;does not require, extreme physical ex ertron • or strength.You will note the diagrain. and the (numbers '7, .8:, 10,• -and, vten off" -which Must 'be .'painted on the' end of each ,court.. Well, that is not as simple • . as it :'looks' .oto be and must. be exact It just happens that, there are•si.x new courts being painted , at our club today arid (•.,hope to - learn inore;'abo it that work, es- pecially. the paint' or' ti :xture used. to snakethe drawing last as long as possible. ' •. �' I • have .a'. santiple • ,cue head to bring back neXt May. Cues are'. easily made of wood; 'a• ` 'John B. DeCou; 124 Cypret . St - ' Daytona. Beach, 'Florida: • • • • -r. +t `+few# ` iA, +t; its ' ' + til$404412144` # a +t + +oft11(04, +*411W t Ric4+ + iV