HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-22, Page 5THURS., DECEMBER, 22nd, 1$.411 Lyceum:: Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows,-'Eaeh Night FIRST SHOW AT .7,15 TONIGHT' THURSDAY DOUBLE BILL .. Fig ht rng : Back F�g,.:..._. . --, and lie Gay. Int uders Gaya .., FRIDAY, •& :;SATURDAY DECEMBER '23, 24• JOHNNY•. SHEFFIELD, `YPEGGY ;,ANN .GARNER: • in r •'• .B.O:MB.A FREE MATINEE '.at , 2.00. p.m. • FOR CHILDREN. ONLY' Monday,:' Tuesday, Wednesday DECEMBER 26 27, '. 28 JUDY .GARLAND, RAY BOLGER, EWI` ARD;OF? Thursday, : Friday,, :Saturday - DECEMBER 29, 30, 31 SPENCER ''TRACEY, KATHERINE HEPBURN' DA1 S RIB Matinee ` at . 2.00 pm. MONDAY & TUESDAY JANUARY 2, , 3 JOHN GARFIELD, PEDRO ARMINDARGI Ware Strangers e, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. JANUARY :4, 5 JAMES MASON, , JENNIFER JONES in. :MAQAM.BOVR'AY ' To. All 'Our Patrons-; Best x Washes' For A; and A': Ti L LTJCKNOW SENTINEL;. •'LUC•KNOW, ONTARIO (itcUltjing 1Nit�tdrawal petition;. lri. West "VlPawanosh Towilship Petitions are being currently • circulated in. West Wawanosh' Towwnship in respect to the agita tion fpr the• withdrawal 'of the northern half,. of the 'Township from, the Wingham •High School District., :' Dual petitions are being :cll., dilated. . One specifically asks for withdrawal from the Wingham I'i'igh' ;School District and the other requests that this''sectioi7 •of` the "Township he included, in, Lucknow High' School District; ' The- tvio petitions will'Ieave rho •doubt, as to. ,the' wishes. ; of , the •:rnajotity of the, ratepayers A petition : which- was pre.vioiisly circulated„ S 1 mp l y requested. with.d'rawal• from the ' Wingharn District, and which was approved .last 'June , by' • Huron, County Council by a majority ,vote: At the .West ; Wawanosh: nomiai- afion meeting 'there were those who could not see • why another petition •was necessary. Reeve Finnigan. felt it was !better to do so, ;to eliminate any reason '.for doubt as to the„•wishes Or; the ratepayers, andas a consequence the • largely, attended meeting voted :unanimously, to have an- other. petition •circulated. ' These were ckatted by the -Township Cnou ci brei '' -De ' ber -15th; �” ceml ,meeting,. with ,legal advice, and interested ratepayers are now'" circulating. them. • 'CAN PERSONALLY PICK CALVES AT, RODANZ FARM Ceorke Rodanz has:niade avail- able; on; shares an: additional• nunjlber of Hereford ,calves/Geo. Kennedy, president. .of the •Luck=.• now Agricultural Society, -will .be glad to • receivethe. names of all boys or; gi+rls,:who are interested 'in obtaining one p' f"'these calves for . com etition hi the Lucknow .p Calf) Club. If sufficient :interest is shown,. and weather.; permits, Mr:. Ken - nedy plans to arrange a ,tri¢? to the Ro'danz ` fa ;at '.Stouffville 'next Tuesday' .fir Wednesday,. so that the boys ,and girls may per-. sbnally' select their • own calf. HAD RIGHT ARM BADLY.. Flf,ACTURED.NEAR SHOULDER Nims Verna :Myers,, of Kitchener 'hasbeen in 'Kitchener -Waterloo .hospital' for three ;weeks with a• bad 'fracture .0. the right arm,' near" the .shoulder. Mrs. Mvers.suffered the. injury APPY• .'her home' when a' chairon -NEW '��� ver • JT ORN PAPPAS-in Winrgham Hospital, on Saturday, : Deceinber, '17th, Mr. : and -1Vfrs, , Wm:, ` -Parppas of LucknoW',' a: son.• :. . which she , was" standing, collap- :ped:. Trovi best 'to reduce the ,frac- ture wasn't immediately .decided upon, but on Wednesday the, arm was put in:a cast •Mrs.• Myers expected , on Friday at the home of her parents, Mr.' and Mrs R:.. H. McQuillin.: b0U4V an,V441014 lour►lvhr. )r :lviOI hl 'R hr. 6W04VW0044V1 t1 • .. .44 Ci t•giving, fancily fun an hove . these are the things as Christmas`:ia made of ., To Y{ Y o i ar�dyou .....and: you --a Happy th"rr?cryo 'u', , . r aU tl e' tr ntmtngs,' to' arch. .r. it'ierjectl MITH'S GRO(ERY • • A WEEK PRAY INTERCHURCH WEEK OF • ER •:STARTS JANUARY 3, The Week'' of Prayer , com- mences locally 'on :.Tuesday, Jan- uary 3rd and continues, through Friday. The Ministerial Associa- tion . urges that this . period be. kept free in order to Begin the. New Year 'with prayer ,and de- votion. Services andi speakers'. have _been arranged as, follows;. with the -services from 7,30 to ,R.30 p.m.. "' Tuesday; January .3rd --Service in, the: United Church, R v, A,, E ,Tavener wi11 !preach, Wednesday, ',January 4tl---Ser vice in Anglican . Church,. Rev: Gordon S..Baulch will preach. Thursday, January 5th. - : Ser- vice in ,Souith.. Kinloss, Church, Rev'. C. H. MacDonald will preach. ., • Friday; Jarivary,6th Service 'in, Presbyterian Church. Rev, W. J. Minford will preach. .MRS. M :cINNES• GUEST AT PARTY :IN . WINNIPEG •Mrs. Jessie: MacInnes returned to- town a few +days' ago; •after. . ;a five Months' trip, 'which took her as far West 'as. Victoria, B.C. On her•' return ,;trip Mrs. Mac- lanes was 'entertained; in Wim i - pe ":.at .:.a gathering of: :fanner Luicknowites at, the home' of Mrs. Gilibert MacKay. •' ; Arnoiig: those 'present, " includ- ' mi; "the,' hostesses, Mrs.' '•MacKay and Miss • Katherine MracNabb, were Mrs: Etta lielwg, Mrs Bina 'Perley, 1V1rs. Minnie, Collins; the MacLenfi: sisters, Sarah, May and Mrs; Eunice Purvi's Mrs.... Mac-: iVfillan;; „formerly Margaret: ,Col lair; . Mrs., Mary Pierce; Mrs: , Jean Sileiair 'Mrs,'Margaret-Kee, Mrs.-: Evelyn Kee ;Julius• and. Mrs. Hilda Gilday.•.. NONAGENARIANS MARK ' CHRISTMAS, 'Christmas time brings elderly folk to mind, particularly, and: in various. ways .we have been .re minded. of several noriage'narions, whom' :the season's greetings are extended. . • Two of these folk -now reside in Toronto One is •Neil 1VIacKe i-- zie formerly of. Ashfield, who was90,'last July., ' He is the last • of 'the :family that included the famous :• "Big :.Rory" .MacKenzie,• Dan, John Neil, '1VIi�s. Dcir'tald'• MacKenzie (Christy) and ' Mrs: Jrm, Scott. (Mary Ann) Mr. MacKenzie's'.wife, who ,died several :years Ago,, was ,.formerly.> Flora Finlayson.' He :resides with his 'daughter; Mary, who `is prin- cipal ,of one of the Shaw.)3usiriess Colleges'. in ' Toronto. `•Anoth.er. daughter is Mrs. •Johnston, , whose htsbanid' '.is minister, of United. Church, Tor'onto.. Was Ninety -Three. Tuesday' The. other Torontonian is.Mrs.,. Nancy,. T.A. Campbell, who' on: Tuesday, •' Decermber. ,20th; .,obser- 'ved her , 93rd", ''birthday. Mrs. Campbell ;lives with: her laugh- ter,® Lorna, 'who ' has devotedly Cared .for ter mother in ';her,, de-, clining .years and who has been pretty Much aniinvalid since suf feeing' a. •hip.'fracture. ,Mrs. Camp-. bell 'is fn feeble, health .now, ,and is . confined " tam bed a . great . deal of the timer , Ni.net'y; Two In August lMJrs.. Wm'..Kernpton of •Go:;le'- ich, mother of Wm. Kempton 'of ;Lucknow,. was ninety-two last Aust, •She ;is .a 'semii.i i u.valic1 as the result of a hip fracture, but ie' 'enjoying • comparatively 'good health, and retains a keeninter- est in everything.. • Mrs. Co,x IS 96 'Last but notieast°, is Mr's 'W►7r. Cort of • Kinloss Township, who was • 9G 'Last ' July, Mrs:. Cox re- sides with her. son ' Wm. and Mrs:: Coxr on the l0bh Concession. Shp is enjoying good health and is arraazingly 'alert and' active,and is able to d� light household dut- ies. ;A' faithful rnernber of Kin- lough . tAnglican. church she is regular, in attendance when the weather is favorable,:' PAGE FrVE .Pre•sents .. . tra Z:. 24 ki .► Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December Z. , 23, ti Your ora pal is back •again that s °George:. Gabby - Hays AN with bis 'pal. Roy Rogers in. one, of the' roughest ' ,. and, toughest Western thrillers. ' Ole' o.._...._:oa' News, . Plus...=Universal and iitere$ting short .subject.. ATTENTION; SAT1bRPAY" SHOPPERS Don't leave the kids; at •Home,.: bring. them to the show at200 p.m . RoONy'andE BOXTriggerTOP from Quaker Oats:will .' get. you "a; picture, of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec. 2'6; 27,: 28 c' Thea Playhouse ,wishes to welcome honIe all those who are 1 here for. the Christmas • Holidays• and: to . accommodate them`; " we are .running MATINEEES MONDAY & . TUESDAY at 2.00 p.m. besides 'our' regular night shows. We ,have a rear Christmas picture,' SONJA HENIE in the -best picture of her 3.. diamond studded carter COUNTESS OF�' M TE cR .. 0 THE 0�1 IST with Canada's own Michael Kirby.: 9::' T,huraday,.Friday, Saturday; 'December. 29, 30, 31 What a ,way to end the year—dust : laugh' it off with ABBOTT & 'COSTELLO, �Pard�on, M.: Saron' i, and if you wish to see the old year off in proper'. style' with';. 2 :. noise -Makers and balloons, ON;SATURDAY NIGHT our first show starts at 8:45.p .m:., second at • 10:30. ,'— so we can o IN BRING IN THE NEW YEAR. ti January' 3,'4 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 2 �. When we say Happy New: Year, we don't just .° mean;' that K . one day.We say it . with , a picture Gotta Sta with Joan Fontaine,'. James Stewart and- Eddie • Albert. You'll call it the .happiest picture of the .year. It's' ' a rip - snorting ,. comedy-- > Start 1950' happy and stay • that "way.: John''`Nicholson; Lucknow `. tetiMtetMeer 2taiegn Iasli D ai2la airakrter stir t aozrrl I +rI ICS iY oz ith genuine appreciation of our peasant relations, we extend to you Season's :GTeetin s • • 'A re - [rekaverr MiI ing o� Limited , Night'Phore 123. . of itioi tilt v toikt fi w. nota , t:44:0� +07442,iit ?ito-ik�, o +a +Qos . t 2.' bay 'Phone 9., ; tE +QaiiO u> +tt twoe. o ttltr .044/ 4 w cotta ?Q,;i E u, :.Mani ttpaQait 0 11 4 0.q We like '•to`recall it, t ike to repeat it • Love to send it For nothing can beat it':. "MERRY CHRISTMAS` ' Lucknow �District •Co-Operativevuntermottokftiemoteriareigivitatiosionaitteettoritotiostotooszoome 55.